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Wallflowers:Three of a Kind

Page 15

by CP Smith

  It keeps getting better and better.

  “Gayla?” I exploded. “She goes through men like water goes over Niagara Falls. Fast and furious. She’s no role model for Wallflowers paddling in uncharted waters.”

  We were on a collision course for relationship disaster if we took advice from the office slut.

  “Stop the car,” I demanded.

  Sienna glanced at Poppy, uncertain, but shook her head no.

  Screw it. I will buy Sienna a new dress if I have to.

  I reached out my hand to the door handle, but the locks clicked into place.

  “Unlock the door,” I bit out.

  “Not a chance. You look hot, Cali. If there’s any flame burnin’ in that blood of Devin’s, that outfit will shoot it straight to an inferno.”

  “But it’s not me.” Poppy regarded me with concern, so I explained. “Look, I know I agreed to see where it went with Devin if he made a move, but this isn’t me, not by a long shot. I want him to like me for who I am, not Gayla’s big-haired, slutty version. I’m a book nerd. One who prefers jeans and boots to dresses, not this sex kitten you’ve turned me into.”

  Poppy looked at Sienna, and I hoped I’d scored a point.

  I wasn’t sure why I was freaked out, but I was. The hair, the makeup, the dress. It was too much in the light of day—or night—in this instance. Dressed like this for speed dating, where I didn’t know anyone, was like playing dress-up. But this was Devin. I didn’t want him to want me for any other reason than plain ole me. Not sexy, dressed for a ball—more like a night of sin—Callarella.

  “Pull into the McDonalds ahead,” Poppy told Sienna. “We’ll just be a minute.”

  Thank you, God.

  If I had to, I’d refuse to get back into the car and call a cab.

  Sienna hit the locks after she parked, and I bailed out of the car. Poppy climbed out behind me with her purse and grabbed my hand. I followed her, stumbling once on my stilettoes on our way to the ladies’ room as catcalls rang out. When the door closed behind me, I pointed at it and cried out, “See? So not me.”

  “I know,” she mumbled, and moved to the sink. “Come here, and I’ll fix your hair and makeup. When I’m done with you, you’ll look like you again, only in an attractive dress. Will that work?”

  I hesitated a moment then moved to the sink. “Get rid of ‘hooker Cali’, and we’ll talk.”

  Ten minutes later, she’d smoothed my hair into a stylish ponytail, wrapped low at the base of my neck, and removed all the eye makeup. I now had a clean face with ruby red lips and sleek hair. This was a look that I would wear out and not think twice about. This was the Cali I knew, but with flair.

  “Better?” she asked.

  I looked from side to side and smiled. “You do a good ‘Cali, but with flair,’” I said. “Thank you!”

  “You’re welcome,” she chuckled.

  “No, really. Thank you,” I muttered. “For listenin’, for takin’ me seriously, for makin’ me look . . . hot on my own terms.”

  “You’re welcome,” she smiled. “Now, let’s go find Devin and see if we can rev his engine.”

  I looked in the mirror again and decided if this didn’t catch his attention, then nothing would. Tonight I’d find out if the Devil with fire in his eyes was the man I’d been hoping for, or if he was just a poser.


  Wine number three was getting warm, and there was still no sign of Devin. We’d sat at the bar with our backs to the restaurant so we could see when he came in. It was ladies’ night, so the bar was full, which meant we’d had plenty of attention dressed the way we were. It was approaching ten, and I’d had a long day; it was time to throw in the towel and go home.

  “He must be on another stakeout,” Poppy said.

  “Maybe,” I agreed.

  “Don’t go there,” Sienna said. “He’s dedicated to findin’ Maria.”

  I turned on my stool and looked at her. “I didn’t go anywhere.”

  “You were thinkin’ he was out with someone else.”

  “No, I wasn’t. I was thinkin’ he might still be interviewin’ Carmella’s clients.”

  “Oh,” she answered, looking chagrined.

  “I’m not insecure.” They both raised their brows. “Okay, I can be in certain situations, but not until I have a reason. Now that I’ve had time to think about it, I realize he isn’t the type of man to ignore a missin’ woman for a good time with a loose woman. If he hasn’t stopped by to say hi to his friend, then I figured he’s workin’.”

