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Kate Concealed

Page 11

by Cindy M. Hogan

  He tapped his index finger on his lips and narrowed his eyes as he thought. All she wanted to do was get the heck out of there, but she’d wait for him to make the decision he was obviously very conflicted about. She saw the decision form in his eyes. “You’re right. It shouldn’t matter. But, the truth of the matter is that it does, so we’ll keep it a secret tomorrow. Veronica won’t be anywhere near, but I think we should change your name.”


  “Well, if someone from my family mentions you or your friend by name to Veronica, we don’t want to give her any reason to believe it’s you. So, what name have you always wished was yours?”

  “Uh,” she stammered.

  “How about Cara?”

  “Okay.” She had lost control of the situation. There would be no getting out of the dinner.

  “Cara Mancini.” He gave a curt nod. “Yes. That’s it. A fine Italian name that has no mafia connection.”

  Kate couldn’t help herself. She laughed. An uncomfortable sound ricocheting off the space between them.

  He took a step closer to her. “It is absurd, isn’t it?”

  Kate continued to laugh and he took another step toward her. “I’m so glad we worked this out today and not at dinner tomorrow.”

  Worry flooded Kate again. She could only hope he’d keep her identity a secret forever. Waving hands at the opposite end of the pathway grabbed her attention. Ellie saw Kate see her and stopped waving. Colby stood beside her. Kate’s worry faded, just like that.

  “Okay then, tomorrow?” Maybe they would end up staying longer in Venice and have to call the guys to give them the bad news.

  “Or you could stay now that Veronica is gone.” Martino spoke in low, soft tones.

  Kate glanced behind him. He turned to look. “Actually, my friends are ready to go. Sorry.”

  “Fine.” He leaned down and kissed her on both cheeks. Despite her desire never to see him again, his kisses seemed to burn into her skin, a traitorous physical reaction. “Tomorrow it is.”

  She walked past him to Ellie and Colby, their eyes focused on him the whole time.

  “What was that all about?” Ellie asked.

  “I’ll tell you once we get out of here.” A terrible sense of foreboding hit her.

  “So, show us where she is,” Colby said.

  “She left.” It seemed now she had bigger issues.

  Colby’s eyes darted to the dance floor, no doubt looking for the girl he’d been forced to leave.

  “But not before she had a chance to run into me and give me a shake down.”

  “She talked to you?” Colby moved in close, taking one of her hands in his.

  Kate nodded. “Yeah. We need to get out of here and fast. Martino knows I’m a Bellini now, too.” She didn’t want to tell them she thought she’d seen other people from the club too. She wasn’t really sure about that and didn’t want to cause more alarm.

  “No way.” Colby frowned, obviously upset.

  “I’m sorry for ruining your night, Colby.”

  His eyes brightened and he smiled before putting his arm around Kate. “It’s not your fault. You’re way more important than this party. You’re nuts if you think I wouldn’t choose you over this.”

  Once they made it through the house and were well on their way back to the apartment, Colby glanced around and then said, “Tell me what she said.”

  “It was weird. She said something about them sending me here too. It was like she had no idea what happened to me. Like she thought I was still in Jersey.”


  “Yes. She didn’t know I escaped.”

  “Someone sent her here?”

  “Yeah. And she was mad I was here. Thought I should be somewhere else.”

  “Where? And who sent her? Why?” They kept a brisk pace down the sidewalk.

  Kate didn’t want to say where since it was Venice. She’d tell Ellie later. “Does it matter? She was sent here for some reason and thought I had been too. Maybe she got into trouble or something. The worst part, I think, is Martino knows I’m a Bellini. He’s a Gatti, but apparently they are thick as thieves with the Marconis. It took him some serious reflection to decide I wasn’t a bug he needed to squash.”

  “Maybe we should go to Venice right now.” Ellie screwed up her face. “It’s getting too dangerous for you to be here.”

  Colby sighed. “In the middle of the night? I don’t think so. And what? A Gatti? Martino has something to do with this?”

