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Private Pilot

Page 18

by Karen Deen

  “You’re going to hold the four-year age gap over my head for the rest our lives, aren’t you? What are you going to do next year when you’re dating a forty-year-old woman? Oh my god, that will be terrible.” Even to me, I feel old saying I’m about to turn forty. “Actually, this could be good for me. They say you are only as old as the man you’re feeling. I can stay younger forever.” Out of the corner of my eye, I see him smirking.

  “Oh yeah, baby, you can feel me up anytime you need to feel young. Even when I’m eighty, my cock will still be ready and waiting.” He’s full of fun this morning; I could get used to my mornings starting like this.

  “Who would’ve thought my mild-mannered pilot is such a dirty man behind closed doors.” Coming up behind me, he wraps his arms around my waist, kissing my cheek.

  “Only for you, Tiger, only for you. I better get out of here. I need to have the plane ready for the very important passenger I have on board today. Have a good day at work.” Giggling, I turn to give him one last kiss before he walks out.

  As he’s picking up his bag and heading out of my room, I call out one last thing, “No flirting with the passengers today. I have eyes watching you at work. I’ll know if you start playing games with the passenger,” hoping that’s exactly what he’ll do.

  “No fair,” he yells back. “My boss is so fucking hot, it’s hard not to. Don’t be late.” Laughing to himself, I hear him heading down the stairs and eventually the elevator closing.

  Leaning on the vanity, I look into the mirror. Really look at myself. How life has changed.

  My eyes are sparkling with happiness. There’s a glow on my cheeks and just the overall look of contentment. I thought my life was full and happy before, being the high-powered CEO. Chasing highs off winning deals and being successful. That drive is still there but now it’s balancing with a whole other part of my life. Surely my work can only benefit from this. I have the perfect world. A job where I travel a lot, yet I get to have Mason with me for every single trip. Once our relationship is in the open, I can take him to functions when I’m away and we can stay together. We don’t have to juggle two different jobs and still try to find time together. I just hope this can happen soon. I can’t lie, this whole embezzlement is still a huge concern. Someone attacking me and the company from the inside is devastating. I’m looking forward to the weekend to see what we can piece together with Franco.

  One last look and I’m happy with the results. Gray pinstriped straight skirt, a little shorter than usual. Cream silk blouse with my tailored jacket. The best part is my bright yellow heels that match my scarf. Mason is going to love this outfit. Let’s see how his non-flirting at work goes today.

  I have a quick conference call to do in my home office before leaving for the plane this morning. Walking downstairs and entering my office, I notice the light is already on. Mason must have been in here while I was in the shower. That man is sneaky. On my desk is a plate with fruit and yogurt, a note next to it.

  My darling Paige

  Every day is so much better

  since you came into my life.

  Please eat breakfast.

  See you soon

  Mason xo

  How am I supposed to get on this phone call and be all businesslike, when he leaves me mushy love notes? Every day I’m falling that much harder for this man. I quickly take a selfie of me eating a strawberry dipped in the yogurt. My lips wrapped around it. He will thank me later for that image, and I’m sure it will be worth it.


  Phone meeting done, I walk out of the elevator on my way out of the building to my car that’s waiting. I notice a woman I haven’t seen before in the building. She’s struggling with a stroller, carrying a tiny baby girl and a toddler boy hanging on to the stroller, a coffee and shopping bags in her other hand. As she’s getting closer, a strange sense of knowing her comes over me. Looking more intently at her, I know I’ve never seen her before, but for some reason she’s familiar.

  “Can I help you at all? Let me hold the elevator until you can get everything in.”

  Her look of surprise when I speak to her is strange. “Thank you,” her timid voice says as she looks up at me.

  “I haven’t seen you around before, I’m Paige Ellen. Have you just moved in?”

