Private Pilot

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Private Pilot Page 5

by Karen Deen

“Well, we are on first-name basis, and usually that’s reserved for friends, isn’t it?” I don’t know how to answer that. “Come on, Paige, relax. Are you always this highly strung?” His voice sounds so smooth. I want to answer no, but the truth is, I don’t know how to be anything but high-strung. That’s how I live my life and it keeps me successful.

  “Do you want the truth?” I mumble.

  “Of course, friends don’t lie to each other.” Why is it every time he speaks tonight, I just keep blurting out words that I should be keeping to myself.

  “My whole life is permanently high-strung. I don’t know any other way. It’s the world I was raised in and it’s my normal. You probably think I’m a high-powered bitch like all the rest of them do.” I plunk my head on my pillow, pulling the blankets up over me to find comfort. Mason is exposing a part of me that I never let anyone see…my vulnerability. I don’t know how. I cut men off at the knees with my intimidating looks and sharp tongue, yet he talks, and I answer without hesitation.

  “Why would I think that, Paige? Like you said, we don’t know each other. The only Paige I know is the beautiful lady who travels with me on my jet many times a week. She’s pleasant when she speaks to me – although it’s not often. Up until earlier this week I wasn’t even sure she knew I existed. Although I have a sneaking suspicion her ass sway as she walks up the stairs is a little put on just for my viewing pleasure. Actually, even if it’s not, can you humor my ego and tell me it’s for me anyway?”

  I can’t help but laugh now. Not just a little giggle but a good laugh that you feel all over.

  “Now that sounds much better, like a Paige I’d really like to be friends with and get to know more.” Mason keeps talking, I think, to make sure I don’t hang up on him.

  “You are very sure of yourself, aren’t you? What if I said the ass sway was for Tyson?” I’m trying to control myself and keep a calm voice waiting for his reaction.

  “You crush my soul. I thought I had a chance against the little whiner, but now you’ve confirmed I should just pack up my toys and go home.” Everything he says is so lighthearted. He doesn’t seem to take anything seriously.

  “Well, don’t panic just yet. You can leave your toys in the playground and keep playing for a little while still. I can one hundred percent confirm that I would not be wiggling my ass for Tyson. Ever!”

  “Awesome, I knew it was all for me.” I imagine him fist-pumping the air.

  “I never said that.” He groans out loud into the phone. “Who sounds like the little schoolboy now?”

  “That would be me. The man whose ego has just been crushed. Can we talk about something else while I just sit here in my corner and sulk?” There’s an awkward silence for a moment.

  “Mason, why did you call me? I mean the real reason. You have never replied to any email before and then you just randomly call me.” There’s a reason I’m no good at this. I’m too direct. If I want to know something, I ask it. No beating around the bush.

  “Okay, like you said, do you want the truth?” he asks a little reluctantly.

  “I’ll answer just like you did, friends don’t tell lies, so yes, I want the truth.” I turn onto my side in bed and look out to the night sky, waiting for his answer.

  “I want to ask you out for a drink and dinner, but I knew you would turn me down if I just walked up to you on the jet and said ‘Hey can I take you for a drink and dinner,’ not to mention what your little boy Tyson would say or do. I’ve been trying to work out a way to get to know you. When your email popped up tonight, I decided, now or never, it’s worth a shot.” His voice has a hint of nervousness in it. Which surprises me. It’s hard not to picture him the confident guy. Then again, people say that about me, I’m sure.

  “Why did you assume I’d say no?”

  “Because you don’t know me, apart from being your pilot, plus you’re my boss. You’re always so busy. At least I got to talk to you tonight, make you laugh a little. Get you to admit your fine ass sways for me. Night made, really. Plus, I was worried about you on Monday, you looked sad.” The last part shocks me. I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone worry about me.

  Blankets tighten in my fist because I know I’m about to do something really stupid and totally out of character for me.

  “Ask me now,” I murmur.

  “Pardon?” Mason asks.

  “Ask me now,” I say with more confidence.

