His Father's Son : Sons of Lost Souls MC Book One

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His Father's Son : Sons of Lost Souls MC Book One Page 19

by Ellie R. Hunter

  I’m pretty sure one of my ribs is broken or fractured, the fucker hurts with every breath I take.

  Inside, Slade is sitting up the bar with Sparky and Zach is playing pool with JJ. The twins are behind the bar, but it doesn’t look like they’re doing what they’re told.

  Mom and dad are talking with Luca, and from what I can see, he’s getting another grilling from them. Until, mom sees us and beams a bright fucking smile at India. Not at me. At India. I think this baby is going to replace me now.

  I go to lead us to my parents, and India goes to lead us to her dad. We stop and she looks up at me.

  “I should go and say hi,” she says.

  “I need to sit down, come sit with me when you’re done.”

  I make my way over to the couch near my family and she goes over to her dad. Usually, I’d fall back on the couch, today I take my time and sit carefully, making sure to remain sitting up right.

  “You look like shit,” Luca huffs.

  “Cheers, little brother.”

  “He’s not wrong, son. How are you feeling?” Dad asks, chucking a bottle of painkillers at me.

  “Apart from I think I’ve got a broken rib, I just ache,” I tell him, throwing two pills down my neck.

  “You should get to a hospital,” mom says, and I roll my eye. My right eye is still closed up, not as swollen as yesterday but it hasn’t gone down much.

  “I’ll be fine in a few days.”

  “He’ll be fine in a few days.”

  Dad and I say together, and laugh, then I cough and wince from the pain.

  I rest my head against the back of the couch and watch India with Slade. He’s smiling, that has to be a good sign. She leans into him and he hugs her, and I catch Zach shaking his head in disgust as he sits at the bar.

  “What is Zach’s problem?” I blurt out, not sure who I’m asking.

  “He’s got some shit he’s working through,” Dad tells me.

  He’ll have more shit to deal with if he keeps shaking his head like that at India.

  “He has good cause to lose his head for a while,” Mom adds, and I frown.

  What does my mom know, that we don’t?

  “Anyway, I’ve got something for you.”

  I don’t see what she’s pulling out of her purse, I’m watching Slade pass India a wad of cash. From here, it looks like a few thousand. I gave her money this morning before we left the cabin, more than enough to buy what we need for the baby. I can’t have Slade paying for shit when I’m showing him I can take care of them.

  The rage that starts to build quickly fades when she hands him the money back, of course he doesn’t take it and slides of the bar stool. He kisses the top of her head and walks off, leaving her with the cash.

  Zach mutters something to her and her face falls in disgust. She leans against the bar and gets in his face. Whatever she says has him looking guilty and leaves her angry as she makes her way over to me.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing,” she smiles, hiding her frustration from me.


  “Dad gave me money for the baby, I told him we had enough, but he wouldn’t take it back. He said to spend it however we need it.”

  “And Zach?”

  “You caught that?”

  “Sure did, what did he say?”

  “He said, I’m going to need all my daddy’s money when you leave me for a whore.”

  I want to kill him. Actually, I want to hurt him for hours on end first.

  “And, what did you say?”

  “I said, at least my child will know its biological dad.”

  What the fuck?

  Raising my arm, I wrap it around her and pull her closer, the pain be damned.

  “What the hell are you saying? Is Slade not Zach’s real dad?”

  I feel her shoulders sag under my weight and I know it’s true.

  “No,” she says, quietly, “Most people from back in the day know, his real dad was prospecting for the club when he died. That’s all I know, Zach knows more about it, and it’s changed him.”

  We’ve been seeing each other for months and she hasn’t said a word about it. Zach’s always been quiet and kept to himself, but the last couple of years he has been worse.

  I’m about to ask more questions when my mom stands and passes me a thick brown envelope.

  “What’s this?”

  “Open it, and you’ll find out, dickhead,” Luca grunts, cockily.