  She just nods at me as she’s shuffling towards the elevator and waiting for it to return to the foyer. “A little while ago. Umm, just me and the kids. We don’t get out much.” The doors open, and she’s quickly pushing the stroller inside, and I’m left there a little mystified at this woman and her body language. Something just isn’t right.

  “Thank you,” is all I get as she pushes the button for her floor and the door closes.

  What a strange moment.

  Walking now to the car, my mind is drifting. Maybe she’s just had a tough night with the kids, or isn’t feeling well. Bent’s voice pulls me from my thoughts, “Good morning, Ms. Ellen.”

  “Morning, Bent, thank you.” I slide into my seat as usual. “Morning, Tyson. Thank you.” I take my coffee from him.

  “Ms. Ellen. Who was the lady you were helping?” He’s looking at me weirdly.

  “A neighbor, why?” I say, not giving him much.

  “Just curious. She seemed a little rattled when she was heading into the building.” I feel bad now for thinking he was being nosy. He was just like me and concerned she looked like life was a little hard this morning.

  “Yes, she was struggling with the stroller, I don’t know her, she must be new.” I look at my phone to see Mason’s cheeky reply to my strawberry picture.

  “So, she didn’t tell you her name then?”

  “No, Tyson, she didn’t. Why all the questions this morning?” He’s starting to irritate me, and I’m thinking maybe I need to start looking for a new PA. He hasn’t done anything wrong as such, he’s just not the right fit for me anymore. Over the last few months, he has changed and gotten weird. Lots of questions, a little nosy into my personal affairs, and then his thing with Mason is not healthy. For some reason, he gets all weird and competitive for my attention when he’s around. He’s not my type at all, and the weird thing is, we got along fine until Mason started working for me. Maybe he just needs to grow up. He’s only twenty-eight, so much younger than me. I’m unsure what he thinks would ever happen between us, though. I’ll talk to Franco on the weekend about a change if he thinks it’s possible at the moment, or I need to just put up with him for a while longer.

  “Just trying to be nice. Sorry. I’ll be quiet.” In my head I’m thinking yes, that’s an awesome idea. But being the boss means you have to manage your staff.

  “It’s okay, sorry, just got a lot on my plate at the moment. Now, let’s get into work for the day.” The trip then falls into the normal morning routine. In my head, though, for the first time I can ever think of, I’m thinking thank god it’s Friday.

  “That order for the government supply, will it be ready to ship next week?” I ask. “We can’t have delays on it.” Scanning across the orders planned for the month, I know the one next week is the one we’re watching. It needs to go according to plan. We can’t afford for any delays. Franco has put a lot of behind-the-scenes work to track every movement and login that touches this file.

  “Yes, as far as I know. I’ll check manufacturing to make sure. What day do you want me to let them know is the last possible date for shipping?”

  “Wednesday. No excuses. I want it shipped.” I add into my personal spreadsheet with Franco the details of the conversation I’ve just had with Tyson. We are logging every single detail. Even though we don’t know who it is, I feel more confident we’re getting somewhere just by trying to attack the problem head-on.

  Starting on some normal work for the day, my phone starts buzzing, and smiling, I answer seeing it’s Tilly.

  “Hi Tilly, how are you?”

  “Morning, Paige, I’m great this morning. How are you doing? Flying off to anywhere interesting today?” Her voice is al
ways so bubbly when we speak.

  “I’m just in the car on the way to the jet now with my PA and driver. Off to Boston for the day. Should be back later this afternoon. What’s your day look like?” Looking out the window, I see the reflection of my smiling face.

  “Okay, I get the code, no mention of names, I’ve got your back. Anyway, I’ve got a lunchtime women’s small charity event, then I’m off tonight. Which is why I’m calling. We don’t have any functions tonight, so Fleur is off too. We thought it a great opportunity for a girls’ night out. Before you say you’re busy with your man, tell him I said he can meet up with the boys at my place. They’re babysitting my neighbor Hannah’s little girl Daisy, so Hannah can come along. Bella, Grayson’s sister, will be there too. You have to come. They are all dying to meet the newest member of the girl squad.” We’re both laughing now at the thought of the squad that’s needed to keep the four alpha males in check. Their big egos and personalities run wild, and it looks like we have been chosen to bring them back to earth. I’m not sure what Mason has planned for tonight, but he’ll have to wait. I don’t think I’ve had a girls’ night out since just after college. It’s well overdue.

