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Claiming Their Mate

Page 8

by Vella Day

  They consulted the recipe again and worked on the sauce together. When the pot was heating on the stove, he asked her to chop the broccoli.

  She brought the head over to the cutting board and broke off the pieces from the stem.

  “What are you doing?” There was a hint of horror in his eyes.

  That did it. If he expected her to chop the stems into tiny pieces, he could do it himself. She didn’t know what came over her, but she tossed a piece of cut broccoli at him.

  He grabbed a large piece and beamed her in the chest. It bounced off her tit and dropped to the floor.

  “You so did not do that.” That constituted an act of war.

  She grabbed a handful of the broccoli and threw it at his face. He stepped back, picked up one sliver of chicken and came at her. He pulled her neckline forward and slid the gooey mess down her shirt. She tried to stop him, but he overpowered her. She might have been able to grab his wrist if she hadn’t been laughing so hard. He got another piece of chicken down her pants. Truthfully, she surmised he’d never let her catch him. He was too damned fast.

  She stepped back. “Ew, that’s disgusting.”

  Kurt laughed and gathered her in his arms, and when he kissed her, the joking suddenly turned lustful. He trailed kisses down her neck, and her damned pussy shot into overdrive. She probably should have stopped him, but the man had intrigued her since the first time they’d met. Although it would normally seem odd to think about making love with one man one night and another the next, these two came as a package.

  When he lifted her shirt and her sports bra above her breasts, the piece of chicken dropped to the floor. “I’m gooey.”

  “Let me lick you clean. After all, I did make a mess.” Instead of him bending over, he lifted her onto the center island. “Mmm. Much better.”

  His tongue zeroed in on her nipple that was about three inches from the goo, but she was not about to complain. When he licked her tit, streaks of joy shot through her. Her nipples were still a little sore from Drake sucking on them, so each touch made her reaction more intense.

  Even though he didn’t give her the instructions for behaving, she wanted to make him happy. Hell, if what he said was true, she’d be in heaven soon. This time she wasn’t taking any chances of being short-changed.

  His tongue swirled around the tip. She wanted to run her hands through his hair, and then work her way down his body. Instead, she decided to lean back on her hands.

  “You are so amazing.”

  His compliment went a long way to soothe her uncertainty about what they were about to do. As he drew one nipple into his mouth, he rubbed the other one. Pleasure bubbled inside her. His rough tongue incited a riot between her legs, and with each suck, she turned more desperate. Without thinking, she arched her back to give him more access.

  “I hate to break this amazing connection, but I’m not eating raw chicken juice.” He got a paper towel, wet it, and swiped her clean. “I mistakenly slid one down your pants.”

  “No, you totally did that on purpose.” She wore shorts, and the chicken had gone across her belly and out through the leg hole, creating a sticky mess. Decision time. Aw, hell. She wanted him and he seemed to want her. She was about to undo the button on her shorts when he stopped her.

  “Let me. But first, I need you to stand.” He grabbed her by the waist and eased her off the counter.

  With sure fingers, he lifted her tee and bra over her head and seemed to make every effort to brush his knuckles across her skin. Next, he tackled her shorts. He managed to get her zipper down quickly, but lowering the shorts took longer. Once he slid them past her hips, he let go and they pooled at her ankles.

  He picked up the wet towel and rubbed her belly clean. “All good.”

  She hoped he wasn’t planning on putting her shorts back on. If he were, she might have to take control.

  He placed the paper towel in the trash, removed the simmering sauce from the stove, and covered the chopped chicken with clear wrap. He exercised no haste in his movements, which served to heighten her desire. Did he expect her to stand there wearing nothing but her panties, with her shorts at her ankles?

  “Step out of your shorts.”

  Thank you! She was happy to oblige.

  He ogled her and bit down on his bottom lip. “I am so tempted to turn you around and fuck your pussy, but I want to consider your needs.”

  “My needs would be totally met if you did that.”