  “Paige, I hope you aren’t playing with me. You’ve already crushed my ego once tonight. But okay, here goes. Could I take you out for a drink and dinner one night soon?”

  My head says you’re crazy, but my stomach says it’s about time you do something crazy in your life for a change.

  “I think I would like that, Mason. It sounds like it might be fun.” We both start to laugh. “You know we sound like teenagers, right? Totally pathetic.” I’m giggling. Yes, actually giggling. I don’t think I’ve done that since I was a teenager.

  “Speak for yourself. I’m here acting like a sophisticated gentleman asking a beautiful lady on a date.” He then starts to laugh a deep, manly laugh. With that rasp to it that is certainly sexy.

  While I wait for him to stop laughing, it hits me that twice he’s made the comment that I’m beautiful. This guy is smooth. Smooth normally means dangerous.

  “Not sure I agreed to a date. I thought you asked me for a drink and dinner?” I need to put him back to the place where he is not too overconfident as to what this is. “Remember, friends having a drink.”

  “Okay, Paige, if that’s the way you want to play it, yes, friends having a drink. At least I got you to acknowledge we’re friends now. I get points for that.” I could lie here and listen to his voice all night. I know I need to cut this off, though.

  “You’re quite the negotiator. I’ll have you know you are up against a woman whose life centers around negotiating to get what she wants from people, without them even realizing it. So, I’ll give you this point, just don’t expect another one anytime soon.” I feel back to myself. This is a language I speak. I know how to keep ahead of the game.

  “I would love to see you in action in the boardroom. I have a feeling you would take no prisoners and win the war, all the time looking sexy as hell while you do it.”

  I sigh, contemplating that he sees me just like everyone else does. I’m not sure why it worries me that he does. Do I want him to know the real me? That would make it hard to keep him at a distance if I do.

  “Yeah, that’s me. Anyway, we have a flight in the morning. You need sleep so you can concentrate. I don’t want you falling asleep on me.”

  “There is one thing you can count on, Paige. I will NEVER put your safety at risk. Ever. I have gone days without sleep and flown dangerous missions behind enemy lines and never made a mistake. I don’t count on starting now. I will always keep you safe.” His voice sounds stern and a little offended.

  “I didn’t mean to upset you, Mason. I know you’re good at your job, otherwise I wouldn’t have hired you. I just mean, we both need sleep,” I try to soften things.

  “Sorry, I get carried away sometimes. You’re right, though, we both should get to sleep. I will see you in the morning. I enjoyed talking to you. I hope we can do it more now that we’re besties.” He sounds like he’s smiling as he says it.

  “You don’t give up, do you. Besties might be pushing it. I’ll see you tomorrow, Mason. Goodnight.” As he replies with goodnight and we hang up, I lie looking up at the ceiling with a smile plastered to my face. Many nights I stare at the ceiling of my bedroom trying to solve the problems of the world. Tonight, I’m just wondering what the hell I just did by agreeing to meet Mason for a drink. My heart is beating a little faster than normal. I’m not sure how easily I’ll get some sleep. Maybe I’ll just get some work done until I feel sleepy. At least I won’t be wasting time or be thinking about Mason.

  Well, maybe.

  Not sure he’ll be that easy to get out of my head now.

  ~r />
  “Thank you, Bent.” I slide out and stand next to the car. I go through my usual routine of smoothing my outfit, before starting the walk to the steps of the plane. I’m surprised to see only Mason standing waiting for me, without his copilot. Last night I thought of about ten different scenarios of how today will play out.

  Standing to attention with his glasses on is definitely one thing that ran through my head when I pictured this morning.

  “Captain White.” I nod as I get closer. The same way I would normally acknowledge him.

  “So that’s how we’re playing it this morning. I thought we agreed it’s Mason.” He smiles, not moving from his military stance.

  “Okay, Captain Mason, is that better?” I snigger as I keep walking straight up the stairs. My hips swaying way more than they usually do and in slower motion.

