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Private Pilot

Page 16

by Karen Deen

  “I’ll apologize to Gray for you, for calling his fiancée a Neanderthal. Now sort your shit out and get your ass to my place tonight. Be there around seven. Don’t chicken out. We have to meet her sometime and warn her off you.”

  “Tell me again why we’re friends. I have enemies I’m closer to than you.” Tate’s loud laugh echoes down the phone as we wind up the conversation and I promise to try my hardest to be there.

  I have no idea how Paige will feel about this, or if we’re even at that point yet. I’m sure she’ll let me know. I didn’t have time to really talk to her this morning. I’m aching to see her. After last night, it’s almost cruel not to be able to see or talk to her all day. I hate Tyson, but maybe I’ll have to make peace with him, then use him to get access to the boss lady on her busy days. Nah, it’s not worth the teeth-grinding. I’ll just go straight to Paige, and if she’s busy I’ll just have to suck it up and stop being a girl.

  Jumping out of the Jeep and grabbing my bag, I see Bent walking across the lot. I thought he would still be at work if Paige is working.

  “Hey, man, aren’t you working, or has the boss lady clocked off for the day?” On the inside I feel a little nervous for his answer. I’m confident she would have called, but it’s still early days.

  “No, she’s at the office in a meeting until later this afternoon, so I’m on my lunch break. Thought I’d just get a workout in.” Seems weird he would drive across town to do a gym session. “You about to head inside or just finished?”

  “Just arrived. Looks like you’re in luck.” Slapping him on the back, we both start towards the door.

  “You still living at the boss’s father’s place?” I just remembered that he told me last time that they were still there when I knew she wasn’t.

  “Yeah, man, her father’s still pretty sick. She’s sticking close.” He throws his bag into his locker without even batting an eyelid.

  What the fuck?

  He’s flat-out lying to me. There is something going on with Bent, and I need to find out what. They say keep your friends close and your enemies closer. We are about to become as close as any two men can be without being lovers. I’m watching, man, and you better be careful.

  We proceed to go through a full workout, while I’m quizzing him about his life, family friends, hobbies. All the usual stuff. Looking like I’m trying to make friends. I need to tell Paige, so she knows to be careful. I don’t want to upset her, though. It’s been a big few weeks for her. Maybe I’ll wait until later tonight, once I’ve relieved her stress from today, multiple times. My cock is instantly hardening, and my balls tightening, just thinking about what’s in store for them later. Down, boys, we need to get through a dinner with a different kind of pain coming… my so-called friends.

  “Do you know if we’re flying tomorrow?” Bent asks as we’re leaving. I’m not sure what I want to tell him.

  “Haven’t heard from the boss, yet. So possibly not. As always, I’ll be on standby. See you around.”

  Walking towards my Jeep, he calls out to me, “If we’re not, do you want to meet again tomorrow for a workout?” What are you up to, Bent? Why are you here with me making small talk?

  “Sure, message me then.” Closing the door on my Jeep, I’m pondering what’s going on with him.

  Driving home, I’ve put on music to calm the mind. I need to stop thinking the worst in situations. The last thing I want to do is turn this relationship that is just beginning with Paige, into something crazy. With me overdoing it and becoming obsessive. Running through a few mind exercises, I’m feeling a little calmer when my phone starts ringing.

  “Hey, beautiful. How’s your day going?” I try to keep the excitement out of my voice as the grin is plastered on my face already.

  “Ugh, crazy but okay. Have you missed me?” She sounds like she has.

  “Like you wouldn’t believe. A few times I’ve had to stop myself from walking into your office, putting you over my shoulder, and just walking out with you. Yelling she’s mine over my shoulder as I exit the building.” Her giggle fills my body with electricity. It’s like fuel for my soul.

  “All caveman style? Do you want me to wear a leopard-skin outfit to look the part? You know, and wear my hair up with a bone pushed through it as a clip. I can get my staff to beat drums as you carry me off into the sunset to your cave. How’s that sound?”

  “Now that’s a fantasy that we are acting out. Start looking for that outfit online right now, woman. Make sure you buy me a loin cloth too. Extra-large size. We don’t want any escaping serpents to scare the staff.”