  “Tomorrow will be okay. We’ll go early like we planned.” Kate stepped around an abandoned box on the sidewalk. “Gatti is another mafia house, I guess.” She tried to say it without letting the concern she felt bleed out.

  “It’s crazy that you befriended some random guy and he’s linked to Jersey. I think you two should fly out tomorrow. What did Mom and Dad say?” Colby turned to Ellie.

  “They told me to have a good time.” She smirked. “And we can’t stay here. Hello! Scary Creepy Girl is here. And Martino knows.” Kate’s gut twisted. She hadn’t contacted her parents yet. She needed to do that and quick. She pulled out her phone.

  “And you’re sure she’s here. You aren’t just imagining it because of your dreams? Scary dreams can totally play with your mind.” Colby’s eyes bored into Kate.

  “Veronica is not imaginary. Totally real.” Thinking about just how real she was made Kate’s chest squeeze.

  “You should take the driver to Venice.” They turned down the street the apartment was on.

  “No, that takes an extra hour. We’ll take the train.” Ellie scowled.

  Kate started a text to her mom knowing it was about the time she would be waking up.

  Kate: Hi, Mom and Dad. We are heading in for the night. We got to see so many cool things. Attaching pictures.

  She picked out her ten favorite pictures from the day and attached them. The ball was in her mom’s and dad’s courts now. Kate would tell her more after she texted back. She made sure her phone was on vibrate and then shoved it into her bag. She had this strange sensation she was being watched.

  “What if Veronica is going to take the train somewhere tomorrow morning?” He was shaking his head. “There are too many variables in this equation.”

  Kate shushed him. “Let’s keep our voices down.”

  “She’s not going to Venice. It’s going to be okay. Relax. Kate’s safer anywhere but here.” Ellie kicked at a small rock in her path and it skittered into the street. “And Jersey,” she added under her breath.

  Kate could tell Colby was still worried, his lips were pressed into a thin line and he was opening and closing his fists. “But, what if you get there and do find your birth mother and it puts you in danger again?”

  “We’re banking on Carmela being the good one in the family. You know, because Kate is so good.” Ellie gave Colby a look that said, Hello, catch up. You’re going to freak Kate out.

  Kate couldn’t concentrate on what they were talking about. She couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was there, in the dark. Colby stopped walking and took Kate’s arm, choosing to ignore Ellie. “Well, either way I don’t like the idea. It could lead you to a terrible emotional place. I don’t want to see you get hurt by your birth parents any more than you already have been.”

  “I’ll be okay,” Kate said, not sure it was true. She started walking again. “And maybe, if I can’t find Carmela, I can find her parents. My maternal grandparents. I can find out who my other relatives are—on my birth mother’s side. They must be good. They have to be good.” Deep down Kate wanted something to give her license to be good, to be the person she believed and hoped she was.

  “It would be interesting to find them and see if they are good.” Colby’s scientific mind had set in, overtaking any emotional attachment he had to Kate.

  “Maybe you’ll find your lineage goes to a king or queen or emperor. Something cool like that.” Ellie’s eyes sparkled in the lamplight as they passed under it.

/>   “That would be cool to find out.” They reached the apartment, but Kate didn’t stop. Instead, she whispered, “Let’s keep going, you guys, just in case we were followed.”

  Ellie started to crane her neck around. Kate grabbed her arm. “Don’t look back. Just keep walking.” Sweat started to pool on her forehead. “Uh, where are we going to go?”

  “I don’t know. Ideas? Are you guys sensing anyone?”

  “No,” they said in unison.

  “We could always call Devlin.”

  “And have him do what? Drive us around all night?”

  “He could drop us off at a hotel and then we could get a taxi to pick us up or something. Whoever is on our tail is on foot. It wouldn’t be difficult to lose them.”

  “Alright.” Colby huffed and pulled out his phone.

