Private Pilot

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Private Pilot Page 4

by Karen Deen

  “Yeah, we get that. She has you by the balls, and you’re like a puppy dog who can’t get enough of the pussy cat he’s made friends with.”

  He swings his hand trying to slap my arm. “You seem to be asking other questions without coming right out with it. Have you got something you want to talk about?” I stand, changing the weights and trying not to make eye contact.

  “Mason, I’ve known you a long time. I know when you’re hiding. Spit it out, man, what’s going on?” He’s now standing in front of me, arms crossed over his chest. Looking like the big-brother stance.

  “Man, Tilly is right, you do have a big ego, which obviously compensates for something else.”

  “Forget the distraction tactic, spill your guts, Mas. Otherwise I call Tate and Lex and we all end up in your apartment tonight. Your choice. You know what happens when the interrogation starts. No one wants to be pinned down while Tate farts on your face. That’s a fate worse than death.” He’s not giving in.

  “That’s a bit drastic, calling in the big guns. We aren’t twenty anymore.” He smiles stupidly at me. “Okay, I’ll talk rather than be put through the Tate torture chamber.” Until this moment, I hadn’t realized how much this has been playing on my mind.

  “I’ve got this little problem. Well, actually he isn’t little, he’s huge, especially with the problem.” That sounded much better in my head.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Grayson looks with confusion.

  “Okay, plain and simple for the dummies in the room. I have a thing for my boss Paige. Every time I’m near her, my cock is rock solid and I’m thinking very unprofessional thoughts about what her and my cock could be doing together. I feel like a schoolboy with a crush on the teacher. It’s ridiculous. Don’t you dare tell Tate, or I will never hear the end of this.” I did not expect to be blurting that out this afternoon when I decided to come to the gym.

  “Now, was that so hard to say, young Mason?”

  “Fuck off. If you’re going to be like that, I’m out of here,” I grumble.

  “What a great idea. Why didn’t you just say you need a drinking buddy? Let’s get out of here and go grab a beer. Sounds more fun than this.” I laugh at him as we collect our towels and drink bottles.

  “You’re just trying to get out of looking like a loser, because you can’t lift as much as I can. Put your stuff down and help me put all these weights away, and then beers sound great.” We’re out of the gym and in the bar down the road within ten minutes.

  “Now tell Doctor Gray all about the things that ail you, young Mason.” I pick up pretzels out of the bowl and throw them at him. “No seriously, tell me what’s going on with Paige.”

  Running my hand through my hair, I take a deep breath before I start to tell him what’s on my mind.

  “You know I have trouble sleeping most nights. The visions and sounds that haunt my head keep me awake or in a restless state.” He nods his head at me, knowing exactly what I mean. I’ve never hidden my PTSD from any of the boys. Mine is minor compared to others that suffer, but it’s a badge I carry every day, even if at times I wish I could just take it off.

  “Yeah, well those thoughts and nightmares have been getting less intense, and for the last month have disappeared totally. It’s all because of Paige. Sexy, hot as fuck, Paige Ellen, my super uptight boss.” The vision of her bent over in front of me today is right there tempting me.

  “I lie down at night and start thinking about her. What she was wearing that day. The way she moves, the vision of her ass climbing the steps onto the plane. But the most stupid part of it all was, up until today, we haven’t said more than two words to each other in a conversation. Well, not in words. We practically eye-fuck each other every time. Yet she invades my head and I want to know so much. Learn about her life, her work, what makes her tick. Do I sound crazy?” Gulping another mouthful of beer, I’m not sure I’m ready for the answer. Grayson sits there quietly with a smirk on his face.

  “What? Say something?” He starts laughing and puts down his drink. He holds out his hand towards me to take mine and starts shaking it.

  “Welcome to the club, Mason. The one you join but can never leave. She has you under the spell. She may not know it yet, but she is about to be hit by the Mason charm. Time to weave your web and catch your girl, bud.”

  “You’re crazy. Paige is so far out of my league. Plus, she’s my boss. I’m just the guy who flies her plane from A to B, and then gets her back from B to A so she can keep her fast-paced life moving forward.” Listening to myself, I sound pathetic.

  “Why does it matter if she’s your boss? It’s not like you signed a contract to say you couldn’t take her on a date, did you?”

  “No, don’t be stupid. But even you know that it’s not a good idea to play and work in the same place. You learned the hard way. I don’t want to get caught in the same problem. Anyway, we aren’t even friends, so how am I going to get her on a date? Just walk up to her in front of her assistant and the crew and say ‘Paige, you are one hot chick. Will you come out on a date with me? Oh, and by the way, I want into your pants more than I want to breathe when you tease me with those fuck-me heels every day.’ I’m sure she’d just look right through me and wonder who’s even talking.”

  “Seriously! Are you listening to the crap coming out of your mouth? What are you, fifteen years old? Just ask her out for a drink. When the assistant isn’t around if you’re scared of him. Surely, he needs to leave her side at some stage. You’re ex-Army, man, surely you can create a plan to win her over.”