  He rubbed her cheek lightly with the pad of his thumb. “My cock wants that, too, but if we are to be together, I want to start us off the right way. Do you understand?”

  Not really. “Yes.” Kind of. She liked the part about them being together and him being considerate of her desires. That was all good.

  He walked over to the preparation area. As if it was all in a day’s work, he put the chicken in the fridge and returned. “Now, where were we?”

  You were about to have uncontrollable sex with me and drive me wild. “I can’t remember.”

  “You can’t remember what?”

  The meaning of his cocked brow was inconclusive, so she chose the safest answer. “I can’t remember, Master.”

  He grinned. “I love a woman who knows how to obey.” He held up a finger. “Please note, I did not say I wanted a woman who knew her place.”

  There was that. His smile came out slightly crooked, making him more charming than she remembered. He picked her up, and she let her head fall against his chest. She assumed he would take her to his bedroom, where she imagined all sorts of wonderful sex toys. Instead of heading down the hall, he carried her out the front door.

  “What the hell?”

  He immediately set her down, held onto her shoulder, and spanked her ass really hard four times. “Do not question me.”

  She would have turned around right away, but she needed time to blink back the water brimming on her lashes. The ache hadn’t been that bad. In fact, the shot of pain had already rushed from her ass down to her needy cunt. Traitor.

  Chapter Eight

  The front porch had a doublewide lounge chair, two rocking chairs, and one hammock strung up between two posts. Chelsea pictured herself lounging out here for hours, sipping her tea, and reading a good book.

  The front door opened, and Kurt returned waving a plastic bag. Her mind exploded imagining what delights he’d brought. Without saying a word, he lowered the back on the lounger.

  “You were good not to move. I see Drake has trained you well.”

  “I’m glad I pleased you, Master.”

  All of this master stuff seemed so surreal, but for some odd reason, it worked for her. Having someone take control, when so much was happening in her life, helped keep her centered.

  “Let’s get you comfortable.” He guided her down to the lounge chair. He stepped over to the rocker, removed two pillows, and placed one under her head and one under her hips. “How does that feel?”


  “Good. Now, if your arm isn’t too sore, lift them over your head.”

  This time, she was pleased the wound no longer ached, and she did as he requested. Kurt pulled a long silk scarf from his bag and tied her hands together. She liked having them above her head.

  “We have neighbors, so I really can’t have you scream. I’m going to put a gag in your mouth.” He didn’t move. “Drake told me your safe word was Mendez. If the gag is too much, you can say it now.”

  She shook her head. Her embarrassment would be a lot less if she could scream and not be heard. He ripped open a package that contained a purple bit that had holes in it, presumably allowing her to breath.

  “Let me know if you freak out. I don’t need you having a panic attack.”

  She held up her hand. “How can I say my safe word with that in my mouth?”

  He grinned. “Got you covered.” He withdrew a pretty bell. “Just ring this.” He placed it in her hand, and she tried it out. She barely swung it to sound.

>   “Okay.”

  “I have to say I am very impressed. This takes a lot of trust on your part, and I will reward you. I promise you will not be left wanting at the end of our endeavor.”

  “If my pussy could talk, she’d say thank you.”

  Kurt strapped the ball gag on, and she bit down on the soft rubber. “Idkna jrd sl oiwd.” She couldn’t even say one coherent word.

  “That’s good.” He laughed and wagged a finger. “Next time you sass me, remember this.”

  Thank goodness he winked. Excited beyond words, she watched him, hoping he’d strip. To her dismay, he slid open her legs and pushed her feet closer to her butt so that her knees bent.

  “I moved you into position too quickly. Gotta get rid of these pretty panties. I do appreciate your choice in underwear, but you know my preference is none at all.”

  Panties were a must. Without them, her pussy would gush and leak through her shorts.

  He straightened her legs, removed the thong, and suddenly, she was at his mercy. It was like the world had disappeared, and they were the only two people on earth. He returned her feet to their position.

  “You are glorious.” He knelt on the end of the lounger and ran a finger up her inner thigh.

