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Coti's Unclaimed Mate

Page 19

by Elle Boon

  His brother mimicked his pose, gripping his shoulders. “You realize I’m now your father-in-law, right?”

  “Ah, fuck me. Don’t even start with that bullshit.” He tugged Alaric in for a hug. “Get outta my face, brother,” he laughed. For maybe the first time, he actually felt a familial connection blossoming. He’d severed the one he’d had when he’d been turned away from the Cordells. Damn, thinking of the wolpires made him realize he still had another conversation that needed to happen. “I know you didn’t get any of the vamp blood from our mother, but you’re still cousin to the Cordells. When I have a chitchat with them, you’re coming with.”

  Alaric nodded. The poor bastard had no clue, which Coti planned to keep it that way until it was too late. Maybe having his baby brother as a shield, he wouldn’t have to deal with them, much. One could hope.

  “Keep thinking that,” Creed murmured in his head.

  “Fuck. Get out of my mind,” he roared out loud.

  Alaric and NeNe stared at him. He pointed at his head. “Creed.” The one word was all he had to say.

  They drove home in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. He wanted to find out where she was mentally after all the revelations of the day. Her dad and brother hadn’t made it out of the campground alive, which in his opinion was a good thing. Most of the shifters who were made had to be put down. The ones who were salvageable were now in the care of Ace and his crew. Kellen had seemed relieved to not have to deal with a menagerie of shifters. If he was being honest, he was too. Their pack had a lot of changes recently and could deal with less stress for the foreseeable future. Half-crazed made shifters that ranged from lions, bears, to wolves needed a smaller pack, something Ace was willing to handle.

  “You’re thinking awfully hard over there.” NeNe rolled her head on the leather seat to stare at him.

  He’d never get tired of looking at her even when she was sporting bruises. “How do you know I’m thinking?”

  She reached across the space and rubbed between his brows. “You get this crinkle right here,” she explained.

  Coti grabbed her hand, kissing her fingers. “I’ll try to think quieter.”

  “Hmm, I like your thoughts.” She turned toward the front as they pulled into his drive.

  Neither said another word while he parked inside the garage or while he came around to open her door. As she went to slide out, he reached in and took her into his arms, exhaling when she snuggled into him. Her warm breath fanned across his neck, making his dick instantly hard.

  At the security panel, NeNe placed her palm over the sensor, a beautiful smile brightened her face when the door slid open. “I love that,” he told her.

  “What?” she asked.

  He strode through the house, stopping at the fridge for two bottles of water. He placed the cold beverages in her hands, then continued. “I love the way you smile. I love that you’re here with me, that I get to wake up with you beside me.”

  They entered the master suite, and he paused. “Is there anything you want to change here?”

  She looked around the room. “Not right now. Well, I want us naked, but I’m pretty sure that’s not what your eeep...” she squealed when he made both of their clothes disappear.

  “Your wish is my command, armina.” He took the water from her, setting them on the side table next to the bed. “Anything else you wish for?”

  NeNe’s eyes went down his body, stopping at his erection. “There’s something I really do want to know.” She began, then scooted onto the bed, turning until she was on her hands and knees. Looking over her shoulder, she licked her lips. “Does this bed make my ass look big?”

  Coti tossed his head back laughing. His mate had a wicked mind, but goddess he loved her. “Hmm, I think I need to get a closer look.” He moved closer, the smell of her sweet arousal teasing him. Seeing her creamy white ass in the air, begging to be touched, Coti reached forward and gave her a swat on first one cheek then the other, making her yelp. Before she could scramble away, he bent down and kissed the red flesh. “Beautiful ass.”

  He pushed her forward, closer to the headboard, then eased down on his back, wedging himself between her thighs. Hands locked around her hips, he moved her back and forth, licking and sucking her pussy until she came with a keening cry. Just as he was preparing to start all over, his mate growled and launched herself down, taking him inside her in one swift move.