  “I’m in. There will be complaining but nothing I can’t handle. Pretty sure I know how to negotiate a deal.”

  “That’s my girl, dangle the carrot, but only if he’s a good boy does he get his treat. Told you that you would start to love the spontaneity of this life.” Tilly is laughing at me now.

  “We’re pulling up to the jet now, so I’ve got to go. Just message time and place, and I’ll meet you there. By myself, I promise.”

  “Perfect, I can’t wait. You tell him from me, if I see him there, he’ll be in trouble from me too. Us girls must stick together. Safe flight. See you tonight.”

  “Thanks, Tilly, I have the best pilot, I never have to worry. See you then.” I can’t help giggling a little when I mention Mason. Tilly will know exactly how safe I am.

  Ending the phone call, I can’t believe how excited I am for my night out. I’ll miss Mason, but I’m sure he’ll make up for it when I make it home. Looking out the window, I see my man standing waiting for me. All sexy in his uniform. Glasses in place. I may have let it slip how much they make me all hot and bothered. He told me they’re his new favorite accessory of his uniform. As usual, we then got into a stupid debate about them not being part of the uniform. I won, and it was well worth the bet.

  This is the first flight we’ve taken since Mason and I’ve become a couple. It’s going to be hard being around him and not touching him. Talking and laughing as freely as we normally do. Even when we aren’t hiding our relationship, I still won’t be able to do big public displays of affection. I am the boss, after all. Small signs of affection will be okay. Although I know I won’t be the problem, Mason will. Especially if Tyson is standing nearby. Hand holding and small kisses will be the limit. Who am I kidding, Mason doesn’t do small kisses.

  Bent opens my door, and I can see the small grin on Mason’s face as my yellow shoes step out of the car. I don’t need to know where his eyes are looking behind his glasses. They’ll be firmly fixed on me. Every step I take towards him, my heart is skipping a happy beat. Trying to keep my composure.

  “Morning, Captain Mason.” I give him a smile, slowly walking past him.

  “Morning, Paige, nice day for a flight.” He gives me the usual nod.

  I make sure I’m swaying nice and slowly up the stairs just for him. This is going to be fun.

  Settling in for the flight while I wait for Mason to come on board, Tyson seems to be messaging rather aggressively the way he’s tapping his phone.

  “Everything okay there, Tyson?”

  He looks up a little guilty. “Umm yes, just some stupid people in this world.” Looking down again, he’s back to it.

  I’m not going to ruin my day with his weird shitty mood.

  “Okay then.” Fastening my belt, I look up to Mason as he walks into the cabin, taking his glasses off and giving me a quick wink while Tyson is preoccupied. It’s as good as a kiss when we can’t touch. My smile lets him know I’m thinking the same.

  Once he’s in the cockpit and Holly is securing the door, I know he can’t come back out as he’ll be going through preflight checks with Aaron. Nasty of me, but now is the perfect time to let him know about my girls’ night.

  Paige: Sorry I can’t see you tonight. I’m busy.

  That’ll be enough to get him going. No clues at all.

  Mason: Never too busy for me, baby. Not happening.

  Paige: As the pilot, should you be texting?

  Mason: No, but my girlfriend is being frustrating, so I’ve stopped the plane. Tell me what’s going on?

  Paige: I’ve been invited on a girls’ night with Tilly and her friends. No boys allowed!

  Mason: Like hell, those girls are trouble. They will corrupt you.

  Paige: You aren’t the boss remember.

  Mason: Don’t start that shit.