  It tickled, but she refrained from squirming. Wanting to enjoy every sensation, she closed her eyes and let her mind take over. In this immediate world with Kurt, no evil beings were after her, and Drake was enjoying his day with friends.

  Kurt drew circles with his finger as he edged his way closer to her pussy. Her arousal scented the air as he neared her opening. He must have leaned forward, because his elbows wedged her legs open wider, forcing her pussy lips to spread. She was sure the hood on her clit had peeled back to expose her sensitive nub.

  Lick me.

  She moaned partially to get his attention, but the sound came out muffled.

  “You pussy is so wet. Oh, look. You leaked on the pillow.”

  The swipe of his tongue startled her. She lifted her hips but dropped them immediately, remembering what happened when she’d moved before.

  Don’t let him punish me.

  He sat up, and when he closed her legs together, her eyes flew open. Her brows pinched. Kurt stood, toed off his shoes, and unbuttoned his shorts. Her breaths came out fast. He looked pissed. She bet if he’d been wearing a belt, he might have used it across her ass.

  When her pussy tightened, she had to chastise her body. She did like a bit of pain, but a leather strap might be too much for her to bear.

  “I had planned on spending hours licking you clean, but you don’t seem able to handle the direct assault for long. I’ll have to speed up your release time.”

  Hell, that worked for her. She could use his cock right now. As he lowered his shorts, his huge dick popped out. Maybe she shouldn’t have been so willing to have sex with him. Even though Drake hadn’t spent much time inside her, she was still a little sore.

  “I need you to get on your elbows and knees.”

  She needed to tell him that she’d never had a cock in her ass before, but she decided just to ring the bell if he placed his dick at her entrance. Happy that she had her alarm, she lowered her arms and sat up.

  As if she weighed twenty pounds, he flipped her over with ease. If she thought she was exposed before, now she was totally vulnerable. Kurt was behind her, and she couldn’t tell his next plan.

  He gently clasped her head. “Whatever you do, don’t look behind you.”

  Now why did he say that? It only made it appear like she wouldn’t want what he was about to do. She clasped the bell tighter.

  The scent of lube wafted up to her, and she tightened her rear.

  He rubbed her ass. “Your cheeks are so perfect, but don’t worry, I need to stretch your ass the first time. When you take my cock back there, I want you to welcome him, not be in pain.”

  Her back sagged as she let out a breath.

  To her surprise, he began by kissing each cheek before kneading them, one in each hand. She felt cherished, as if he wanted her to enjoy him so much.

  Even above the wind rustling the leaves, his groan sounded loud, and she would have smiled had she not had the gag in her mouth. His cock suddenly appeared between her legs. Yes! Ever so slowly, he drew his dick back and forth across her opening until she felt her juices drip on him. He reached under her and pressed on her clit. Her back arched and her stomach contracted. Oh, my Lord, but that almost set her off. She squeezed her eyes shut to help control the spasms rolling down her body.

  He got off the bench. She was about to rip the gag out of her mouth and yell at him, when he stepped to the side. He reached in and pinched her nipple with his left hand while he massaged her anus with the other. Together, the sensations collided as they raced up and down her body. He might not be playing with her pussy, but her cunt sure was wet.

  He leaned over and nibbled on her neck. “If you don’t climax until I command you, I promise you will be happy.”

  Then stop tormenting me and fuck me. She had to admit his alpha maleness excited her, and with every command, tremors rippled up her body.

  His thumb dipped into her back hole, and as he swirled it around, the muscled ring relaxed.

  “That’s a good little sub. Let me make this wonderful.”

  She wanted something wonderful in her life. She was tired of working all the time and at the end of the day having nothing to show for it. Her one-bedroom rental was okay, but she had no money in the bank and debts to pay. This was the first time hope had wedged its way in her heart.

  He twisted first her right nipple, then her left. Passion built inside her as he pulled and tugged on the tips. Her swollen crests ached, but with the pain came a lot of gain. His thumb dipped into her ass and she clenched.

