The Fighting Series (Books 1-5)

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The Fighting Series (Books 1-5) Page 16

by Nikki Ash

  Cooper’s entire body stills and I want to back track. I want to take it back before he shuts me out. It’s not that I don’t mean it. I do. I love Cooper. I think I always have. I know realistically people don’t fall in love when they first meet, but between the time we shared years ago, watching Bella grow up with his beautiful features, and listening to and watching him these past few days, I can feel it. I love this man.

  Just when I think he’s going to leave me hanging, he kisses me. It’s not a soft kiss like the one I gave him, but it’s not rough either. It’s a beautiful, sensual combination of both. His lips move over mine with ease, his tongue smoothly slipping in, and I swear this man is making love to me with his mouth. When he ends the kiss, he pulls back and smiles at me with a big cheesy grin.

  “Baby girl, I love you, too. I love you so damn much.”

  I can’t see myself, but I’m almost positive I’m mirroring the same cheesy-ass grin on my face that he’s still sporting on his.

  After Bella’s nap, we spend the rest of the afternoon lounging around, playing Uno. Bella beats us every game. We order Chinese for dinner, and then I give Bella a bath while Cooper excuses himself back downstairs.

  After Bella’s in bed, Cooper tells me to get changed into my pajamas and then meet him in the living room. When I ask him why, he tells me he has a surprise for me.

  After getting changed I enter the living room to find a ton of candy, popcorn, and drinks spread out across the coffee table.

  “What’s all this?” I ask.

  “It’s an adult movie night,” he says as he grabs a DVD from inside the entertainment center, puts it in, and comes to sit next to me. I grab the throw blanket from the back of the couch and spread it across our laps as I snuggle into his side.

  After skipping through the previews, the title screen comes on and I squeal in excitement like my daughter. “You remembered?” I slap him on the chest, and he laughs.

  “Love and Basketball is my favorite movie!”

  “I know! I remember everything you tell me, Liz. You and that girl upstairs are my world. You mean everything to me.” And swoon…

  “We might be now, but I wasn’t five years ago. I told you this was my favorite back when it was just a one-night stand.”

  Looking anger at what I just said, he says, “First of all, it wasn’t a one-night stand. It was a thirty-hour stand.” He is so damn adorable.

  “Second of all, I knew you were my world back then. I was just too stupid to do anything about it. I’ve never even spent the night with another woman. You were the first and you will be the last. Got it?”

  “Yeah, I got it,” I say as he presses play on the movie. He may not know it yet, but he’s quickly becoming my entire world as well.



  I’m at the gym training with Kaden, but instead of training it’s more like I’m getting the shit kicked out of me. I can’t focus and it’s not my fault.

  “Coop! Put your fucking hands up. How are you supposed to beat this guy if you can’t even remember how to block a simple punch?” I hate to admit it but Kaden is right. I’m off my game and I blame the sexy woman who’s invading my every thought. My mind goes back to that first Sunday we spent together as a family when we got home from the Town Square, after we both declared our love for each other.

  After Bella went to sleep, we watched Love and Basketball while cuddling on the couch, and when it was over, I had to make a few calls for the gym, so Liz went to take a shower and then read one of her trashy novels on her iPad she loves so much.

  Once I was done with my calls, I went into the room to shower as well, but when I walked in, I found Liz lying on the bed in a black silk negligee looking sexy as fuck. Her legs were spread wide open and I could see her bare pussy peeking out through the silk crotch-less panties.

  I walked over to the bed and crawled across it, until I was nose to nose with my woman, with a hand on either side of her head, kneeling between her sexy thighs. Leaning on my forearms, I began to kiss her neck as I trailed my lips down her collarbone, stopping at each breast. I sucked on each nipple through the silk material leaving wet spots where my tongue was. She arched her back, begging for me.

  I moved down to her stomach and lifted up the silk top with only my teeth. Liz froze and tried to move my mouth away, but I wasn’t having it. I knocked her hand away with my head and continued on. I could feel her tense as her stomach became exposed. “Relax, baby.”

