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Page 8

by Unknown

  Jessie wouldn’t invent an excuse for herself now. She’d missed crucial details tonight because she’d not done enough research.

  “What’s a Talbart?” Cole asked.

  “Remember that man who hired me to ‘catch’ his spouse having an affair, but it turned out to be him and his wife trysting in the men’s room?”

  Cole nodded. “I’m guessing they like the thrill of getting caught, but with someone they pay to keep quiet.”

  “Exactly. Those were the Talbarts, and they refer a lot of their friends. They don’t tell me their intentions when they set up my services, that’s part of their fun. Anyway, I just realized, this couple tonight is probably a Talbart referral.”

  She heard a giggle. The sound of a twig snapping. Cole crouched lower without having to be told. She could appreciate a man knowing when to make himself covert. Although Cole had already done his fair share of sneaking from his father back in high school.

  Jessie became instantly alert. A man and woman walked into the park. She trained her binoculars, and recognized the shadowy features of the man she’d met in her office. So much for spying on his cheating wife. Jessie would lay cash money the woman at his side shared his last name and had a ring on her finger.

  Talbarts. True, it beat actually discovery infidelity. Despite starting this business with good intentions, constantly discovering betrayal was wearing her down. She switched out of the binocular setting, adjusting her lens. She had to be prepared for the right shot to come about. There was a fine line in getting the detail she needed. Too much zoom messed up night shots.

  The woman turned her head, and her smiling face came into view. Jessie almost dropped her camera. Thank God her quick intake of breath hadn’t echoed in the night.

  Cole tensed beside her. “Isn’t that…”

  She closed her eyes for a moment. This was a disaster. “I don’t know. It’s too dark to tell.” Okay, huge lie, because she was pretty darn sure she knew exactly who that woman was.

  Jessie took a breath and let it out slowly. She’d blown it. She looked at the woman, who was holding hands and kissing the man passionately. Jessie took her shot quickly. A mistake, but she wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. To get Cole out of there.

  Why in the world had she thought inviting him was a good idea? He worked in TV. The Just Between Us station also covered local politics. And spotting the embattled mayor of Knightsville, Georgia, canoodling in a park would be a nice little coup for his colleagues. Yeah. She’d blown it big-time.

  Damn, and she actually liked Mayor Brock. She’d pushed through a lot of funding for the police force, area schools and ironically city parks.

  And just when Jessie thought things couldn’t get any worse, she spotted the man, sans dog, with his own camera aimed at the couple. Great.

  JESSIE WALKED SILENTLY toward the car. Cole knew something was wrong. Shit. Maybe he did have his finger on the pulse of a woman’s wants, or whatever the hell that article had said, because he was sensing her mood. He needed a beer.

  No, it wasn’t that. Any idiot would note the tenseness of her shoulders. The distance she was keeping between them reminded him of those sayings about a ten-foot pole. The soft, sexy woman who’d kissed him earlier, and whose sweet moans of pleasure had nearly brought him to his knees, was gone.

  Without a word, she unlocked her car and he slid into the seat beside her. He turned to speak to her, to find out what was wrong, but she’d already jammed her key into the ignition and fired up the engine. She jerked the car out of the convenience-store parking lot as he buckled his seat belt.

  Clearly here was a woman who couldn’t wait to get away from him.

  No, he definitely didn’t have his finger on the situation, because otherwise he’d know what the hell was going on. And how to fix it.

  They rode in silence back to the station, where she’d picked him up. She pulled alongside his car, and stared forward. Engine still running. He got the message.

  “’Bye, Jess,” he said as he stepped out. She’d turned her head as he closed the door. Their gazes met through the glass. The lights in the parking lot illuminated her beautiful face. She opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something. Her expression softened, appeared unsure, and for a moment he knew he was back on track. Then she nodded and he watched as she drove away from him.

  He dug his keys out of his pocket. Women. He’d been married to one. Worked with them. Was raising two of them. But he’d never understand them.

