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Private Pilot

Page 3

by Karen Deen

  “I saw you have dust in your eye,” he says, touching my hand. Panicking at the intimate touch, I pull back quickly. I can’t be vulnerable, trust no one, my father’s words echo in my head.

  Be strong.

  Mason is starting to test that strength. I mean, when was the last time a man had a crisp white handkerchief and was down on one knee offering it to me. Seriously, do these types of gentlemen even exist?

  “I’m fine. Thank you for asking. Just very busy preparing for the meeting.”

  Noise of the bathroom door opening signals we are no longer alone.

  “Which she would be able to do if you would stop annoying her, Captain White. If you’re back here, then who’s in charge of the plane?”

  Oh my god I can’t believe Tyson just said that. This is starting to become a problem. Mason is quick with his reply that puts him right in his place.

  I love a strong man who doesn’t back down!

  Again, calling him Tyson just to rile him. I can’t help but laugh. It takes my mind off my sadness and gives me a reason to smile for a short while.

  Time to break this little party up. To be honest, I’d feel more confident too if the pilot was actually at the controls and not in the bathroom.

  Mason’s words are spinning in my head ‘Obviously, unlike you, Tyson, I can manage to fly a jet, take care of Ms. Ellen in all areas she needs a skilled man, and have time to take a leak. Don’t fret, little boy.’ Oh, how my mind is thinking of the ways he can take care of me. They’re definitely not PG-rated. Damn. I need to shut this down.

  What’s wrong with me?

  I’m his boss, for god’s sake.

  “Thanks, Mason.” Ending it, I put my head down to continue with my work. I indicate to Tyson, grow up and do your job. The door to the bathroom closes and Tyson flops into his seat with his arms crossed. Looking like a sulking five-year-old. I don’t have time for this shit from him. Ignoring him, I’m back in the zone of what I need for the meeting with the potential new supplier.

  Tapping away on my laptop, I have the notes of the last meeting playing through my earphones. It stops me having to talk to anyone. The last price negotiation point we finished off on was five cents per part. I think I can get it to four cents but will take four point five. That extra cent reduction would save me one-point-three million dollars.

  Today’s important. I have them on the ropes and need to nail them down and secure it in writing. The two salesmen I’ve been dealing with are useless. I’m meeting with the president and vice president of the company as well as the salesmen. It makes me laugh that it takes four men to negotiate against me. Better bring their A-game. Otherwise, as painful as it is, I’ll walk away and find another company who is willing to supply me the same part at the price I need.

  Like I said, I know what I want and won’t stop until I get it.

  The next two hours pass quickly, and before I know it, we’re on the ground and taxiing to the ground staff. Packing my briefcase, I’m ready and in the zone. Let’s get this meeting done and over with. Holly unlocks the cabin door as we stand waiting to disembark. Mason, exiting the cockpit with his flight manifest, stops to let me past.

  “Hope your meeting is successful today, Paige. Behave yourself, Tyson, and be a good little boy for the boss.” He gives me a wink, and I hear a groan from behind me. I just keep walking, slipping my sunglasses on but with a smile plastered across my face. Listening to him provoke Tyson, I can’t help but melt a little more for this guy. Why does he have to be funny as well as so irresistibly hot.

  After we’re in the town car and heading into the city, Tyson finally gets the courage to say what he’s thinking.

  “Why do you let him speak to me like that and call you Paige? I’ve worked for you a lot longer than him, and I’m not allowed to call you by your first name.” I haven’t noticed before, but Tyson can be such a child. He doesn’t like it when he’s not the center of attention.

  “Firstly, when you speak to him, you need to show him the respect he deserves as the captain of my jet. Our lives are in his hands. Secondly, my choice, end of story.” I give him the look that lets him know not to question me.

  “Now, don’t you think we have more important things to be thinking about with this meeting starting in twenty minutes? Seriously, what’s gotten into you?” I stare him down, and when he has no comeback, he just puts his head down and starts checking his phone for emails.