  That’s when I saw what she was trying to hide—stretch marks. They were left over from her pregnancy with Bella and for some crazy reason she was ashamed for me to see them. Shaking my head, I thought to myself, This beautiful woman has nothing to be ashamed of. She has a banging body and a few stretch marks aren’t going to turn me off. Plus, these aren’t just stretch marks. These are proof this beautiful woman carried our baby in her belly for nine months, keeping her safe. She should get a fucking medal for that. However, I knew if I said that to her, she’d just shoo me off. So, instead, I showed her exactly what her stretch marks did to me.

  As I trailed my tongue down her stomach, I stopped at the first stretch mark and gave it a soft kiss, causing her to tense up. I moved to the next stretch mark and once again gave it a kiss. This time she didn’t tense. I continued kissing every stretch mark, until I had kissed them all. From there, I moved lower, stopping at the scar from when they had to take our baby out of her. Starting on the left side, I trailed kisses from one side to the other. Her body started squirming, her legs tightening, trying to seek relief, and I knew she was starting to get turned on.

  It was time to take care of my girl. I moved my mouth lower and placed a wet kiss on the top of her pussy. She jerked her hips upward in response, and I chuckled at her impatience as I took one finger and pushed it inside her.

  “Fuck, Liz, you’re soaked.” And she was… dripping fucking wet.

  “I know. Please. I need you inside me. Now.”

  “I will, baby, but first I want to make you come with my fingers.”

  I pushed my fingers back inside her, pumping them in and out. With my other hand, I massaged her clit with my thumb. She continued to writhe all over the bed until finally her body began to shake and I knew she was about to orgasm. Moving my thumb off her clit, I latched onto it with my teeth and tongue, sucking hard. She completely lost it, calling out my name as she came all over my mouth and fingers.

  That will never get old.

  When she came down from her orgasm, I crawled up her body and kissed her on her mouth.

  “Can you taste me on you, baby? You taste so fucking good.”

  She whimpered and attempted to reach for my cock, but before she could, I took both her hands in mine and lifted them up over her head, holding them there. My cock was hard as steel and she was slick to the touch as I slid my cock right into her warm, wet pussy and almost came right then and there. We’d had sex a few time, but tonight was different because we didn’t just have sex, we made love. Slowly, never breaking our kiss, Liz and I became one with each other until we both found our release.

  And every night since then, I’ve been inside my woman making sweet, sweet love to her, confirming over and over again, there’ll never be another woman for me. Liz, is it.

  “Cooper! Earth to Cooper! You gonna focus or do you want to just call Griffin and let him know he can keep the title because you forfeit?”

  “Yeah, sorry. Give me a few minutes. I’m just going to go check on Liz before she heads out to get Bella.”

  “C’mon, man. We all know that’s code for you going to get a quickie in the office on the damn desk.”

  Okay, so maybe I’ve been inside her during the day as well. Hey, like I said, I blame my sexy-as-sin woman. This isn’t my fault. I repeat this is not my fault. Her sexual appetite is insane. She’s clearly trying to make up for lost time and I’m just trying to be the dutiful boyfriend and make sure she’s satisfied.

  Boyfriend. The word sounds
so insignificant compared to how we feel about each other. She’s the mother of my child, the love of my life. I wonder what she would say if I proposed. I could become her fiancé and eventually her husband. Fuck, what the hell am I thinking? It’s only been a few weeks. She’d probably freak the hell out.

  Kaden calls my name, but I ignore him as I make my way out of the ring and head to check on Liz in the office. We originally agreed we would keep our personal life separate from our professional one while at the gym, but so far I’ve yet to keep to that agreement and it won’t be happening today either.

  “Knock, knock,” I say as I walk in to what was once my dad’s office. The feeling I get when I enter now, is warmth compared to the coolness I used to feel. Liz hasn’t changed much in the office except adding a few pictures on the walls and a couple on the desk. She even blew up a few from our family day at the park. The truth is, she could’ve made zero changes and the vibe would still be completely different because wherever Liz is, she emits a warm feeling into those around her. You can’t help but gravitate toward her—she’s just good. Even guys who come in to pay their monthly dues can’t help but hang around her. I swear I’m going to have to kick some ass soon to remind them whose woman she is.

