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Coti's Unclaimed Mate

Page 14

by Elle Boon

  “Forever mine, NeNe, you’re mine, my mate forever,” he growled, nipping at her lip before covering her mouth once again. His hard body against hers didn’t give NeNe a chance to respond while he kissed and held her, claiming her mind and heart.

  “Are you going to claim me on your kitchen counter then?” She gasped when he finally let her up for air.

  “First, I’ll claim you anywhere and anytime I want. Second, you’ll fucking love it. Third...where was I going with that?” He pulled her off the counter and began walking toward his bedroom.

  NeNe wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’ve no clue, but I do like the way you think.” She bit his earlobe, loving the shiver that wracked his frame. Coti didn’t try to hide how he felt from her like some men would’ve tried.

  “Let’s see if you like what else I do.” They entered his room, lights coming on automatically set on a dim setting.

  He tossed her onto the bed, making her yelp, but then his eyes were such a bright green she had another question. “When you’re in your shift, do your eyes change?”

  Coti blinked taking a deep breath. “Some do, but mine stay green Kellen and many other alphas will have blue. They call them alpha eyes. My family are Gypsy Wolves, a different breed of shifters, although we are wolves, they don’t seem to follow the same rules. My other, the vampire side, I’m told will have my eyes turning red, but only when my control slips.”

  She leaned up on her elbows. “How about me, are mine different?”

  Their gazes held, and she wasn’t sure if he was going to answer her. “I believe once you have more control, they might not, but right now, when you’re in your bear form, your eyes are that of the bear.”

  NeNe wiggled until she was leaning against the mound of pillows. “Okay, that’s all I got for now. Information overload. Now, I need you filling me,” she said, not expecting the blast of lust that hit her from their connection. Good lord, the man had an imagination that set her pulse pounding.

  “If you like those clothes, I suggest you strip,” he ordered.

  She didn’t waste time arguing as she wanted everything he had to give and more. Coti tossed the last of his clothing to the side, watching her while she stripped her final piece of clothing off. For some reason, being the one to bare herself for him made the act even more sensual.

  Coti put one knee on the bed, his hands reaching for her, pulling her down until she lay flat. She leaned up, kissing his neck, a low throaty growl vibrated beneath her lips. The sound sent an answering growl within her. Need had her burrowing her hand between them, seeking out what she knew would ease the ache he’d created. Her hips thrust upward, searching for contact with his naked body. God, she’d never experienced such out of control hunger as this.

  His hands smoothed over her, grabbing hers from between them, locking them inside one of his. “Damn, need to slow,” he muttered.

  “Fuck slow. We can do that next time.” She arched her pelvis up, then like a beacon, his neck called to her. “Mate,” she growled, lunging forward erasing the scant inches to where she could suck the skin on his neck into her mouth. Salty, male, all Coti filled her.

  “Ah shit,” he rumbled, the sound reverberating through him and into her as his hips collided with hers, sliding the tip of his cock into her.

  NeNe felt the impact of his entrance with her entire being. His growl combined with his pulse beating beneath her teeth, she felt her bear rising up, wanting to claim Coti. She wasn’t sure how the mating happened, only knew the bear part of her was taking over, slightly, her teeth sinking into his flesh. Memories flooded her, his time as a young man in a time she couldn’t imagine. Her heart ached for the young boy he’d been. She and her bear took in the knowledge he had, filtering through things that angered the female as she saw him mating with others. NeNe pushed the animal back, releasing Coti with a swipe of her tongue over the wound. “God, I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  Coti met NeNe’s eyes, hoping his weren’t red like his beasts. Fuck, it took all his willpower not to slam into her like a madman until he came. His body twitched, his balls were so tight he feared they’d explode with one move. “My turn,” he said.

  He tried not to lunge for her creamy throat, wanting his claiming to be completely different from her change. He licked over the injury, his beast and wolf growling in unison, then his canines sank into her, making her cry out in pleasure. NeNe’s climax hit with the first suck, her tiny body spasming under his, her nails digging into his ass. He didn’t think the steady clench and release of her pussy would end up drawing him farther into her. Licking the wound, thrusting slowly, wanting to add to her pleasure, he kept up the pace of his thrusts.

