Private Pilot

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Private Pilot Page 23

by Karen Deen

  “Thank you, Tyson. Yes, I had more than I should have too. I’m sorry for what I said. I thought maybe we could just start Monday with a clean slate. Does that sound okay?” Franco is giving me the keep going signal. I need to find something we might have in common.

  “Is everything okay? You’ve been acting different, and then you looked like you were drowning your sorrows. Is there anything I can help with at work, as your boss?”

  I hear him have a little giggle to himself. “No, thank you. I’m fine, and I think we need to keep it purely work. That’s what you complained about before.” Little shit. He’s trying to give me attitude when he should already be out the door. He’s very cocky.

  “Yes, that’s true. Let’s just forget I asked that. Do you need to talk to me about anything else before I go?” Finally, Franco gives me the thumbs-up that he has the trace.

  “You need to talk to your boyfriend and tell him to stay away from me. Workplace harassment is a thing, and I would already have a good case against him.” Oh, fuck he did not just say that. Mason has turned and is glaring at me with a look that says he’s ready to fire the gun and shoot him dead. Holding up my palm so he stops, I watch him standing there like a bull, steam coming out of his nostrils.

  “I can speak to him. You also need to show him some respect. It is a two-way street,” I say, biting my tongue so hard.

  “Understood. But just so you know, I would have been a better option. That’s the last I’ll say on it.” He sounds all confident like he’s back in control. He is so far from reality that I can’t wait to make sure he pays for everything.

  “Thank you. I will see you Monday morning. As per the schedule, we’re flying. Email me if there is anything I need to know. Otherwise, thank you for making time for me.”

  “Thank you for letting last night go, Ms. Ellen. I promise I’ll work hard for you every day.”

  “I expect nothing less, Tyson. See you Monday.”

  Pushing the button to end the call, I stare at my phone, making sure the phone call is definitely over. I put it down like it’s got germs. He will pay for this, I’ll make sure of it.

  “Great job, kiddo. We’re working on the trace now. Excuse me for a moment.” As he walks out of the room, I know it’s to leave us so we can talk this through.

  There’s no talking, though.

  Mason needs to remind me that I’m all his. He walks straight to me, wrapping me in his arms and kissing me like it’s the last kiss on earth. My fear, anger, and confusion has me joining him in the intensity.

  I pull back briefly.

  “You were never going to be his. Ever.” He takes me again, and I’m just melting into him. This is what I love about him. He never holds back. I’ll never wonder how he’s feeling.

  “Not for one second did I ever want him. Only you, always only you.” Laying my head on his shoulder, we just breathe each other in. Slowly we part slightly.

  “Are you going to be able to do this, Mason? I mean, keep control plus be able to concentrate on flying while I’m in the cabin with Tyson?”

  “And Franco!” he forcefully reminds me.

  “Yes, and Franco. But are you going to be able to do this? I know you’re already holding back from leaving the house right now, finding him, and giving him what he deserves.”

  “Damn right, I’m ready to kill him. I’m a better man than him, though, Paige. I will get him, and it will be through all the right channels. Then one day I’ll visit him in jail, showing him pictures of my wife, pregnant with our child and tell him what a fantastic life we’re living. Because if I can’t kill him, I will want to torture him.”

  “A wife and child, congratulations. I’m sure you’ll be very happy,” I say, trying to pull away a little farther.

  “We will be very happy, you, me, and our family. I’m going to marry you one day, Paige. You can be sure of that.”

  “Wow, what a romantic proposal.”

  “It’s not a proposal. You’ll know when it is. I meant it when I said you’re my forever girl.”

  “Mason, you have me, just breathe and let’s get through this shit. Then we can relax and start living a normal life as boyfriend and girlfriend. You know, like normal people do. Where they actually slowly build a relationship.”

  “Mmm, you keep thinking that. In the meantime, let’s bury this little shit.”

  “Not literally, I hope.”