  I frown when I see, sitting at the desk with Liz, is Hayley and Kayla, and they all appear to be having lunch together. Liz glances over at me and gives me a knowing smirk, while I pout at her like a child. So much for getting into her sweet pussy today. Looks like I’ll have to wait until tonight.

  She mouths, “I’m sorry” as the other girls turn to say hi.

  “Hello, ladies. How’s everyone doing today?”

  All of them answer various responses of good, then Kayla adds, “I was just telling Liz, how Hayley and I are traveling with you and the other guys to Boulder at the end of October since you and Caleb will be training while shooting promo photos for the fight in February, and Bentley is fighting at UFC Fight Night. I told her she should join us, but she isn’t having it. Tell her she should go.”

  Oh, hell… I haven’t discussed this trip with Liz yet. I’ll be gone for four days at the end of October doing some press shit for the title fight that’s taking place in February, and I need to be there to support Bentley at his fight. Ever since I took over the gym, he’s been working hard to get ready for this fight.

  “Kayla, I can’t just up and leave. Bella’s in school and she needs stability, plus it’s going to be around Halloween and she will die if she can’t wear her Elsa costume and go trick-or-treating in the same neighborhood we take her to every year.”

  Kayla pouts when she hears this. “Oh, no! I forgot about Halloween. I’ve never missed a single one of Bella’s Halloweens. This seriously sucks.”

  Damn it, it does suck. My first holiday with my daughter and I won’t even be here with her.

  Liz gives Kayla a sad smile. “Things have changed.” She shrugs. “Jobs have changed, living arrangements have changed, nothing can stay the same forever. I’m sad that you guys won’t be here, but I need to stay here and make sure Bella’s schedule is stable. I don’t want her to get confused. It’ll suck going trick-or-treating without you guys, but I’ll send pictures. I promise.”

  Of course she won’t drop everything, take Bella out of school, and travel to Boulder with us. Why not? It’s simple. Liz is a damn good mother and puts our daughter first, always. Just like my mom tried to do every time my dad traveled, but look how that ended. The question is, how long will she put up with me being gone and missing important family moments like taking our daughter trick-or-treating? How long until she feels lonely like my mom did and she seeks comfort in another guy who can be at all those events?



  I can tell something is bothering Cooper, but I don’t want to ask him in front of Kayla and Hayley, so I let it go for now. I check the time, seeing I need to leave soon to pick up Bella from school. I promised her we’d go get her costume today, so, we’ll find out soon if she sticks to the Elsa one.

  “All right everyone, I need to go pick up my daughter and take her costume shopping. I just spoke with my mom and they’re about to board their flight, and should be in tonight around dinner, so don’t forget about the barbeque Sunday.” I walk over to Cooper and give him a quick kiss. “And I will see you tonight.”

  He grabs me by my arm, looking conflicted. Something is clearly bothering him and I need to make sure we get time alone later to talk about it after Bella’s sleeping, so I can find out what’s going on.

  “Can I go with you to get Bella? It’s bad enough I’m going to miss her trick-or-treating. I’d like to at least be there to help her pick out her costume.”

  Oh, this man. My heart swells every time he says stuff like this.

  “Well, I don’t know how much helping you’re going to be doing since our sweet child has a mind of her own when it comes to all important decisions such as which costume to get, but you can always join us, Cooper. You never have to ask.”

  I run my hand down his cheek and a hint of a smile graces his face. “Give me a few minutes to shower and change.”


  After he exits I notice both my friends are staring at me.


  Hayley is the first to comment. “Nothing, he’s just so sweet. I want a man like that.”

  Kayla nods. “I don’t want a man like that because we both know I don’t want a man at all, but I’m glad you have a man like that. You deserve to be happy.”

