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His Vegas Bomb_A Menage Romance

Page 8

by Derek Masters

  What the hell am I supposed to do now?

  I was afraid of once again saying something stupid, so I held my breath so nothing could escape my lips. I don’t think Nick knew quite what to make of me, so he curled his lip slightly before looking away.

  What was that all about? Did he just smile at me? Was he grinning because I’m acting like an idiot? Nice, Alexa. Real nice.

  I glanced over in Kim’s direction in hopes that she would give me a little bit of backup and help me out of the situation I found myself in. Instead, she smiled a knowing smile in my direction. The wink that followed the smile told me that she could read my mind like a book. She knew that I knew I was making a fool of myself. She could also tell I was attracted to Nick. After all, she had seen some of the guys I’ve dated in the past.

  Not only could she tell, but she also thought it was hilarious. She was fighting back laughter, complete with tears in her eyes. If it weren’t for her being my best friend, I’d wonder why I hung out with her at all.

  I couldn’t believe how quickly my heart was beating. I could actually hear my pulse in my ears. It was ringing so loud that I didn’t have a clue what Kim and Curtis had been saying to one another. Before I knew it, Nick and Curtis were exiting the room, leaving me relieved yet disappointed.

  “What in the world was that?” Kim asked, still trying to prevent herself from breaking out in laughter.

  “What was what?” I responded, hoping that I could play dumb and make it believable enough for her not to grill me. It didn’t work.

  “Don’t even try to play that off. That was the opposite of smooth you know.”

  “I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about,” I insisted as I grabbed my purse and coat. “The only thing I know about right now is the fact that those roads look like they’re getting back out there so I should be heading home.”

  “Mm-hm, I’m sure.”

  “You stop that,” I told her, my face blushing. “Are our plans for tomorrow still on?”

  “As long as the plows get out here and do their thing on time. Do me a favor and call me when you get home, so I know you got there safe.”

  “I always do. Talk to you soon.”

  “Okay, bye you smooth stalker.”

  I made my way out into the cold winter night. The chill in the air bit through me instantly and I was surprised by how much the temperature had dropped since I arrived that afternoon. The snow was really coming down from the sky, and the visibility was easily less than a quarter mile. Everything around me was covered in white, and it was beautiful. I inhaled deeply, allowing the crisp, refreshing air to fill my lungs.

  Everyone has always thought I was weird, but I love the cold. Most people will tell you that their favorite season is spring or summer, but that just isn’t true for me. I love winter.

  I was jealous that Kim and Curtis got to live out in the country. They had their own little spot away from anyone and anything, and it’s always so peaceful at their house. It was a stark contrast to the small apartment that I lived in. I was living on an assistant manager salary at the convenience store that I worked at, so I didn’t make nearly enough for a place like that. That would change one day.

  My job might have sucked, but there was a reason for my being there. I started as a regular cashier, but because of my work ethic, I was on the fast track that almost nobody was ever placed on. Within a few years, I’d be a general manager with multiple stores under me. That would make all the grinding more than worth it.

  I didn’t just use needing to get home as an excuse to get out of an embarrassing situation. The weather was really getting bad, and I knew it was only going to get worse. As the night wore on, the snow was just going to pile up even more. I got into my SUV and backed carefully out of the driveway, my mind still thinking about the man I’d met just moments before.

  From what Kim and Curtis had told me, it seemed like he was going to be hanging around for a while, which meant I was sure to see him again, especially when you consider how much time I spent at that house. At least, seeing him again was what I was hoping for.

  There was just one thing I was worried about. I’ve always heard that you only get one chance to ever make a first impression. If that statement was indeed true, I might be in big trouble. The only thing I could hope for was to make my second impression so good that he’d completely forget about the first. I was sure that I wouldn’t be able to do any worse.

  It took me forever to drive home in the snow, which gave me a lot of time to think, particularly about the way Nick’s eyes pierced straight into me. For the first time in ages, a man was giving me butterflies in my stomach. I couldn’t remember the last time any man made me feel that way.

  One of the things that attracted me most to him was the fact that he was so big and strong. I was sure that if you were to look up the word manly in the dictionary, Nick’s picture would be there. Just thinking about him started to make me wet. I squeezed my thighs together. I just needed to make it through the ride home. I could take care of myself once I got there.



  The room I was staying in had a view of the front driveway. I parted the blinds just far enough to be able to look out without being noticed. I felt a lump in my throat as I watched her back out of the driveway and slowly make her way up the snow-covered street.

  Be safe beautiful. I’ll be seeing you soon.

  For some reason, my mind started wondering what her home looked like. I wondered if it was something like Curtis lives in or does she live in something more like the prison I was accustomed to. I had no idea what she did for a living, so I had no idea how she lived.

  I also wondered if she was heading home to an empty house where she would spend her evening alone, perhaps reading a book or catching up on some shows on Netflix. Was it the other way around? Did she have someone to go home to?

  I realized how stupid it was that I was even thinking that way. She was a knockout. There was no way in hell she didn’t have someone waiting for her at home.