  “Again, you keep thinking that.” We both start to laugh a little. It’s one of those situations where it’s so stressful you need to laugh to release some tension.

  I know deep down Mason would never do any of the things he said. His bark is worse than his bite. But I also know that if it did come to it, he would lay down his life for me. For that reason, among others, I know he is my forever man too.

  “Right, are you two on the same page now? Can we get a plan of attack happening?” Franco walks in, sitting down at this desk again and looking at us like children.

  “Yes,” we both murmur at the same time. Mason gives me a wink, holding my hand and sitting down together.

  “Okay then, we have a trace on the tower the call was pinging off and a rough location. It’s not near Tyson’s house, but that doesn’t mean anything. What we need to do is wait until Monday, and when we start getting notices of his logging in and where the location is, we can start matching things and piecing it all together.” We all nod and start working out what the logistics of next week will be and how we will continue to push Tyson into a corner until we have him.

  We spend another hour making sure we have everything covered and everyone is happy with it. Finally, it’s time to leave and try to forget about this and just enjoy the weekend. I have so much work I should be doing, but I just don’t feel like it. All I want to do is be with Mason and pretend I’m not a CEO but just his girlfriend who has a nine-to-five job that I leave at work when I walk out on a Friday afternoon.

  Back in the car, Mason won’t tell me where we’re heading. All he says is it’s a surprise and it’ll make me smile. When I try to joke that it involves wearing no clothes, he bursts out laughing and says that would be very awkward for me. For others, there would be a lot of cheering. That just confuses me totally.

  We made a deal that when we got in the car there was to be no work talk and Tyson’s name wasn’t to be mentioned. It doesn’t mean I’m not still thinking about it. It’s hard not to. I’m sure Mason is too. We’re both just hiding it.

  I was busy asking Mason how he’s going to cope around Tyson, while the whole time I have no idea how I’m going to do this. I can’t show any emotion or drop any hints, and I have to pretend to trust him, and the whole time still try to run my business so it’s not suffering while I’m caught up with all this.

  If I can get through Monday, then maybe it’ll get easier from there. That’s if Tyson survives the day around Mason.

  This whole thing is shit. There is no other way to describe it.

  The one person I want to tell is my father, and I can’t because I can’t risk his health.

  When he finally finds out, my life will be hell.

  And then there will be the Mason bombshell.

  Fuck, that day is going to suck!



  HER EYES ARE WIDE and looking around trying to work out where we are. I can put her out of her misery, but I won’t. It’s too much fun watching her. The building doesn’t have many markings on it. The families who are supported by the End of the Cycle program are proud people. They don’t need to have it rubbed in their faces with big bold signs every time they walk through the door, that they need help. It takes enough courage to ask for help. That should be the hardest step. After that, this place should just feel like home and like we’re all one big family.

  Opening her door, I can’t help but laugh.

  “Paige, nothing in this building is going to bite you. I promise. Don’t look so terrified.”

  “Okay, let me see, my life at the mome
nt is all about someone wanting to destroy me. Now you want me to walk into a building, without a clue what or who is in there.” There’s an element of fear in her eyes.

  “Yes, baby, it’s called trust. Do you trust me to keep you safe?” I ask, holding both her hands in mine.

  “Totally!” she answers passionately.

  “Then what are you worrying about?” Putting my arm around her shoulders, we start walking to the front door. “I promise you will love this.”

  The moment we’re through the door, the noise of the kids starts to fill the air, laughing, chatting, and of course some yelling. That would be from my department, the basketball court. We continue until just inside the gym door and the court is in front of us. Full of my kids in the middle of a game.

  “Mason?” I can tell she’s confused, but the fear has disappeared.

  “Welcome to End of the Cycle charity foundation. I’m a mentor here for the kids and some parents. I started volunteering here to help my PTSD and to see if I could give something to the community. To make a difference. The joy they have given me in return far outweighs anything I’ve done. The role of the charity is to help parents and kids break the poverty cycle. We do it by helping the parents to gain employment or upskill to get better jobs. We give them financial counselling and any other help they may need. For the kids, we help them with schooling, mentor them in life skills, and just try to keep them from making bad decisions. Giving them a choice, allowing them to dream.” I know I sound like I’m selling her the charity, but it’s something I’m very proud of and passionate about.