  I debate on how to reply to Kayla’s comment because it drives me nuts that she never wants to be in a relationship just because her parents’ marriage isn’t one based on love.

  “Hayley, you’ll find your man. I didn’t think it would ever happen to me, but I’m glad I waited, and you”—I mock glare at Kayla—“need to stop. Just because your parents chose to have a marriage of convenience doesn’t mean all couples choose that. If you never let a guy in, you’ll never see how different it can be, and trust me, it can be amazing.”

  Both girls wave me off and we all exit the office and head to the front. Hayley goes to her office and Kayla stands with me in the front as we discuss our plans for the weekend. I’d like to take my parents and brother out to dinner tomorrow night. I hate they are only here for a short time, but I’m so excited to just see them. Kayla mentions us going to get manis and pedis in the morning with my mom.

  Cooper and Bentley walk up, overhearing our conversation. “Why don’t you guys schedule a full spa day and I’ll watch Bella and hang out with your dad and brother? Bentley can even come over and chill. We can invite Caleb and Kaden as well.”

  Kayla gets excited at the mention of a full day at the spa, but there’s no way I’m spending that kind of money. Yes, I’m working and I’m pretty sure Cooper is paying me more than he should be, and yes, I do have a home to live in and I don’t plan to move out, but I need to start saving just in case. I’m never going to be in the position I was in when our apartment caught fire with no money in the bank and nowhere to go.

  But before I can say anything, Cooper gives me a raised brow indicating he isn’t going to let me argue. “And it’s all on me. I’ve been meaning to add your name to the account so I’ll do that today when we get done at the costume store. Kayla, I know Liz, and I’m willing to bet she won’t book it. So, you’re going to need to book it. Make sure you include whatever you ladies want and I got it covered.”

  And with that, he grabs my hand and stalks off, dragging me behind him and not leaving any room for argument, as the sounds of Bentley and Kayla’s laughter ring through the building. Damn this man. This is just another example of why I can’t help but love him.

  We leave my car at the gym and take Cooper’s Rover. He refuses to take my car anywhere we don’t have to and he keeps complaining my car needs to be thrown into a junkyard, but I continue to ignore him. I’m hoping to save up enough in the next year to buy a newer used car.

  We get to
Bella’s preschool, and when she sees her dad, she comes running over to him, jumping straight into his arms. After she shows him her cubby and desk, we say good-bye to her teacher and head out.

  “Daddy! Are you here to go with Mommy and me to pick out my costume?”

  Cooper smiles wide and gives her a big kiss on her cheek. “You betcha, Princess.”

  “Mommy never gets a costume. Do you want to get a costume so you can go trick-or-treating with me?”

  Cooper’s smile fades instantly, and I think I’m starting to understand why he was upset earlier. He’s going to be missing his first holiday because of work. It’s part of his job and I won’t let him feel guilty over something out of his control. He works hard and without even blinking an eye has offered everything he has to Bella and me, and the last thing he needs is to feel like he’s done something wrong by making a living.

  “Bella, unfortunately, Daddy is going to be working on Halloween. He has to go away for a few days and one of the days he’ll be gone will be on Halloween. But we’ll take a lot of pictures and I’ll text them all to him, and when he gets home, we can show him all the candy you got. Does that sound good?”

  Bella’s look of disappoint mirrors her father’s, both of them looking adorable with matching pouting faces. “No, that doesn’t sound good. That doesn’t sound good at all. That sounds bad, really bad.”

  Whoa! I knew she was disappointed, but I didn’t expect her to get so angry over him not going trick-or-treating with her. I take her out of her father’s arms and set her on her feet, then I kneel down so I can make eye contact with her.

  “Well, I’m sorry that doesn’t sound good, but that’s the way it has to be. I’ll be with you and you’ll have lots of fun.”

  She pouts some more. “Will Auntie Kay be with us?”

  Oh Lord, this conversation is going downhill fast. “No, you know how Mommy and Auntie Kay work with daddy now? Well, when Daddy travels, sometimes Auntie Kay has to travel too, so she’ll be gone with Daddy. It will just be us this year.”


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