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His Father's Son : Sons of Lost Souls MC Book One

Page 13

by Ellie R. Hunter

  Rolling my eyes, I take the bait and ask, “Where did you hear that?”

  “Overheard Kristen telling our moms. I couldn’t work out if she was happy or not about it.”

  I hit up her number again and her voicemail assaults my ear. I literally want to smash my phone across the bar.

  “If you and the twins noticed her, you can bet your ass the entire football team has. And she’s out drinking with them, you have a good imagination, I’m sure you can imagine what goes down at those college parties.”

  I can’t listen to anymore. JJ is my best friend but sometimes he doesn’t know when to shut his mouth. Luckily for him, I know when to walk away before punching the shit out of him. I head for my room and lock myself in. I fall onto the bed and kick off my boots. I dial her number one last time and I hear loud music before I hear her voice.

  “Leoooooo, hey,” she slurs.

  She sounds happy and drunk. India hasn’t been drunk before that I know of.

  “Hey, babe. You doing okay?”

  “I feel soooooo good,” she starts to babble.

  “Are you safe?”

  She’s making me nervous. She’s alone there, and vulnerable.

  “Yes, babe. You don’t have to worry about me.”

  “Do I have to worry about this quarterback I’ve been hearing about?”

  I cringe hearing how pathetic I sound.

  “He’s a friend, Leo. I’ve told him all about you, he’s a friend,” she repeats herself and I sigh, “Besides, I still don’t understand why you love me, oh yeah, you have nothing to worry about, said quarterback is kissing some chick.”

  It makes me feel slightly better, but not much. I open my mouth to tell her to be careful when the line goes dead. I get her voicemail, a-fucking-gain, when I call her back. Her battery must’ve died.

  I trust her implicitly, it’s everyone around her I don’t trust. She doesn’t see how beautiful she is and somehow, I don’t think it will take the pricks around her long to see what I missed for so long.

  I don’t remember closing my eyes, when I wake it’s after ten in the morning and the first thing I do is call India.

  She should’ve charged her phone by now, only, I get her fucking mind fuck voicemail. I’m getting sick of hearing her voice telling me to leave a fucking message and she’ll get back to me when she can.

  My stomach growls and as I fell asleep in my clothes, I slip my boots on and head downstairs to the kitchen.

  Harper sits at the table with her heeled shoes up on the chair. Her legs go on for miles and I remind myself I have a girlfriend who has longer, more toned legs that I love wrapped around my waist. She barely acknowledges me, choosing to tap away on her phone.

  There’s fuck all to eat in the cupboards and no coffee left in the pot.

  “Where’s JJ?” she asks.

  “Do I look like his keeper?” I grunt.

  “I was only asking, jeez, what’s crawled up your ass? At least my baby cousin seems to be getting the hotties, this guy has probably left burns on her he’s so hot.”

  She has my full attention.

  “What are you talking about?”

  I march over and take her phone off her and look for myself.

  “Hey, give it back, asshole,” she shrieks, getting up and reaching out to snatch it back. Pushing her back with one hand, I quickly scroll down her Facebook newsfeed and India has been tagged in twenty-one photos. I count thirteen photos of her with the football player and while he’s not all over her, he’s definitely too close for my liking.

  I give her the phone back before she shrieks my ears off and dig mine out of my pocket. My fingers haven’t typed so fast before I’m sending her a message.

  ‘CALL ME.’

  “What are you doing here anyway?” I ask, slipping my phone back in my pocket.

  “My uncle is helping my mom with something, I got told to wait here. It wouldn’t be so bad, if JJ was here.”

  I don’t trust this girl. Her eyes dance around too much to trust. Then again, JJ is a fucking slut who doesn’t give a fuck about anyone with tits.

  I leave before anyone can see us alone in here and put two and two together and come up with all kinds of bullshit that will travel back to India. I didn’t peg her for the jealous type when we began, but as much as it annoys the shit out of me, I kind of like it too, while it’s controllable anyway.

