Tethered (Flawed Love Book 4)

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Tethered (Flawed Love Book 4) Page 14

by Emma Louise

  “I know you don’t like me—” I start only to be cut off by a derisive snort from Avalon. That just pisses me off. She can dislike me if she wants, I can’t control how she feels, but that doesn’t mean she gets to treat me this way. “I know you don’t like me,” I repeat, my voice stronger this time. “But that doesn’t give you the right to be rude to me.”

  Heat hits Avalon’s cheeks, and I get the feeling she’s not used to being called out on her bad behavior like this. “I heard what you said about me. To Asa. I was there and heard everything.” She at least has the grace to look a little embarrassed, but that doesn’t stop her from trying to justify her actions.

  “That was a private conversation,” she says indignantly.

  “It was about me!” She doesn’t have an answer for that. Lowering my voice, I decide to lay it out for her so she knows exactly how I feel about Asa. “I love your brother,” I announce, hoping that she realizes I’m dead serious. I wouldn’t be here otherwise.

  “You hardly know him,” she scoffs in disbelief.

  “I know enough.” I’m still coming to terms with how I feel for Asa, but I know that I have to find a way to make his sister see that he is it for me. “I know he’s kind. I know he’s fiercely protective. I know whenever he’s around, everything is better.” I watch the fight slip out of Avalon as I keep speaking. “I know he makes me feel safe, and as much as you might wish it wasn’t true, I know he loves me too.”

  “I don’t hate you,” she finally says after a moment of silence. Indicating one of the chairs, she tells me to take a seat. “First of all, I’m sorry you had to hear me that day.”

  I don’t immediately accept her apology, even though I’m tempted to. It would be so much easier to tell her that it’s all fine and forgotten about, but we need to nip this in the bud. “What you said hurt me. You don’t know me or anything about my past.” I can see she’s about to interrupt, so I keep on talking. “I know you think you’re looking out for your family, but I’m not a bad person. Asa doesn’t need protecting from me.”

  “You hurt my sister—” she starts, but honestly, I’m sick of this crap. I made one misguided attempt at a conversation with TJ, and I’m fed up of being vilified for it.

  “Your sister and I are fine. More than that, we’re friends now. Was it always that way? No. But that’s between us and frankly, it’s none of your business.”

  “Can’t you see that this is all a little messed up?” she asks.

  “It’s my life, Avalon. Trust me when I say I know exactly how messed up this is.” She assesses me quietly from her seat on the other side of the room. I hate the feeling of being under the spotlight, but if this is what we need to be able to move forward, so be it.

  “I need coffee,” she finally says, shocking the heck out of me. I’m expecting her to shout and scream at me, but it’s like the desire to fight has deserted her. Getting up, I follow her into the kitchen.

  “I was nineteen when my mom died,” she announces as she busies herself, moving around the room. “I came home from college and took over looking after my brothers and Bree. They became my life.” I’ve already heard this story from Asa, but hearing it from Avalon’s side makes it that much more real. “It’s been my job to look after them. I might have been a little ... overzealous at times.” I have to bite my tongue when the urge to tell her that’s an understatement hits me. “But I only want the best for them. Even if I don’t always get it right.”

  “I can’t imagine how hard it was for you, for all of you, but I’m not out to hurt Asa. Or anyone in your family,” I try to reassure her.

  “It’s not easy to let go.” She looks at me, her eyes wide and imploring.

  “I love him,” I tell her again, hoping she really hears me now that she’s lost some of her fire.

  “I’d rather you tell me that first, sweet cheeks.” We both turn at the sound of Asa’s voice. Heat fills my cheeks at being caught declaring my love for this man. “You love me?” he asks, but I’m awestruck and silent. The smile that fills his face is bright and blinding.

  “I do.” I finally find my voice. He’s across the room before I can blink. His hands slide into my hair as he takes my mouth in a bruising kiss. The room fades away. It's just us here, caught in the moment completely.