  Maybe Mason’s right when he calls him a little boy.

  By the time we get to the office building, Tyson seems to have gotten over his tantrum and is back to being my PA. We’re shown into the boardroom that’s full of suits sitting back drinking their coffee, trying to appear relaxed; It’s game time.

  “Ms. Ellen, lovely to see you again. May I introduce our president, Morris Gaven, and vice president, Evan Tosca.” They both stand and straighten their ties and jackets. Stretching up tall to try to look intimidating. Pfft, good try, fellas.

  I reach out to shake their hands. It’s always interesting in these situations. Men never know what’s the right thing to do. Should they offer their hands to shake with a woman or not. So, I take the indecision out of it for them.

  My handshake is firm and short. Letting them know right from the start I mean business.

  “Nice to meet you, gentlemen. Let’s get started so I don’t take up too much of your time today. I know you’re all very busy people, and time is money.” With that I take a seat, pull out my folder, and stare them down.

  Game on, gentlemen.

  I can see they’re already on the defense and thinking I’m a hard-ass bitch. I don’t wait for them to get organized. I launch straight into my discussion, bringing them up to speed with where their current deal is at and what I want.

  “So, as you can see, we are ready to sign a contract today if we can agree on the price of four cents per part for a two-year deal.” Eyeing each of them, they’re sweating. Talking in hushed voices to each other. Pointing to things on the papers in front of them.

  “Ms. Ellen, as you would appreciate, we are very interested to do business with your company. However, we can’t possibly sign a contract that we’ll lose money on,” President Morris tries to sound confident.

  “We need to keep our investors happy. Oh, and of course we don’t want people to lose jobs.” There it is. The guilt trip thrown in at the last minute. It annoys the fuck out of me that the first thing they worry about are their investors and not the people who keep them in a job. The hardworking people who keep this company running.

  “Here’s the thing, gentlemen. The exposure and credibility you will receive just from being listed as a supplier to Ellen Corporation is worth gold for your marketing department. You should be factoring it into your advertising budget reduction. However, I’m a reasonable person. My final offer for this deal is four-point-five cents per part for twelve months with a clause to review at the end of that time. What do you say to that?” The two salespeople are fidgeting with their pens and shuffling papers. The two executives whisper to each other while they’re madly punching numbers into the calculator. I sit back in my chair sipping water very calmly from my glass. Giving off the body language that I’m not nervous as hell on the inside. This deal has taken six months of work, and it could all be for nothing if they back out now. I decide it’s time to give them a push.

  “Sorry, gentlemen, but I’m going to need an answer. I have a flight that leaves shortly which I can’t miss. If you aren’t able to meet this deal, unfortunately, I’ll have to look for other suppliers.”

  Bam, and the firecracker has lit the fuse for the final bang.

  “You drive a very hard bargain, Ms. Ellen, but we want to secure this partnership between our companies. You have a deal.”

  Boom! In the bag, baby.

  I stand very smoothly and hold my hand across the table to shake the president’s hand and seal the deal. My father always told me a handshake on a deal is as good as a contract.
r />   “I look forward to doing business with you, gentlemen. Tyson has the paperwork ready, so if we can just get it signed. Then I can make my plane and let you get on with the rest of your day.” I never let up on the negotiating until the contract is signed and sealed. So, the tigress is still in the building. “Excuse me, I’ll just visit the bathroom while you get it sorted.” Not waiting for an answer, I walk towards the bathroom at the end of the room. Once inside, I stand in front of the mirror, taking a much-needed breath and letting my shoulders relax a moment.

  “You did it again, Paige. Daddy’s little girl. Just like he taught you.” Talking to myself, I try to feel proud of what I just achieved, but for some reason it’s not doing it for me today.

  Freshening up, I head back into the boardroom, looking at four men who are a little defeated but resigned to the fact they got the best deal they could. Poor things, they never stood a chance really.

  Signing on the dotted line, we make small talk for five minutes at the most, about how thrilled we are to be working together. I tell them my legal team will be in touch, and we’re in the back of the town car before we know it.

