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Curves of the French Riviera

Page 2

by Krista Lakes

  “Salut! Would you like to join us, Mr. Aubert? We only just ordered, and we would love your company,” Laura chirped up sweetly at him. Megan kicked her under the table, she was nervous enough for tonight without a surprise luncheon. She felt suddenly very underdressed in her jean shorts and t-shirt. Her heart pounded with hope and fear with what he would say, unsure of which answer she actually wanted.

  “Please, call me Gabriel. I would be delighted to join you,” he grinned as he hopped the fence. Megan felt a thrill of excitement run through her as he sat across the table. He was close enough to touch, and somehow growing more attractive by the minute. She gulped a sip of wine, nearly choking as it tried to go into her lungs. She set it down carefully, trying not to cough, wondering if he had noticed, but he simply picked up a menu and asked what they had ordered. Megan took a deep breath, determined not to make a complete fool of herself.

  “So, Gabriel, where are you thinking of taking us this evening?” Her lips loved the way his name felt. She was trying not to stare at him, but she wanted to take in everything about him.

  “I was hoping to take you out to where you can see the entire city. The lights are quite beautiful from the water.” He smiled, his green eyes intent on Megan. She gulped and smiled nervously under his gaze. She could smell his cologne. It was clean and masculine, just the way a man should smell.

  “So, how long have you been sailing?” Laura asked to keep a conversation going. His eyes never left Megan as he answered.

  “As long as I can remember. My father was a fisherman, so I have been on the water my entire life.”

  Megan felt like she could listen to his voice all day. The slight accent and the way his lips formed around his words sounded like music to her ears. Laura asked him another question and again he answered without his eyes leaving Megan. Megan blushed from his attention, trying to think of something clever to ask. She thought she had a question, but as she opened her mouth, the waiter arrived with their food.

  “You said that your aunt lives here in town, yes? Perhaps I have met her?” He asked as the waiter placed food in front of each of them. Megan began telling him of her aunt, the two of them falling into easy conversation. Laura chimed in once in a while, but carefully sat back letting the two of them talk. She smiled as she watched him lean closer towards Megan, his face and hands animated as he they talked. Laura felt a twinge of jealousy as he flirted with Megan, unintentionally leaving Laura out of their conversation.

  This is what Megan must feel like all the time, Laura thought. The thought surprised her. She was always the center of male attention and it felt strange not to have him interested. A bubble of resentment floated through her, but as she looked at her friend’s smiling face it quickly disappeared. She is head over heels for him. And he can’t get enough of her! The two of them were lost in their own little world as Laura carefully observed them. She felt a rush of happiness for her friend, and decided to help her out. She smiled happily to herself, enjoying watching them fall for each other as she constructed a simple plan.

  Gabriel’s hand was slowly creeping towards Megan’s. Laura kept sending it mental cheers as though it were a football player moving the ball towards the goal. When his hand rested a mere inch from Megan’s, Laura thought her brain might explode from the energy she was sending towards it. She thought she might kill the waiter when he suddenly interrupted them to drop off the check. Gabriel’s hand floated away from Megan’s to the check, a silent groan filling her as it broke the spell. Gabriel handed the waiter a black credit card, waving the two girls off as they offered to pay their share. Laura hoped that they would fall back into their previous conversation, but Gabriel’s phone rang as the waiter returned. He excused himself to answer it, standing and moving slightly away from the table. His eyes darkened as he spoke quickly into the phone, something obviously not pleasing him. Megan’s eyes never left him, a small smile glued to her lips.

  “Je suis désolé, but I must excuse myself, mademoiselles. I am looking forward to this evening, mes amis. Ciao!” he said regretfully as he backed away from their table. They shouted out their thanks and goodbyes as he walked away, speaking carefully into his phone. Laura smiled at Megan’s happy glazed expression, knowing her friend had just had the best lunch of her life.