  “Holy shit, holy shit,” she muttered over and over.

  He felt their link lock into place, the mating bond complete. His past was now hers. He vowed to protect and love NeNe for the rest of his days and nights, ensuring she never worried whether she was worthy ever again. To him, she was more than worthy, she was everything.

  His lips drifted upward, kissing that mouth she used as a weapon. “Damn, you’re my perfect match in every way. Gonna love you forever, and even then, I’ll love you longer.”

  A sweet smile crossed her face, her eyes glowing green. She bared her throat to him again. “Claim me again, Coti. I know your wolf did, but the other needs to as well.”

  Coti froze, unsure what she was talking about, then his beast rose, his fangs dropped, taking what she offered. He sucked deep, his hips pounding out a furious rhythm while she moaned. He only took enough to satisfy the beast within him, then sealed the wound, shocked to see the old scar healing, his bites the only visible injuries. “Goddess, you’re beautiful, smart, perfect in every way, NeNe. How’d I get so damn lucky?”

  He asked the question, but he really wanted to tell her she was insane. Beautifully insane for courting all that he was. However, she’d accepted all that he was. There were no take backs, and damned if his body wasn’t happy.

  His cock shuttled in and out, balls so tight he feared he’d blow before she did. Arching back, he licked one tight nipple, sucking the hardened tip into his mouth before moving to the other side and doing the same with it.

  No other woman could hold a candle to his sexy mate.

  “Oh yes, Coti. Why am I so horny?”

  He chuckled against her breasts. Opening their link, he gave her more, letting her feel what she did to him, the feel of her tight wet heat as he shuttled in and out of her.

  “Oh fuck, that’s so, shit,” she screamed, her pussy constricting around him.

  Coti closed his eyes, rearing back as he finally let go. The sweetest agony he’d ever felt was as he pumped his seed inside NeNe, watching her eyes close and her chest rise and fall while she screamed his name in pleasure. Another spasm had her clenching down on him, making his eyes cross. “Fuck. Oh fucking hell, NeNe, you’re the sweetest, most perfect female born.”

  When they were both finally spent, he eased to the side, still locked inside her while holding her tightly to him. The thought of releasing his hold on her didn’t seem right just yet.

  “That was—was so much more. I don’t have words, Coti. I felt you in ever fiber of my being. Like, every single inch of me is filled with you.”

  He felt her words all the way to his very soul. “That’s the way it’s supposed to be with Hearts Loves and mates. I’m so glad I found you, armina.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  NeNe ran her leg up Coti’s bare thigh. Her multiple orgasms took her by surprise. She’d actually never had one before being with Coti, at least not with another person. The steady beat of his heart seemed to thump inside her where his cock was still deeply imbedded. “I think I could get used to this,” she murmured.

  Coti chuckled. “Good, I plan to give you multiple Os, often. By the way, I’m glad I was your first.”

  She groaned and buried her face against his chest. “That connection thing is going to be something I need to get used to. Upsid
e? Bear seems more settled. I don’t feel her rattling around as much. Does that make sense?”

  He lifted her chin with his finger, placing a sweet kiss on her lips before answering. “Yeah, it does. I was inside your memories. I saw what you went through when she was forced in you. Bear was pissed like you were. Now, she’s content, even though a wolf wasn’t her ideal mate, she likes us.”

  “So, we can talk to each other through our minds no matter where we are?” She settled more comfortably on him, soaking in his peacefulness.

  “Yes. I know Kellen can connect with anyone in the pack no matter the distance. From what I’ve heard, mates can as well. For us, it’ll be a learning curve. I could probably ask Jenna or the Cordells, but I really hate to bother them, right now.” He smoothed his hand down her back, stopping at the curve of her ass, squeezing gently.