  “Love you too, sweet cheeks,” he says when he finally releases my mouth. I can’t answer; the tears that threaten to fall have me mute. All I can do is smile up at him.

  “Now do you want to explain why I woke up this morning to find my bed empty?” he asks, his hands releasing my face but coming to rest on my shoulders. He’s not letting go of the hold he has on me.

  Reaching up, I put my hands over his. I need to feel as close to him as possible when I open up and show him my flaws.

  “Asa,” I start on a sigh. “All my life, I’ve walked away when things got tough. That’s what I thought I had to do to protect myself.” I tell him something I’ve come to realize about myself recently. “I’ve never fought for anything or anyone I wanted. Twice now I’ve sabotaged us, and I’m willing to do anything to prove to you that I want us to work.”

  I’m so wrapped up in the intensity of this moment, I forget where we are. It’s Avalon’s voice that cuts through and reminds me we aren’t alone.

  “Even coming here to face me after I was an asshole to you?” she asks with a small smile on her face.

  “If that’s one of the things I can do to prove to him, and you, how serious I am, then yes.”

  We might not be the best of friends right away, but I’m hoping that coming here and speaking to Avalon proves to her that I’m on her side. I want what’s best for Asa too. I’m just hoping that one day she can see that I’m going to work my ass off forever to prove that I’m good enough for him.

  Because, even if it’s not enough for her, it won't matter. I’ll still be here, by his side every single day, proving to myself and him, that we are perfect for each other.



  “Dr. Brooke says that sex is a great way to start labor naturally.”

  “Sweet cheeks…” I fail to bite back the groan that her words bring out in me. “We’ve been trying that all week.” I don’t tell her that my dick is almost raw from all the sex she’s been demanding from me.

  “Please?” She gives me the adorable pout that she knows has magical powers over me. “I really think it will work this time.” She tips her head to the side, adding puppy-dog eyes to the pout. Fuck.

  “How about we take a walk to La Parilla? I’ll buy you the spiciest thing on the menu.” I try to bargain with her, knowing she won’t turn down a trip to her favorite Mexican restaurant.

  “Will you fuck me if that doesn’t work?” Her blunt words make me grin. Lucy would usually never be so crass, but she’s past her due date, and the baby doesn’t look like it’s coming anytime soon. We’re both ready for her pregnancy to be over with already, but Lucy is really struggling with the physical affects. She’s beyond tired.

  “If it doesn’t work, I’ll bring you home and make love to you. How does that sound?”

  “I think a hard fuck is more likely to work, but whatever,” she grumbles before disappearing to get ready. It shouldn’t be a turn-on, and I’m surprised my dick still works right now, but the sight of her ass waddling away from me gets me hard.


  “What about Maverick?” Lucy asks as she shoves another salsa-loaded chip into her mouth.

  “What about Rosa,” I return. We’ve been playing this game for the last few months. Despite having the sealed envelope locked away at home, we decided not to find out the sex of the baby. I throw out a few more names, all girls of course. I’m still convinced that’s what we’re having, but I know it’s going to be Lucy’s choice. She’s the one who’s doing all the hard work, and hopefully soon she’ll be pushing the baby out, so it’s the least she deserves.

  The last few months have been an adjustment for me, even if it’s one I
ended up loving. My life is unrecognizable compared to how it was just months ago.

  Ink is thriving; Ty and I have been able to take on more artists, and we’re still booked out for months in advance. I finally got rid of Nancy after I managed to prove she was the one who stole my phone the day I missed the last ultrasound appointment. She tried to fight it and threatened all kinds of legal action, but the video footage from the security cameras caught her red-handed. Thankfully, that was the last we’ve seen of her. I tried to convince Lucy to quit her job at Flex and come work for me, but she told me there was no chance of that happening. Even my promise of lunchtime quickies wasn’t enough to sway her. Although, I’m sure the offer made her think about it for a minute.