  “Goddess, yes,” he groaned.

  She moved up and down, setting the pace, her head tossed back. Coti needed more. Flipping their positions, he caged her below him with his body resting on his forearms next to her head. Staring down at the woman who held his soul, he slowed his thrusts. Her lips were moist from where she’d licked them. He bent, licking over her top lip, which was plump and made the perfect bow when puckered. Next, he traced her bottom lip, then delved inside, tangling with her tongue. Their bodies moving together and apart slowly, until the need for more overcame them.

  NeNe’s eyes darkened, not to that of her bear, but of need. He lifted her legs up higher on his hips, hissing as her nails dug into his shoulders. With one hand, he grabbed first her right, then her left hand, pulling them above her head. The move made her chest lift, her hardened nipples rubbed against him with each thrust. “So damn gorgeous. My balls ache,” he growled.

  “Fuck me harder,” she demanded.

  Coti let go of her hands, leaning back on his haunches. NeNe lay with her arms above her head, her legs wrapped around him, completely on display. “You want it hard?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  “On your hands and knees.” He didn’t allow her to maneuver. Using his strength, he had her flipped and in the position he wanted, pressing her face to the bed. “Hold on, baby.” Coti slammed back inside her, his cock bottoming out over and over as he did as she ordered. He was so close to coming tingles were racing up his spine. While he still had an ounce of sanity left, he released her right hip, smoothing over her stomach and down to the hardened nub. Within a few swipes of his finger, her inner walls began to clench, contracting around him.

  “Yes, faster, Coti.” She slammed her ass back into him, her hand pressing against his between her legs.

  “Show me what you need, how you need it.” He covered her hand, moving both their fingers over her clit while he fucked her harder, faster, pistoning in and out like an animal.

  Her inner walls clamped down on him so tightly he was sure he saw stars. The constant milking drew his orgasm from him with a roar. “Love you, NeNe. Always will, my heart forever.”

  “Oh god, I think you killed me,” she muttered, shoving hair off her face sometime later.

  Coti still had his semi-erect dick inside her and had no plans to leave his favorite place for the foreseeable future.

  NeNe snorted. “What if I need to go to the bathroom?”

  “Do you?” he questioned lazily.

  “Not the point,” she said around a yawn.

  He jerked a sheet over them. “Get some rest, then I’ll see about letting you out of bed, after.”

  His mate laughed, but she pulled his arm tighter around her, then slipped his hand between her thighs. “Fine, keep your hand where I can feel it,” she giggled.

  Coti didn’t see how he was going to get any rest, but hearing his world, the only female for him make a little snore, he realized he’d do anything for her. Besides, holding onto something as precious as her pie corner of succulence wasn’t a chore.

  “I’ll hold your fornicating tool for you next time,” she mumbled.

  Yep, he was definitely a lucky bastard.

  Want to read about Jenna, her Wolpires, & the birth of their twins?

  Keep Reading!


  Jenna glared at her mates. “Why are you back here? I told you to help my wolves. Go, I’m not having the nuggets until I know everything is okay with them.” She breathed out steadily, feeling one of her precious babies moving down.

  Lucas sa
t next to her on the right. “All is well with them. We left after seeing all safely back to the club.”

  “Woman, our babies want out, and your body wants them out. Stop being stubborn and let’s do this,” Damien ordered.

  She looked behind one of her mates, blinking at Lula. “Are you wearing a catcher’s mitt?” A pain seized her, making it impossible to speak. Son of a monkey’s butt. Poor Laikyn giving birth to four. “You two did this.” She pointed at her stomach, then grit her teeth on another wave of pain.

  “We can take away your pain,” Lucas offered.

  “I told you I was doing this like humans, and I’m gonna do it.” Why she was doing it was stupid, but she had said she would, and she would.

  “Alright, its time for you to let me see where you’re at, Jennaveve.” Belle moved around Lula, shaking her head. “I’ve finished the courses and could be a baby doctor if I so chose, which I am not, I just wanted to reassure you.”

