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Demon Tempted (Karmic Lust)

Page 9

by Nikki Prince

  “Now you can flip me to my back and fuck the living daylights out of me like you want to.” A ripple of pleasure shot through her at the lust in his eyes.

  She held the wireless controller in her hand and turned it to the middle setting. A light buzzing sound filled the room. She was riveted to the spot, loving the expression that came over his face. He groaned and shut his eyes briefly then did as she requested and flipped her to her back. The action pushed him deeper into her. Locking her legs around him, she gasped as the stimulator rubbed deliciously against her clit.

  Clay pressed his face to her breasts, licking and sucking at the nipples. A small cry left her as he tugged at one of her nipples with his teeth. He teased that breast for a moment then gave the other breast the same treatment. His touch always gave her the utmost pleasure, and tonight was certainly no different.

  Holding on to the back of his head, she rolled her hips, keeping pace with him as his thrusts began to build.

  “Oh that feels so good, Eva…”

  “Mhmm, like the toy, do ya?” She was trying to tease him, but as his thrusts became savage, she welcomed the wildness and held on tight.

  “Fuck yes, I love it.”

  He was a handsome specimen, but when he was in the throes of passion he was beyond gorgeous. She loved how he filled her so completely, so thick that he was snug against her inner walls. Soon she couldn’t think straight. The pleasure was too great, small mewling noises building within her and then escaping through her parted lips.

  “Oh god, Clay, baby.” Unable to stop herself she kissed his shoulder, then cried out as he hit her g-spot.

  “You’re close, Eva. You’re so fucking tight and wet around my cock.”

  “Harder, give it to me harder,” she urged.

  “I’ll give you anything, Eva.” His words sounded like a promise. But hell, anything would sound like a promise in this moment. He was balls deep inside of her—who was to say he wasn’t just caught up in the moment? She wouldn’t hold on to his words being true. Because if he were lying to her and she believed it, it would kill her.

  She was screaming within moments of him fucking her hard and fast, the controller falling from her hand to the bed as she clutched at his shoulders, holding on to him so he wouldn’t get dislodged. Her orgasm flowed over her, and each wave she crested brought her to the next level. It was a crescendo of sensations that seemed never-ending. Vaguely she heard him call out and then she was flooded with his warm cream.

  When she thought she couldn’t take it anymore, Clay shut off the cock ring. She shuddered with thankfulness.

  Then he was sagging against her, holding her to himself as they calmed. He pulled from her and fell beside her, his arm over his eyes. He too appeared at a loss for words. That was fine with her. She didn’t think she could form a coherent thought at that moment anyway. She closed her eyes, telling herself she’d only rest for a moment.

  She awoke with a start and found something cold and wet between her thighs. When her eyes adjusted she realized she’d fallen asleep for a few moments and that Clay had gotten up to return with a towel to cleanse her.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, glancing down as he cleaned her with the cool cloth.

  “We need to talk,” he stated just as softly. He was intent on cleaning her. Even the act of him washing her was sensual, and she bit her bottom lip to stop herself from mewling like a kitten.

  “I know, but not right now. Please, Clay. Let’s have one night where we aren’t fussing and fighting.”

  “We can’t keep skirting around this.” She could hear the seriousness in his tone, and she was of a mind to believe that he’d be pursuing this again. There was no way around it. Eva knew it was something that had to be done as well.

  “You’re right, and we’ll talk soon. I promise.”

  He finished cleaning her and left for a few minutes. Upon returning, he picked her up and carried her from the room.

  “Where are you taking me?” She wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “To my bed. You’re mine. My first mistake was letting you sleep in that room instead of in my own. I am rectifying that problem right now.”

  His words yanked at her heart, and it was all she could do to not make a fool of herself. She didn’t say anything, just buried her face against his neck, breathing in the scent that was uniquely him, and let him carry her to his bed.

  Once in his room he placed her on his cool sheets, as the covers were already pulled back. He got in beside her and drew her near, covering them both with the cover and reaching over to turn off the lamp. Silence filled the room, with the exception of their breathing. This was pure comfort. Something she hadn’t had in such a long time. The last time she remembered having anything even close to this was in the garden.

  She lifted her head to place it on his chest and stroked his chest lightly. He wrapped his arms around her. It was amazing how right all of it was beginning to appear to her. Her mind drifted to days gone by, and soon she was dreaming about when they’d been in the garden and the trouble had started. When her discontent had driven a wedge between them and destroyed their happiness, a wedge that still seemed to exist today.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Glancing over at Adam, she smiled and waved as she watched him fishing in the Tigris. They had everything they could ever want or need in the garden. She never wanted to leave. It was a perfect place to raise children if they were to be blessed with them as well.

  Adam moved farther down the river until he was just a speck on the horizon. She decided it was time to go and gather some fruit for them to eat. As she walked through the tall grass she jumped back when she heard a small hiss. She’d almost stepped on a serpent. Bending she picked it up so that she could remove it from the path, not at all afraid that it would hurt her.

  She almost dropped it when it spoke.

  “You know there are other things in this garden to do. Things that you will find to be much more fun than just sitting around waiting for something to happen.”