  Something she did easily agree to was moving in with me. It hasn’t always been easy, but every day since she laid out her insecurities for me, I’ve worked my ass off to prove to her how much I want her. I’ve tried to show her that she has no need to doubt me or how I feel about her.

  Did I ever see myself in love and with a baby on the way? Hell no. But I wouldn’t change my life with Lucy for anything.

  “What about Iris?” Lucy asks softly. Her voice cuts into my wandering thoughts, and the chip I just took a bite of gets lodged in my throat, causing me to cough until there are tears in my eyes. At least that’s what I try to tell myself is causing me to cry.

  “After my mom?” I manage to eek the words out.

  “After your mom,” she confirms. Lucy’s gaze doesn’t waver from mine as I stare at her from the other side of the table. Her beautifully serene face watches me closely, like she’s waiting for me to process her offer.

  “Does that mean you finally agree it’s a girl, sweet cheeks?” I joke, but it doesn’t hide the emotion that makes my voice come out with a wobble. Lucy doesn’t answer; she just graces me with a blinding smile.

  “I love you.” The words come out as easily as my feelings for her.

  “Love you too, Asa.”

  “Let’s get you home. I have a baby to fuck out of you.”

  “Asa!” she gasps as a bright pink blush quickly spreads across her cheeks. “People will hear you!”

  “You say that like I give a shit.” Pulling Lucy to her feet, I lean in and plant a deep kiss on her amused lips before I lead her out of the restaurant and toward our house. Luckily it’s only a short walk.

  I barely have the key in the lock before I’m taking Lucy into my arms. Needing to taste her again, I press my lips to hers in a bruising kiss. My tongue glides into her mouth, and I stroke it lazily against hers.

  Her soft gasp makes me press even deeper, a heady desire to taste even more of her. That hard fuck she asked for is looking more and more likely to happen as soon as I can get her upstairs. Letting out another gasp, Lucy rips her mouth away from mine and stares down at the porch floor.

  The wet porch floor.

  “Is that?”

  “My water? Yeah. I think so. Either that or I just peed my pants.”

  Panic surges though me. Despite knowing this was going to happen, I feel completely unprepared. “What kind of idiot takes his overdue, pregnant girlfriend for a fucking walk?” I ask aloud, ripping my hands through my hair and pacing back and forth.

  “Stop stressing. We made it home in time,” Lucy tries to reassure me, but her face scrunching in pain only makes me want to punch myself.

  “That’s it.” Tagging her behind her knees, I swing her up into my arms and turn to walk toward the car that’s parked in the driveway. “Wait here, and I’ll go grab the bags.”

  “Take me inside!” she says in an amused voice. “I need to get changed.”


  “There’s plenty of time,” she tells me, and I look for any hint of pain on her face. Seeing none there, I relent and carry her inside and up the stairs where she changes out of her wet clothes.

  I have no idea how the fuck she is calm right now because I’m freaking the fuck out. Once I’m sure she’s okay, I rush downstairs to get the bags loaded into the car at the same time as I’m pulling my phone out of my pocket to let the hospital know we’re on our way in.

  I’m still searching for the number when I hear Lucy yelling my name from upstairs. I fly up the stairs three at a time, fear propelling me toward her.

  I slide to a stop inside our bedroom, and my stomach lurches at what I see waiting for me. Lucy is down on the floor on her hands and knees. Her face is contorted in pain as she rocks back and forth. Sharp gusts of breath leave her lips as she pants through the pain. Dropping to my knees, I frame her sweat-drenched face in my hands. “I’m calling an ambulance,” I tell her, fumbling for the phone I must have dropped. Lucy doesn’t put up a fight. She nods frantically as she continues panting, unable to speak through the contraction.

  I somehow manage to dial the numbers and get through to the 911 dispatch, barely managing to get the words out to explain the situation.

  “How long between the contractions?” the voice on the other end of the phone asks.

  “There’s no breaks!” I shout. “They aren’t letting up, and she’s in agony. Please get someone here as fast as you can!” I’m not above begging.

