Private Pilot

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Private Pilot Page 22

by Karen Deen

  “What! I’m not the first boy coming home to meet the family? I’m shattered.” He thinks he’s so funny.

  “No, believe it or not, in my thirty-nine years I’ve actually dated others. Just none have survived the family,” I say, trying so hard to keep a straight face. “They run scared. My father’s pretty intense.”

  “Tiger, I’m sure he is, he raised you. But understand this: Nothing will ever scare me away from loving you. Understand? No matter what he says or how he tries to chase me off, I’m not letting you go. I told you yesterday. You’re my forever girl. If he doesn’t like it, well, then he’d better learn how to change his attitude real quick.”

  I can feel him getting a little tense. “Breathe, Mason, I was joking. Although it’s kinda hot when you go all alpha over me.”

  “Well, I’m not joking. I mean it. Plus, just for the record, I’m happy to go all ‘alpha’ over you anytime, baby. You know that. Now can we not talk dirty anymore? I don’t want to walk in to see Franco, while sporting a raging hard-on, which seems to happen a lot around you, gorgeous.”

  “I can help with that if you like.”

  “No! Hands off,” he yells instantly.

  “Oh, not so funny now the shoe’s on the other foot, is it, Magic Man.” I lean back to my side of the car giving him time to concentrate.

  “Not sure you’ve worked out the punishment game for that sassy mouth of yours yet.” His sly grin is adorable.

  “Oopsie, my bad. I’m sorry, Captain Mason. Am I a naughty girl?” My sweet and innocent voice completely changes his facial expression.

  “Fuck, Tiger. Can you just sit there and not say a word until we get there? You’re killing me here. I’m going to have to drive around the block until my cock settles. Now behave or I’ll spank you. But it will be on the hood of my Jeep out front of your uncle’s house.”

  “You wouldn’t!”

  “Keep talking like that and just watch me.”

  I’m not sure if he’s joking or not, but I’m not game to test the theory.

  The last ten minutes, we’re driving in silence while listening to music. A few times, I want to sing along, but I don’t want to embarrass myself, more than I already have, apparently. According to Mason, my rendition of Eye of the Tiger that night left a lot to be desired. I doubt that’s the case, but I’m not arguing.

  “It’s the red-brick house up here on the left. With the beautiful gardens. My Aunt Veronica loves to garden, and she used to let me help plant the flowers in the spring. I remember every year waiting to see whose patch would flower first. I’ve been very blessed with the people who helped raise me.”

  “I think you were a gift to them, too. I can’t wait to see photos of you as a little girl with dirty hands and knees. A little hard to imagine, little miss perfect playing in the dirt.”

  “You have no idea. You better behave or you may never see those photos.”

  “I don’t need photos to prove you are a dirty little girl, Tiger.” Jumping out of the Jeep, he’s laughing at his own joke as he comes around to my door.

  Taking his hand, I slide out.

  “Alongside that huge ego in your head is a big fan club for your own jokes, isn’t there? Wow, it must get crowded in there. Not sure you can fit me in your world, Mason.” I walk past him smiling.

  “And the sass just keeps coming, tonight is going to be very interesting.”

  My head has been spinning since I got the message from Franco yesterday, yet with everything that’s happened since, and Mason trying his hardest, I’ve managed to get through without letting my thoughts consume me.

  The front door swings open and Aunt Veronica is racing down the stairs towards us.

  “Christ, woman, let them get inside first,” Franco yells from the door.

  “Hush, you,” she calls over her shoulder as she continues barreling straight for me.

  “My Paigey, how is my beautiful girl?” This woman is the closest I have to a mother, and I’m reminded of how great she is. I need to make more time to visit.

  “Hi, Aunt Veronica, it’s so good to see you. You look fantastic.”

  “Now you’re lying, but I’ll take it anyway. Now who is this handsome man here? You might have passed the Uncle Franco test, but the Aunt Veronica test is much harder,” she teases, already giggling at her own joke. The rest of us know she’s too soft to hurt a fly.