  “I had no idea. Mason, this is amazing. I’m so proud that you’re here to help all these people. More than you know. I don’t know where my mom came from or why she gave me up, or my birth father for that matter. Her choice can’t have been easy. So, to help people who need you, it speaks volumes about the kind of man you really are. That super tough alpha male you try to show everyone doesn’t fool me. I know deep down what a huge kind heart you have.” Standing on her tippy toes, she kisses me as her hands hang on around my neck. I’m thankful today she chose to dress casual in jeans, sneakers, and a tight fitted shirt. Paige on her tippy toes in her usual attire in front of a group of teenage boys would cause even more problems than I’ve already got.

  A chorus of wolf whistles and catcalls ring out across the court. I should have warned her. Giggling to herself, she knows she just created a spectacle and I’m about to be roasted for it.

  “Ready to face the music?” Kissing her forehead, I turn and walk with my arm around her towards the game that is now stopped because of us.

  “What’s your problem? Haven’t you seen a man kiss his girlfriend before?” They all start laughing and carrying on.

  “We’re more shocked you even have a girlfriend,” one of the boys yells.

  “Or why such a pretty lady would go out with you,” another continues, which of course creates another uproar.

  “Well, aren’t you all comedians today. Now if you’re finished being smartasses, I’d like to introduce you to my beautiful girlfriend, Paige. Be nice to her or you answer to me, alright? Now, who’s winning?”

  “Leroy’s team as per usual,” one of the girls says from the back of the crowd.

  “Is that right? Well, maybe we need to do something about that. You okay, baby?” I look back at Paige and see the biggest smile on her face.


  “But that makes the teams uneven, then you’re cheating.” Leroy dribbles the ball in front of me with his cheeky grin.

  “I’ll even up the numbers. Leroy, can I join your team?” Paige steps forward towards him, steals the ball from him and takes off across the court with it. Heading towards the basket, she shoots the ball and sinks it perfectly, nothing but net.

  Holy. Fucking. Shit.

  “Hell yeah, you can be on my team.” Leroy starts cheering as he heads off towards Paige who’s looking all innocent.

  “Wait just a minute. Ms. Ellen, get your cute ass over here. Since when have you been able to play basketball like that?” I yell out at her.

  “Since high school, Captain White.” She pokes her tongue out as she stands next to Leroy, arms folded, leaning like she’s trying to look cool.

  “What’s wrong, Mason, scared your girlfriend is better than you?” Leroy knows exactly what he’s doing.

  “Oh, not at all. Bring it on, baby. This is going to be good. We are taking you down.” All the kids are cheering and clapping.

  Both teams are in a huddle, talking tactics or really just trying to psych the other team out.

  “Okay, this is what we’re going to do. Leave Paige to me, there is no way she’s getting past me. You guys be ready for the pass once I get the ball off her. No matter what, we just have to get as many hoops as we can and take that cocky grin off Leroy and Paige’s face. Got it, team?” Placing our hands in the middle, the cheer goes up and we take to the court.

  “Well, well, well, look who we have here.” I stand in front of Paige, bouncing around like an idiot.

  “What’s your problem, Mason, scared you’ll get shown up by a girl?” She tries to look all tough, flexing her biceps.

  “Pfft, not at all, Tiger. Bring it on.” I grab her around the waist, lifting her off the ground and planting a kiss on her lips. Placing her down, she’s giggling like one of the kids on the team.

  “Hey, boss man, get your hands off my player, that’s cheating,” Leroy yells out to me.

  I turn to see him with the ball, dribbling towards me.

  “That’s what happens when I’m so handsome, she can’t keep her hands off me. What’s your excuse for acting like a girl?” With the banter as distraction, I make a steal and have the ball, running away from both of them down the court and passing to one of the young girls on my team who shoots it perfectly through the hoop.

