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Coti's Unclaimed Mate

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by Elle Boon

  Coti’s Unclaimed Mate

  Iron Wolves MC

  Book 9

  By Elle Boon

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Coti’s Unclaimed Mate, Iron Wolves MC Book 9

  Copyright © 2018 Elle Boon

  First E-book Publication: July 2018

  Cover design by Valerie Tibbs of Tibbs Design

  Edited by Tracy Roelle

  Cover Image: Wander Aguiar

  Cover Model: Jonny James

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  I’d like to give a big huge thank you to all my family and friends. Y’all have been such an amazing group who have kept me grounded through all the ups and downs. Without you, I’d have probably gone crazy this past year. Well, crazier anyhow. I think...don’t quote me, but I think this marks my 30th book. HOLY SHITE!

  Thank you to all who’ve read my stories and wanted more. I hope you enjoy Coti and NeNe’s story because y’all, this is gonna be one wild freaking ride. Plus, NeNe is named after my best friend since 3rd grade (Hey girl, Hey) I know that the road to a happily ever after isn’t always smooth and hope I gave y’all one hell of a ride in their story. Stay tuned as the Iron Wolves series evolves.

  Of course, to my wonderful hubby who makes my life. Yep, I am saying he makes my life, because he does. Love you to the moon and back, Mr. Boon, 22 plus years and counting.

  Love y’all so hard,


  Table of Contents

  Coti’s Unclaimed Mate


  Other Books by Elle Boon

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen


  Dark Embrace

  About Elle Boon

  Other Books by Elle Boon

  Other Books by Elle Boon

  Erotic Ménage

  Ravens of War

  Selena’s Men

  Two For Tamara

  Jaklyn’s Saviors

  Kira’s Warriors

  Shifters Romance

  Mystic Wolves

  Accidentally Wolf & His Perfect Wolf (1 Volume)

  Jett’s Wild Wolf

  Bronx’s Wounded Wolf

  A Fey’s Wolf

  Paranormal Romance



  Berserker’s Rage

  A SmokeJumpers Christmas

  Mind Bender, Coming Soon

  MC Shifters Erotic

  Iron Wolves MC

  Lyric’s Accidental Mate

  Xan’s Feisty Mate

  Kellen’s Tempting Mate

  Slater’s Enchanted Mate

  Dark Lovers

  Bodhi’s Synful Mate

  Turo’s Fated Mate

  Arynn’s Chosen Mate

  Coti’s Unclaimed Mate

  Contemporary Romance

  Miami Nights

  Miami Inferno

  Rescuing Miami


  Wild and Dirty

  SEAL Team Phantom Series

  Delta Salvation

  Delta Recon

  Delta Rogue

  Mission Saving Shayna

  Protecting Teagan

  Delta Redemption

  The Dark Legacy Series

  Dark Embrace

  Chapter One

  NeNe took her helmet off and placed it over the handlebars. “Dammit, why do they both have to be home instead of at a bar?”

  She stared at the doublewide trailer she shared with her dad and younger brother with disgust. The beat-up pickup her dad drove had more rust than not. The motorcycle her brother owned wasn’t much better. Both men were mean as rattlesnakes when sober and even worse when drunk. She rubbed a finger over her bruised eye. “I won’t sit back and take it this time,” she promised herself.

  It would only take her five minutes, tops, to get what she needed, then she’d be out. Hopefully, by the time she returned, they’d both be passed out drunk. “Where’s my wishing rock when I need it?” When she’d left the Iron Wolves club for the last time, she’d stumbled upon a rock shaped like a heart. The small stone fit in her palm and had a small indent where her thumb fit, making the perfect worry, or wishing stone to her mind.

  “Talking to yourself again, girl?” her dad asked, then belched. He wore a red wife beater tank top, a step up from the dirty white one. The jeans he had on were clean and appeared new. She wondered how he’d bought them when he hadn’t gotten paid in weeks.

  “Yep, you know me, always off in my own head.” She pocketed her key as she strolled by him.

  Her dad grabbed her by the arm. “You’re just like your mama, thinking you’re better than us.”

  She jerked out of his hold, watching as he spit over the railing. Mental note. Never date a guy who chews. Her file of mental notes was long and had more filing cabinets than the national library, but they all had good reasons behind them, most having little notations regarding her father and brother. Lord, he may look clean, but she could still smell the stench of whiskey on his breath.

  Harold, her father, hitched his jeans up. “One day, your reckoning will come just like your mama’s, and then, you’ll find just how low you can fall. Standing on your pedestal like you do, it’s bound to hurt.”

  NeNe ignored him and his blathering, like she did most days. He’d been telling her how worthless she was since she’d been knee-high to a grasshopper. Tonight was no different.