  Alexa didn’t have a ring on her finger. I know because I checked. Still, it would amaze me if she didn’t at least have a boyfriend. Even if she did, she probably also had a long line of guys banging her door down for a chance to take her out in the event her boyfriend ever fucked things up.

  If there was a list, I wanted to know how to get on it because I would love to throw my name into the hat. Of course, what kind of chance would a guy like me have with a girl like her? She wouldn’t want someone like me. I’m not educated like the guys she undoubtedly dates. Besides, when she looked at me in the kitchen, she didn’t have a desire in her eyes, did she?

  That girl seemed like one of the good ones and was almost guaranteed to be out of my league. After all, what did I have going for me? I was an ex-con who literally just got out of prison that morning. Of course, she had no clue about that and just knowing that my past was hidden was enough to bring a smile to my face.

  As far as I was concerned, there was no reason to ever tell her about my prison sentence. Curtis was even keeping it from Kin, so I know he’d be the last person to say anything about it. If Kim didn’t need to know, why did Alexa?

  I grabbed my stuff and made my way to the bathroom. The thought of taking a hot shower sounded like a dream, and I was about to take advantage of it as much as I could. It had been years since I was last able to take a shower without having to see a bunch of swinging dicks all around me.

  As quickly as I could, I stripped out of my clothes and stretched until I couldn’t stretch anymore. The amount of tension and soreness in my body was unreal, thanks mostly to all the walking I had to endure. The fact that it was freezing outside only served to make matters worse. I turned on the hot water and watched in awe as steam started to rise from the faucet.

  Prison showers had only two settings. Hot was what you enjoyed for the first 30 seconds, but as soon as that ran out, it was like being in an Alaskan ice field. That water was cold, but
it was what we had to wash off with.

  Catching a quick glimpse of myself in the mirror made me cringe. I looked like shit. Guys didn’t spend much time looking into the mirrors in prison, so it’s easy to let yourself go. My hair as a mess, my eyes had huge bags under them, and my facial hair was disastrous. I looked like the mugshot of every psychopath that’s ever been arrested.

  Even through all that, I could not get Alexa out of my mind. Even though I knew I had little to no chance with her, she was still occupying my thoughts. I highly doubted that I’d be able to land someone like her, not because I’m unattractive, but only because she deserved someone much better than me. She deserved someone who could give her a future that I couldn’t give her. As much as that realization sucked, at least I had a hot shower ahead of me.

  The water was much hotter than any water I’d felt at the prison. It was close to scalding, but that was fine with me. It didn’t take long for my body to adjust to the heat and before I knew it, the hot water was enjoyable.

  I stuck my head directly under the stream and allowed the water to run over me. Over time, the hot water started to dwindle, so I made sure to wash my hair and body before it was all gone. I planned on leaving my days taking cold showers behind me at the prison.

  No matter what I tried to focus on, my mind kept going back to her. I didn’t even realize how bad it was until I reached down to grab my junk and realized that it was already rock hard. I figured I might as well rub one out, so I wrapped my hand around my shaft and started stroking the length of my cock. If there is one thing I’ve always been proud it, it’s my size down there.

  All I had to do was close my eyes, and it was no longer my giant hand wrapped around my dick. Instead, it had been replaced with her small hand, barely able to wrap around my girth. I imagined her rubbing her hands down my face to my chest, scratching at my skin with her nails, which were perfectly manicured.

  I pictured looking into her piercing eyes while she licked her lips, reached down and grabbed a handful of my prick. I could almost feel the warmth of her hand wrapping around me.

  “Nick, your cock is so big,” she whispered into my ear, her voice trembling with passion and lust.

  My breathing became labored as she slowly pulled on me, moaning as she did it. She wrapped one hand around the base of my cock and moved it all the way up to the tip. Alexa applied just enough pressure when she touched me. She began stroking me faster and faster, my cock throbbing with each movement.

  “You want more than just my hand, don’t you?” she whispered wants again. “I know you do because I want that inside of me.”

  I could feel my entire body tensing up and braced myself against the shower wall as she jacked off my dick as fast as she possibly could. I got off with a lot of force, and it was one of the more mind-blowing orgasms I’d had in quite some time.

  Unfortunately, that’s where the fairytale came to an end. When I opened my eyes, she was gone, and I was back to reality. No, there was no way in hell I was ever going to let her find out about my past. I was going to find a way to make that woman mine, even if it was the last thing I did. It wasn’t just something I wanted. It was something I needed.

  Want more?

  Stalker is available on Amazon for just $2.99 or FREE with Kindle Unlimited

  Only You Sample

  A MFM Ménage Romance


  We have a pact, we share everything, and now she’s about to tear it all apart.

  Lucas and I are best friends. Some best friends share things, but we share everything—including women. It’s worked for so long that it’s completely normal for us, until we meet Penny. Her perfect body, her soft, supple curves and pouty lips are all I think about; all we think about.