  “Speakin’ of his friend,” Poppy said. “I haven’t seen him tonight either.”

  I looked around the bar and realized she was right. Nate Jacobs was a tall, good-looking man. He’d be hard to miss if he was working.

  “That settles it,” I said, standing from the barstool. “If Nate isn’t here, then there’s no reason for Devin to stop by.”

  Poppy and Sienna both nodded in agreement and stood as well.

  “It was a good test run for these dresses at least. Though, you may need to disinfect your back after all the hands that touched it,” Poppy said.

  “Yes, I think the attention we received proves my point: Gayla’s a man-eater who reels men in like a spider with her looks.”

  Groaning, Sienna looked around the bar then leaned in so I could hear her.

  “We have a confession.”


  “We hate the way we look as well. We only listened to Gayla, because she seemed to know what she was talkin’ about. We didn’t want to let you down, ‘cause you were lookin’ to us for advice on datin’, but we’re almost as green as you.”

  The hilarity of the three of us pretending to be something we weren’t made me laugh. Linking my arms with both women, I started dragging them to the door. “New rule,” I hollered over the noise. “From this day forward, let’s just be us. None of us need a man who doesn’t want us just the way we are. Jeans and all.”

  “Deal,” Poppy smiled. “No more sex kitten outfits.”

  “Thank God. I’m with you. If I had it my way, I’d be in jeans and boots twenty-four seven,” Sienna announced as we cleared the door and headed for my apartment.

  When we made it to the corner by my aunts’ building, a beast of a Harley pulled up across the street, waiting for a car to turn right into the alley. I held my breath, sure it was Devin, then saw the rider had longer hair.

  “I think that’s Nate,” Poppy whispered.

  The three of us stared through the gloom at the rider until he pulled forward and we could see it was definitely Nate. I raised my hand and waved just as he turned his head and saw us. His face went from relaxed to taut in the blink of an eye. He scanned our group, his eyes landing on Poppy and holding longer than the rest of us. Then he looked behind him for a moment before gunning the engine and taking off toward Jacobs’ Ladder.

  “I’m sure that’s Devin’s bike,” I told the girls.

  “Maybe he’s driving Nate’s vehicle while he’s on these stake-outs,” Poppy offered, turning back to follow him with her eyes.

  We crossed the street and then turned down the alley to head back to Sienna’s car.

  “Do you want us to walk you to your door?” Poppy asked.

  “No, I’m good.”

  We hugged, and then I watched the girls as they climbed into the car and pulled out. I moved to the back gate and opened it, then walked through the courtyard to the stairs.

  Normally, I would have checked on Bernice and Eunice before heading to bed, but my feet were killing me in these ridiculous heels, and all I could think about was taking my shoes off and then soaking in a scalding hot bath.

  When I pulled open the door to the second floor, I startled when I found Bobby Jones leaning against the wall next to my door. I sighed loudly in frustration, hoping he would hear me. Two visits in three days felt more like stalking than friends.

  Bobby pushed off the wall when he saw me, and his mouth dropped open as he sc
anned my body from head to toe.

  Yes, I’m dressed in a sexy dress. No, you won’t be getting your hands in my panties tonight—or any other night.

  “What are you doin’ here, Bobby?”

  He didn’t answer. He kept staring.

  “Bobby. Answer me. What are you doin’ here this late?” I bit out as I unlocked my door and opened it.

  He looked up finally, his mouth pulling into a devilish grin that wasn’t nearly as handsome as Devin’s. “Jesus, Calla Lily. You look . . . different.”

  “Is that an attempt at a compliment?” I asked crossing my arms.

  He nodded slowly and licked his lips.

  Not in this lifetime, pal.

  “Get that look off your face, Bobby. You’re not gettin’ in my panties tonight or any other—”

  The door ripped open behind me, and I spun around. Devin stepped through looking dark and formidable. He glared at Bobby, then turned to me and froze. Scanning my body slowly, his gaze heated as it inspected every inch of my skin. When he was done, he sucked in air then let it out slowly, breathing deep and controlled as his eyes settled on mine.