  “You’re lucky I can’t move very fast right now,” I remind him.

  I tip the contents into my hand and I don’t understand what I’m reading. Holding it up, I look at my mom and wait for her to explain.

  “It’s a gift from me to you. It’s the deeds to the cabin, I’m giving it to you. You don’t need to pay rent anymore.”

  “Mom, you don’t have to do this, I can afford to pay you rent.”

  “And I can afford to give you the cabin, I still own the land this club sits on, it’s yours now.”

  I must admit, owning the cabin would save a lot of money each month but it doesn’t feel right.

  “You don’t have to do this because we’re having a kid.”

  “For fuck sake, son. Your mom’s trying to do something nice for you.”

  “Where’s my house?” Luca asks.

  “You’ll be lucky if you live long enough to move out, boy,” dad grunts.

  “You’ll get your own place when the time comes,” mom tells him, and dad rolls his eyes.

  “Right, we’re off shopping. Get your ass up, Luc,” mom announces.

  “Luca’s going with you?” I snort, receiving a stony cold glare from him.

  “Luca does anything and everything we tell him until further notice, and since he’s strong enough to protect his friend that wasn’t his girlfriend, he’s strong enough to help us carry the shopping for his niece.”

  It warms me hearing her refer to my kid and his niece, a proper little member of the family. I can’t believe they’re still holding that girl, Sara, against him. He’s never going to live it down.

  “Good luck,” I grunt, biting back a smirk.

  He is helping my girl after all.

  “I’d walk you out, but it will take too long hauling my ass up,” I say to India.

  “It’s fine, I’ll call you when we get back.”

  Her and mom head out, and she throws Zach one last glare before disappearing through the door. I have to remind myself he is her brother, and she obviously knows how to handle him.

  “Don’t let her carry anything and I’ll have a word with mom to lighten up on you,” I warn Luc and he nods, before he too disappears out the door.

  “Come on, old man. Tell me what happened to Zach’s real dad.” Is the first thing I ask once we’re alone.

  He takes his time lighting a cigarette and passes it over to me, I shake my head and he shrugs, keeping it. He looks over his shoulder to Zach still at the bar and turns back to me.

  “Zach was around three of four when Kristen rolled into town looking for his dad. Only, Billy, his dad, had been dead for about a year. You’ve heard the story about your mom being used as bait and taken, but what we left out on purpose because of Zach, was it was his dad who was watching over your mom. He died trying to protect her. He was beaten in front of her and she still has the odd nightmare now. It’s never left her. It was bad that day and Billy was still trying to get to her when we rode up to the cabin to see her. He was half dead and he was dragging himself across the gravel to the van.”

  His eyes float into the distance as if he’s back there in the moment.

  “Your mom became close to him and his death hit her hard. She’s the reason Zach patched in faster than you, he was owed the patch his father never got to wear it. Anyway, when Kristen showed up wanting to know where Billy was, Slade fell for her like a sucker and took Zach on as his own. They told him the truth a couple of years back and he’s closed himself off to everyone. Your mom is th
e only one he talks to.”

  “Why her?”

  “She slapped sense into him. A lot of people have been taken from your mom over the years, but Billy is the only one she thought she saw die. What she saw that day changed her, not many see it, but the closest to her do. No one can say anything to her because they weren’t there. She fills in the blanks for him.”


  The pills dad gave me knocked my ass out, but it was better than the sleep I managed to get last night. I can’t work out what woke me, but it quickly becomes clear it was my phone. I answer it before it cuts out, and it’s India.

  “Hey, babe.”

  I squeeze my eyes shut and try to blink the sleep away.

  “I’m just calling to let you know we’re back at the cabin, I think we got everything.”

  “That’s good. I’ll get a prospect to drive me back soon.”

  “Okay, see you soon.”

  I’ve barely put my phone down before someone is banging on the door. Man, I don’t even remember coming up to my room.

