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DEFILED: A Dark Bad Boy Romance (Wicked Bones MC)

Page 4

by April Lust

  Devin snorted. “Hey, I never said you couldn’t be a prude and a cocktease at the same time,” he said. He winked at me, and I felt a hot, frustrating flush rise to my cheeks. “You can be both, babe. In fact, you definitely are.”

  I shook my head furiously and stomped my foot on the ground. “You don’t know anything about me,” I said. I pouted at him. “I’ve had so many boyfriends it would make your head spin if I told you about all of them.”

  Devin crossed the floor so quickly that I had to blink. Before I could react or cry out, he wrapped a muscular arm around my waist and pulled me close, crushing my body against his own. I cried out as he covered my lips with his, slipping his tongue into my mouth and kissing me passionately. He tasted like coffee and smoke and I melted against his brawny chest as his tongue licked mine. His fingers tangled in my hair pulling me deeper into his kiss. Moaning softly, I stretched up on my tiptoes and wrapped my arms around Devin’s neck. His body against mine was an incredible feeling. My nerves tingled and my heart raced in my chest as Devin nibbled on my lower lip.

  After what felt like an eternity, I came to my senses. This is the man who mockingly calls you ‘princess,’ I thought. This is the man who doesn’t take you seriously at all! What are you doing, Katia?

  I pulled away, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. “Oh my God,” I said. I blushed. “I’m so sorry. That– that shouldn’t have happened!”

  Devin stared at me. His blue eyes were even more intense than usual and his lips were pink and swollen from the intensity of our kiss. I wanted to kiss him again, so badly, that I felt it in my bones.

  “My fault,” Devin said. He shrugged and winked. I blushed even harder. “I’ll stay away from you, princess.”

  “I hate that name,” I said as I wrinkled my nose and crossed my arms over my chest. “I’m Katia.”

  “What about Kat?”

  “God, no!” I stuck my tongue out. “I hate that, too.”

  Devin raised his eyebrows. “Kathy?”

  I glared at him. “That’s even worse!” I cried loudly.

  Devin burst out laughing. His laugh was nice – a rich, baritone sound that filled the room. It was almost enough to make me stop frowning. Almost.

  “Okay, okay, no Kathy,” Devin said. He tapped his scruffy chin with a finger. “I kind of like Kat. D’ya think you’d ever come around to that?”

  “Are you kidding me?” I sassed him. “What the fuck, Devin? No!”

  Devin laughed again, throwing his head back and facing the ceiling. “This is too easy,” he said with a smirk once he’d righted himself. “You’re too much, you know that?”

  “I’ve been told before,” I said primly. “Not like it’s any of your business, though.”

  Devin shook his head. “You’re a fuckin’ piece of work,” he mumbled. “I should charge extra for this.”

  I glanced around. “Oh, yeah, you should definitely charge more. I know that I’m basically holding you hostage in this hovel, and you deserve much more than that,” I added, letting sarcasm drip from my last words. “God knows, you probably deserve this more than I do! Why don’t I just pay you with the deed to my condo?”

  Devin grinned. “That would be great,” he said. “You willing to do that?”

  Everything in me wanted to fight with him on this, to engage him, to fight him and tear him down and make him understand what a self-righteous prick he was being. But then a vision of Arielle, my yogini, popped into my head. I imagined her bowing her head to me, wishing me peace and calm, telling me to harness my inner strength. I took a deep breath and tried to exhale all of the anger (and admittedly, all of the lust) that I felt towards Devin.

  “No,” I said, opening my eyes and staring Devin down. “That was a joke. I’m going out,” I added. “Are you coming or staying here?”

  Devin shrugged. “Do I really gotta choice?”

  Chapter Five


  Devin trailed me as I shopped. This time, I was so conscious of him following me that I wasn’t able to buy a single thing. He was a real ass about the whole thing, too; he kept sighing and checking his watch whenever I’d been inside of a store for more than five whole minutes.

  “Are you going to do that the whole time?” I whined with my hands on my hips as I turned to face him. “Don’t you know that a lady has to spend a lot of time in a store to be acquainted with her options?”

  Devin rolled his eyes. “I’d forgotten that little tidbit,” he said sarcastically. “Are you gonna be done soon, princess? I’m starving.”

  I sighed and ran a hand through my long blonde locks. People were staring at us, and not in the good way, either. Devin was attracting a lot of attention; nearly every woman who walked by glared at him. I couldn’t blame them. In the boutiques of Rodeo Drive, he stood out like a sore thumb.

  “I’ll be done when I’m done,” I replied tartly. “If this is bothering you so much, why don’t you just go home?” I rolled my eyes. “I mean, I’m sure there’s an issue of Popular Mechanics that’s just calling your name!”

  “I can’t just leave you here,” Devin said gruffly. He stepped closer, making people stare all the more. “That’s not part of the deal.”

  “And what happens if someone breaks in while I’m gone?” I cocked my head to the side and stared at him. “Then what?”