  Devlin picked them up ten minutes later and dropped them off at a nice hotel and restaurant nearby. They sat on some sofas in the lounge area, the receptionist giving them nasty looks every time they happened to look her way. Kate pulled out her phone and found she’d received two texts.

  Dad: Sounds like you’ve been busy. What’s up for tomorrow? I’m headed to work, so I won’t text you right back. Your mom just left to take our neighbor to the doctor. She’s got a busy day planned. Keep us informed.

  Kate: We are going to Venice early tomorrow. I know I told you I wasn’t looking for my birth mother, but we found out my locket was made in Venice, so we are going on a day trip there. Ellie is totally excited to ride in the gondolas. I’ll tell you all about it as the day goes on. I’m so tired. We are going to bed. Have fun today.

  The second text was from Johansen.

  Johansen: Hello. Italy. The mafia. You are a mafia child on the run.

  She’d gotten the text almost an hour ago.

  Kate: But, the same mafia isn’t in Italy, is it?

  They waited twenty minutes before calling a random cab to take them back to the apartment, and hurried inside as soon as they arrived. The other boys weren’t back yet. Kate kept checking her phone, but did not get any other texts

  “I don’t like this at all,” Colby said. “Not at all.”

  “Yeah. I’m kinda freaking out too. Tomorrow won’t get here fast enough.”

  “You two should go home on the first flight out. I’m not kidding.”

  “No,” Ellie said. “We are not going to let them intimidate us.”

  “Good grief, Ellie. Are you hearing yourself?”

  Kate didn’t want them to fight. She’d put an end to it. “We need to get out of here. That is a given. Let’s compromise, Ellie. We are going to go to Venice in the morning then we fly out from an airport nearby.”

  Colby huffed. He still didn’t like it. Kate needed a change of subject.

  “So, tell us about the study you guys are working on. Have you been able to prove genes and DNA determine everything you do?”

  “We’re working on it.” His eyes brightened. It was working. “You seriously should be a part of this study. It would be fascinating to include you and your history.”

  “I already said no to that.” Kate slipped off her shoes and dangled them from her fingers.

  “You could see what kind of people you come from.” Colby raised his eyebrows, offering her a questioning gaze.

  The Bellini bosses and Vincenzo flashed through her mind. She knew about half of her relatives. That was more than she ever wanted to know of her birth father’s family. She swung her shoes and frowned.

  Ellie joined in. “Was your family full of paupers or servants or were they the ones in charge?” She wrestled her feet out of her shoes and left them by the door. “I think it would say a lot about a family if they were paupers back then and clawed their way to prosperity today. Heck! I want to know where I come from.” Ellie spun around. “I mean, I know England, but what kind of people were my ancestors?”

  That did sound fun to explore to Kate, but she was a bit scared too. “I can see researching that in the States, in English, but how would I even go about finding the information here when I don’t know Italian?”

  “I’m sure someone will know. We’ll ask the jeweler in Venice to lead us to the right place.”

  “Make a copy of everything you find for me, okay?” Colby said. He’d obviously totally forgotten his objections to their going to Venice. Or perhaps he knew it was a futile fight.

  “Okay,” Ellie said.

  “You too, Kate.”

  “I told you. I don’t want to be a part of the study.”

  Colby sighed.

  Kate’s eyes felt heavy despite her whirring mind and the recent scare she’d experienced. “I’m going to bed. I’m dead, and six will come too early for sure.” She hoped she’d be able to sleep despite the unsettled churning in her gut.

  “Now that you mention it, I’m pretty tired myself.” Ellie followed Kate into their room. She stopped right as she hit the door. “If you want to go back to the party, Colby, feel free.”

  They never heard him leave.

  Once Kate and Ellie were in their beds, Kate said, “Ellie, listen.”

  “Uh-huh,” she said, obviously already getting comfy enough to sleep.


  “I know,” Ellie said through a yawn. “It’s going to be awesome. I can’t wait to see all the cool bridges and stuff.”

  Kate swallowed hard. “No. Veronica thought I should be in Venice.”

