His Father's Son : Sons of Lost Souls MC Book One

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His Father's Son : Sons of Lost Souls MC Book One Page 20

by Ellie R. Hunter

  “I can’t really talk right now, is everything okay?”

  “My waters broke,” she says, and my heart stops beating.

  “She’s not ready yet,” I murmur.

  “Not ready, she’s not a pot roast, Leo.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that, I meant, she’s early.”

  “I know,” she agrees, sounding afraid, “I’m on my way to the hospital, you need to catch us up. I need you there.”

  Turning around, Roman is still talking with my dad and I bite down on my bottom lip. Fucker.

  “I’ll be there. Who’s with you?”

  “Our moms.”

  “Okay, I’m leaving now,” I promise her and hang up.

  “What’s up?” JJ asks.

  “India’s having the baby and I need to get out of here.”

  I walk over to my dad, Roman’s eyes following my every step.

  Leaning in so Roman can’t hear, my dad tilts his head to listen.

  “India’s waters have broken, you need to get him gone so I can go.”

  “It’s not happening at the moment, son.”

  “I’m not missing the birth of my daughter because of his fucking love life, I have to be there for India.”

  “Do you think they’re going to let you ride out of here just because your girlfriend is having a baby? Wait, and let me sort it.”

  I can’t believe this is happening. I spend six months thinking my chance at being a dad is gone, and then it’s back and now I have to miss the birth because some prick can’t keep control over his woman.

  Slade’s phone rings and he answers. I’m not close enough to hear what he says, but I know he’s getting the same call I got from India.

  “You’re making the Black Crows nervous,” Ricky mutters, coming to stand beside me.

  “I don’t care, I have to go.”

  “You’ve got no chance yet.”

  Dad won’t let Roman get his hands on Niall or the woman, so Roman has to go. Mom was the one who taught me how to shoot, in fact she taught JJ too. I was the better aim out of the two of us and before I can over think it, I head back over to my dad and raise the gun.

  “I’m not even sorry for this,” I tell his confused face, and pull the trigger.

  Dad is too slow to react, and he pushes my arm out of the way when it’s too late. Lost Souls all draw their weapons and wait for the retaliation strike when Roman’s body hits the ground.

  Only, they don’t attack back, they start their bikes and fuck off, leaving their dead president behind.

  “What the fuck have you done, son?” Dad snipes, looking down at Roman.

  “Nobody is getting in my way getting to my baby.”

  I’m hoping the keys are still in the ignition from yesterday and luck is on my side when they are.

  “Do you think I’m going to let you drive out of here after you just shot the president of the Black Crows? They could turn around and come back and you’d drive straight into them.”

  “I mean it, dad. No one is getting in my way.”

  Sparky and Dex are muttering like little bitches and Ricky nods his admiration. Slade is already heading for his bike and dad jumps in beside me.

  “Open the gates,” he hollers, then turns to our brothers, “Lock it down after we go, if they come back, shoot them all. And someone get rid of Roman, scrub the ground where he bleeds.”

  He scoots me over and sits behind the wheel.

  “I better drive, or I’ll wrap my hands around your neck. You’ve just started a fuckin’ war, son.”

  “Best we win then,” I mutter.

  “You have no idea what it could cost us, the price hurts too much to pay sometimes.”

  I’m not thinking about that now. My responsibilities are to India, she needs me.

  “It’s not just people you could lose, it’s part of your soul.”

  “Dad, I get that you’re looking out for the club, but you’re the one who taught me to never let anyone take anything from me. The birth of my daughter is one thing that will never be taken from me, by anyone. Would you have missed mine or Luca’s birth because of some prick who couldn’t keep his woman satisfied?”

  The corner of his mouth curls and I know he isn’t as pissed with me now. For now.

  “Have your kid, then it’s back to the mess you’ve just created. You’re going to have to answer to the brothers.”

  When he puts it like that, I see how this is bigger than my need. Shit. I keep my mouth shut for the rest of the drive and nerves begin to set in.