  Like the mayor tonight, she was in a fierce battle for her job. Why was she out playing night games in the park? That would be fodder for the competition and reporters alike.

  He was an idiot.

  Jessie’s attitude had changed right after he’d recognized Mayor Brock. Jess probably thought he’d report it immediately to the news people at the station. As much as he’d like to have that kind of scoop, he’d never do that to Jessie.

  The tight knot that had seized his muscles eased. This was something he could fix. He unclipped his cell phone and dialed Jessie’s number.


  Just the sound of her sexy voice made him hard.

  “Jessie, I’d never use what I saw tonight in the park. That was just…us. Not my job.”

  She exhaled in relief. “That’s good to know.”

  He smiled, because he heard the warmth return to her voice. Time to lay it all on the line. “I want you Jessie. I want to finish what we started.”

  Her breath hitched. “You know, I make my worst decisions after midnight.”

  “I think I heard that on some TV show.” His show. She’d said it in that interview with Eve. Cole looked at his watch. “Lucky for us, it’s long past that.”

  Her breath came out in a soft moan. “Then why don’t you stop over at my place?”

  He closed the phone, anticipation making him harder. With a nod to the security guard on his rounds, he jumped into his car and started the engine.


  THE DOORBELL RANG, and despite knowing it would be Cole, Jessie still looked through the tiny glass peephole out of habit. There he was—big, strong and impatient.

  Her breath caught in her throat. Damn, but this could be awkward. Here was a man coming over to her home specifically to have sex. This wasn’t a good-night kiss that led to unbelievable passion and getting carried away. This was a blunt, I’m-opening-the-door-just-to-lead-you-to-my-bed encounter. She knew it was probably a mistake. Why open herself up to pain like this? She’d been infatuated with him once. And although he probably never knew it, he’d very nearly broken her heart.

  Yes, a toe-curling, can’t-wait-to-make-it mistake.

  And the fling rules would be there to make sure her heart didn’t become involved. After all, Cole Crawford was a bad boy, so that made him the perfect candidate for a fling.

  She schooled her features, trying to wipe the silly grin off her face. After taking a deep breath, she unlocked and opened the door.

  Her porch light cast a yellow shadow across the planes of his face. A hint of a beard darkened his chin. He looked tired, agitated and ready. She didn’t know how to play this.

  With two quick strides she was in his arms. He kicked the door closed, and backed her toward the wall.

  Apparently, Cole knew how to play it.

  He lifted her off the ground, and she wrapped her arms around him. He propped her up against the sturdy entry table she tossed her mail and keys on. Their lips were almost even, and their mouths met. Fused. She kissed him with all the angst she’d had for him as a shy teenager, and all the hunger she had for him as an experienced woman.

  Jessie reached for his shirt, wanting it off of him. She itched to stroke the smooth skin of his back. He stopped kissing her only long enough to allow her to tug the soft material over his head.

  Cole pulled her T-shirt from her pants. “Why’d you tuck this back in?” His voice was rough as he slid his lips along her cheek. Licked her neck.

So you could drag it out again.”

  He laughed against the pulse at the base of her neck. Gave her skin a gentle bite.

  Her nipples tingled. Tightened. She ached for his touch on her breasts, and she wanted it all. His hands, his lips all over her body. Jessie wanted to rub her breasts against his chest, savor the heat and friction. Why was he taking so long getting her shirt off? “Take it off,” she urged.

  Cole wasted no time. Seconds later her shirt fell to the floor. Quickly followed by her lacy black bra.

  “I wore that bra just for you.”

  “I’ll admire it later.”

  His lips didn’t return to her. Noting their absence, she opened her eyes. Cole stood before her, gazing at her bared body. He was sucking in air, his breathing harsh. Doing nothing but staring at her breasts.

  Slowly, his gaze lifted to meet hers. “You’re stunning.”

  She almost said something flip like, “Well, in that case, look all you want.” But she didn’t want only his eyes on her. Jessie wanted him on her.