  Mason: We need to take off. You know I’m only joking. Still need to come home to me after.

  Paige: Always!

  Paige: PS you won’t be home. You’re all babysitting Daisy.

  Paige: Can we please take off sometime today? I have a meeting to get to.

  Mason: You know what happens to naughty girls??

  Paige: Absolutely! I’m counting on it. Now FLY!!!!

  Paige: xo

  Mason: Flying now with blue balls. Thanks to you!!

  “What is taking so long to start moving? The engines started ages ago. Such a hopeless pilot,” Tyson mumbles under his breath. Normally I would bite and defend Mason. I figure it’s not worth it. Who cares what Tyson thinks!

  Shooting a quick text message off to Tilly to tell her about Mason’s reaction, all I get back are three laughing-crying emojis. I love this woman. Like me, her work life is busy, so those three faces let me know she thinks it’s funny but no time to chat. It’s a new thing for me to have a friend to share little parts of my day with. Tonight’s going to be fun.

  Just as I’m about to turn my phone to flight mode, her message comes through.

  Tilly: Tonight – Love Street cocktail bar. 7 pm or whenever you get there if you land late

  Paige: Perfect

  One word is all I have time for. The plane is now moving as I switch to flight mode and get ready for my man to get us in the air. Laying my head back on the headrest, I close my eyes and think about tonight, both the early evening drinks followed by the punishment in the late evening, if I’m lucky.

  Lord, I hope I’m lucky.



  “LIKE FUCK,” I MUMBLE under my breath but obviously not low enough.

  “You all right over there, Captain?” Aaron looks at me, questioning my outburst.

  “Yeah, just give me a minute.” I message Paige back. There is no way I’m not seeing her tonight. I’ve been with her every night since we got together. I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. I know it’s not logical, I just don’t want to be away from her at the moment. I still haven’t told her about my nightmares. The thing is, since we’ve been sleeping in the same bed with her wrapped in my arms, safe every night, I’m sleeping the best I have since I came home from my deployment. Maybe that’s all I needed. Paige is my magic.

  Shit, this can only end in tears. A girls’ night with Tilly, Fleur, and Bella. Nothing good can come of this for me. The more Paige becomes friends with them, the more stories they will share. The reality of it is, though, it makes me happy she’s finding friends. Women who I know are good people and spending time with her because they enjoy her company. Yes, she’s my girlfriend, but that’s not the reason for the invite; she and Tilly seem to have a great connection.

  Messaging with Paige always seems to get off track quickly. Bringing a smile to my face, we finish with the promise of a night of hot sex after her night out. I just hope she’s sober enough to be able to keep her promise.

“Hey, lover boy, are we going to start taxiing anytime soon? The ground staff are about to throw their batons at the plane.” Aaron tosses a ball of paper at me.

  “Real grown up.”

  “Coming from the man who is texting his girlfriend, the same one who is sitting in the same plane as us, who we aren’t supposed to know is his girlfriend.” Laughing, he starts radioing the tower to let them know we are on the move as I start taxiing the jet to the runway. I don’t care if they know. They’re my crew and they are professional enough to keep it to themselves.

  “I can neither confirm nor deny your accusations. Now let’s get moving.” Aaron rolls his eyes at me, and we both turn our attention to the job at hand.

  Once we’re at cruising altitude, I want to see Paige. Leaving Aaron with the auto pilot activated, I head to the bathroom. I pass her sitting with Tyson, deep in conversation about something on their laptops. His head is close to hers and I just want to grab him, draw a line around Paige and tell him this is her personal space. Enter it and I will hurt you. Of course I can’t, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to.

  Instead of going into the toilet in the main part of the plane, I continue to her bedroom and the bathroom. Using the pen in my pocket, I grab a hand towel and write her another love note.


  Nice yellow heels

  They did the trick, drove me wild.

  The things I want to do to you in them is not for public viewing


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