  “My job ain’t protecting your house,” Devin snarled. His azure eyes flashed with a blend of menace and intensity that I couldn’t help but find sexy. “You’re my job. Not your fuckin’ Barbie condo.”

  I sighed. Just as I was about to reply, I felt my phone buzz against my hip. “Give me a minute,” I said cockily as I pulled it out. “My assistant is calling me.”

  “My assistant is calling, ooooh, I’m so important!” Devin said in a high-pitched voice. He clasped his hands against his chest. “I can’t imagine what she wants!”

  “Hi, Anya,” I said dryly. “I’m really liking this guy you picked out. Devin is a real joy to be around.”

  “Katia, are you okay?”

  “What?” I squinted at the phone in my hand. “Of course I’m okay. Why? What’s wrong?”

  She paused.

  “Come on!” I demanded. “Tell me!”

  “Well, I was checking my email, and someone just sent me some pictures…” Anya trailed off.

  My stomach dropped to the floor and I felt a thin layer of sweat break out on my brow.

  Oh, no, I thought. More of those same creepy drawings. What the hell is going on?

  “Like, drawings?” I asked. “Or what?”

  “No,” Anya said. “Katia, they were pictures of you. And Devin. Together. You two are kissing, and it looks like you’re standing in the middle of your living room.”

  I blinked as my cheeks colored bright red. “Um,” I stammered. “Uh…”

  “What’s going on?” Devin asked shifting into professional demeanor. I shook my head at him, still gaping from the shock.

  “They were taken today,” Anya said hastily. “The timestamp is on the photos and everything. Look, I want you to get someplace safe immediately. And I want you to take Devin with you, okay?”

  I glanced at him. “He’s already with me,” I said. “Anya, are you going to call the cops?”

  “I already did,” Anya replied. “But they’re not taking me seriously. No one’s exactly making threats on your life.”

  I scowled. “Someone’s watching me, through my windows!” I snapped. “Of course they’re going to want to harm me!”

  “But there’s no threat in the email,” Anya said sadly. “Just the pictures of you guys kissing.” She sniffed. “And Katia, you might want to think a little more carefully about what you’re doing with Devin. He isn’t your boyfriend, you know.”

  I could have reached through my iPhone and strangled her.

  “I know,” I said coolly. “And look, I’m fine. Thanks for your concern, Anya.”

  I hung up before she could say another word.

  “What happened?” Devin stepped closer. His brow was creased and for a moment, I thought he was actually concerned about my well-being. “Is everything okay?”

  I nodded. “Anya got an email,” I said quietly. “Someone took pictures from the outside of my house,” I paused. “of us kissing.”

  Devin’s eyebrows jerked high into the air. “Are you okay?”

  I bit my lip. “I’m freaked out,” I said honestly. “This whole thing – it’s too much for me.”

  Devin wrapped a muscular arm around my shoulders and pulled me close. I was tempted to push him away, but I couldn’t deny that it felt good to have someone hold me like this. I could feel his heart beating through his chest and his strong, warm body against mine was making me feel safer by the second.

  “Just breathe, Katia,” Devin whispered into my ear. “Everything’s going to be okay. You know that, don’t you?”

  I nodded. “I’m just scared,” I said softly into his ear. People were streaming around us like a smelly river. They were all staring, but I no longer cared. The only thing I was thinking about was Devin, and the way his arm felt around my thin shoulders.

  “I’ll protect you,” Devin said gruffly. The sensation of his breath against my earlobe was enough to make me shiver. Between my legs, I felt a warm, buzzing sensation. I was getting wet from the way he was comforting me!

  “I know,” I said softly. “That’s what I hired you to do.”

  “I mean it,” Devin grunted. “This guy, whoever he is, he’s just trying to scare you, Katia. Don’t let this bother you. He knows your weak spots, and he wants you to feel like he can exploit you. I’m willing to bet anything that his bark is worse than his bite.”

  I sighed. “I’m terrified,” I admitted. All kinds of horrible thoughts were running through my head. No matter which way I thought of it, I was terrified. It seemed like everything was going in the worst direction possible, and I had no idea what to do in order to fix it.

  “It’ll be okay,” Devin said. He glanced down at me. “Why don’t you go shop some more? It’ll take your mind off things.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “You think I’m just a dumb blonde,” I said. I rolled my eyes as much as it stung, but I didn’t want Devin to know that. “Like shopping would fix world hunger or something.”

  He sighed. “I didn’t mean it like that,” Devin said. His voice was softer this time. “But I know how much you enjoy it.”

  His words did make me feel a little better. I wished I could do something about the raw arousal that was threatening to gnaw a hole in my lower belly. It was so distracting, like Devin himself was the one behind the way I was feeling.

  “Okay,” I mumbled. “I guess I could do some more shopping.”

  Devin followed close behind as I trailed through the rows of luxury stores. Nothing caught my eye, at least not until I made it down the row to La Perla. They had a beautiful satin mint-colored chemise in the window, and I noticed Devin’s eyes lingering on it from a distance.