  Thankfully, her brother Harry wasn’t in his favorite spot when home, which was in one of the recliners in front of the television. She hurried into her bedroom and shut the door. She needed to change out of her day work clothes and into her night work clothes. Her dad and brother may be happy to live in their piece of shit trailer, but she had plans. Now that her friends were happily involved with men who didn’t want her around, she wanted out of this town. Since graduating high school, she’d been saving her money, squirreling it away in a savings account for a rainy day. The five-figure sum would get her across the country and allow her to start new. Start where people didn’t call her trash, where her friends’ men didn’t look down on her.

  She shoved her tennis shoes off followed by her slacks and top. Working at the bank, she had to dress in proper attire, but at night, she had a totally different persona. There, she was NeNe the flag girl and waitress. If they’d only let her race, she could make more money in one night than in an entire week, but her bike wasn’t fast enough to go up against some of the faster ones. She could’ve used her savings and had the Iron Wolves fix it up, but then they’d be privy to her private life. No, better to allow them to fade away. Her real passion was interior design. She’d been so close to finishing her schooling. However, her dreams of becoming an int
erior designer were just that, dreams.

  Her chest ached at everything she’d lost in such a short span of time. Last year, she had friends, dreams, and a promising future. Now, she had money in a savings account, but nobody to lean on. One by one, her friends found boyfriends, pulling away from her so quickly NeNe didn’t quite understand why. Hell, she wasn’t clingy, didn’t expect to be invited over for movies and shit every night. In all honesty, if they would’ve called once a week she’d have been fine. Yet, they’d cut her out of their lives like she was some pariah, like the trash she’d come from. The trailer trash girl from the other side of the tracks. Yep, that’s exactly what she was called growing up.

  Looking around the tiny room which had been her bedroom for the last ten years, she cringed at the apt description of trailer trash. Oh, she tried to keep the place clean, but with two grown men who were slobs living with her, the only room she truly had a chance with was her own. Even that could be a chore if one of them decided to ransack it while she was gone.

  NeNe swiped at a tear. The loss of her friends hurt, but she’d found a way to cope or a replacement of sorts. The bikers who’d moved in gave her a job that paid good money for her to show up, wave the flag at the beginning of a race, and pass out drinks. Not a glamorous life, but she was past the point of giving any fucks. After giving her notice last week at the bank, the manager had almost seemed relieved, the jackhole. She’d been there for four years, never missing a day, always on time. The least he could’ve been was upset to lose a loyal employee. “Fuck him,” she muttered.

  “Who you fucking now, sis?”

  NeNe spun around, holding a shirt in front of her. “Get the hell out of my room, Harry.”

  He shrugged his shoulder. “I was just checking on you, thought I heard your bike roll in. So, where you off to?”

  She gave him her back, pulling the tank top over her head. Whatever gods were watching, she sent up a silent thank you that her brother hadn’t come in when she was wearing only a thong. Damn pervert.

  “I’m going out with some friends,” she lied easily.

  Her brother pulled his can of chew out of his back pocket. “Is that so? Well, you have fun now, you hear?” He shoved a huge mouthful of snuff into his lower lip, then smiled.

  NeNe wanted to tell him how nasty he looked with bits of tobacco stuck in his teeth but kept her mouth shut, letting him leave without another word. A quick glance at the clock had her shoving a change of clothes into her backpack along with her ID and some cash. Everything else of value, she kept in a locker at the gym she worked out at. Her dad and brother had taught her long ago nothing was sacred in their house. She also had a go bag stashed outside of town with another ID and some cash. Her just in case you need to get out of town bag, she called it.

  After digging the key to her bike out of her pocket, she straightened her spine. Opening the door, she took a deep breath, looked out in the hall, exhaling in relief to find it empty. Shoulders back, head high, she marched outside and to her bike. Both her dad and brother stood on the porch, their hands resting on the railing. She wished the damn thing would collapse beneath them, but luck wasn’t on her side.

  With a backward wave, she tossed her leg over her bike and started it. The deep rumble always made her giddy. She grabbed her helmet and strapped it on. One last look at the trailer, which used to be blue and white, but looked more grey and grey, she turned the wheel and headed out. One more week and she was out of here.

  Coti listened as Arynn told Lyric about her friend NeNe having a black eye. For the other man to have seen it from across the street, the bruise had to have been pretty bad. His fists clenched. The urge to fly into a rage and beat whoever touched the female had him on edge. Whoa, she’s not yours to protect, he reminded his wolf.

  His little reminder didn’t stop him from heading toward the door and his bike. He’d just drive around town and do some looking, see if one little female crossed his path.

  A short time later, he was about to head back when a Harley Roadster driven by a crazy female sped past him. He’d recognize the bike anywhere as he’d seen Lyric and Syn out with their human friends several times. Truth be told, Kellen and Xan had ordered him and several others to shadow them to make sure they were safe. Now, he was shadowing a human and couldn’t for the life of him figure out why.