  “How is it that you can speak?”

  “A miracle. Miracles do happen, you know,” the snake stated. Well, that is correct, Eve thought.

  “True enough,” she said to the snake.

  “Why are you content to have as little as you do? You’re told to do this and that. Aren’t you smart enough to make your own decisions? You could have so much more yet you settle for so little.”

  “I make decisions,” she retorted as she held the snake.

  “Like what? Name one thing, first woman. Made of man and made to follow man.”

  The snake was right. She didn’t make any such decisions. Adam did it all, and she followed. But she was content with that, wasn’t she? It was how it was supposed to be.

  “Well,” hissed the snake, if a bit impatiently.

  “How is this even your business?”

  “I’m only thinking of your best interest.”

  The serpent gave a raspy laugh and brought its wide head up so that it was staring into her eyes. As she was about to declare that she did more than just listen to what she was told, she heard Adam calling her from the thicket. She placed the snake back down and spun on her heels to make her way back to Adam.

  “That’s right, run back to the one who rules your steps.” She faltered for a moment, examining the snake as it sat there on the rock, coiled perfectly in the sun. “When you’re ready to listen to reason, remember I’m a true friend and always around.”

  The parting words of the snake stayed with her as Adam walked up to her and held her hands.

  “Where’d you run off to?”

  “Nowhere in particular—was just walking about the garden. I was planning on gathering some fruit, but I got a bit distracted.”

  Adam began leading her back to the Tigris. “Lilith used to like to walk around the garden too.”

  She looked at him sharply. How dare he mention his first wife? Why would he do that? She didn’
t say anything, just nodded and continued following him to the Tigris.


  Present time Clay’s bed

  Eva woke with a start, still in the room with Clay holding her. There was light flooding the room at the bottom of the curtains. She could tell it was daytime, what time of day she wasn’t sure, but morning just the same. The dreams were becoming more and more frequent.

  Maybe she should talk to Clay about the dream. Or perhaps she should talk to Liliana. She’d had dreams as well, albeit dreams that had been induced by Remiel. But maybe Liliana could put some light on what was happening to her. She was grasping at straws, but she wanted to figure this out and she wanted to do it without having to bring Clay into it. She couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong somewhere.

  “I can feel you thinking,” Clay said.

  “Sorry, am I moving too much?”

  He chuckled. “Wasn’t thinking of feeling you think literally. I’m a demon. I don’t need much sleep if any.”

  “Well that’s true.” She stayed where she was, with her head on his chest.

  “So tell me what has you so antsy?” He tangled his fingers in the back of her hair, stroking gently.

  “There’s just a lot going on, Clay. You know that. Shit, you’re a big part of what’s going on.”

  “True, now tell me what’s wrong anyway.”

  She sighed. “Something just feels off. I can’t put my fingers on it. But something is wrong.”

  Her cell rang, the ringtone alerting her to the caller being Liliana. She lifted herself away from Clay and grabbed the cell.

  He sat up against the headboard as she settled next to him on the large bed so she could take the call.

  “Hello, Lili?”

  “No, it’s Samael. I didn’t want to just come over there without asking. I can’t find Liliana. She said she had to do something at the store before it opened, but that was hours ago. I went to the store to see if she was there and she wasn’t. I was told that they hadn’t even seen her. The store was still locked when they arrived, and nothing was out of place.”

  “Samael, that would mean she never made it to the store.” That was so unlike the Liliana she knew. She was always responsible and if she said she was going to do something, she was going to do just that.

  “I’ve gone to every likely spot she could possibly be, and I can’t find her. I was hoping she was there with you and Clay.” Eva could hear the worry in his voice, and her heart skipped a beat.

  “No, Samael, I haven’t seen her since the other day.” She frowned and looked at Clay. “Um, Samael, you should be able to find her. You’re a demon.” She was stating the obvious.

  “Yes, which is why I’m worried. I should be able to find her wherever she is, and that’s not happening. Hence me making the call to you.”

  “We’re wasting time. Get off the phone and get over here. Clay is with me. We can figure something out.” She hung up the phone and looked directly at Clay. He spoke before she could even say anything.

  “Liliana’s missing.” She nodded, and tears filled her eyes. He pulled her close and kissed the top of her head.

  “Samael can’t find her.” Being what he was, Clay would know what was said and wasn’t said. She was happy that he didn’t state that fact. She didn’t need to hear that from him.

  “Which means a demon or demons have her, right?” It was scary, but it was the only possible explanation for her disappearance.

  He got out of bed, picked up his clothing and dressed hastily. He didn’t answer her at first, which in itself made her even more nervous. She followed his lead and tried not to think of what could have happened to Liliana. Lili was still a human. Which meant that Lili could be in grave danger, especially if a demon had her.

  “Clay, you have to find her.”

  “We will find Lili. I promise you that.”

  As they made their way downstairs, Clay took ahold of her hand and squeezed it gently. She kept her hand in his, needing his strength. If anyone could find Liliana it would be Clay and Samael.