  Megan had watched him leave the restaurant filled with a giddy happiness. He had paid all his attention to her; she could still feel the heat of his hand as it had gotten close to touching hers. His smile, his eyes were all she could remember, the entire lunch a blur of attraction. She closed her eyes to remember it more clearly when a horrible thought struck her. He was doing this to get to Laura. Of course. Why would an incredibly attractive wealthy man spend his time on her unless he knew it was the way to get to Laura. She remembered the beach the day before and how Laura had shunned the young men who hadn’t invited them both. Mr. Aubert was just smarter than them.

  She felt a deep sense of hopelessness fill her. He didn’t want her; he was using her to get to Laura. She looked over at Laura as they began walking towards another shop. She was perfect. Gorgeous. The windows of the shop reflected their differences in glaring detail. She felt like a fool. Laura babbled on about how he never took his eyes off of Megan, how beautiful she was going to look tonight, but she knew the truth. It had happened too many times before. She had been passed over for Laura too many times not to see this coming. She tried to tell Laura, but Laura would have nothing of it.

  “Quit it! He likes you OK? I saw it. Quit putting yourself down- I won’t have it, do you understand? This night is going to be about you and I will not have you saying things that aren’t true.” Laura fumed at her when Megan tried to tell her that there was no way someone as handsome as him would be interested in someone like her. Megan stepped back, trying to avoid the heat in her gaze. Fine. I’ll play your game. You can dress me up, but at the end of the night, it is you he will be taking home. At least I’ll look pretty.


  She nearly didn’t recognize the beautiful woman in the mirror. The blue dress hugged her hips, giving her a perfect hourglass shape while the low scoop neck showed off her cleavage to full advantage. With Laura’s help, her hair and light makeup made her look like a movie star. Laura had somehow coaxed her thick hair into gentle waves that flowed down her back.

  “See, you are gorgeous. There is no way he is going to be able to resist you.” She had said. For a moment Megan even let herself believe it. She closed her eyes and remembered the spark that had passed between them when their hands touched and the way his eyes glowed at her in the dark. A thin flame of hope started to burn deep within her despite her best efforts to keep it down.

  Laura wore simple linen slacks and a pale blue shirt, and put her hair in a ponytail as they left the house. She still managed to look beautiful, and Megan felt a quiver of jealousy shoot through her. Even without dressing up Megan thought she looked prettier. She looked to the mirror again, trying to convince herself that she was beautiful and that Gabriel would want her over Laura.

  Laura steadied Megan as she wobbled on her heels down the wooden planks of the pier. Megan suddenly wished she had worn different shoes, but Laura had convinced her that these went with the dress and that she would be taking them off on the boat anyway. She could see the giant yacht at the end of the pier, Gabriel standing on the bow waiting for them to arrive. She felt like she floated the last hundred yards to the gangplank of his yacht.

  Megan’s hands felt unnaturally sweaty as she tried to smooth them on her dress. She felt hot and uncomfortable, the low cut of the dress making her feel extremely exposed. Gabriel smiled down at her as he reached out a hand to guide her aboard. His hand felt hot and strong, the same electric current shooting through her as they touched. Once she was safely aboard, he held her hand for a moment longer than necessary. She pulled out of his fingers, blushing a bright scarlet. Gabriel turned and offered his hand to Laura.

  “I am afraid I won’t be able
to join you tonight- I am suddenly not feeling well. You two please have a wonderful evening without me though!” she said as she slowly backed away from the ship. Laura purposefully ignored the look of terror on Megan’s face at being left alone.

  “Are you sure?” Gabriel asked her, his hand slowly retreating. He was trying to look disappointed, but too much happiness was shining through. She smiled up at him and nodded.

  “You two have a wonderful time. You’ll see that she gets home safe? I won’t wait up, so don’t worry about coming home late, Megs.” Laura started walking down the pier, a triumphant grin spreading across her face. She felt a burst of happiness for her friend as she walked back towards town.