  “I know how to follow a target and take a hostage. Does that count?” He laughs at me.

  “No, you dickhead, that’s called stalking and kidnapping in the States, and the only one you’ll be sharing a bed with will be your big burly cellmate. Doubt he’ll look like Paige. Lex will help pick out your perfect match, when he dumps your sorry ass in the courts for being so stupid.” Now we’re both chuckling together. This is what I need, a good belly laugh.

  Grayson has no idea of what Paige is like. Neither do I, but I want to find out. Perhaps it’s that simple, just ask her out. I do tend to overthink things. Since coming home from the war, I’m always trying to think of every scenario. I tend to look for the things that can go wrong rather than the things that could work. Looks like tonight I’ll be working out how I can convince Paige it’s a good idea to have dinner with me.

  “What’s the worst that can happen, she says no?” Gray says with a shrug. I wish that was it.

  “No, the worst thing that could happen is her firing my sorry ass and then I don’t get to see her again.” Although I already know in my head that’s a risk I’m prepared to take.

  “Or the best thing that can happen is you end up fucking each other senseless, you stop suffering sore dick-itis, and your tiny balls stop being blue. Is it worth the chance?”

  “Fuck yeah!”

  This next flight could be a little more interesting than normal.



  THE LAST THREE DAYS have been exhausting. After getting home from Orlando, I thought this week was going to be a normal one. Stupid me.

  My father’s simple cold is getting worse and has him bedridden. Beth keeps assuring me he’s fine, and she has it under control, but it doesn’t stop me from worrying.

  By day, I’m running the company, and by night, I’m staying at his home. Sitting by his bed talking about my day, working while he sleeps and then reading to him before I go to sleep. My dad is a lover of classical literature. Tonight’s read is The Great Gatsby. It doesn’t escape me that our roles have reversed. The memories of all the years of my father reading to me on the precious nights he was home in time for bedtime, or on a weekend curled up on his knee in his leather chair as he read me some of the children’s classics like Huckleberry Finn.

  To the rest of the world, my father is a hard but fair man. Never cross him, you only get one chance.

  To me, he’s dif
ferent. Sure, he’s hard and fair with me, but so loving too. He gave me the world and never expected anything in return. Built his business empire for me to take over. I never doubted my future role. Sometimes I lie in bed wondering what he’d have done if I had turned my back and chosen another career away from the company and business world. Would he have accepted it and supported me in my chosen life? Or would he have turned his back and our relationship would never have been the same again?

  I might be a strong, kick-ass woman, but to be honest, I would never have been strong enough to disappoint my father.

  He gave me a life, and this is my repayment for his love.

  His soft snore lets me know he’s finally drifted off to sleep. I put the bookmark in on the last page I read. I could never be one of those people who folds over the corner of the page. My father would kill me. Books are to be treasured. They’re pages full of an author’s soul. The words they blend together, taking us on a journey. My love of reading came from my father, and although the only paperbacks I read these days are the ones in my father’s house, I still have a library in my apartment full of loved books from my favorite authors. It’s a random mix, but they have a story to tell of a time in my life.

  Placing the book on the bedside table, I slowly edge out of the seat to leave the room when my phone vibrates in my pocket with a call. Answering in a whisper from the corner of the room, Brian, my vice president, is checking in to see if I want him to take the meeting in Washington DC tomorrow. He was previously my father’s right-hand man, so he knows what I’m dealing with; he’s also worried about an old friend.

  “Thanks, Brian. I’m just not sure that I should be that far from my father at the moment. He’s not well. Maybe we should think about you heading to Washington.” My voice is low and barely above a whisper.

  “Not dying, you go to meeting. Don’t cancel,” I hear mumbled from behind me. Stubborn old bastard. I thought he was asleep.

  “I heard him. When will he ever finally stop trying to have his say?” Brian starts laughing as I glare at my father, eyes barely open looking at me.

  “When he’s dead! Which will be soon if he doesn’t butt out.” My words bring a grin to his face, and his eyes drop closed again, knowing he’s won. Brian laughs hard. “Guess I’m on my way to Washington tomorrow as planned. I’ll talk to you in the morning.”

  I get ready to end the call, but at the last minute I need to say this: “Brian, thanks for caring and understanding. I know you can run this company just as well as me. It’s not that he doesn’t trust you. It’s more about pushing me. You are a good and loyal man. Thank you.”

  There’s a pause on the other end of the phone. “Thank you, Paige. It means the world. Get some sleep. Tomorrow will be a big day with those government pencil pushers. Goodnight.” Brian is close to retirement age. He’ll never have the top job, but he’s happy where he is and is a valued employee.

  “Goodnight, Brian.” I end the call and walk over to my sleeping father, who’s getting a nice loud snore happening. Taking the blanket, I pull it up to his chin, making sure he’s covered and comfortable. Kissing him on the forehead, he doesn’t even stir.