  With Bent still standing at the car and George almost next to him, all I can hear is a quiet groan from the captain this time. With no Tyson following behind me, he knows it’s all for him. I shouldn’t be teasing, but he deserves it for his brazenness this morning.

  Taking my seat in the jet, I start unloading my bag with all my electronics needed for the trip. He’s coming through the door much quicker than normal.

  “Bent tells me your little boy Tyson is sick this morning so he’s not flying with us. Such a shame.”

  “Don’t be awful, Mason. Tyson is a very valuable person on my team. His level of skill in organization and efficiency is one I appreciate.” I won’t let him become unprofessional just because we’ve moved to a different level.

  “Maybe so, but he needs an attitude adjustment. Anyway, how are you this morning, and how is your father feeling?” I can’t quite work out what it is between Mason and Tyson, but I know there is definitely trouble and no love lost between them.

  “He was still sleeping when I left, however Beth has the doctor coming by again this morning. She’ll keep me informed. Thank you for asking.” I open up my laptop, knowing I have plenty of work to get done this morning before we touch down. Mason takes the hint.

  “We are on schedule for the flight, and with the tail winds we should have you in Washington in plenty of time. I will leave you to your work and get us moving. Enjoy the flight.” Turning to walk away, he stops just before the door to the cockpit, looking over his shoulder. “Don’t worry, Paige, I had plenty of sleep, even if one of my besties kept me up chatting on the phone until late. I’m good to go for this flight.” Winking at me with his signature grin, he disappears into the cockpit. That man is trouble, I can already tell.

  The rest of the flight runs smoothly, and Mason pops out to chat when he supposedly needs to use the bathroom. I have to remind him, when he’s heading back to the cockpit after talking to me, that he hadn’t even made it to the bathroom. The thing is, the more time I spend talking to Mason, the easier it is. It seems we can talk about random things. Today he wanted to know, if I was eating ice cream what flavor I’d choose. When I told him I don’t eat it, he was horrified. Then we took ten minutes debating the pros and cons of ice cream as opposed to frozen yogurt. Where that conversation even came from, I have no idea.

  Touching down in Washington, my phone chimes as we’re pulling to a stop on the tarmac. A message from Beth letting me know my father has woken up a bit brighter this morning, and the doctor is happy with his progress. A sense of relief washes over me. He’s not out of the woods yet, but every bit of improvement is a welcome sign.

  Exiting the plane, Mason calls out to me to wait as he runs down the stairs after me.

  “Paige, I just wanted to catch you and let you know I’ve told the crew they’re all to stay with the plane today in case we need to depart in a hurry. You have my number, just message me and I’ll have the plane ready and standing by as you arrive.” Is this the professional Captain White doing his job, or the sweet Mason who is making sure I don’t worry so much during my meeting?

  “Thank you, Mason. I appreciate that. I expect the meeting will run for around two hours unless something out of the ordinary comes up. I will skip the lunch today and will message when I’m on my way back.” Nodding for the driver to open the door, Mason grabs my arm which startles me, and I stagger a little.

  “Paige, you need to eat. I’ll have Holly prepare lunch ready for you when you get back.” He looks at me with a ‘don’t argue’ face.

  What the fuck!

  “Mason.” I glare at him, and he pulls his hand back. “I am a grown woman who looks after herself. Thank you.” I don’t give him another word and take my seat in the car and signal for the driver to close the door.

  Leaving him standing there looking like he wants to rip the door open and have his say. Not a chance. No man tells me what to do. My father marginally gets away with it, but no other man will ever control me.

  The government officials I’m on my way to meet better be careful. I’m ready to tear someone’s head off now.

  Mason’s just lucky it wasn’t his.

  He needs to learn right from the start if he wants to be friends with me, he knows his place. The moment he steps over it, he’s gone. It’s probably why I don’t have friends. Like my father, I don’t have patience for bullshit. One strike, and you’re out.