  “What?” I yell, I can’t be fucked to get up yet.

  “Black Crows are coming, a lot of them. Your dad wants you down in the bar.”

  I roll out of bed and shove my feet in my boots. I backtrack and collect my phone from the bed. The bar is swarming with brothers and guns are being handed out.

  “Make sure the gates are fuckin’ shut,” Sparky yells.

  “Everyone be ready to fight,” Dad orders and passes me a gun.

  “You ain’t got time to die today, anyone comes for you, you shoot.”


  There is baby stuff everywhere.

  “Are you sure we’re going to need all of this?” I ask Alannah and cringe at everything spread across on the living room floor.

  “I don’t think we’ve got enough,” she says, looking worried.

  Not enough?


  “Don’t worry though, I’ll get what we haven’t got.”

  That’s not what I was worrying about. I knew babies needed a lot, but you cannot see the carpet for blankets and clothes, bottles, and diapers.

  Leo’s going to come home and think I’ve spent all his money, when in fact, Alannah wouldn’t let me pay for anything. I gave up trying to argue with her, Leo can deal with her.

  I take the weight off my feet, that are now swollen, and sit on the couch next to Luca. He’s busy watching something gruesome on the tv and messing on his phone.

  “Honestly, Indie. Once it’s all packed away, it won’t look so much.”

  I take her word for it and close my eyes.

  “Leo didn’t read the papers properly this morning, I’m giving this place to you as well. It’s both of yours,” she tells me, and my eyes fly open.


  Sitting on the carpet, in the middle of pink clothes and bottles, she sighs and looks up at me.

  “I know how my son is, but I did raise him to be kind and respectful, I hope he has been with you.”

  I forget about the threats and promises of hell he threw at me, and nod because he has been respectful to me.

  “India, you’re the mother of my grandchild. No matter what happens between you and Leo at any point in the future, you will always have a place here, and not just because your dad is a Lost Soul. I believe you’ll be fine, but there is never any harm in putting in precautions. You’ll learn this quick as you go on.”

  “Thank you.”

  I don’t know what else to say, thank you seems appropriate and she is content hearing it.

  My feet throb when someone knocks at the door. I don’t think I can stand again today.

  “Luca, get the door or help me go through these clothes,” Alannah orders and he jumps up and answers the door.

  He reappears, falling back onto the couch and my mom stands in the doorway.

  “Mom, I didn’t know you were coming.”

  Alannah puts the clothes down and stands. I really hope they don’t start arguing again, I can’t handle anymore fighting, not because of me and Leo.

  “I want to sort this out, I want my daughter back.”

  I pull myself up and tears escape before I can try to hold them back.

  “Let’s go outside and have a chat.”

  I grab my jacket as we walk through the hall and mom holds the door open for me. Leo doesn’t have any chairs on the porch, so we sit on the top step.

  “I won’t apologise for being upset that you’re pregnant. I wanted you to have more time to explore the world before you got held down with responsibilities. You’re still so young yourself, and I worry.”

  “You don’t need to, mom.”

  “Your dad told me what happened to Leo yesterday. I wouldn’t want that for him, not at all. Your dad is sorry about it.”

  I don’t think he is, not deep down. He hasn’t apologised to Leo anyway.

  “I’m not going to apologise for choosing to have this baby and be with Leo. I love him and we’re going to show you all we can do it.”

  She smiles, for the first time since I come home, I believe everything is going to be okay.

  “I hope you do, really, I do.”

  “I will go to college next year, but maybe a little closer to home. Leo is going to be a great dad, I know he is.”

  Something in his eyes when he makes his promises makes it easy to believe him.

  “And guess what else?”


  “Alannah gave me and Leo this cabin.”

  “She did, huh?”

  I nod, and gasp.

  “What?” mom asks.

  “Something…ow, she keeps pushing against me. She takes me by surprise sometimes.”