  My childhood bedroom is long gone, in its place is one fit for a queen. The room is all styled with rich cream furnishings and a hint of pink and rose gold. There is a small bookcase full of all my favorite childhood books. ‘Just in case you get bored,’ Daddy would say. Not a day in my life have I been bored.

  I email my group message confirming the flight details as per the schedule for the morning. I’m shocked to see a reply from Mason pop up in my inbox.

  Captain Mason White

  Good evening, Paige,

  Thank you, we are all ready for the morning flight. I hope you’ve had a good week. I was surprised we didn’t have a midweek flight. Hope you’re okay?



  Ms. Paige Ellen – CEO Ellen Corporation

  Good evening, Mason,

  Thank you for your concern. My Father has been ill, and I tried to stay close by. So please note that you will need to be on standby at all times when we are away, in case we need to fly home in an emergency. I will try to keep tomorrow’s flight to DC short.



  Captain Mason White

  I’m sorry to hear that, Paige. I hope he starts to feel better soon. It will take the worry off you. I’m happy to be on standby for you at any time.

  Besides your dad being unwell, how has your week been?


  I stare at the reply email, unsure how to handle the question. No one has ever really asked me that, except my father or Beth. How did we go from an email confirming a flight to asking how my week has been? I’ll just keep it simple.

  Ms. Paige Ellen – CEO Ellen Corporation


  My week has been a busy working week as usual.


  Yes, that’s it, hit send. Short and sharp reply. It’s a little inappropriate for him to be asking such personal questions.

  Shit, he’s replied again.

  Captain Mason White – CEO Ellen Corporation

  Come on, Paige, surely you have a life outside of work. I’ll be more specific with my question this time. What have you been up to besides work this week, that you have enjoyed?


  My hands start typing straight away, and I hit send without thinking. Fuck, I shouldn’t have sent that.

  Ms. Paige Ellen – CEO Ellen Corporation

  I don’t have a life besides work, not that it’s any of your business!

  Ms. Ellen

  He was just being friendly, and I had to reply like the snarky bitch that I am. Now nothing. My emails have gone quiet.

  Should I apologize?

  No, that’ll make me look weak.

  I tell myself that I shouldn’t be thinking anything about Mason. I’m sure I’ve wrecked any chance of that now anyway.

  That’s it, stop waiting for a reply. Just go to the bathroom and to sleep. I’ll deal with another sulking man tomorrow morning. He’ll look at me like the hard-ass bitch I am. I should be used to it by now.

  Spitting out the mouthful of water from brushing my teeth, I hear my computer chime with another email. The toothbrush hits the sink with a clatter as I run across the room, jumping onto my bed to get to my computer. Only to have my hopes sink when I see it’s just from Tyson. I’m sure that man never sleeps either.

  Tyson Burke – PA to Ms. Ellen – Ellen Corporation

  Dear Ms. Ellen,

  I am feeling very unwell this evening and am unsure if I will be able to make the flight in the morning. I don’t know if it’s a twenty-four-hour stomach virus or food poisoning. Would you like me to organize Laura to fill my role, so you have someone with you?

  My sincere apologies, but I am concerned I may pass the virus to you and put your father at risk.

  Tyson Burke

  Today is just getting better by the minute. Luckily, it’s almost eleven pm so there’s not much time for anything more to go wrong.

  Ms. Paige Ellen – CEO Ellen Corporation

  Dear Tyson,

  I’m sorry to hear you are unwell. Thank you for thinking of my father and yes, I would prefer you stay home. Don’t worry about Laura, I will manage on my own. It’s just a simple meeting to discuss any changes needed in the program for the next year. I will record it so you can type it up at a later date.

  Ms. Ellen

  As I hit send, my phone starts ringing. Damn Tyson is obviously too impatient to wait for my reply. I freeze when I look down at the name on the screen.

  Captain Mason White – Pilot.

  Shit, what does he want?

  Fuck, how did he even get my number?

  It stops ringing.

  Good, now I don’t have to worry about what he wants. My palms are sweaty, my thoughts scattered. You idiot, of course he has your number, you’re his boss and he is your personal jet’s pilot.

  Tomorrow is going to be awkward.

  My phone chimes now with a text message.

  Mason: Answer your phone, Paige. I’m just going to keep calling.

  Paige: I’m asleep

  Mason: Yeah right, that’s why you’re replying.

  Paige: You woke me up.

  Mason: Liar

  The phone starts ringing.

  “How dare you call me a liar! You don’t even know me!” I blurt out, and then I feel panic, realizing he’s gotten what he’s after. I answered the stupid phone.

  “Now see, that’s the purpose of the phone call. Let’s get to know each other a little. I mean, it would be tragic for you to go a whole week with no life outside of work to talk about when you’re asked by someone. Now you can say I caught up with a friend for a chat. It was pleasant.”

  “I don’t have friends,” I snap back.

  “Now that’s where you’re wrong. I thought we were friends,” he replies with a little bit of cockiness in his voice.

  “What makes you think that?” I ask.


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