  “Hey, you’re up early,” Sparky says, walking into the bar from the direction of dad’s office.

  “Couldn’t sleep,” I lie.

  “Your dad wants us riding around today, checking out town for lingering Black Crows.”

  “Has he had information they’re here?”

  “No, but he’s not taking any chances after what happened to him and Niall. They are sourcing work out to nobody’s, they are plenty of assholes in town looking to make easy cash. We’re gonna show our faces and remind people that they shouldn’t accept invitations to play with the devil.”

  “Sure, I’ll meet you outside in ten.”

  After the fastest shower in history, I’m dressed and locking my room with no reply from India. No call or text. Nothing.

  She’s never gone this long without replying before, and I hope it isn’t a sign of what is to come now she’s at college, partying with football players and fuck knows who else.


  My mouth is so dry I can hear my tongue scratching against the inside of my cheeks. Every blink grates my eyelids over my eyes and leaves a burning sensation. I feel like shit. The time on my phone says it’s the afternoon and I don’t have any recollection of getting back to my room.

  Taking my phone with me, I roll over and snuggle deeper into the covers. The light is wicked against my eyes, even the light from the phone hurts, but Leo’s missed calls and messages need addressing.

  I don’t bother to read them, I call him back and he answers on the first ring.

  “Thanks for finally calling me back.” His tone is clipped and cold.

  “I literally just woke up,” I groan, pushing down the nausea.

  Even breathing is making me feel worse.

  “How was the party?”

  “Good?” I think it was good anyway, “I don’t really remember,” I admit.

  “You can check out your Facebook, you’ve been tagged in photos that will remind you,” he puffs.

  Again, he sounds pissed.

  “Have you been checking up on me?”

  Leo doesn’t do Facebook, he doesn’t have any social media accounts. Apart from when the club or I call him, he barely uses his phone.

  “No, Harper was showing me. She was proud her baby cousin had the quarterback hanging off her.”

  “He was not,” I argue without hesitating.

  I don’t remember much of the party, but I know that wouldn’t have happened.

  “He fucking was, I saw the photos myself. Maybe you should remind him you have a boyfriend, a boyfriend who doesn’t mind riding out to break every bone in his body. He wouldn’t be able to touch what isn’t his then, would he?”

  “Really, Leo?” I sigh, this is not what I wanted to wake up to.

  “Fuck yes, really. I promised I would wait for you and I will, but don’t take me for a mug. You got real pissy about Harper, you don’t get to be jealous over me and not expect it in return when I see guys all over you.”

  I was already homesick, missing him, and on the verge of vomiting, a stray tear rolls down my cheek and I’m too weak to stop them. I can feel a dam on the cusp of bursting.

  “Can we talk later, when I don’t want to throw up and you’ve calmed down?”

  It’s quiet for a while and I check he hasn’t already hung up on me.

  “You hardly answer my calls as it is, I fucking miss you, baby. I’m sorry I don’t know how to handle it, I didn’t think it would be this hard.”

  “Nor did I,” I sigh, “I promise you, I’ll be home before we know it.”

  We’re disturbed by someone kn
ocking at the door. I don’t want to get out of bed, every bone and limb fight against me, but I make it across the room without stumbling or throwing up.

  “Who’s that?” Leo asks down the line.

  “I don’t know, I haven’t answered the door yet,” I chuckle.

  Unlocking the door, I swing it open and I’m face to face with Sean holding two cups of take out coffee.

  “Whoa, have you only just woken up?” he laughs, his smile radiant and way too bright.

  “I…um…what are you doing here?” I ask, completely confused.

  He shouldn’t be here.

  “Is that the quarterback?” Leo hisses down the phone, “Why the fuck is he at your door?” he growls.

  I pull the phone away from my ear, I can only deal with one person at a time right now. I’ll deal with Leo when I’ve got rid of Sean.