  “Kiss me,” she said. Her voice was low and filled with hunger.

  Cole shook his head. He reached over and flipped the switch. The lamp bathed her skin in a soft, luminous glow. “So far it’s only been in the dark. I want more than to just feel you.”

  Jessie shivered as his fingertip traced the line of her collarbone.

  “I want to see you as I touch you.” His fingers slid down the slope of her breast. Her nipple puckered harder. He cupped her with his hand, his thumb caressing her sensitive tip. “I want to watch that.”

  Her skin grew flushed from the heat of his words. Jessie shook her hair behind her shoulders. She wanted him to see her.

  “Strip for me.” His voice was raw.

  She saw the outline of his erection in his pants. She’d done that to him. She wanted to do even more.

  His suggestive words sent a shaft of white-hot desire through Jessie’s body. She slid off the table. Stripping was something she had to do standing up. Her gaze met the dark brown of his eyes. She let her fingers caress his muscular arms, then found the button of her pants. With barely a fumble, she unbuttoned and unzipped them. Cole groaned low in his throat when she shimmied out of them, letting the material slide down her hips, past her thighs to pool at her feet.

  She stood before him clad only in a pair of black panties so wispy and small they were hardly a covering. Jessie hooked her thumbs around the thin strip of silk at her hips. “Watch me.”

  Cole’s gaze lowered as she did a slow tease, sliding the material down one hip, then the other. His intake of breath was harsh, and suddenly she didn’t want to tease him. She wanted that material off right then. Her panties dropped to the floor, and she kicked them aside.

  Jessie reached for his hands. The rough strength of his fingers excited her, and she couldn’t wait to feel his touch on her skin. With a small smile, she placed one of his hands on her breast, the other between her thighs.

  His touch was more hurried this time. Less practiced. She rose on tiptoe and pressed her mouth to his at the same moment he slipped his fingers past the slick folds between her legs. She gasped against his mouth.

  “Cole, that feels so good.”

  But she didn’t want to be the only one feeling good. She wanted to touch him. Hold him. Make him as desperate as she felt. She tugged at the waistband of his jeans, bringing him closer. She found the button, and made quick work of the zipper. With a speed only sexual need could give her, she had those pants down around his ankles. His boxer briefs followed. Then she broke off the kiss and pushed him back.

  A hungry confusion dwelled in the depths of his brown eyes.

  “I want to see you, too,” she said.

  He took a step back to tug off his shoes, then kicked his pants and briefs aside.

  Her gaze dropped, soaking up the strength of his chest, the dusting of hair. The rock-solid flatness of his stomach. His hard cock hung there firm and heavy, pointing toward her. Waiting for her. She wrapped her fingers around him. His skin was hot, and he shuddered. His hands returned to her body. She stroked the smooth head of him and he closed his eyes with a groan.

  Jessie’s knees grew shaky with that harsh sound from him. Who knew hearing a man’s need for her would make her heart pound? Her body readied. The fingers between her legs moved easily now.

  “Jessie,” he rasped. He swallowed. “Feeling how much you want me…”

  His penis hardened further in her hand, and a deep earthy satisfaction filled her. “I know,” she said. Her voice was raspy and tight. She nipped at his bottom lip.

  “Now,” she said.

  “Wait, I have to tell you something.” His voice strained with control.

  No, no, no. She didn’t want to hear anything. Jessie almost groaned in frustration. No confessions. No admissions. She just wanted him inside her, making her feel good. Why did she always get the bad boy trying to do right by her?

  His hands left her body, finding her shoulders. Jessie stared at him, feeling too raw to hide her disappointment.

  “I can’t think when you look at me like that.”

  “Then don’t think,” she said, but he was already shaking his head.

  Cole glanced away and sucked in a breath. Then his eyes once more met hers. Serious and direct. “This is all it ever can be. I can’t offer you anything but this.”

  Frustration almost screamed inside her. “Do I look like I want anything but you?”