  I’m going to be a dad.

  All I can think about is India, and her in pain, and me looking like I should be screaming out in pain. I internally groan thinking of all the photos mom is going to take and hope Slade can photoshop my cuts and bruises out.

  They are soon forgotten about when dad stops outside the hospital and I shove open the door. I don’t wait around for him to park up or Slade. I’m taken to delivery when I eventually find a nurse who knows where India is, and I breathe a sigh of relief when I hear mom on the phone, then it’s gone when I hear my girl cry out.

  “It’s all happening so fast,” she cries out, with another contraction.

  “It’s okay, I’m here now,” I promise, rushing to her side.

  Anything this woman needs, she’s getting it all from me. She squeezes my hand and I swear I can hear a bone crunch, or break, I’m not sure, but she’s done something to it.

  Kristen is stood on her other side, fussing, and mom takes her hand, leading her outside. I’ll have to remember to thank her later.

  “Is everything okay?” I ask.

  “Apparently, she’s just early. They come when they come.”

  During a brief reprieve, I place a kiss on her clammy forehead, and she relaxes against me.

  “What do you need? Can I get you anything?”

  “Don’t go anywhere,” she warns, her face beginning to scrunch up again.

  She screams out and again, my hand is on the receiving end of a bone crushing squeeze. I don’t dare move to see what the doctor is doing between her legs, but when she tells India to push through her next contraction, shit gets real.

  My kid is coming into the world whether we’re ready or not. She’s ready and that’s all that counts today.

  After thirty-seven minutes of pushing, India gives birth to our daughter.

  Ten fingers.

  Ten toes.


  Fucking beautiful.


  She’s tiny. She’s beautiful. She’s perfect. Our daughter.

  The door opens, and Leo walks in with his parents and mine. I would’ve liked longer being alone with her, but I’ll have her all to myself when we take her home. I can’t believe I made her. I’ve heard many people call babies miracles and thought nothing of it, but I understand now. I already love her like I’ve known her my whole life. Absolutely precious.

  “Does she have a name yet?” mom asks.

  Leo grins, and takes hold of his daughter. She weighs just over seven pounds and yet her being gone from my arms, the weight feels like a ton.

  “We’d like to introduce, Rayna Rose Jackson.”

  Alannah quickly wipes her eyes and swallows a lump in her throat, before she creeps over and peeks inside the tiny bundle of pink blankets.

  “Rayna Rose Jackson, it’s perfect. She’s perfect, son,” she whispers, looking up at her son, since he towers over her now he’s grown.

  Leo looks around his mom, and grins without busting his lip open again.

  “Want a cuddle Grandpa Slade?”

  I can’t wipe the smile from my face as he nods his head, unable to speak. Alannah wraps her arm around me while Leo takes Rayna to my dad.

  “You done so well, sweetie. Congratulations.”


  Mom hugs me next and I feel the last shred of her doubt flitter away. I lay back while everyone takes their turn having cuddles and Alannah takes their photos for the bab
y’s album she brought today. Christ, that feels so long ago now.

  I don’t know how long I sleep for, but when I wake, it’s dark and Leo is standing by the window as Rayna sleeps in her cot.

  “Hey,” I croak, my voice thick with sleep.

  He spins around, and he looks wiped out. Well, he looked bad thanks to the club, but tiredness makes him look worse.

  “How is she doing?”

  “Just fine, she sleeps a lot,” he comments.

  “Apparently, that’s a good thing,” I smile and sit up.

  He comes over and sits on the edge of the bed.

  “If I hadn’t of asked you to marry me already, I would be doing it right now. We’re bound for life now, India, you’ve given me everything I’ll ever need.”

  “Good, because I’m not going through that again. We’ll be a one kid family for all time,” I laugh, but I’m serious.

  Nothing prepares you for the pain. Even being told it’s going to hurt beyond your belief, it’s worse.

  Resting his forehead against mine, I bring my hand up and cup his cheek.

  “I need you to know how much I love you, and never forget it or doubt it.”