  “Here, I thought you’d need this after last night,” he grins, handing me one of the coffees.

  “The guys and I are going off campus for food, do you want to join us?”

  The mere mention of food makes me queasy. I stand there staring at him, unsure what to say.

  “Thanks for the invite but I’m going to spend the day in bed, last night nearly killed me.”

  “I could always join you and make you feel better,” he smirks and even he can hear Leo’s tinny, faint voice coming from the phone in my hand.

  “I’m only messing, we’ll be at Jacks if you change your mind.”

  I close the door as he turns to leave and fall back into bed. I press the phone back to my ear and Leo is gone.

  I call him back, but he doesn’t answer. Closing my eyes, I don’t have the energy to fight. I went to a party and drank way too much. Leo does it all the time, I don’t lecture him about it.

  I thought I was dreaming the phone was ringing, I open my eyes and it’s dark and my phone is ringing. It vibrates against my stomach and I swipe my hand around under the covers to find it. Leo’s name flashes up in the darkness and I quickly answer it.

  “Seems only the quarterback can get in your dorm. Come outside.”

  He hangs up and the confusion sets in. He’s here? I scramble out of bed and quickly change from last night’s dress to clean jeans and my favourite jumper. I forget to lock the door in my haste to get to Leo and jog down the two flights of stairs and burst out of the main door.

  And there he is.

  Leaning against his bike.

  Looking hot as fuck…and tired, but still, hot and all mine.

  I awaken at his presence. He stands tall as I bounce up to him and jump around his waist. I cling to him to make sure he’s really here and mostly because I’ve missed him so bad I never want to let go.

  I can feel the strength in his arms as he holds me tight and I realise I’ve missed him so much more than I thought I did.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask, leaning back in his arms.

  “I had to check on my girl,” he says.

  He’s such a liar.

  “Did you ride here because you heard Sean knock on my door?”

  I slip down his body, and step away from him.

  “I came here because I miss my girlfriend who rarely answers her fucking phone and has the attention of every guy here.”

  Narrowing my eyes, I cross my arms over my chest and frown.

  “I can’t keep going over this, Leo.”

  He reaches out for me, and tugs on my jumper until I’m stepping up against him again.

  “I miss you,” he murmurs, softly.

  “I miss you too.”

  And I do. So much.

  “Show me your room, I didn’t come all this way just to fight with you,” he smirks.

  I don’t have to sneak him up to my room, it’s too quiet tonight and I boldly walk up the stairs with him holding my hand.

  “I can’t believe you’re here,” I say, ushering him through the door.

  Once it’s closed behind us, I’m spinning around and landing on my back on the bed. Leo looms over me and a certain hunger falls between us.

  “Where do the club think you are?”

  “Fuck knows, I didn’t tell anyone I was riding out of town.”

  I can’t help but smile, I never would’ve thought Leo Jackson would ride all this way just to see me.

  “I love you so much,” I barely say above a whisper and he goes still, “I’m sorry I got crazy on the phone the other day, I hated that our first weekend was ruined.”

  He brings his hand up to the side of my face and uses the pad of his thumb to stroke over my cheekbone. Turning my head a fraction, I kiss into his palm and pull him down so I can kiss his mouth.

  “As long as you’re crazy for me, I can handle you, India McCarthy.”


  Life is fucking good.

  It’s freezing but it doesn’t faze me in the slightest. My girl is home for Christmas break and I can’t wait to hold her, as well as other things.

  Tightening the oil cap, I slam the hood down on the piece of shit truck I brought the other day and refrain from kicking the shit out of it.

  “When are you going to talk to Slade? I’ve been waiting for months now, I’m not happy,” Dad says, standing on the front porch lighting a cigarette.

  “India’s home today, we’re going to talk to him together,” I tell him, hoping this will sate him.


  He heads back inside, and I head for my bike. I shouldn’t be riding in this weather, but nothing will keep me from getting to the cabin. I reckon snow is due and it will be the icing on top of the fucking cake for Christmas.