  At the foot of the stairs was Samael. He looked as intimidating as ever, perhaps even more so now that she was a human.

  She let go of Clay’s hand and rushed the rest of the way down the stairs and pressed her hands to Samael’s chest.

  “Samael, this isn’t Lili. She wouldn’t just walk away.” She knew how much Lili loved Samael. Eva had spent most of her existence trying to mess up what they had. So she knew that Lili would never just walk away, at least not by choice.

  “I know and I will, Eva. I just needed to make sure she wasn’t here and being shielded from me for some reason. It’s the main reason I’m finding it so hard to locate her.”

  Eva turned to look at Clay. “The two of you should be able to find her, right? I mean, if you put your heads together? Besides we also have Remie and others we can call on, can’t we?”

  Clay took her hand once more and strode past Samael. Taking her to the couch he sat her down and then took a seat next to her. Samael stayed where he was at the foot of the stairs. His face was an unreadable dark mask.

  “We’re going to do everything we can to find her.” Clay placed a hand on her knee and stroked gently.

  “Then you guys need to go now. Don’t sit here with me. Get out there and find Lili, please,” she urged him.

  “Eva, you have to promise me that you won’t go off and do anything crazy. Leave this to us. Promise me that before I leave here.”

  “I won’t go anywhere except here and work.”

  “You know that if you call my name I will come, right?”

  “Yes, I know. Now please go find Lili. I’ll be okay, just keep me informed of what’s happening.” They both stood, and Clay leaned down and took her lips in a deep kiss. When he pulled away she stroked her fingers over his cheek softly.

  “Go.” Nothing more was said, and Clay and Samael disappeared as demons often did, leaving Eva alone. She sank back down on the couch, hugging herself, and tried to think good thoughts about her sister.

  “God, please help Lili wherever she is. I have so much to make up for.”

  She was just going to put that out there to the universe. She knew she wasn’t in good favor with the One who could perform such a miracle, but it never hurt to ask for help when one required it.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “I did what you asked me to do, Asmo.” Vestis stated as if he were waiting for some form of approval.

  “Yes, you did quite well, Vee. You did quite well indeed.”

  Asmoday threw a glance at Vestis who stood just off to the right of him in the nether and was wringing his hands together, obviously proud of himself. It was dark and dank where they were. Deeper in the belly of the nether where the cross over from the human plane began to blur, becoming nonexistent, and more and more demons were present.

  “Then what are you going to give me for completing the task for you?”

  Asmoday regarded Vestis sharply. “Who are you to ask what I’m going to give you? Remember that I told you I am the top? That would be in all things, Vestis, and you best remember that.”

  Vestis shrank back, and Asmoday placed his gaze on the spot where angels and demons crossed from one plane of existence to the next. He was looking for a certain demon to cross through. He couldn’t have made it more obvious that a demon had taken Liliana Jackson. So the issue of Clay taking so long was a mystery to him.

  “As, what do you wish me to do with the woman?”

  “There’s nothing you need do with her. You have her shackled here in the nether as I requested? Then she can’t get away. Your job is done, Vee.”

  Vestis didn’t move, and Asmoday knew he was still waiting for some kind of handout or reward for following Asmoday’s orders.

  “Yes, I have her fettered here in the nether where you asked. She is unconscious. She doesn’t know where she is.”

  “She wouldn’t know. She’s human and pretty much clueless, as they alway
s are.” He paused for a moment, seeing movement at the crossover point. It wasn’t Clay. Nor was it the other demon Samael who seemed to always show up around Clay. They were fucking tied at the hip. But then their history was common knowledge, though one would have thought that Samael and Liliana would go their own way.

  Holding Liliana captive he would be a fool to think that Samael wouldn’t try to find her. It would all work out; this was part of his plan. Samael would come, and the others would follow. Destroy one and he’d destroy them all.

  “Asmoday, why do you hate them so much?” There was caution in Vestis’s voice as he asked that question.

  “Why do we demons do what we do?” He posed the question back at the other demon.

  “It’s because we can?” There was still hesitation in the other demon’s voice.

  “Bingo. We do what we do because it’s what we do best and since we can’t do anything but that.”

  “So there isn’t any revenge that you’re seeking?”

  “No, it’s nothing as hardcore as revenge, just plain and simple wanting to do evil for the sake of evil. No big epiphany. It is what we do and what we do best. What better kind of evil to do against one that didn’t see it coming?”

  “I suppose you’re right,” Vestis said.

  “You suppose I’m right?”

  Asmoday hated to be contradicted and to have this little maggot of a demon do it infuriated him. He fixed his gaze on Vestis and as Vestis cowered from him a wicked grin curled at his lips. As he walked forward Vestis backed up until he was pinned against the sharp wall of the nether. Asmoday hooked a sharp claw under Vestis’s chin and glowered. Vestis tried to make himself as small as possible against the jagged rocks.

  “You’d better think before you speak from now on, Vestis. As easily as I give you pleasure I can give you pain.”

  Vestis shook his head vehemently and held his hands up as if to ward off Asmoday. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to overstep my bounds. I got too comfortable. Forgive me.”


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