  “Wow, that escalated quickly.” I can hear the happiness in her voice to be talking to me.

  “You started this one, Tiger. So, how are you really?” I ask, pulling into my parking spot at home.

  “Better now I’m talking to you. I have an appointment at the beautician’s in about an hour, and then I think I’ll leave for the day. For once I think there’s somewhere I’d rather be than here in the office. To be honest, I never thought I’d say those words. If my father could hear me, I would be crucified.”

  “Mmm I’m still stuck on the vision of what’s happening at that appointment. Can’t wait to check that out later. Okay, trying to snap out of these visions that are very distracting. Now let me guess where that place you might like to be instead of work is? Actually, I don’t care where it is, as long as I’m there too.”

  “They don’t call me a tiger for nothing. I will hunt you down if you aren’t. I need you. I can’t believe how much I’ve missed being in your arms today. What have you done to me, Mason? It’s like you’ve put a spell on me with that magic wand of yours.”

  “He’s magic, alright. No spell, baby. Like I told you last night. Once we cemented the connection we were fighting, I knew there would be no turning back even if we tried. Now, where are we getting naked, your place or mine? Because my cock is already protesting to having clothes on while I’m waiting for you.” The skip in her breath tells me she’s feeling a little discomfort too.

  “You keep that up and I won’t be able to wear G-string panties to work anymore.” Her voice is all soft and quiet.

  “Like fuck you’re wearing nothing. I’m buying you big granny undies to wear when you aren’t with me.”

  “You wish. Not a chance you will get me anywhere near them. Silk and lace all the way for this princess.”

  My hands are now adjusting my cock, trying to ease the pain, while the vision of her in silk and lace standing before me is flashing through my head. “Unless you plan on coming home right this minute to relieve my pain, you need to change the subject.” She’s laughing out loud at the discomfort in my voice.

  “Now tell me where I’m fucking you, and then go do what bosses do while I count down the minutes.”

  “Mason, you can’t say that,” she exclaims.

  “Oh, I can, and I did. Now, where am I seeing you and that beautiful pussy this afternoon?”

  Her groan tells me she might be pretending she wants to scold me, but really, she is loving every single word.

  “My place, meet me there at four. And Mason?”

  “Yeah, baby?” I wait for her answer.

  “Don’t be late, otherwise I might have to start without you.” Laughing to herself.

  “Like fuck…” is all I get out before she hangs up.

  A woman who drives me wild in the best possible way.

  I won’t be late, Tiger, let’s just hope for my cock’s sake you’re early!


  “I could handle that kind of afternoon meeting every day. Think I might need to block out my work calendar. Hmm, what would I list it as?” Paige looks at me, still with her blushed cheeks after one very hot sex session. Lying together on her couch, naked, is one way I’d be happy to spend my afternoons.

  “Let’s see, you could put ‘Fuck fest with my man’ or maybe ‘Playing with my pilot.’ No, no, I’ve got it. Wait for it… use the code PPP.” Laughing at my own wor
ds she’s already rolling her eyes.

  “Do I want to know what that even stands for?” Her hands are slowly stroking my chest as she lies on top of me between my legs, her head on my chest.

  “Oh, you most certainly do.” Starting to run my hands on either side of her breasts, I feel her shiver.

  “‘Pilot Pleasuring Paige’ or alternatively ‘Paige Pleasuring Pilot.’ They both work for me.” Pulling her up my body farther, I take her lips again. I can never get enough of this woman’s kisses.

  “You’re right. I’m totally on board with that. No denying my pilot sure knows how to pleasure me. In more ways than he realizes.” Her face softens as she says it.

  “Tell me?” I stroke her cheek and her head sinks into my hand.

  “It’s so much more than this pleasure. You’re so much more. Today I realized it just speaking to you. You make me feel whole. It’s so fast and scary but so right.” Her voice isn’t much more than a whisper.

  “I feel it too, baby, it seems fast, but we both know it’s been there all along. Now we’ve just set it free.” Her body relaxes completely into me. “It’s not just you. We are both in this one hundred percent.” Lying together, we’re taking it all in. Letting our souls mold into one.