  Frowning, I pull away a fraction and see he’s not telling me something.

  “What’s going on?”

  Rayna cries out, and he jumps up and is at her side before he can answer me. Whatever it is, it’s not going to ruin tonight as I watch the man I love holding our baby.


  Little Rayna sleeps in her car seat and India can’t stop smiling. It’s obvious she’s tired, but she can’t sleep.

  She’s glowing and I’m proud as fuck of her. She has given me the greatest gift of all.

  “I should warn you, the old ladies are waiting on us,” I tell her.

  Not only the old ladies, but brothers too. After I shot Roman, dad isn’t taking any chances when it comes to us. As it is, we’re being followed home by dad and Sparky.

  “I don’t mind, I want to show her off.”

  I manage to park up beside the cabin, but neither of us move after I cut the engine.

  “I never thought we’d be here, bringing her home.”

  “Nor did I for a moment.”

  “This is it now, babe. From now on, it’s me, you and her.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  I feel a lot better today, and my body isn’t so stiff. I push open the door as dad and Sparky come to a stop and they both nod.

  The club is seeing my actions as a fuck up. I’m seeing them as a means to an end. Nothing was standing in my way, you only get one chance and I wasn’t messing up at the very beginning.

  I’d do it again if I had to, but I think I’ll keep that to myself.

  I round the truck and open India’s door and help her out. She has never looked so beautiful to me, and with my ring on her finger, and my kid, she is mine always. I get to wake up to her every day and I can’t wait.

  I unbuckle Rayna’s seat and carry her out. Holding my girl in one hand, and taking India’s hand in the other, I walk my girls into our home.

  The baby is like a magnet to the old ladies, as soon as we’ve walked through the door, they gravitate towards us one slow step at a time.

  “Oh my god, she is so tiny,” Victoria coos, being the first one to get to us.

  “She didn’t feel so tiny coming out,” India snorts and I frown.

  She was in so much pain, I could barely breathe on her behalf. I don’t think I’ll be knocking her up again, ever.

  In no time at all, I’m surrounded by women and Rayna is being taken from my hands by mom.

  Within seconds, India and I are left in the hall, daughterless and guestless.

  “Don’t worry, they’ll soon pass her back when she starts crying,” Dad chuckles behind us.

  “Take advantage while you can.”

  I lead my girl through to the kitchen, and I surprised when dad heads into the living room rather than steer clear.

  “Who has my granddaughter?” he booms, and I smile.

  Watching him through the old serving hatch, Bonnie passes him Rayna and he holds her to his chest, placing a warm kiss on her head. I reckon this is what he was like when Luca and I were born.

  Not much gets to my dad, but as my eyes are glued to him holding his granddaughter, he softens before everyone and my mom is there to capture it all on camera.

  “Babe, you seeing this?” I chuckle, looking over my shoulder.

  Only, India has her head resting on her arms on the table and her eyes are closed. Walking over to her, I scoop her up into my arms and I slip upstairs and into our room. Fuck the pain radiating in my ribs, my girl comes first.

  The first thing I notice is the moses basket beside our bed. Some sort of wooden contraption has been set up in the corner of the room and it’s holding a ton of diapers and who knows what else.

  India shifts in my arms and I focus on lying her down. Pulling the blanket up over her, I kneel beside the bed. I knew she was tired.

  I stroke her hair and press my lips to her forehead softly.

  “Leo?” she murmurs.

  “I’m here, go to sleep and rest.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you more.”

  So much fucking more.

  Backtracking to the door, I take one last look at her and I could choke on the air in my lungs at the sight of her.

  Her beauty hits me too hard and I close the door, going downstairs and making sure no one wakes her until she’s ready to wake on her own.

  It’s hard, but I allow everyone to have their cuddle before I scoop my daughter from Victoria and have my own time with her. In the corner of my eye, I see mom taking photos.

  I hide out by the back door and look down at the angel in my arms. Everyone’s been saying she looks like Indie, but I can’t see shit, she looks like a baby, a beautiful baby. My baby.