  “So, they’re really thousands of years old?” She shut her eyes when his fingers trailed between the cheeks of her ass. Goodness, they’d just made love, and she was already feeling her body heat up, wanting him again. A thought hit her. “Holy shit! What about you and I? I know you’re like old, but I’m human, or was. Will I become old and wrinkly while you stay hot as fuck?”

  He boomed out a laugh, his dick jerking against her leg over his hardness. “Ah, armina, you’re so damn precious. To answer your question, now that you’ve turned, you’ll live a lot longer. I’m not sure on the length. With you taking my blood, you’re not only a shifter, but I can sense my vampire blood flowing in you as well. Since joining the Iron Wolves, I’ve kept that part of myself hidden from them, which if you were paying attention, Kellen is none too happy about. I’m going to have a come to alpha meeting with him soon.”

  She looked into his sparkling green eyes, worry furrowing her brow. “Is that like a come to Jesus moment? Will he kick you out of the pack? Damn, am I part of his pack? Are there like some wacky rituals I have to go through to become one?” She tried to sit up, questions tumbling out as she imagined everything they’d have to do.

  Coti pulled her on top of him, holding her down with both arms banded across her back. “NeNe, let me erase a few of your worries, and then no more questions. Look into my mind, search for any questions you might have. Love, you have all the knowledge you should ever want at your disposal within our link. Now, Kellen as the alpha, has a right to be pissed that a member of his pack, someone who’d pledged to him, has basically lied, albeit by omission, for years. So, yes, I may have to face his wrath. However, I’m not worried about getting you or I kicked out of the pack. If it came to that, then so be it. As for you being an Iron Wolf, you became one when I claimed you. There’s no crazy hoops you need to jump through in order to become one. Of course, Kellen still has to welcome you and create a bond that links you to him and the pack, but that’s only a formality.”

  She opened the link between them, searching for the truth. Kellen was an alpha who didn’t fuck around. If he thought Coti, or she, posed a threat to the pack, he wouldn’t accept NeNe, nor would he hesitate to boot Coti out. “You hid what you were out of fear they’d shun you,” she said, knowing it was the truth. His own father had done just that.

  His deep exhale lifted his chest, and her, up and down. “I’d never hurt anyone in my pack, even if they kicked me out.”

  “Of course you wouldn’t. Heck, your own father is probably still living, which is a testament to that fact. My bear wants to rip my dad and brother to shreds and hunt yours down,” she snarled, instantly regretting her outburst when she saw Coti’s eyes flash red.

  “I’ll take great pleasure in teaching both men in your family the error of their ways, my little warrior,” he promised.

  NeNe maneuvered her legs over his sides, done with the talking about what could be, should be. “Let’s forget about our screwed-up families. There’s a much more pressing issue we need to deal with right now.”

  “Hmm, and what would that be?”

  Slowly, keeping her eyes locked on his, she kissed her way down his body, flicking her tongue over his flat male nipples. Coti didn’t hide his reactions from her, the link allowing her to feel his emotions. When she reached her destination, her mate gave full access, opening his legs, giving her room between them to kneel. Staring upward, she pressed a closed-mouth kiss to the tip of his cock, then licked over the head.

  Coti moaned, gripping the sheets in both hands. “Damn, I love your mouth.”

  Before he’d finished speaking, she took his cock deep, holding his balls in one hand while she pumped him with the other. Their eyes locked, her tongue rolled around the heavy vein underneath, and she felt him swell even further. The sexy moan he expelled made her groan, her lips tightening.

  “Gonna come,” he warned.

  Her hand moved faster, wanting to taste him.

  Without warning, he pulled her off him, startling a gasp from her. “What’s wrong?”

  “Want in you,” he growled.

  One big hand fisted in her hair, bringing their lips crashing together. She reached between them, wrapped her hand around the base of his dick and guided it into her, sighing at the tight fit.

  Their simultaneous moans filled the room. She’d never felt so full, so complete until Coti. Her pussy tightened around him, her body primed for a release from sucking him.