  He turned around, heading in the same direction she went. His wolf went crazy the farther outside of town they got. Finally, he saw lights and dozens of vehicles parked along the highway. There looked to be a small town set up outside the city, a thriving area he’d never noticed before right on the outskirts of Iron Wolves’ territory. He made a mental note to speak with Kellen about it. Waiting a half hour before driving forward went against all his instincts, which were screaming at him, but he was more than just an animal.

  With his enhanced vision, he could make out several tents and could hear music blaring hard rock. When he was within ten feet of the area, a truck filled with men rolled in front of him. He’d seen their vehicle off to the side, had noticed they’d been drinking and smoking something other than cigarettes, but he wasn’t there to judge.

  Coti placed his feet on the pavement alongside his bike. “Evening, boys.”

  “You wanting in on the race or fights?” a man with a potbelly asked. He had a shotgun resting on his shoulder, giving him that lead courage men got when they had a weapon. Coti could have taken the gun away without breaking a sweat. Nothing would save him if he so chose to take him out, but humans didn’t take well to being told their guns didn’t mean dick to him.

  “Fights for starters,” Coti answered. Hell, he didn’t know what kind of fighting they had going on, but he was pretty confident he could take whoever he came up against.

  “It’s been a while since we’ve had fresh meat. Let him through. What’s your name, boyo?” The leader asked, slapping the gun against his palm.

  He lifted his lip in a snarl. “Wolf, you can call me Wolf.”

  “Well, Wolfman, you picked a hell of a night to show up. Hope you got a strong stomach.”

  Coti heard one of the other men mutter how it didn’t matter since the Wolfman wouldn’t be leaving except in a body bag. Shit just got interesting.

  “Who do I need to see about these fights?” Coti asked.

  “Drake, but don’t worry none, he’ll find you. You might want to have a few shots and see if you can get laid before then.” The man snickered.

  Coti scratched the side of his nose with his middle finger, then revved his engine, going around the truck. “What the hell you got yourself into, little NeNe?”

  The thought of leaving his bike unattended didn’t sit well with him, within this makeshift town, but he knew he had other means of transportation. Four legs to be exact. After making sure it was as secure as he could, he eyed his surroundings. His bike was nice but didn’t look any better than the ones around him. The matte black paint looking incongruous. However, he was sure his ride was worth more than all the others parked in the area.

  He had to duck his head to enter the first tent, the pop-up bar had a real wooden countertop with stools and tables set up. Each chair was filled with mean looking men and the women who looked eager to please. Fuck, this wasn’t a place for a nice girl like Lyric’s friend.

  NeNe swatted the hand of another man away. “I swear by all that is holy I’ll rip your hand off and shove it so far up your ass, even the good lord ain’t gonna find it.”

  “I do love a bitch with a mouth on her. How ‘bout you, Tank?”

  Tank glared at her. “I can think of other things she could do with her mouth.”

  She turned away from Tank and Bales. Both men gave off creeper vibes the likes of which made her wish she could shoot them and forget about it. If she’d still been in the pop-up bar, she’d have a little more protection, but out on the line, she had to fend for herself, or so Mac had informed her. If she wanted to continue working, he wanted to see her.

  “Rose, get
your fine ass up here,” Mac yelled.

  NeNe hated when he called her Rose. It made her want to stab him with a really big thorn...In his fucking dick eye. “Whatcha need, boss?” She never called him Mac, didn’t want him to think she thought they were friends. Him boss. She employee.

  “One day, you’re going to scream my name. Get me a beer, and it best be cold when it gets here.”

  She hurried back down the rickety ladder to fetch the asshat’s beer without commenting, heading for the cooler that was stocked and guarded like it was Grade A liquor. One more week. That’s all she had to put in. Actually, only two more days, and then she’d be done with the Hell Makers.

  Reaching into the stock Mac kept for himself, she pulled two out. The two men sitting behind the mini fridge grunted but didn’t say a word. She’d learned to never just take a single drink; he never wanted just one.

  Before she could climb back up, she stopped and adjusted her ponytail. With quick flicks, she wrapped it around and around, making it a messy bun. Much harder for anyone to grab a hold of. Revulsion shook her at the memory of the last time she’d had it down, and how close she’d come to being pulled into a position she never wanted to be again. “Fucking hate all these asshats,” she muttered.

  She took a fortifying breath and made her way back up, passing one of the other girls who served alcohol to Mac and his buddies. The look of hate and something else flashed across the redhead’s face. Gracie, who had a lady boner for Mac, hated NeNe since day one. Why was anyone’s guess, but she didn’t have the time or inclination to give a single fuck about Gracie or her group of bitches. “Watch yourself, NayNay,” Gracie snarled.

  NeNe didn’t correct Gracie on the pronunciation of her name. Hell, NayNay or NeeNee, at least she wasn’t calling her a cunt, or one of the other lovely names she and her merry bunch of hoes had come up with.

  How nobody had caught on to them, their little city outside of the city, still flabbergasted her. “None of your business, NeNe. You’re out in one week,” she muttered to herself.


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