  “We need to talk,” Dad mutters in my ear, “Pass your mom the kid.”

  I turn around and notice the brothers are missing from the room. I hand over Rayna and take a deep breath before joining the guys in the kitchen.

  “Under different circumstances, you’d have all the time to spend with your girls, but after your actions yesterday, you don’t have that luxury,” Dad says.

  “I understand why you done it, but you really shouldn’t have. The fallout is going to be drawn out and bloody.”

  “What were you thinking, Leo?” Sparky cuts Slade off.

  “I was thinking, no one was going to stop me from seeing my kid born. You’re always telling us all to take what we want, that we’re Lost Souls, who the fuck is Roman to show up at our gates and throw his weight around, telling us what he fucking wants. You should’ve taken him out when he started barking out orders.”

  It feels fucking fantastic getting it off my chest. I was the one who killed Roman, but I don’t, for one second, regret it, and I will never cry over it. I did what I did, and I’ll own it.

  Dad has a small smile playing around his mouth, and he leans back in his chair.

  “What’s done is done,” he says, and brothers fall quiet, “Where we go from now on is another question. The old ladies and the kids will stay here for a few days until we see how the land lies. Their present has been cold for over twenty-four hours, if they come, they’ll be coming soon, so we’re going to go to the club, we’re going to celebrate my boy is now a daddy and Slade and I are granddaddies and we’re all going to be on alert for a possible attack. Life will not stop because of this.”

  “I suppose with Leo taking Roman out like he did, the Black Crows won’t know how to take him or us,” Sparky adds.

  “Don’t worry, dad, I’ll be sure to look out for ya when your old ass drags behind,” JJ laughs, helping himself to the juice in the fridge.

  “Old ass?” Sparks snorts, “I’ll fuckin’ show you old, you little prick.”

  JJ only laughs, and brothers begin to stand.

  “Say your goodbyes,
we’re leaving in ten,” Dad hollers and Slade pulls me back before I can run upstairs.

  “You made a shit show of a decision yesterday, you better make sure you keep them girls safe,” he warns.

  “I will.”

  I don’t need this bullshit again. I’ve already proved myself to him, I’m not going to do it on a regular basis just to keep him happy.

  We have been back at the club for five and a half hours and I’m calling India for the tenth time. She doesn’t sound happy and I’m winding myself up the longer I have to stay here. I should be at home and the only reason I’m not saying a word about it to my dad is because this is on me.

  “Put the phone down and drink this,” JJ says, thrusting a bottle of beer at me.

  I shake my head. I can’t think of anything worse. In forty-eight hours, I’ve got a real good beating from the brothers, killed a rival president and had a baby. Getting drunk is unwise, I need to be clear headed, especially as my body is slowing me down at the moment.

  A commotion over by the bar gets our attention and find Pope is actually smiling for once. Both JJ and I follow his gaze and see the twins climbing on the bar.

  “What the fuck are they up to now?” JJ groans.

  I smile. As much as they are hard work, they are good boys to have on your side.

  “Hey Leo,” Mason yells.

  I lift my chin waiting for him to carry on.

  “This is for you,” he yells over, “Yeah, we ain’t no good with buying girlie shit,” Myles hollers.

  Together, they bend down and rise again, each holding onto…is that a picture frame? They turn it around and I pull myself to my feet.

  “You crazy little shits,” Dad grunts, rising to his feet too.

  “Where did you get that?” Ricky demands to know.

  “From Roman’s body, of course,” they say simultaneously, both shrugging their shoulders as if their dad is stupid for asking.

  “Why were you anywhere near his body?”

  “We’re prospects, we had to help,” Mason throws at him.

  “Fucking great, the first time you act like a prospect, it’s over a dead body.”

  “Hey, leave them alone. It’s a thoughtful present,” Pope calls out and Rick throws shade over his shoulder at him, “The boys done well, they done what was expected. I remember you doing a lot worse when you wore that prospecting patch. I distinctly remember how you got patched in.”


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