  “Like you were saying, tough guy?” I taunt, pointing at Leroy as I’m high-fiving my teammate.

  “Oh, I see how it is,” Paige interjects. “Dirty tactics are your game, are they, Captain? Well, bring it. I’ve got plenty of those up my sleeve too.” Paige wiggles her ass at me, and it’s game on.

  The points are coming, thick and fast, the game going from end to end. The crowd is getting bigger, and I think every person who’s at the center is now in the stands and has picked a side to cheer for.

  At one stage, Paige is trying to get past me and we’re dancing around each other. Her back to my front. She dribbles the ball with one hand and tries to push into me with her ass to get past. I’m laughing at how our bodies are rubbing together until she slides her free hand behind her body and grabs my cock, giving it a squeeze. Catching me totally off guard, I jump backwards. Laughing, she’s past me and down the court performing a pretty perfect jump shot.

  How did I get so lucky?

  As I’m running down the court, the buzzer goes off and we’ve lost by one point. Shit, I’m going to pay for this. Not stopping, I grab her and lift her over my shoulder, smacking her ass and carrying her off the court. The kids are going crazy and the joy in the room is so electric.

  Slowly lowering her down, I hug her and quietly whisper in her ear, “You thought you were already going to be punished. You have no idea what’s in store for you tonight, my little cheating Tiger. Revenge is sweet.” We break apart, and the kids are chanting that Paige is the new champion of the court.

  I get overrun with Paige’s teammates lifting her on their shoulders, and she’s paraded around the court like some superhero.

  “Same time next week, Ms. Ellen, in this same place, there’s a rematch and we’ll beat your cheating ass. You can count on that! Won’t we, team!” My kids are all cheering and high-fiving me.

  Paige winks at me as she’s carried away like a Greek goddess.

  After she’s basked in her glory of being the hero, we’re all sitting in the mess room, chatting while we grab an afternoon snack, dissecting the game and complaining about how Leroy and Paige only
won because they cheated.

  “How did we cheat?” Leroy asks innocently

  “Yeah, Mason, tell the kids how we cheated.” My Tiger thinks she’s hilarious.

  “Do you really want me to share that, Paige, hmmm?” The kids start to work out it’s something a bit naughty. There’s laughing and cheering. I grab her and land a kiss on her lips, then lean to her ear. “Tonight, you pay for that, baby.” Her giggle tells me she is more than happy to pay up.

  “Leroy, tell me, did you hear back from the charity yet? Will they pay your airfare?” I put my hand on his shoulder to give him the confidence to talk about it in front of Paige.

  His smile drops a little. “They said they’ll pay for half. I have to come up with the other half. I’m not sure I can do that, but I’m trying to find a second job somewhere.”

  “Buddy, I told you, if they wouldn’t pay it then I would. You are flying to that interview. You’ll be giving this scholarship your best shot. Why didn’t you just tell me?”

  “I can’t take your money. It’s not right, Mason.”

  “Leroy, you didn’t ask, I offered a gift. You have the drive to become a pilot, and I will do everything in my power to help you get there.” Putting my arm around his shoulder, I pull him to me.

  “Leroy, what sort of interview is it?” Paige is looking at him with eyes full of tenderness and compassion. I’m so glad she didn’t ask about the money. She’s thoughtful enough to know it’s a tough subject.

  “I want to become a rescue helicopter pilot. Mason helped me research and apply for some scholarships to different training facilities. I have an interview for one in California, but I need to fly out there at my own expense. My parents don’t have the money, so Mason suggested we ask the foundation. They can give me half, so I need to work to find the rest. I’m just not sure I have enough time to get it. It’s next week.” His head drops slightly, feeling the disappointment.

  “Leroy, you are going, I’m paying, and we need to start preparing for the interview.” This kid has come such a long way. Passion like that is what makes a great rescue pilot.


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