  Ellie shifted on the bed, cradling her head in one palm, her elbow buried into the bedding, supporting it. “So you did know. You lied, Kate Hamilton.”

  “I know. I didn’t want Colby to freak out even more about us going.” She had other secrets too. Bigger, more terrible secrets.

  “Yeah. He’d never let us go if he knew.”

  “I don’t think we should go.” Kate’s heart thundered.

  “What?” Ellie sat up. Kate could see her silhouette against the moonlight coming in from the window.

  “Keep your voice down.” Kate whispered. “Listen, I didn’t only not want Colby to freak, I also needed some time to think. It’s too dangerous for us to stay here—at least for me. And while I don’t know why Veronica thought I should be in Venice, I think that’s enough to tell us we shouldn’t go. I’m going to get on the first flight back in the morning. I want you to—”

  “No.” Ellie interrupted. “I won’t accept that. We are going to Venice, talking to the jeweler and then and only then, are we flying home.”

  “Ellie. Be reasonable. I refuse to put you in danger.”

  “I am being reasonable. I will not let that little witch keep us from finding your mom just because she thought you should be in Venice. And I understand there are risks. Like I told Colby. We are big girls and can take care of ourselves. We know there is the chance of trouble and will watch for it. We can’t let fear run our lives.”

  “If anything happens to you, Ellie, I don’t know—“

  “Nothing is going to happen. And just so you know, I’ll happily put myself in danger for you.”

  “Don’t say that!”

  Ellie cleared her throat loudly. She’d had enough. “So, tell me about Martino.” She squealed. “I was going to wait until the train ride, but I don’t think I’m going to be sleeping just yet.” Ellie climbed onto the floor and squeezed in next to Kate. Kate sighed in defeat and gave her the blow by blow account.


  She wasn’t sure if it was the fact that nightmares had kept her from sleep most of the night, the rocking and consistent hum of the train, or just relief to finally be leaving Bologna, but Kate fell asleep in seconds once the train left the station. She slept hard for the hour and a half it took to travel to Venice, and Ellie woke her when they were about to pull up to the station. Kate stretched her arms toward the ceiling and grunted. “That felt great. No nightmares.”

  Ellie’s look of determination that had dominated her face since she talked Kate into going to Venice last night was gone.

  “Whoa! I’
m guessing you didn’t sleep as well as I did.” Kate yawned, her hand covering her mouth.

  “Are you sure you want to look for Carmela? You called out like three times last night and once while here on the train. You did have at least one nightmare. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to pursue this.”

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “I know I pushed you into this and I know we’re almost there, but maybe we should stay on the train, not go to Venice, but to the airport and fly back home.”

  “Yes, I had some pretty bad dreams last night, but I had no idea I did on the train. I feel like I slept great this past couple of hours. That said, I think the nightmares will continue until I get my answers. I want the dreams to stop and I think Venice has a good chance of making that happen.” Something fluttered low in her gut.

  “Are you ready for what you’re going to find? What if you don’t get answers?”

  “Yes. I’m ready for what I do or don’t find. Either way, it puts an end to the questions.” Kate pulled out a mirror and fiddled with her hair. She swallowed hard, trying to get some moisture back into her mouth. “I can’t shake the feeling that it’s the questions that are fueling the dreams.”

  Ellie slid over and fixed a few strands of Kate’s hair before going to work on her own. “Okay then I’m on board, too. As long as you don’t get shot at or kidnapped.”

  Kate gave her a disapproving look then sat up straight. “Let’s not even consider that. Blinders, Ellie. Blinders.”

  “Okay. It’s going to be creepy being here, though, knowing that all of those mafia people were spawned here.”

  “Only the originals,” Kate wasn’t sure if she was reassuring herself or Ellie. “Their children were spawned in the good old U.S. of A.” She pulled out her phone. One text from Johansen. Nothing from her mom. Either she was okay with them traveling to Venice or she hadn’t gotten the message yet.


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