  “You like that?” I licked my lips.

  Devin shook his head. I could tell he was embarrassed that I’d caught him looking. “I’d look terrible in that,” he said wryly. “But you, on the other hand. . .” He trailed off. For a moment, just a split second, I thought I saw a blush appear on his cheeks.

  “You wanna see me in it?” I raised my eyebrows and laughed. Suddenly, the hormones were raging through my body, and I couldn’t think of anything other than what it would feel like to drag Devin close to me and kiss him until my lips were sore. I wasn’t sure what it was, maybe a reaction to the stress I was feeling, but I was hornier than I had been in ages.

  “Come on,” I said to Devin without waiting for an answer. I grabbed his hand and dragged him into the store. As always, a sales associate flitted close to me and handed me a basket. I piled it with tons of lacy, pricey lingerie without even thinking about it: Cosabella, Stella McCartney, everything that I saw with a three-digit price tag and sheer coverage.

  “You’re not really gonna buy all that stuff,” Devin drawled. He glanced down into the basket in my arms. “That’s like a grand worth of pricey underwear.”

  I licked my lips. “Well, I’ve got to try it on first,” I said saucily. “You wanna peek?”

  Devin stared at me. His lips were parted, and I could tell his breath was coming in damp pants. His blue eyes were so dark that they almost looked navy, and his skin was flushed. I stared right back at him. I wanted to pull him close, shove my tongue in his mouth, and wrap my legs around his waist and never let him go.

  Without saying anything, I turned on my heel and carried the basket into a changing room. I pulled the velvet curtain across the rod until I was almost completely sealed off from the rest of the store. When I saw Devin’s boots peeking out from the bottom of the fabric, I grinned and slowly slid it open just a few more inches.

  Pulling my clothes off, I stretched and pulled on a midnight-blue bra in lace and satin. The cups barely covered my nipples, and I pouted and vamped at myself in the mirror. When I glanced over my shoulder at the crack in the dressing room curtain, I noticed Devin’s eyes were fixed on me.

  I stared at him, waiting for him to speak. While his eyes said all the intense things that I wanted to hear, his mouth didn’t even open. I held his gaze with mine, staring into the dressing room mirror until I thought I would make it fall to the floor and shatter into a million pieces.

  “Should I buy this?” I wondered aloud. Knowing Devin’s eyes were still locked on my half-nude frame, I slid my hands over my body, moaning slightly as my fingers grazed my breasts. Since it was almost my time of the month, they were more sensitive than usual. I threw my head back, letting the ends of my blonde hair graze the skin of my back.

  Devin didn’t reply. When I looked at him again, his eyes were black with lust. His face was filled with lust, and I could tell that he wanted me just as much as I wanted him. In that moment, it took all of my willpower to turn around and unfasten the bra from my body.

  Easing the fabric away from my breasts sent a sensual tingle through my limbs. As I picked up the next piece of lingerie, I turned around to face the curtain. My nipples were stiff from the cold air of the dressing room, and I knew my perky breasts looked amazing. My stomach was tan and toned from millions of hours spent doing barre work, and my panties barely covered the thin patch of blonde pubic hair growing over my pussy.

  “Well?” I asked softly. “Should I buy that bra, or not?”

  Chapter Six


  The next morning, Devin was crankier than usual. I drank my cappuccino in silence punctuated with sighs as I flipped through my emails.

  “I have a charity event this afternoon, followed by a party in the evening,” I mused. “Are you coming with me?”

  Devin glared at me. “You know that’s part of the bargain,” he said. “You can’t just leave me behind. I’m your bodyguard,” he spat.

  “And you were so good at it yesterday,” I said lightly. I didn’t mention what had happened after we’d come home from the shopping trip. Absolutely nothing. Devin hadn’t been able to take his eyes off me for the rest of the day, and while I’d wanted to kiss him again, I’d come to my senses right after returning to my condo. Devin stood out among the sea of pink and gold furnishings, and it occurred to me how silly it was that I had such desire for him. After all, he was nothing like the men I was used to dealing with.

  I’d always had a type – metrosexuals, usually blonde, blue-eyed, and the kind of guy who would scoff at Ralph Lauren from a mile away. My last boyfriend, Antonio, had been a gorgeous, misogynistic Italian guy. We’d had so much fun together, touring villas of Italy and France, sipping vintage champagne. I’d hated his comments, and hated his cheating even worse, but he’d actually been the one to break up with me because I refused to give up my career. Now, I wondered whether I was going to be able to find a guy who was able to keep up with me. And Devin definitely isn’t that guy, I realized

  “What do you do, anyway?” Devin asked. I frowned and blinked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Like, do you do anything valuable?”

  “Of course,” I snapped. “Everything I do is valuable. You know that,” I added in an obvious tone of voice. I gestured around my kitchen, furnished with all of the latest gadgets and technology. “I mean, how else would I be able to pay for all of this? Someone thinks I’m good at contributing to society,” I added.


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