  “You know this guy, sugar?” Bobby asked.

  I didn’t answer. I was caught in a vortex of heat that ran down my neck and settled between my legs as Devin’s gaze ignited. I thought I’d seen lust when I’d kissed him the day before, but I’d been wrong. This look was lust personified. It was primal, possessive, and all-encompassing. The world simply ceased to exist when a man looked at you that way.

  “Devin,” I whispered, licking my lips, because my mouth had run dry.

  “Calla, who is this?” Bobby asked again, but I ignored him.

  Devin moved then, heading straight for me. He kept coming until he’d backed me into the wall. When my back hit the sheetrock, I dropped my purse and put my hands to his chest, grabbing hold of his shirt as my heart thundered. I swallowed hard for control and looked up. Blatant desire reflected back at me.

  I’d never seen a man act like this. I’d read about it in books, but passed the behavior off as figments of the author’s wonderful imagination.

  God, I’d been wrong. About so many things.

  Raising his hands, Devin cupped my face gently and leaned his head down. I closed my eyes against the emotions, rioting for control as he rested his forehead on mine and hissed, “Fuck, baby.”

  “Who the fuck are you?” Bobby seethed, stepping in closer to my side.

  Opening my eyes sluggishly, I found Devin’s staring back at me. The color was so blue I knew only God could have designed them.

  “I’m her man,” Devin mumbled, turning his attention to my mouth. I watched with interest as his eyes lost focus and turned lazy like Sienna had described. She was right. He looked like he wanted to gobble me up whole.

  “Her man? Since when?” Bobby asked, incredulous.

  “Since she placed her hand on my chest and called me Devil,” he answered, and the air left my lungs on a breathy, “Oh my God.”

  “For God’s sake, Calla. Is this the PI from the paper?” Bobby hissed. He said PI like it was a terminal disease.

  “I take it you like the dress?” I asked Devin, ignoring Bobby.

  He nodded slowly as he ran his thumb across my bottom lip, his gaze following it as it went.

  “I demand to know who this man is,” Bobby ordered.

  “I’ve told you who I am,” Devin growled, “and you’ve got two seconds to leave, or I’ll show you to the door.”

  Bobby was used to giving orders, not taking them, so he stepped in closer and arrogantly said, “If you had a clue who you’re dealin’ with, you’d take your hands off Preston Armstrong’s granddaughter and leave immediately. If you don’t, then I can promise you this won’t end well for you.”

  Devin turned his head at the threat and looked down at Bobby. “I know exactly who I’m dealin’ with, and now you’ve got one second to remove yourself from the premises, or I’ll be happy to do it for you.”

  Bobby didn’t clue in to how much danger he was in until Devin flinched in his direction. He stepped back hurriedly as Devin sneered at him. A moment later, I heard the door being ripped open and took my eyes off Devin long enough to watch Bobby storm out.

  Devin turned his attention back to me, crowding me further into the wall. “I’m gonna kiss you now,” Devin whispered, his gravelly voice thick with lust.

  “I have to know somethin’ first.”

  His lazy eyes came back to mine. “Anything,” he answered, pulling me closer to his body.

  “Do you really want a relationship?”

  He blinked at the question.

  From his reaction, I expected him to pull away. Expected to find out what was happening between us was hormones brought on by a sexy dress. Instead, his eyes warmed to a cobalt blue, and he lowered his head to mine, drawling out, “Oh, yeah,” in a deep husky voice.

  To my mortification, tears began to sting my eyes. I wanted to believe him. Wanted what he was offering to the very depths of my being, but old insecurities die hard, and I shook my head in disbelief.

  When the first tear started its slow descent down my cheek, Devin’s hands came up to cup my face. He tilted my head back until our eyes locked, brushing away a single tear with his thumb, and then leaned in closer until our mouths were inches apart. I wasn’t sure if I wanted him to kiss me. After spending half the night looking for the man, now that I had exactly what I wanted within my reach, I was hesitating.

  He either sensed it or read the uncertainty written across my face, because he mumbled, “No turning back,” as he continued to inch closer, as if to see how long it would take for our lips to touch.