  “Ignore her, Mason my boy,” Franco says. “She’s just trying to get a hug from a young man who is way better-looking than me. Get in here, woman, we have work to do.”

  Mason, laughing, leans down and kisses her on the cheek, taking her in a big hug. It puts a big smile and a little blush on her face.

  “Lovely to meet you, Veronica. Paige was just telling me about growing up with you. You are just like I imagined.”

  “Oh, I like this one, sweetie, we might keep him.” She wraps her arm around his waist and walks inside.

  “Umm, I guess I’m on my own then,” I call out from behind them.

  “Yep,” she calls back and keeps steering Mason towards the steps.

  He looks over his shoulder, winking at me and just checking I’m okay.

  “I see how it is. Just remember, you were my aunt first, you traitor.” All of us are laughing as we enter the house. Mason stands holding the door for me. He gives me a quick kiss on the cheek as I pass and closes the door behind me.

  The smells of my childhood envelop my senses. They take me back to a time of feeling carefree and loved. I wasn’t worrying about running a huge company and caring for an aging father whose health isn’t the best. Nor was I fighting against an asshole who is embezzling money from me. Take me back to the times of baking cookies, glasses of milk, and playing princess dress-up in the garden. Oh, how I have forgotten all of these memories. It’s sad that my life has gotten so crazy that I’ve left so much behind. I didn’t realize until this moment what I’ve been neglecting in my life, or more to the point, who I’ve been neglecting. I need to make some changes in my life. Mason’s hand on my lower back snaps me out of my thoughts.

  “You okay, baby?” he whispers in my ear.

  “Yeah, just realized what I’ve been missing. Time to make some hard decisions and take more time for me, whether my father likes it or not.”

  “You’re the boss. You do what you need to do. Including penciling on the calendar your afternoon PPP meetings. They are vitally important to your sanity.”

  “Argh yes, to relieve the stress of my boyfriend who is slowly sending me insane.”

  “Can you two stop making googly eyes at each other and get into the kitchen? I have food, and Paige, you look like you need a good feed.”

  Mason rolls his eyes at me and we both laugh and walk down the hallway towards the amazing aroma that is making my mouth water.

  “There better be chocolate chip cookies or I’m going to drop to the ground and throw a tantrum.” I kiss Uncle Franco on the cheek as I sit down next to him on the seat Mason pulls out for me.

  “Now there’s a story for you, son. This one was the best little tantrum thrower I’ve ever seen. All over these chocolate chip cookies and not being allowed to eat a plateful.” Franco is getting ready to start the stories.

  “If you want me to keep all your secrets, I suggest you keep mine. Now, where’s my glass of milk and that plate of cookies with my name on it?” Everyone starts laughing and the conversation continues on stories of me growing up and the part of my life spent in this house with them.

  After my Aunt Veronica finished filling me full of her food and both she and Uncle Franco reveal way too much about my childhood, I have to face the music.

  “We should get started on work… give me the bad news.” Mason’s hand sitting on my leg gives a squeeze to let me know he’s right here with me.

  “That’s my cue to leave you people to the serious discussion. I’ll be out on the deck reading, if anyone needs me.” With that she’s up and clearing the table.

  “Let’s h
ead into my office. I have everything set up in there.” I feel like I’m heading into war. Mason sits on the chair next to mine and pulls it close. He can feel the tension coming off me.

  “Paige, relax,” my uncle says. “Everyone in this room is on your team. We are going to get this bastard and then you can move on, not having to worry. Now, I’m going to give you everything I’ve found and let you see how I’ve drawn my conclusions and see if we agree on the answer.”

  Nodding and grabbing my notepad and pen, Mason looks just as tense as me. I know the business part won’t interest him, but the who and my safety will be what he wants to know.