  “Hello, two doctor hubbies here.” Lucas waved a hand at he and Damien.

  Jenna clamped down on his hand, making him turn a weird shade of blue. “You are my mate, not the doctor, today. You and you,” she pointed at Damien. “are to be up here, not watching my vagina stretch out to the size of...holy shitake,” she yelled.

  “Looks like we’re ready to start pushing. On the next contraction, I want you to bear down like your going to the bathroom.” Belle sat in front of the bed wearing a set of light purple scrubs, a darker pair of latex gloves on and even a mask hung around her neck completing the outfit.

  Jenna focused on the crazy that were her people until the pain hit, then did as instructed, even though she feared she really would accidentally drop the kids off at the pool like she’d heard Breezy talk about. Who the heck wanted to shit in front of their mates while giving birth, and who decided to call it dropping kids off at the pool?

  Lula was breathing in and out, counting to ten, the hehe hoo gave her another thing to think about.

  “Good job, I can see a head. Just relax and on the next one, do it again.” Belle sat, the ever-resilient mother dragon, waiting.

  Two more pushes, and out came her first baby. She watched as Damien and Lucas both touched her, each man working together to cut her cord and open her airway. Her lusty cry made Jenna’s eyes fill with tears, but another pain hit her. “Oh,” she whimpered. She hadn’t cried out since the beginning. Her mates, she was sure, had a hand in controlling the pain, but at the moment she didn’t care.

  Lula’s hehe hoo started again, then she gasped. “Give me the baby and help mama.”

  Jenna didn’t know what was going on, everything seemed to be fading. She tried to blink to get Damien and Lucas into focus, knowing she needed to be the one to push their baby out. However, the last thing she saw or heard was a tiny cry from her daughter in Lula’s arms, then darkness came.

  “Where am I?” she looked around at the empty space. A glance showed her flat stomach, and her hand went down, pressing against where she’d held her precious babies.

  “Welcome home, Jennaveve.”

  She spun, facing the Goddess. “No, I don’t want to be here. Send me back, please.” She reached out for the female who’d given her so much, falling to her knees on a sob. “I can’t leave them. I didn’t have enough time, Goddess.” Her body rocked back and forth, tears falling from her eyes unimpeded.

  The Goddess ran her hand over Jenna’s head. “Sssh, I know. It’s not your time, child. I took you away because you’re a stubborn fool. You’re not human. You can’t do things the human way. Yes, you, like human females, can give birth in a similar way, but you are Fey. Your physiology isn’t the same inside. You can move through realms. Can humans? You can shift time. Can humans? So many things I can name that you can do, that the human counterpart, and even our shifter females can’t. For you to be on Earth and go through a birth like a human, almost killed you. I need you to remember that although you love all your people, you’re not like them. For your children, and your own sake, you must never forget that ever again. Do not raise your precious children to think they are either, for this lesson you have learned needs to be one they don’t have to suffer through.”

  Jenna nodded, embracing the soothing love the Goddess gave her like a mother’s arms wrapping around her. “I promise, I’ll never make the same mistake again.”

  The Goddess helped her stand. “I’m sending you back now. Your mates and friends are understandably distraught. I’ll send you back a few seconds earlier. You were dying, Jennaveve. Remember that. When you look into Damien’s and Lucas’s eyes, you will see the torment they suffered at the thought of losing you. I will not erase that for it is a lesson you all need to learn.”

  She wiped her tears away, nodding. “I understand. Thank you.”

  “No, thank you, Jenna. I could not fathom losing you.”

  A gust of air sent her back. “Is she okay?” Jenna asked, startling everyone in the room.

  Damien and Lucas both fell on their knees next to the bed while Belle held one little bundle and Lula held another. Jenna ran her hands over her mates’ heads. “I was foolish,” she whispered. Opening her mind, sharing her memories with them.