  “Paige, talking about things happening fast, I have to ask you something,” I say, bringing her out of her quiet thinking.

  “Should I be worried?”

  “No, but then again I could probably answer yes to the same question. My friends are all getting together for pizza night tonight and they want us to come. They want to meet you.”

  “They know about me?” She looks at me like it’s a shock.

  “Baby, I’ve been pining after you for months, they sort of guessed.” Giggling, she smiles.

  “Well, how bad is it going to be?” Already I’m relaxing at the thought that she isn’t freaking out.

  “Oh, bad. They all think they’re hilarious, and me having a girlfriend is going to be the aim of their jokes all night long. Don’t worry, Grayson will have his fiancée Tilly with him. You will love her. She owns and runs an event planning company. She doesn’t take any crap from the boys and puts them in their place, real quick. Just like I picture you doing. So, will you come?” It’s like asking her on a date the amount of nerves racing around my body.

  “Of course, I will. I can’t wait to meet the people who make you smile. But be warned, I’m used to dealing with men on a corporate level, not as friends. This is all new to me, which is embarrassing to say.”

  “You’ll be perfect, I have no doubt.” Kissing her forehead, I reach for my phone on the coffee table. Not wanting her to move, I place my hand on her back to keep her there.

  I dial Tate on speaker phone.

  “Hey there, lover boy. Manage to convince your boss lady that she needs to meet me tonight to realize I’m a better option?” Smiling at Paige, I’m glad to see she isn’t fazed at all.

  “I haven’t met you yet, but I doubt your cock has anything on Mason’s, so trust me, it doesn’t sound like a better option to be downsizing.” I almost throw Paige off my body I’m laughing so hard.

  “Welcome to the crew, boss lady, you’ll fit in just fine. But fuck, Mas, you’re dead to me, man, a bit of warning would’ve been nice. Sorry, Paige, that you’ve settled with my friend, but your choice, I suppose.”

  “Tate, you are not even close to being able to handle my girlfriend. She is so far out of your league, man.”

  “Far out, not another one. You and Gray are going to be painful to be around. I’m losing my wingmen, and this is a full-blown catastrophe.”

  “I beg to differ, actually. Perhaps it could benefit you with a whole new target group, Tate.” Paige easily joins into the banter, looking very pleased with herself.

  “Mason, did I tell you how much I like your girlfriend, even before I’ve met her?”

  “Stop brown-nosing, Tate. We’ll both be there tonight, try to behave yourself. Actually, no, be your normal annoying self. I’ll look forward to seeing Tilly and Paige put you in your place.” Paige snuggles into my chest telling me without a doubt, tonight is going to be perfect.

  “For fuck’s sake, Mason, you’re supposed to be on my team. I’m doomed.” He’s laughing, knowing it’s all just in fun.

  “Nope, you have Lex, good luck with that. See you tonight.” I hit the end button, knowing we have a little more time up our sleeve. My mind goes straight to what we will be doing to keep ourselves busy.

  “I think we need to shower before we leave,” I suggest, giving her the look that she totally sees straight through.

  “Not sure shower sex is classified as getting clean.” She pushes herself up off me to stand. “But I bet you can find a solution to this dilemma.”

  “Shower, now. I’m going to make you filthy and then enjoy the cleaning that comes after.”

  “That’s right, you get to come after me.” Her cheeky grin lights me up as she turns to leave. “Ouch!” she squeals, running up the stairs after me smacking her on the ass.

  “That’s just the beginning, Tiger, you better run a bit faster.” I walk behind her, watching her naked body running up the stairs. Now that’s a sight I could get used to.

  I feel like the tiger chasing his prey. Ready to devour her.

  Suddenly, I feel very hungry again.


  “Are you ready for this? We can leave and go back to my place?” I ask, my hand squeezing her thigh.

  “Mason, I have addressed rooms of five hundred people, chaired board meetings for thirty where I’m the only woman. I’m sure I can handle your friends.” Her smile is a little less confident than her words.