  His expression turned hard. Bitter. “I’m no good in relationships.”

  Her frustration lessened, but her hungry desire for him continued to burn. She appreciated his gallant gesture. Who knew men still acted like that? “Aren’t you forgetting that I’m the advocate for the fling? I don’t want a relationship any more than you do. Right now, all I want is your body.”

  His eyes narrowed, and he opened his mouth to speak. Then he hauled her up against him, his lips meeting hers. He kissed her. Kissed her hard, with all the pent-up raw emotion inside him. Obviously, Cole had his own demons to slay. And if she was going to benefit from that, so be it.

  “Where’s your bedroom?” he asked against her neck. The warmth of his breath sent a tingle down her body.


  He broke away long enough to reach for his pants. Jessie saw him grab a handful of condom packets from his pocket. Another tingle slid right down her spine. She’d like to use each and every one of those packets.

  He tossed his pants out of their way. “Take me there.”

  Jessie reached for his hand and drew him toward the stairs that led to the second floor. She stopped at the base of the stairwell to kiss him. He engulfed her in his arms, his lips hard and becoming so familiar on her own. Jessie spread her palms against his back, wanting to feel as much of his skin as possible. The packages of condoms dropped to the floor.

  He gripped her shoulders, pushed her away. “Now,” he said, as he turned her to face the stairs.

  She missed the first step and fell backward. Cole reached for her. His steadying fingers on her hips balanced her against his chest. Her thighs bumped his leg muscles. Her backside tucked into him and he supported her weight. A low, carnal sound slowly ripped from him as his rock-hard erection pressed against the softness of her skin. Jessie thrilled at the sound. Loved knowing, feeling, how her touches made him want her more.

  She wiggled, eliciting another deep groan from his chest. Once again the power she had over his body, over this big, strapping man, made her feel strong. Jessie wanted to make him feel all kinds of things at her hand. With her mouth.

  His hands circled her waist and he pulled her tight to his chest, stilling her movements. “Enough,” he said. His breath was a warm caress above her ear. “Your ass is perfect.”

  Now, she wouldn’t fall, so with reluctance, she began to move from his arms and take him to her bedroom. But she already missed the solid heat of him behind her.

  “No. Here,” he said.

mouth went dry. Her memory flitting to last Thursday, when he had held her in the exact same way in the parking lot, and brought her to orgasm with his fingers.

  His fingers skimmed across her waist and up her rib cage now. “I want to feel your nipples tighten when you come.” He cupped her breast, and she shivered.

  His other hand slid between her legs, his fingers sinking into the curls there. Touching her clit. If he’d do that now like he had done then…

  Yes. It should be like this.

  Cole gently pushed at her shoulders and she bent forward, her head inches from the beige carpet covering the stairs. Her left hand curled around a stairwell spindle, while the fingers of her right hand sank into the fibers of the carpet.

  He left her briefly to take care of the condom, then she felt the tip of him against her. Sighed when his hand returned to her breast.

  “You’re so wet. So hot. Tell me you’re ready, Jessie. I hope you are.”


  Cole surged into her then, filling her. The pleasure was intense. Building. She moaned as his fingers returned to touch her between her legs. “You feel so good, all of you.”

  Her nerves tingled from his tender pinch of her nipple, the exquisite teasing of her clit, and the expanse of his solid body covering her back, her legs. Then he began to pump, stroking her inside and out.

  Jessie thrust her hips back, angling to meet his rhythm. Cole shifted and she gasped. He’d touched her at just the right place. Her muscles tightened. She sucked in a breath, then held it. Deep tremors took over her muscles, and she convulsed around his penis.

  Cole quickened his pace, his fingers continuing their teasing.

  She cried out and her legs grew shaky. Her orgasm raced through her. She lost all thought. Jessie only felt. She wanted to yell at him to go faster so the sensations would be more intense. She wanted to beg him to slow down so she could ride the wave of pleasure.


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