  “About twelve months ago, there were a few transactions on the account that were very minor. They were paying for some invoices for office supplies. Two hundred and twenty-nine dollars and the other for four hundred and fifty dollars. Like I said, minor, but they did get paid to the mystery bank account we’re chasing. These were what we call their test transactions. Checking if any questions get raised. Getting the bank account details into the system, so when they need it for the larger transactions it’s already linked and verified.” Clicking away on the computer, he brings up the transactions and invoices for me to see.

  “Bastard!” I can already feel the muscles in my neck and shoulders tightening.

  “When you are a multibillion-dollar company, these are never going to be questioned. Stop blaming yourself. I can see it on your face already.” Franco is giving me the caring uncle look, not the police investigator look.

  “Let’s keep moving.” I don’t want to agree with him. I should’ve found this earlier.

  Franco continues, giving us the background of all the invoices that have happened, slowly increasing in value, and an overall view of where we’re at.

  “Now it’s time to get into the details behind the invoice that I’ve been able to find, which wouldn’t be obvious to the normal person. I have had my best computer hacker working on this, and they have signed all the non-disclosure and privacy documents needed. This woman could tell you today what you ate for breakfast and the color of your underwear, she’s that good. Don’t ask me her name or how she knows. I don’t want to know the answer.”

  I can’t stop my sassy inner voice from sneaking through, as I think to myself, what if I’m not wearing any underwear? Then I realize who I’m sitting across from. Shit. Mason raises his eyebrows at me. Suspecting he’s thinking the same thing as I am, I feel a little heat from his stare.

  “What are you two smiling at?” Franco looks at the both of us.

  “Nothing,” we both say in chorus.

  “You don’t have to tell me. I know how much trouble you are on your own Paige, mix Mason in and I’m guessing you two are trouble together.” Franco laughs at us, and it breaks the tension. Franco now opens up a log of different computer accesses to our system.

  “As you can see, the first set-ups were done by an employee who is listed as working in the IT department. The records say he has since left, but the truth is he doesn’t even exist, never did. All the records of this ‘fake’ employee were created online somehow after they hacked into the computer server. So, the reality of it is that these invoices were not done in the building but through hacking into the system. We’re still trying to find out how. Now comes the interesting part.” Franco’s whole demeanor changes.

  “The large invoices to the government contract were all edited to the new suspicious figures under Tyson’s employee login. The refund credit payments were authorized by an employee number for someone who doesn’t seem to exist, and Tyson second-authorized them. Here’s the thing, though. This wasn’t done at the office or through his company-issued laptop. The login has come from a remote computer that my hacker is still trying to track down. She does know, though, it is in the Chicago area.”

  “What. The. Fuck.” I’m slowly trying to digest what Franco has just revealed. “Why would he do that? This makes no sense.”

  “I should have fucking killed him last night while I had the chance. I told you he was a dick.” While I’m confused, Mason is angry. He hasn’t liked Tyson from the start, but I don’t think any of us imagined he’d be capable of anything like this.

  “Are you sure it’s him? I just can’t imagine he has the knowledge or skills on how to do this. He’s an efficient PA but not someone I would think is smart enough to pull off something like this.” My nerves are all over the place. I don’t know if I should scream or cry. I can’t sit still. I need to pace. Mason reaches out to grab my hand as I stand, but I pull away. I just need to digest this.

  “We have worked so close together for over a year now. He has been the best PA I’ve had. Was that all an act, has he just been playing me the whole time? I can’t believe I’m so fucking stupid. I knew something was different lately. I just thought he was jealous of Mason. Even last night it was all about Mason.”

  “This is not your fault, Paige.” Mason’s forceful voice shows his anger.

  “What are you both talking about last night? I need to know everything.” Franco grabs his notepad and starts scribbling down everything we say. Both of us are talking at once.

  “By the time I arrived, he was about to assault her. I should have killed the bastard.

  “No, Mason, you did what was the right thing. You controlled your temper. Protected me and he ran off. I don’t want to be visiting you in jail.” This time I go to him because I know that’s what he needs. He’s doubting himself in his head again. Placing my hands on his shoulders, I let him know I’m here.