  “Okay then, let’s do this.” I don’t tell her I think all of her examples were just a warmup to dinner with the guys.

  Opening her door, I take her hand, pulling her into me. Kissing her within an inch of her life.

  “What was that for?” She looks at me, flushed and starry eyed.

  “No matter how much they tell you stupid stories about me, just remember how that feels and we will get through this.” Stepping back, Paige is too busy laughing at me while we’re walking to the apartment building. It helps with the nerves that she won’t admit to having.

  When the door opens to Tilly’s face, it’s a big relief.

  “Hi, Mason, and you must be Paige.” Leaning up to give me a kiss on the cheek and hug, Tilly turns straight to Paige to do the same. “Don’t worry, I’ve lectured them to be on their best behavior. Otherwise, they answer to me.” As Tilly moves aside so we can enter, I hear Tate from inside.

  “Only Grayson answers to you because he’s whipped. Lex and I are real men.” Clinking his beer bottle with Lex, they’re all looking up from the couch.

  “Gentlemen and Tate, this is my girlfriend, Paige Ellen, do not scare her away.” I pull her into my side. “Yes, Tate, and before you say a word, she’s also my boss.” Standing up and coming to greet Paige, Tate is still grumbling at being excluded, while the others are laughing.

  “Anyone who thinks this ugly guy is worth spending their working day with, and then back it up and see him again after hours, has to be crazy. Which means you will fit in just fine with us. Welcome, Paige.” Tate leans over, kissing her on the cheek and giving her a hug. “All jokes aside, we are happy for you both. Can I get you a glass of something?” Tate nods at me to ask if I want a beer, and I give a chin lift to agree. Paige is happy drinking the same wine as Tilly.

  Within twenty minutes, it’s like Paige has been here all along, laughing and joining in the stories while we all devour the pizzas. Deep inside is this feeling of contentment like I’ve never known. To have a woman who makes me so happy and seeing her with my family. Life doesn’t get much better than this.

  “Seriously, Lex, you need to lighten up. You’ve been grumpy for weeks. You need to either spit it out or get over it,” Tate throws his comment across the room to Lex who has been sitting there quietly most of the night.

nbsp; “Who made you the boss? Can’t I just sit here and mind my own business? I’m enjoying getting to know Paige. God help us if you aren’t the center of attention for once,” Lex says, throwing one of the cushions across at him.

  “Tate, why are you such an edgy dick lately?” I ask. “You keep on at Lex, yet you’re bounding around like you don’t know where to put your feet. So, what’s up your ass too? Do we need to lay you both down on the couch for a talk to Doctor Mason? Tell me all your big dark secrets.” I’m trying to lighten the moment, and Lex gives me the look of thanks.

  “Like I’d lay down anywhere with you. Out of all the people in this room, who actually are doctors, you aren’t one of them.”

  “Now, now. I’m very good at listening to problems and solving them.” By this stage, Gray and Tilly are trying not to laugh too much in the corner.

  “Okay, what’s the cure for an itch?” Tate blurts out.

  “Ah well, young Tate, that’s a simple one. You scratch it.”

  “What if you can’t scratch it with the one thing you really want to.” Tate’s voice is a little more serious now.

  “Do you mean the one person?” I ask. The room goes quiet for a second.

  Standing, Tate starts towards the kitchen. “Who’s up for another drink?” Glancing at each other, we know the conversation is over, Tate has shut it down.

  “No thanks, I have some important meetings tomorrow,” Paige replies.

  “I’m out. Just in case I have to fly. My boss gets funny about drunk flying. Apparently, it’s dangerous and hazardous to her health.” I smile at Paige on my lap, who gives me a smirk.

  “I would say it’s just hazardous to her health being with you, full stop.” Lex smiles as he gets his joke in.

  “Me either, I’m on call tomorrow, so I need to be ready in case I get an early one.” Grayson, the woman whisperer, as we call him. Babies and women rule his life, even more than his fiancée.

  “Give me another one, who cares if I’m hungover in court tomorrow. Not like the damn jury is going to make a decision anytime soon.” Lex lifts his empty beer bottle to signal another one.


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