  The cabin is freezing when I arrive. It needs to be warm and cosy before India gets here, everything has to be perfect.

  Throwing a couple of logs in the fire place, I light a fire and watch the flames grow. Looking around, the whole place could do with freshening up. A quick clean up will have to do for now, so I whizz around like a maid on speed until I can’t see a spec of dust anywhere. It’s so quiet out here, I can hear her car slowly roll over the gravel, and I go to open the door for her.

  She looks cute as fuck as she climbs out of the car in her big coat with a fake fur trimmed hood.

  “I hate the cold,” she groans, barely making eye contact with me.

  She pushes past me and heads straight for the fire place. What the fuck?

  “Don’t I get a kiss?” I grunt, just standing in the doorway.

  Last time I saw her, she ran and jumped in my arms, today she’s barely looking at me.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She stays by the fire and I’m starting to worry.

  “I don’t want you to hate me,” she murmurs.

  Now I’m definitely worried. I’ve never been with a woman like this before, and shit storm situations are running through my mind. The quarterback springs to mind, and my hands clench into fists. As numb as I’m starting to feel, I still say, “I could never hate you, I love you. Talk to me.”

  I even manage to keep calm and inhale a much-needed deep gulp of air. She finally looks at me and I finally understand how it feels to be kept waiting. It’s shit.

  “Did you fuck the quarterback?”

  Finally, I get some sort of reaction from her. It’s anger, but anything is better than being ignored.

  “I’m pregnant, Leo.”

  Sucking in a sharp breath, my first instinct is to freeze, to think how I’ve fucked up and done wrong by her. However, slowly I unfreeze, and my mind slows down. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing.

  She’s carrying my kid.

  My kid.

  “Okay…well, we we’re going to talk to your parents while you were home anyway, I’ll go and see your dad tonight. We’ll deal with this together, no matter what he says,” I promise her.

  As I speak, I’m visioning a life I didn’t think would roll around for another few years.

  Images of her stomach round with my child disappear and I see she has tears falling down her face.

“Why are you crying? I’m not angry…”

  I don’t understand. It’s physically hurting me to see her upset.

  “I don’t want to keep it,” she blurts out.


  “I’m happy at college now, and we’re in a good place. I can’t have a baby yet.”

  I lose the feeling in my legs and I fall onto the couch behind me.

  “Are you saying you want an abortion?”

  She nods her head and I struggle to maintain a long breath, trying to wrap my head around this. My mind is spinning, and I can’t make it stop.

  “No, I won’t let you do that.”

  “Be serious, Leo. We’re too young. You live in a room at the club or at your parents, I’m in college which my parents pay for. How are we meant to raise and support a baby?”

  I dart to my feet and go over to her. She flinches when I go to hold her hand, but I ignore it and grip onto her.

  “I make good money with the club, and I only live there because I can. If you want a house, I’ll buy us a fucking house. I’ll get you anything and everything you want and need.”

  “I can’t study and raise a baby, we can’t raise a baby, we don’t have the first idea what to do.”

  It hits me in the gut, I’m wasting my breath arguing with her. She’s already made her mind up before she arrived here.

  Releasing her hands, I walk over to the windows to put some distance between us.

  “I knew you’d hate me,” I hear her say.

  “I don’t, I think you’re scared and not thinking this through properly.”

  It has to be that.

  “I’ve done nothing but think since I found out, this is my decision, and I’m telling you, we can’t do this.”

  I turn to face her and it’s like I’m seeing someone I’ve never met before.

  “If you kill my baby, I will never forgive you,” I warn her.

  She wipes her eyes, but I don’t see any tears left to discard.

  “I hope you will one day.”

  She goes to leave, and I don’t have one ounce of desire to chase her. The front door slamming shut snaps me out of the shock and anger replaces the frustration building inside me.


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