  Megan watched Laura walk away, her heart pounding with anxiety. She had no idea what Laura was doing leaving her alone with Gabriel. Granted, she wanted to be alone with him more than anything, but she was sure that Gabriel was interested in Laura, not her. And now she was stuck in a situation where her dream guy was going to tell her he wasn’t interested. She sighed, tears threatening to fill her up at the rejection she knew she was going to receive. She started heading towards the gangplank, her throat tight. He touched her shoulder, stopping her from moving forward. Her breath caught at his touch. She wished he would never stop touching her.

  “Where are you going? Do you also not feel well?” his concerned face filled her vision. She hoped he couldn’t see the tears forming as she desperately looked at her feet to get away from his eyes.

  “I know that you don’t want to go out with just me. I don’t want to waste your evening, so I’ll just go.” She was proud that her voice didn’t crack.

  “What? Why would you think that, ma chérie?” he asked her, moving in front of her and putting his hands on her shoulders. She couldn’t look up at him, tears brimming in her eyes as she shared the fear that filled her heart.

  “Why would you want me when you can have someone as beautiful as her?” she whispered, not daring to look up into his face. She stared down at their feet, wishing she could just disappear into the deck. He put his hand under her chin, tilting her face up with his fingers. She reluctantly looked up and into his eyes, losing herself in their sea of green.

  “Because you are a beautiful woman. Because I want you, not her. You are a real woman. There are hundreds of girls with her kind of beauty, but only one of you. I thought I had made my interest in you clear at the restaurant. I... I am glad she isn’t coming,” he paused looking deeply into her eyes, making sure she clearly heard the next part. “I want you.”

  Her world spun out of control. Megan could barely believe her ears, sure that they were playing tricks on her. He wanted her. He thought she was beautiful. He wanted her. Her body moved on its own volition, her body surging upward to kiss him. Their lips met, her hands trembling around his face as he pulled her closer, kissing her fiercely. It was the most passionate kiss she had ever experienced, her heart threatening to thud out of her chest.

  His lips finally released her, as she gasped for breath. He kept her face close to his, his perfect smile all that she could see. She looked up into his eyes, surprised to see the fire of desire burning so brightly in them. He kissed her forehead, and grabbed her hand, pulling her onto the deck. He kissed her hand like a gallant knight as she sat by the railing, and with a grin he dashed towards the ropes holding the ship to land.

  With practiced motions he released the vessel from the dock and pushed them out to sea. The engines purred as he maneuvered them to the dark blue water where the sails could be of use. They reached the deeper water and he turned off the engines, throwing an anchor over the side. He kept the sails secured and out of the wind, making sure that they floated just a few miles from shore. She could see the lights of the town slowly starting to twinkle in the distance. It seemed like something from a dream as she looked out on the glittering world. The moon reflected off the gentle waves, bathing her new world in a romantic glow. He came to her side and pulled her in for a second kiss. It was better than the first, lust seeping through the edges and burning into her skin. Every fiber of her being wanted him, and he obviously felt the same. She pressed into him, willing their bodies to join. He put his hands on either side of her face, carefully brushing a windblown tendril of hair from her eyes, as he looked into her soul. Megan felt like she didn’t need to breathe to live anymore, that all she needed was to be lost in those green eyes. She felt like a princess in those eyes.

  He turned and led her to the aft deck where a small table sat with candles. An elegantly dressed man held a bottle of wine out to Gabriel as he guided her to her chair. He nodded and waved to the man with the wine, then indicated to the table.

  “William, there will be just the two of us tonight.” His smile lit her world.

  “Very good sir,” William instantly replied with a slight tilt of his head. He cleared the third table from the table, leaving the open bottle of wine chilling in a small bucket. Gabriel reached over and poured her a glass.

  “I noticed you ordered white wine at the restaurant, I hope this is to your liking.”

  She tasted it and smiled. It was perfect. She nodded her approval as William arrived with a covered tray, carefully serving them. The meal passed by in a happy daze. She remembered tasting some sort of delicious fish in a butter sauce, but she was far more enthralled by Gabriel. The two of them laughed, telling jokes and stories, giggling over their food. Gabriel listened intently whenever she spoke, his green eyes glowing with interest. No one had ever paid so much attention to her. It felt as though the world were revolving around her, spinning in heady circles. The stars moved silently overhead, the celestial bodies each taking their turn watching the young lovers.