  “That went well, congratulations, Paige,” Tyson says as we pull away from the curb.

  What the fuck. Not this again!

  Just when I want to relax, I’ve got to keep my bitch face on.

  “Thank you, Tyson, and it’s Ms. Ellen to you,” I curtly reply and pick up my phone to make a call but decide to put the nail in the coffin first.

  “Please message Mason and let him know we’re finished and will be there shortly.” The pout on his face tells me he’s pissed off and not sure how to tackle this. I pay him no attention and press dial on Beth’s number.

  After checking in on my father, who’s still feeling the same as this morning, we are back at the airport ready for boarding. I notice Mason is out checking the plane is ready for the flight home. I’ve watched him do it a thousand times, yet today he just looks that little more interesting. I sit for a moment in the air conditioning and behind the tinted windows of the car. Enjoying my view.

  Tight ass, broad shoulders.

  A shirt that looks like it molds round his arms. His sleeves rolled up showing his forearms. I wish I was closer to get a better look. Those glasses make me tingle every time. No man is hotter than Mason in uniform with those damn aviator sunglasses.

  This perving gives me more of a buzz than closing the deal. Something is very wrong with me today. The thrill of the chase always gets me excited. Today, not so much. Maybe that’s the problem. I’m bored with the same old games. Same old people.

  Maybe there’s a new player. A new game.

  I just can’t do a thing about chasing him.

  Exiting the car, I choose to stand and stare a little longer. Feeling my eyes on his back, he turns and throws a saucy grin and a wink at me as he walks to the stairs ready to greet me.


  I don’t know what’s happened with Paige while she was gone, but the woman who hops out of the car and heads into the plane has the most gorgeous smile on her face for a change.

  Her dickwad assistant on the other hand looks like someone has taken his ice cream away from him and smudged it in the dirt.

  Part of me feels anxious that another man is responsible for that smile. I want to be the one who puts that glow on her cheeks and a grin that comes from great mind-numbing sex.

  Man, now I need to think of something to take my mind off fucking Paige. Why do I torture myself?

  Finishing my safety checks, I return to the cabin and inform them we have a ten-minute wait before we are scheduled to depart. Holly takes over and prepares drinks and food to keep them happy. I didn’t tell them the wait is because my stupid co-pilot went for a quickie with his Florida fly-in fly-out girl. Idiot thinks he’s some highflyer who can have a woman in every city. I thought that only happened in movies, but apparently Aaron takes it to a new level. I tried to warn him this wouldn’t be a long meeting. Calling him back to the plane, I gave him ten minutes and said obviously he only needs one to get his rocks off and the other nine minutes are to get his ass on the jet, or I fly without him. Legally I can’t, but at times it’s tempting.

  With two minutes to spare, he’s scrambling into the cockpit. I hear him telling some load of crap to our passengers about him just getting the clearance we need. Whatever he feels he needs to do to cover his ass with the boss. I wonder if she sees straight through his macho like we do.

  “One day you’re going to get yourself in serious trouble that no amount of bullshitting can get you out of. Now buckle up, we need to be taxiing in one minute. I hope she was worth it.” I start the engines and start signaling the ground crew that we’re ready.

  “Fuck, you have no idea. Of all the women, Chilly is the wildest. The things she can do with her tongue…” Aaron is about to give me a detailed description.

  “Stop right there. I don’t want to hear it and neither does the control tower that I’m about to radio.” We both laugh and get on with the job of getting Meredith off the ground and on her flight home nice and smoothly.

  The storm activity on the flight back to Chicago stops me leaving the cabin. Then we have the good old Chicago winds to battle as we land. I can’t say it’s a smooth flight, but we do our best to take out the rough patches. By the time I’ve filled out my flight log and collected my things, Paige is just about to leave the cabin.

  “Thank you, Mason, for taking care of my needs today.” Giving me a sly smile, she drops the white handkerchief I left on her seat this morning. Stepping forward to pick it up, she beats me to it. Bending over so her ass ends up in my face, her fingers reach it.