  His finger disappeared, and the slap once more took her by surprise. “No clenching.”

  She inhaled and nodded. Being such a newbie really sucked. He ringed her hole with more lube and then threaded not one, but two fingers into her. There was a slight pinch at first, but then it disappeared. He scissored his fingers and hit some nerves that seemed connected to her pussy somehow.

  How was that possible?

  He stepped back. Plastic crinkled. Now what was he doing? She didn’t dare speak. Kurt was right in asking her not to watch. The unknown heightened her arousal. The man did seem to be an expert on how to ratchet her desire.

  “I want you to get used to having something in your ass, so I’m going to insert a small plug back there. Except for needing to take it out to wash it, I want you to wear this tonight.”

  She had to think about that. She supposed he had a point. His cock was huge, and perhaps the only way to accommodate him was to have something in her to stretch her out. She nodded.

  He rubbed her rear. “I can’t tell you how pleased I am with you. Perhaps I should send Mendez a thank you card.”

  She had to laugh at that one as she, too, had him to thank for bringing them together. But no, he wouldn’t be thanked for any other reason.

  Kurt pressed what felt like a three-inch wide ball against her butthole. Did he truly believe that would fit? While he kept rubbing her ass, he pushed it in. When it popped past her ring, she sucked in a breath.

  “Breathe, little sub. It’s okay.”

  How his words of encouragement helped, she didn’t know, but they did. Her pulse raced at the foreign sensations, but when he pulled it out and pressed it in a second time, her body calmed. Perhaps to distract her, he tweaked her nipples again. By now, they were swollen and tender, but his touch took her mind off of what he was doing to her ass.

  She wasn’t sure this gag worked, because her groans sounded loud to her.

  When the damn plug was fully seated, he tapped her rear. “Now for your reward. Are you ready?”

  She’d been ready twenty minutes ago. She nodded. He climbed behind her and spread her legs wider, but that only pressed the small fake cock farther into her. It must have hit some happy nerve
s, because her pussy clenched and her juices flowed.

  Chelsea thought he’d give her his cock right away, as she was so close to an orgasm, but instead, Kurt pressed two fingers into her wet hole and strummed her clit.

  Oh, oh, oh.

  Heat streaked through her. Don’t come, don’t come.

  This was pure torture. Then the head of his cock opened her pussy lips. He lowered his hands to her hips and drove into her with one powerful stroke. Had he not been holding her, she would have shot forward.

  She nearly split in half. Having the plug in her ass along with Kurt’s big dick in her pussy, she was stretched so wide, bolts of electricity were firing everywhere.

  “Honey, you are amazing. I can’t get enough of you.”

  Gone was the tone of a dom. Instead, he seemed like a man lost in the wonderment of her body. That gave her so much joy.

  He lowered his chest to her back, slid his hands down her arms, and clasped his fingers right above her elbows. Hair had sprouted on the back of his hands, and she swore his bones cracked. Holy shit. Was he going to change while he was in her?

  She didn’t get to dwell on it, because his kisses came from a man and not a werewolf. He licked the shell of her ear and nibbled once more on her neck, almost as if he was preparing to bite her. Her hormones sizzled and her body pulsed. He drove into her relentlessly.

  “Come for me, slave.”

  That was one command she wanted to obey. He captured her tits and grabbed her nipples. When he lowered one hand and rubbed her clit, she shot off like a NASA rocket. Her climax swept in and carried her away while her pulse soared and blood pounded in her ears. She screamed, but the gag did its job in containing the noise.

  His cock expanded to epic proportions and shot hot semen into her. Her body throbbed and continued to climb as her orgasm pumped away.

  Kurt slid his hands to her waist, pulled her up on her knees, and kissed her neck. “You are amazing.”

  The plug in her ass hit a few different nerves and sent another spike of lust up her spine. Holding her steady with an arm across her chest, he undid the gag. Once removed, she opened and closed her mouth to get the muscles working again.


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