  William cleared the table, leaving only their half full wine glasses and the low flickering candle.

  “That will be all for tonight, William.” Gabriel dismissed him, his eyes never leaving Megan.

  “Good evening, Sir. Good evening miss.” He bobbed his head respectfully at both of them before disappearing into the darkness.

  “How many people are aboard this ship anyway?” Megan suddenly asked, wondering how many people were watching her, she glanced behind her suspiciously.

  “Other than you and I? Three. William, Jean-Pierre, and Annabeth. They have their own rooms below deck, so you don’t have to worry about them. They have been my sailing crew for years,” he reached out and held her hand. Megan bit her lip, wondering what they must think of her. Gabriel noticed her expression. “If you don’t want them here, I can have them leave.”

  “We’re in the middle of the ocean on a boat. Where would they go?” She asked, imagining William in his fancy outfit swimming through the ocean towards shore.

  “There is an inflatable raft that we use to go into port on long trips. It is easy enough to have them take it and go ashore. I will wake them up and have them leave if it will make you more comfortable.” He held her hand tightly, his eyes linked to hers. She thought about it for a moment. She had only seen William when he brought them their food; he had been polite and respectful, and it was well after midnight now. No need to wake them up.

  “No, they are sleeping. Besides, if you send them away, who will pour our coffee in the morning?” She said, mostly joking.

  His eyes lit up, apparently taking her more seriously than she thought he would. “Would you like to stay the night with me? I would like it very much if you did,” he answered. His voice sounded full of hope.

  She could hardly believe her ears. It was everything she hoped for. “Yes, I would.”

  His smile beamed at her. His happiness filled the deck, and he practically danced in his seat with joy. Megan felt strange to be the center of his happiness, but it felt comfortable and right. Everything felt like a puzzle falling into place with him. He stood and moved to her seat, offering his hand to help her stand. As she rose, the ship suddenly rolled on a large wave. He caught her easily, pulling her into his arms like they were dancing. He felt stron
g and safe. He laughed, the sound joyful, as his hand went to her chin to pull her in for a kiss.

  She felt like her whole life had been leading to this experience, this moment. The universe had been smiling upon her the whole time, knowing that this was what awaited her. The cruel children’s taunts, the lonely nights, the tears of shame, were all so that this moment could be this sweet. She thought her heart might burst from happiness. Never had any man shown this much care and attention to her. She felt her heart slipping into his pocket, knowing that he was all she ever wanted. It felt so incredibly fast, yet incredibly right to be falling in love with him. As she looked into his eyes, she knew he felt the same.

  He smiled, and grabbed her hand, leading her to the master suite. She was stunned by the luxury of the room, as it looked like it belonged more in a fancy hotel than a ship. An oversized bed sat in the center of the room, mahogany wood wrapping it to the floor and matching the walls and dressers. She could see satin bed sheets and large fluffed pillows, a soft glow coming from two impressive lamps. It was all nautical themed, with fish carved into the walls to look like the ocean was surrounding them. The elegance of it all took her breath away. He closed the door softly behind her as she stared at the elegance of the room. She quickly lost interest in it though as he stood behind her and wrapped an arm around her waist. With his other hand, he pulled her hair to the side and began kissing down her neck. Every kiss was whisper soft, driving her crazy with every silky touch. She moaned softly, her body aching to have him. He continued to kiss her as he found the zipper running down her back. It slowly gave way, opening before him.

  She turned slowly around, stepping back slightly as she pulled the dress from her shoulders and let it fall to the ground. His eyes grew dark with desire as he looked her over. No one had ever looked at her so lustfully, so eagerly. She felt a boldness enter her, a yearning to give herself completely to him because he wanted her. She had never felt this way before. Never had she thought of herself as beautiful, but as he looked at her, his eyes devouring every inch, she felt like a divine goddess.


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