  “You used to push against my ribs every night, I thought I was never going to sleep again,” she laughs softly.

  “If she moves in the night I sleep through it, but she kicks the crap out of me when I move around.”

  “I can’t believe I’m going to be a grandma.”

  “You still have a month to get used to it.”

  I have my parents back.

  Life is falling back into place and I couldn’t be happier.

  “I am proud you know, that you finished the year and took care of yourself. I knew I raised you to be strong. If you ever need to come home, you know where we are.”

  “I know, mom, but this is home now, I own half of it,” I grin to assure her.

  She stands first and helps me up. Luca is still engrossed in his movie or show, or whatever he’s watching, and Alannah has made coffee for her and my mom.

  “I owe you an apology too,” mom says, speaking first.

  “Don’t worry about it, I’m sorry, you’re sorry, we’re all fucking sorry. I’ve called Bonnie and Ky, they’re on their way over to help us sort that lot out in there.”

  “I’m going to wait on the couch,” I tell them and leave them to their catch up.

  Luca doesn’t notice my presence in the room and I end up lying down on the end of the couch.

  Closing my eyes has never felt so good as it does this afternoon. I hear mom and Alannah’s chatter for a few minutes, or seconds, and then nothing.

  I don’t know how long I sleep for, but it feels like no time at all when a sharp, attacking pain slices across my lower stomach.

  I must cry out, Luca hovers over me before I can sit up and then the living room is full of old ladies.

  I’m so thankful my mom showed up earlier, when she holds my hand, it’s like I’m a child again and everything will be fine.

  As I sit up, something bursts, and I freeze.

  “I’m pretty sure my waters have just broke.”

  My heart races and another pain shoots across my stomach.

  “It’s too early.”

  “It’ll be okay, Indie. We’ll get you to the hospital, the doctors will know what to do.”

  Luca’s voice isn’t filled with attitude or boredom that I’ve come to hear from him, he’s being sweet and soft,
and I muster a small smile for him.

  He’s sixteen now, and nearly the same size as Leo. He takes my mom’s place when she lets go of my hand and I welcome his warmth.

  “Call Leo, tell him I’ll stay with you till he gets to you.”

  I could cry.

  This boy who tried his best to protect his friend is now trying to make me feel better. Luca Jackson is a good kid, Sara Lancaster doesn’t know what she’s missing.


  The Black Crows have been sitting out on the main road for the last hour, no one has made any moves, and dad is getting bored.

  “Fuck this, I’m going out there.”

  “We should wait…”

  “For what?” Dad snaps, “This is our club and they will die before I wait another minute. It’s obvious why they’re here.”

  Dad throws open the bar door, and Sparky follows him out, closely flanked by Ricky, Slade and Dex.

  Pope growls from his chair as we walk by him and I ignore the old guy. He wants to be out there, he hates he’s old and can’t be in the middle of the violence anymore.

  JJ and I walk out shoulder to shoulder, and I wish I weren’t moving slower today. The rush of the unknown is keeping the pain at bay and Roman is the first one I see leaning against the gates.

  Wisely, Niall stays inside out of sight.

  “I want my old lady, you have two minutes to get her out here, and I want Niall the cunt for fucking her behind my back.”

  Dad steps forward, holding his hand up signalling for us to hang back.

  “I can’t do that.”

  “She’s mine, Cas. You have no business taking her in. Get her out here and we’ll leave as quietly as we arrived.”

  “Apparently, she’s Niall’s old lady and her we can protect.”

  Roman physically stones over and he loses the cocky grin on his face.

  “I suppose it was only a matter of time before our paths crossed, and you’re going to regret it.”

  “I don’t regret shit, you’ll learn that fast enough if you don’t leave.”

  My phone vibrates in my pocket, and usually I wouldn’t answer it during a time like this, but I have India now and she might need me.

  Sure enough it’s her name calling and I turn my back on everyone.


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