  Any closer, I’ll be leaving my bite mark on her ass cheek.

  Standing so close and back at eye level, she is staring me down. Fuck, this woman is hot. Her perfume is enveloping me and branding itself in my memory.

  “My pleasure as always. I like to leave lasting memories.” My eyes drop to the handkerchief in her hand.

  “Yes, so I see. I like to be self-sufficient, taking care of my own needs. Good day, Captain White.” With that she turns and is out the door, the noise of her heels going down the steps driving me crazy. I want this woman, in so many more ways than just talking. Another cold shower tonight for me.

  Before my day’s finished, I clean the jet, helping George to get her back in the hangar and lock her up tight for today. Heading to the gym for a workout before dinner, I send a message to the boys to see who’s around and wants to join me.

  No reply from Tate means he’s in surgery, and I remember Lex is in court on some big case today. Gray is in and will meet me there. I’m surprised I’m able to pry him away from Tilly, his new fiancée. They’ve been inseparable since they finally did the deed. Well, the second time, I should say. The first time she ran off and left him hanging. Luckily, he finally caught her. Who would have thought Doc Gray would be the first to fall and fall hard!

  I swipe my member card. Jenny, one of the personal trainers, is on the front desk.

  “Hi, Mason, Gray’s already in the weight room.”

  Chucking my bag in a locker, I head over to lover boy who is loading up the weights ready for our workout. He’s fooling himself if he thinks he can lift that amount straight off the bat.

  “A bit ambitious today, aren’t we?” Slapping him on the shoulder, I walk past him to grab the rest of the gear we need.

  “Hello to you too, Mason. My fiancée tells me I have an ego problem. Are you trying to tell me she might be right?” He chuckles as he tightens the weights on.

  “No, I’d say she’s spot on. Both you and Tate have a god complex, but we love you anyway.” He rolls his eyes and lies down ready to start.

  “Don’t ever repeat that in front of Tilly. I know you’re just jealous of how perfect I am, but can you keep it to yourself? Now get over here and watch the man in action and do your job.” He takes hold of the bar, ready to lift while I spot him.

; “Well, then you having a fiancée is a problem. There is no way we can take you being any cockier than you already are.” We both start laughing.

  This is what our life is like. I have the three best friends a guy can have. We don’t take life too seriously, but I know when life gets tough, they’re there. They proved that when I came home from war and while I was posted in Afghanistan. The ridiculous pictures, emails, and care packages I would receive from them had me being known as the laughingstock of the base. Yet I knew everyone couldn’t wait for the next one to arrive because lord knows we needed some comic relief while we were there. The package that had the blowup Suzy sex doll in it with a big tube of lube and a packet of condoms in the extra-small size had every soldier in the camp wanting to see my girlfriend. Of course, until the Major found out, and said it wasn’t appropriate with the women on base. He was probably right, but it was fun while it lasted.

  “Nothing on this earth will make me give Tilly up.” He gets the words out with some difficulty as he’s trying so hard to bench press the weight and not admit defeat. Watching his arms shake and the sweat start beading on his brow tells me he’s not giving up, just to prove his point. The last heave brings a loud grunt from Grayson as he grins with satisfaction at proving me wrong.

  “That sounded pretty definite, man.” I pass him his hand towel to wipe his sweaty hands and line up for another lift.

  “She’s the one, Mas, I just had to convince her of that. I’m going to marry that girl. That I can promise.” Wow, that’s a big statement from Grayson who’s never wanted to commit to any one woman.

  “What’s made you change your tune? You were going to be the eternal bachelor, the man who would just spend time with a lady when it fit in with his schedule. Now you’re talking the old ball and chain. What the hell happened to you? Did she drug your drink or something?”

  He grits his teeth through the next lift before he can answer me. “Tilly. It’s that simple. She made me want more.” He glares up at me and then sits up on the weight bench.


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