  Coti gripped NeNe’s hips, pushing her up and down on his dick while she squeezed him like a vice. The undulations tugging at him made his balls draw up with every clench and release of her inner muscles. Never had he thought to find a woman made just for him. Goddess, her pussy was so tight, so wet and hot he was ready to blow.

  He growled, the sound coming from deep within his chest, making her eyes brighten. Oh yes, his sexy mate was with him every step of the way. Her hands on his chest raked him with claws, drawing blood as she leveraged herself up, sitting straight so she could take him deeper, rolling her hips. “Growl for me again,” she ordered.

  Fucking-A. Coti growled again, then growled even deeper, letting it draw out. The wicked smile on her face turned to pleasure. Using his hands, he helped slam her up and down on him. “God yes, don’t stop. Don’t stop, Coti.”

  A damn horde of demons could rush in and he didn’t think he could stop. His wolf, vampire, and Coti himself had surrendered completely to their sexy little mate. Pushing her down harder, faster, he fucked her like an animal.

  “Fuck, yes,” NeNe screamed.

  He forgot everything except he and his mate, sweat trickling between them. The sound of their bodies slapping together, her breasts bouncing up and down, had him racing toward orgasm. “Come for me, NeNe.” The sexy symphony they made with their bodies coming together was the most erotic thing he’d ever heard. Her moans and gasps had his cock throbbing, his blood pulsing, his fangs dropping, making him harder than ever before.

  He worked a finger between them, finding her clit, rubbing back and forth over the swollen nub. Her pussy contracted around him, holding him like a vise. Her throaty moan came from deep within, and he felt an answering one swell in him all the way to his balls.

  Shoving upward faster, while pushing her down harder, had a pained sob of pleasure wrenching from NeNe. She swiveled her hips above him while he added a second finger to his ministrations to her clit.

  The clenching around his dick, the clamp and release signaling her orgasm was his undoing. He lifted her higher, shoved her down harder, relentlessly taking her over and over. She rode him, beautiful in her wild abandon. Coti needed to seal their joining, his entire being wanted to taste her again.

  Her eyes glowed, the bright green called to the primal part of him. In that moment, he knew he loved her. Not because of his wolf or his beast, but because he loved her, NeNe, the woman. His arms wrapped around her, hips still shuttling up and down, he brought her to him for a deep, soul-searing kiss. His mind opened, letting her see what she meant to him.

  NeNe broke away from their kiss, flipping her hair to the side and offered her neck, the side he’d marked earlier.
“I love you, Coti. Take what you want, what I want.”

  As his teeth entered her flesh, the pussy surrounding him clenched, drawing him in deeper, locking him inside while he came. The clasp of her wet heat milked him, taking all that he was even as he drew her essence into him. His muscles clenched, holding onto NeNe’s body while he arched his body into hers, the welcoming heat too much, their come mixed, running between their bodies as he continued to release.

  He licked his mark. Using his hand on her head, he guided her to his neck, wanting to feel her teeth in his. Remarkably, his dick jerked as he came some more. “Fuck, I’ve died and gone to the Goddess,” he swore.

  Her dainty little tongue licked over him. Exhaustion pulled at her when he finally rolled her over, using his powers to cleanse them. The thought of leaving the evidence of their lovemaking inside her lasted about a minute, until common sense kicked in. She’d sleep better without being sticky, but damn if he hadn’t thought about it.

  NeNe fell asleep with her head on his shoulder, her hand over his chest. The beating of their hearts was in sync. Tomorrow, they’d tackle the pack.

  Coti came awake instantly, his mind opened while he searched for what had disturbed him. He reached for the security around his home, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. NeNe’s back was to him, goosebumps rose on her flesh from where he’d kicked off the blankets. He pulled the sheet over her, then kissed her shoulder before rolling out of bed quietly. After all she’d been through in the past weeks, she needed rest.

  He tugged on a pair of jeans, then padded into his kitchen to grab some coffee. It took a few minutes to fill his cup. While he waited, he mentally knocked on Kellen’s mind, figuring he’d be polite this morning. His alpha didn’t make him wait long before responding.


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