  “Never again,” both men vowed.

  What they were swearing to, she had no clue, but if it was her never delivering babies on Earth again, she agreed. Never having more babies? That was yet to be decided. She flipped the blanket back, intending to get up.

  “Female, are you crazy?” Lucas put his hand on her chest, halting her.

  Jenna placed her own hand over his. “The Goddess healed me.” She waved her hand down her body.

  All evidence of the birth was gone, not an ounce of pain echoed in her being. Oh, she remembered what it had felt like, and vowed to do what she could for her friends like she’d done with Laikyn when their time came to give birth, but she felt as good as new.

  “Do you realize you literally took a good hundred years off my life?” Lucas placed his forehead on hers, a tear slid onto her face from him.

  She wiped away the moisture with her thumb. “I’m sorry,” she choked.

  He kissed her gently on the mouth, then made room for Damien. “You’re our world. My light dimmed when I thought we’d lost you.” His big body shook as he wrapped his arms around her.

  The sound of twin cries brought all their heads around to see Belle and Lula bouncing back and forth. “I think they’re hungry.”

  Jenna looked down at her breasts which seemed to be filled. “Bring them to me, please.” She settled back onto the bed with Damien on one side and Lucas on the other. Each man helped her latch their child onto her nipple, then stared as she fed their babies for the first time. With her twin girls nestled in the crook of her arms, her men beside her, Jenna swore she would be the best mother, best Hearts Love, and best Fey Queen.

  “There’s a crazy wolf banging at my head, love.” Lucas helped her lift one of the girls up and began to pat her back.

  Damien snorted. “He’s been doing that for the last couple hours.”

  She’d been too focused on her babies. Her mind had shut everyone out as she’d given control to her mates and Lula with strict orders to be there for her friends, no matter what. “I’ll take over,” she announced.

  Her mates’ unhappy growls made the girls fuss, so they stopped. Jenna patted both babies on their tiny rumps. “Hello, Kellen,” she said through their link.

  “What the hell happened? My heart nearly stopped when I felt our bond snap, then come back. My boys are going crazy, and I am about to charter a damn jet to find your ass,” he growled.

  “Do you have low jack on me?” she laughed, excited to hear his voice. It had been hard not being able to help him and the wolves the last few months.

  “Jenna,” he warned.

  She looked at Damien and Lucas. “Brace yourselves, we’re going to have company.”

  Having all her strength back, she told Kellen to gather his children, and whoever else wanted to
come for a visit, and that she’d blink them there. “I want to check their fingers and toes.”

  Damien chuckled. “I think all mothers do.” He carefully unbundled the child he held while Lucas did the same to his. She touched each girl’s face as they lay on the big bed in front of her, then placed a finger into one of their hands. “They’ve got good grips already.”

  Lucas kissed her cheek. “Strong like you.”

  She gasped when she spotted the tiny heart shaped white birthmark on each girls’ hip. Her finger traced each one, checking for any sign of injury. “Is this normal?”

  “Yes, love, they’re both perfect. That’s an angel’s kiss.” He kissed the tip of one finger, and then, touched the mark on each girl.

  Lula and Belle smiled from across the room. “You did good, Jennaveve,” Belle said.

  “You scared the devil out of me,” Lula said.

  Jenna laughed as Belle said it was a good thing since Lula didn’t need the devil in her.

  She swaddled the babies back up just as Kellen and the pack were ready. “I think we need a bigger space.” She waved her hand, increasing the room by three times the size, adding couches, chairs, and rugs for the babies.

  Kellen strode over with two chunky boys in his arms, their bright blue eyes staring down at her girls.

  Lucas put his hand out. “No claiming babies, boys.” He shook his finger at Jagger and Jaxon.

  “What’re their names?” Laikyn asked, carrying her twin girls Everleigh and Enzley, both girls rested against their mother, unlike their brothers who looked ready to jump out of Kellen’s arms.


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