  With tenderness I wasn’t expecting, he kissed the corner of my mouth, not touching my lips, mumbling, “Brick by fuckin’ brick,” as he moved to the opposite side and repeated the action.

  “What?” I asked, confused.

  “I’ll break down that wall you’ve erected brick by brick until you don’t feel the need to run scared from me.”

  He was definitely a mind reader.

  “I—I’m a little terrified you know that about me.”

  He grinned slow and easy.

  “All you need to know”—he whispered, his voice deep and husky—“is that the second my lips touch yours, it’s over. You’re mine.”

  My eyes hooded, and my knees grew weak hearing that declaration. Who would have thought having a caveman beat his chest, declaring you’re his woman, would be hot?

  I licked my lips, then opened my mouth to argue, to say we needed to slow down, but Devin halted my response with his mouth. He touched his tongue to my bottom lip, and my ability to form a coherent thought vanished. I opened for him and tasted coffee laced with mint as he tangled his tongue with mine. Heat exploded through my veins, my body tingling with sexual awareness, and I lost control. Wrapping my fingers in his hair, I tugged on the longish strands, and he moaned his approval, kissing me harder, deeper, and wetter, stealing my breath.

  I thought when I rode on the back of his bike I’d felt alive, felt free for the first time in years. I was wrong. Having this man kiss me as if he needed it in order to live was far more exhilarating.

  I could fall so easily, lose myself to him . . .

  And with that thought, I panicked.

  Ripping my mouth from his, panting as I tried to catch my breath, I declared, “We need to talk.”


  Resting his forehead against Calla’s, Devin tried to catch his breath. The force of his reaction to Bobby Jones being that close to her had caught him off guard. His attraction to her had been strong, almost distracting to the point of madness since he’d laid eyes on her, but seeing another man staring at her with blatant lust had tipped him over the edge. So he’d staked his claim the minute he could think clearly, so Jones had no doubt whom she belonged to.

  Burying his face in her neck, Devin breathed deep, taking in her powder-fresh scent as he ran his tongue up her neck,
mumbling, “We’ll talk,” before he nipped her ear.

  She shuddered beneath his hands, and he smiled.

  “We don’t know each other that well,” she started off in a shaky voice. “We should—”

  Devin took her mouth again, drinking in the taste of her. He wasn’t ready to leave her lips long enough to form a single word. He’d suffered through a long night with only the memory of her kiss to keep him company, then spent the rest of the day fighting the urge to storm into Poe so he could get a few things straight. Namely, put her on notice that he wanted her. Secondly, assuaging his anger that she’d considered putting herself in danger by investigating Maria’s disappearance.

  If she wanted to talk, they’d talk. But not before he was good and ready.

  Lifting her at the waist, Devin pinned Calla to the wall so he had better access to her sweet mouth. He deepened their kiss as he ran a hand down her side and then to her back. When he reached her heart-shaped ass, he palmed it, running his hand over a firm cheek. And then he froze. Breaking from her mouth, Devin narrowed his eyes at her.

  “You wanna talk, we’ll talk,” he rumbled low in warning. “Next time you dress for sex, I’d better be the man you’re lookin’ for.”

  Her eyes grew wide in surprise. “I’m not dressed for sex.”

  Pissed off by her answer, he pressed her further into the wall then ran his hand up her leg, hooking it on his hip, causing the fabric to ride up until he could cup her bare ass. Her breath hitched on contact, and her eyes grew lazy.

  “I rest my case,” he bit out, squeezing gently to make his point, then stroking her warm skin.

  “The back was cut too low for panties,” she said by way of an explanation. “I wasn’t looking. I mean, I was looking, but not for . . . Devin, I think we should slow down.”

  Reaching for her other leg, Devin wrapped them both around his waist and turned for her open door.

  “Tell me why we should slow down?” he asked into her neck as he nipped his way to her shoulder.

  “You don’t know anything about me. I may be the last woman on earth you should get involved with.”

  He kicked the door shut as she answered and headed for her bedroom. He wanted her on that fuckin’ bed, had a feeling no man had been invited in there, and he wanted to claim that privilege as his own.


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