  She tells me to get Lucy moved to her back while we wait for the ambulance to arrive. Grabbing the pillows and soft comforter from our bed, I ease Lucy down on the floor. For a second her face relaxes, and she manages a few deep breaths.

  “I’m scared,” she whispers, and my heart cracks in my chest. The burning need to make the pain go away is overwhelming.

  “You’re doing amazing,” I try to reassure her, wiping the damp hair away from her face. “Help will be here soon. I promise.”

  “There’s no time!” she gasps as another contraction wracks her body. The disembodied voice tells me how to coach Lucy with the best ways to breathe through each pain, but it doesn’t seem to be helping. “Asa!” Her desperate voice claws at my insides. “It’s coming! I can feel it!” The strength of the grip she has on my hand is almost inhuman as her whole body locks up tight.

  “I have to push right now!” she gasps breathlessly as once again she’s gripped by the unrelenting pain.

  “Sir, you might want to take your wife’s pants off if she’s still wearing them,” I hear shouted from the phone I didn’t realize I’d dropped.

  “What? Why?” I shout, fumbling to press the speaker button.

  “Because it sounds like you’re about to delivery your baby.”

  Instinct overtakes the panic, and I do as I’m told.

  “That’s it, baby. One more push,” I coach from my position between Lucy’s legs. Keeping my eyes on hers, I count as she pushes with everything she has left in her. When her hand shoots down to between her thighs, my eyes follow.

  “Holy shit,” I manage to breathe out as Lucy lets out one last pain-filled cry.

  Reaching out my hands, I catch the tiny body as it slides out. The operator tells me how to check the baby’s airways, but almost immediately it lets out a loud cry. Fuck me if I don’t want to cry right now too.

  “Thank you,” I barely manage to get the words out as I lean forward and lay our squawking baby on Lucy’s chest.

  “Asa...” she sobs, completely overcome with everything that’s happened over the last few minutes.

  “Welcome to the world baby, Iris,” I say, leaning over to kiss my daughter on her wrinkled head, then doing the same to her beautiful, amazing mother.

  Not ready to so goodbye? Get an extended Flawed Love Epilogue, featuring all the couples!


  Thank you so much for reading the final book in the Flawed Love Series. I know I said this at the end of the last book, but Tethered really is the last book...for now, at least.

  I never imagined that writing Poppy and Keir over two years ago would spawn this whole family of characters.

  While this is the end of the Flawed Love series, there’s plenty more to come from the kids.

  You can keep up to date wit
h all future releases by signing up for my newsletter.


  Bloggers and bookstagrammers: I’m eternally grateful for the support of each and every one of you and the incredible amount of work you guys put in day in and day out for authors like me.

  Brenda – Thank you for keeping me semi-organised. Thank you for being my sounding board and thank you for looking at hundreds of versions of the same covers and not hating me.

  My review team. Thank you for your help with sharing cover reveals, teasers and new releases.

  Emma Louise – reader group. We’re not the biggest group in romance land, but I love you all for being there and joining in with my nonsense posts, lol. Thank you!

  Silla – again, you have the patience of a saint! Thank you for everything you do for me.



  Want to know more about Hayden and his adventures in California? You can read his story in Filthy Firefighter.

  He looks like he belongs on stage, stripping out of his firefighter uniform, not running into a burning building to save me. But thank God he did.

  When the smoke clears and my eyes focus on my savior, one look at his gorgeous face and tattoo-covered muscles, I know he’ll be too much for me to handle. It’s a good thing I never have to see him again, right?

  Except, losing my home in a fire means finding somewhere new to live, and guess who just happens to be my new roommate? Hayden Flynn. The filthy-talking firefighter who’s been front and center of all of my dreams lately.

  Our attraction is undeniable, but it’s the adventures he takes me on that has me falling for him, each new experience chipping away at the wall I’ve been hiding behind.

  He wasn’t supposed to see past my scars.


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