  “Shit, have you talked to him today? This is bad. We don’t want him running off now. He needs to take the bait and complete this last transaction. Paige, you need to call him and make up whatever is needed to get him to work on Monday.”

  Mason stands and bangs the desk with his fist, showing how unhappy he is about the whole thing.

  “No fucking way is he going to be alone with Paige. Never again!” Now Mason is pacing the room, and it’s my turn to try to calm him.

  “Look, we need him. I will make sure I’m with her at all times. That way it won’t be awkward between them. I can keep an eye on when he is on and off the computer and match with the login records. We have built-in programming hidden that triggers us every time there’s movement from his login and what it’s accessing.”

  Franco stands and walks towards me, putting his arm around my shoulder. “We are so close, we can’t let him get away. You can do this, sweetheart. I know you can. Call him now and make peace. I will not leave your side, plus Mason will never be far. We can post him somewhere in your building with the live security camera feed. He’s trained in this, I’m guessing?” I nod. “Okay, and when we travel, Mason’s with us anyway. What do you say?”

  I want to say no way. I’m not spending another moment with him, but I have to listen to Franco. He knows what he’s doing.

  “I don’t like this, Tiger, something feels off about it. I’m not sure what, but it just doesn’t sit well with me. I’ve been in enough situations that turned to shit, and my gut has always told me it was going to happen.” I can tell in his voice it’s really worrying him.

  “Mason, it’s okay. I understand, but we have no other choice. We have to get him and make him pay for what he’s done. I know I won’t get the money back, it’s probably long gone. I need to get justice, though. Do you understand that?”

  “Of course, but it doesn’t mean I have to like it. You are not to leave Franco’s side if you aren’t with me. I know Tyson is weak and probably no physical threat, but just so you both know, I will be wearing my gun when I’m not flying. I’m not risking losing you, baby. I told you. I will keep you safe.”

  “Son, I don’t think that’s necessary, and we can talk about it later. For now, let’s just get him back on board. We have the shipment ready to go Tuesday night, so we need him around.” Franco sits back at his desk tapping away into his laptop. “Okay, I’ve got my hacker tracking this call, so ready when you are, Paige.”

  Mason worries me. He’s really struggling with Tyson being anywhere near me. I understand his PTSD will make this harder with his need to keep me safe.

  “He touches her, I will shoot him dead. No regrets.” He walks over and stands with his arm up resting against the wall next to the window. He’s staring out at the yard, and I’m sure just trying to keep himself in check. His breathing’s deep and he’s trying to slow it down.

  “Paige, call Tyson and smooth it over. Have it on speakerphone, though. I need to hear every word. Mason, are you going to be able to keep quiet, not a sound? Or do you need to leave the room?” Franco is in charge of this case and Mason has to take orders from him. He doesn’t like it, but he’s doing it.

  Taking a deep breath, I sit with my phone and dial Tyson. Not knowing what’s about to happen, I feel anxious.

  “Ms. Ellen.” Tyson’s voice is flat, not showing any sign of emotion. Pulling myself together, I imagine a boardroom of men I’m trying to convince to go with my idea. Put the charm on and do what is needed to win the deal.

  “Good Morning, Tyson. I thought it best we talked about last night before work on Monday morning.” Keep the bitch voice on. Straight to the point and no emotion involved.

  “I assumed I no longer had a job,” he mumbles.

  “That is why I’m calling now. You still have a job as you’re valuable to me. I think we both had too much to drink last night and said things we didn’t mean or were out of line.”

  “Yes, that’s true.” His voice is perking up at the chance he may not have blown his cover for stealing from me.

  “I’m sorry, Ms. Ellen. I was out of line, and I apologize for the whole thing. I had drunk way too much and not eaten. In fact, I don’t remember much of it, to be honest.” I know that’s bullshit, but I’m going with it. He may have been drinking, but he wasn’t drunk. If anything, I was worse than he was.


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