  Everything has always gone according to plan, but when she confesses her feelings for me, it completely changes everything that I thought was normal. I thought I could push it under the rug and pretend that she never said those things to me, but the more I see her with Lucas, the more jealous I become.

  I don’t want what we have to end, but I can’t keep living a lie. Now I’m forced to choose between the pact that I made with my best friend or forget the woman who means everything to me. I can’t lose either one of them, but we all have to make choices.



  Enrolling myself into nursing school is the best thing that I’ve done for myself since I dumped Owen’s ass. I only wish that I would’ve done it sooner.

  Sometimes I think about how stupid I was during our three-year relationship no matter how hard I try not to. To this day, I still can’t say exactly what made me stay with him for so long.

  Sure, he was good-looking, educated, and polite, but he was also very dull and selfish. Maybe his intelligence is what attracted me to him the most, but I should’ve known better than to put a man before myself.

  I think a lot of younger women do that: put their boyfriend before themselves, and I was no different, but I should’ve seen the writing on the wall when I put my future on hold for the sake of his.

  He didn’t have a problem with me quitting school so that only one of us had to work a full-time job—as long as that person was me. Like a lost little lamb who thought she was in love, I quickly obliged because I was head over heels.

  My friends and family all told me that he should’ve been the one working full-time to support us to allow me to go to school, but I naively brushed off their advice and wore a stupid grin plastered on my face all in the name of love.

  For three long, tedious, mind-numbing years, I put up with the relationship that we had—if that’s what you want to call it, but those days are gone. I already wasted my early 20’s, and now that my mid-twenties are approaching, I’ve thrown out the old Penny and brought in the new.

  My first week of school was overwhelming, yet amazing at the same time. It was so nice to sit in class, take notes, learn new things, and meet new people, but now that the weekend is here, I’m ready to unload, so I decide to make a call to my friend, Sabrina, to see what she’s up to.

  “Hello?” my friend, Sabrina, answers.

  “Hey, girl! What are you doing tonight?” I ask her.

  “Ugh. I promised to help my sister make centerpieces for all of the tables at her wedding. She’s got the whole weekend planned out for us. I’m sure it’ll be fun,” she says sarcastically.

  “Why don’t you get out of it and tell her you’ve got other plans?”

  “What other plans? You know me, I never go out,” she says.

  “You could come out with me, have a few drinks, and have some fun!”

  “I wish I could, but I can’t. She’ll kill me if I don’t show up. She’s turned into Bridezilla.” I can hear her punching the buttons on the microwave. “If I thought she was bitchy before, this wedding has brought out a whole new level of bitchiness.”

  Sabrina’s sister has always been a bitch, which is why the two of them don’t get along. I remember when we were teenagers in high school, she used to barge into Sabrina’s room any chance she could so that she could butt her nose into our business. Of course, she’d always take any information that she had back to their mom and get us in trouble, so none of us liked her.

  “Are you sure you can’t get out of it? I’m dying to go out.”

  “Sorry, Penny, I would if I could, but I can’t. Why don’t you call Abby and see if she can go with you? She’s usually good for a night out.”

  “Yeah, I think I might do that. Try not to shove any flowers up your sister’s ass,” I tease her.

  “No promises,” the microwave beeps. “Listen, my food’s ready, so I’m going to go. Good luck,” she says.

  “Thanks. I’ll talk to you later.”

  The whole reason why I called her first is because she’s more fun to go out with than Abby. Abby’s a party girl, for sure, but she also gets fall-down-drunk and usually requires a babysitter all night, which totally kills the moo

  Staring at my phone, I debate whether or not I should give her a call. I don’t know what to do because part of me wants someone to go out with, but the other part of me doesn’t want to deal with her drunkenness. Before I can make a decision, my phone starts ringing, and it’s her.

  “Hey Abster,” I pick up the phone.

  “What’s up? Sabrina said you wanted to go out tonight?”

  Geez, does she have to blab everything?

  “Yeah, I was thinking about going to The Impulse tonight. Are you free?”

  I regret the words the instant they leave my lips, but I don’t want to be rude. Abby, Sabrina and I have been best friends since our sophomore year of high school. Besides, maybe she won’t drink much tonight, or perhaps she will. I know she will, she always does, and she gets in so much trouble when she does, too.

  “Not tonight. Sabrina said you wanted to go out, but I have to clean tonight because my parents are coming in the morning. My dad’s going to measure my floors to replace them with hardwood, and then he’s going to fix my bedroom ceiling fan. We can go tomorrow, though, if you want,” she offers.

  As much as I’d love to have some company, I really don’t want to wait another night, and I don’t want to have to babysit her solo.

  “Tomorrow night’s not good for me,” I lie. “I have a lot of homework to do from my classes, and I figured I could use a break before I really dig in, but thanks for the offer.”

  “All right,” she says. “But if you change your mind, let me know. Okay?”

  “Will do,” I reply.

  “I better go. My place is completely trashed, and if I want to get up early enough to let them in tomorrow, I’m going to have to get to bed at a decent time.”


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