  The skies are gray and overcast as the car heads toward the city for my thirty-minute trip. I’m checking and replying to emails. My inbox is never empty, and as fast as I clear them, they pour in from the top. There are a few from Tyson that he’s forwarded to me that are relevant to the meeting. Skimming through them, I notice that some of the numbers don’t seem right. I disregard them, knowing Tyson’s off his game being unwell. Logging into my personal files, I quickly gain the information I need and slot it into the report. I don’t want to let Tyson know he made a mistake. He doesn’t have to be working when he’s sick; obviously he’s trying to look after me, which I appreciate.

  “Sorry, Ms. Ellen, there seems to be an accident ahead, we’ll have to take an alternate route which will take a bit longer than anticipated. I will do my best to have you there on time.” It’s not his fault, but I can’t afford for today to stretch out too long. I want to be back in the air by early afternoon, heading back to Chicago, just in case.

  “Thank you, I appreciate your help. These things happen.” I shoot an email off to the meeting attendees advising that I may be late. I’m sure they’re used to the crazy traffic around Capitol Hill.

  I live a fast-paced life, and Chicago’s a busy city, but I know I wouldn’t want to live here. Even I feel like I’m suffocating with all the security and chaos that is Washington. Too many people, too much crazy.

  Sometimes I dream, one day I’ll retire to a country property with rolling green hills. No houses for as far as I can see. Horses in the corrals. A big wide porch wrapping around the house. A porch swing and lots of books in my library, to get lost in while on my swing. Summer nights sipping a glass of wine, listening to the sounds of the evening. Winter spent in front of an open wood fire, curled up on a fluffy rug with a dog that just wants to be loved. I have no idea where this dream comes from because I’ve never even visited a place like this. My whole life’s been in big cities. It just keeps popping into my head at times.

  The universe is trying to tell me something, otherwise it wouldn’t keep coming back to me. I’m just not sure I know what.



  THAT WOMAN IS SO fucking stubborn!


  I’m just trying to make sure she’s looked after. No wonder she thinks people call her a bitch with balls. That’s because she acts like it at times.

  I’m the boss on my plane!

  Holly will have lunch and wine ready for her when she returns whether she likes it or not.

  If she refuses, I’ll tell her I’m not flying the jet until she starts eating. She might think she is the master negotiator, but she can’t get around me. My years in the army have taught me many skills, including covert operations. Getting to where you need t
o be by stealth.

  She won’t even see me coming for her.

  By the time I’m finished, she’ll be in my arms, letting me take care of her. She’s a challenge, but this is a war I’m happy to take on. Just like Grayson said. Time for my Mason charm to weave its way into her life.

  Walking back on the plane, I hear Aaron making arrangements to leave for a short time to meet up with a lady.

  I see red!

  “Not a chance, dickhead! I told you we’re not leaving the plane today. Understand?” He picked the wrong day to push my buttons.

  “Whoa there, Captain, cool your jets. Didn’t realize it was that important. What’s got you all wound up like you’re about to explode?” He’s trying to be funny, but it’s not helping.

  “You! Why would I tell you earlier if it wasn’t important? You can be so fucking stupid sometimes, I even wonder how you passed your pilot’s exam. So put your dick back in your pants or go and choke it yourself for all I care. Just do not leave this aircraft. Got it?” My emotions are getting to the point I want to hit something. I don’t know what’s come over me. I haven’t lost my temper like this in a long time.

  Damn you, Paige. If this’s what a woman does to me, I’m not sure I want to go down this road.

  I need to cool off. Away from the crew. I’m usually carefree Mason, nothing ever gets me worked up. Walking into the bedroom at the back of the plane, I close the door and just sit on the bed and take a deep breath. Holding it in for a few seconds, slowly letting it go. A few more and my brain is finally calming down.

  I drop my head into my hands, eyes closed. What the hell just happened? I need to get a grip on such a knee-jerk reaction to something so trivial. Paige will think I’m a jerk.

  I look around the room, having never really paid much attention to it before. It’s just the bedroom of the jet, yet now I’m sitting on Paige’s bed that she sleeps in on long flights. I smooth my hand over the pillow. The same place she lays her head when she’s taking time out from the world.


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