His Father's Son : Sons of Lost Souls MC Book One

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His Father's Son : Sons of Lost Souls MC Book One Page 21

by Ellie R. Hunter


  “Thanks Grumps,” Mason and Myles both says, jumping down from the bar.

  They both walk towards me, still holding onto the frame and they hand it over to me. Trapped between the glass and the frame is Roman’s cut.

  “You know what, boys, I fucking love it.”

  “You fucking would,” JJ chuckles and I pound my fist to each of the twins fists.

  A nice little reminder of what I’m capable of if needs be. Leaning the frame against the side of the couch, I sit back down and rest my ribs as the music is cranked up and the beers are passed around. I take one to shut my brothers up, and make out I’m drinking it, but really, I have no desire to drink.

  The twins were ordered to watch the monitors behind the bar, but they’ve designated that order to Tal. To be fair, the twins will be patched in regardless of how well they follow orders as prospects, they’re third generation Lost Souls, the same as me, but my uncle the betrayer is long dead. By all accounts he was close to Pope, and I can see how Michael would’ve been if he got on well with the silent but violent brother in his heyday. It was my grandad that started all this, then my uncle, and then my dad, while my mom is laced through them all. If I bleed, I bleed this place. It’s who I’ve always been. I was born for this.

  “Incoming,” Tal shouts and the music instantly dies.

  “What are they holding?” Ricky asks, leaning over the bar.

  “Fire bombs,” Sparky yells and everyone jumps to their feet.

  I make my way over to the camera monitors and see the glow coming from beside each bike. Shit. As I look around me, brothers are preparing for a fight and my dad is staring at me.

  Even from across the bar, I can hear him when he says, “Time to win, son.”

  Time to survive is what he’s really saying.

  Rounding the bar, I lean down and open the chest I saw Sparky put here the other day. I pull out a semiautomatic and head over to stand between my dad and his VP.

  “I swear to god, after shooting Roman, any of these fuckers are a go, you got me?”

  “I got you.”

  “Hey, JJ, over here,” Sparky yells across the bar.

  “Hey, Cas, we always wondered if we would get to fight along our boys. I guess now we know.”

  Dad flicks his eyes at me and tries to hide his smile.

  “Yeah, let’s hope they’re as good at staying alive as we are.”

  “Mom said if we wanted to bond, we had to go on a father/son fishing trip,” JJ grunts as he joins us.

  “Is that right?” Sparks chuckles, “If you manage to take out more Crow cunts than me, I’ll take you fishing. How’s that for bonding?”

  “I’d rather make a wager, fuck the fishing.”

  “Fuck this conversation, let’s do this,” Dad snaps and pushes open the door as the sound of Crow bikes fill the bar.

  Looking over at the monitors, they’re through the gates. Dad’s going to be pissed they were left open.

  “Fucking liberties.”

  A cracking boom comes from across the way, and once dad has the door open, we see the garages have been hit.

  Flames flicker out at the far end, and Crows circle their bikes in front of the clubhouse.

  “Shoot,” Dad orders, sounding too calm.

  Shots are fired, and more fire bombs are thrown. I count nine bodies on the floor with bikes on their side. The rest have fled and as I quickly scan around, I sigh of breath of relief when I don’t see any Lost Souls down and out.

  “Take JJ and Zach and go to the cabin, make sure you’re not followed. I don’t want any of the women and kids alone with Prospects. I’ll sort this out and then we’ll join you.”

  I hear my dad, but if he’s telling me he doesn’t the women and kids alone with prospects, then I have to get back to India, now.

  I look around for JJ and Zach and they’re by the gates, looking up and down the main road.

  My heart is thumping in my chest and I start up the truck and swing it around, and I’m pretty sure I drive over Crow’s dead body.

  Winding down the old window, I lean my head in and whistle to get their attention.

  “We’ve been sent to the cabin.”

  JJ doesn’t hesitate to jog over and jump in.

  “Come on, uncle Zachery,” I smirk and even though half the club is on fire, and there are dead bodies scattered around, he stills throws me a glare.

  Winking, he full on scowls at me and yanks open the back door. Throwing the stick into drive, I peel out of the club and head for home. I need to be with my girls.

  Prospects line the perimeter and I nod to each one as I drive up to the cabin. I suppose I should call it home, I have been living here for months.

  Inside is quiet, the only light on is coming from the kitchen and my face starts to ache the more I allow myself to relax. My ears have stopped ringing and I’m in need a shower to wash off this dust. JJ and Zach disappear into the front room and I find India alone feeding the baby.

  “Where’s the grandma club?” I ask her.

  I quietly pull out a chair and lift it across the room so I’m sitting right next to them and press my lips to India’s head.

  “They’re in bed, I wanted to be alone with her for a while. I can do this,” she tells me.

  “Hey, I know you can. I wasn’t having a go or anything.”

  “I’m sorry, but since we came home, I haven’t had a minute with her. Every time she starts crying, they jump on her.”

  “They’re just excited, they’ll calm down soon, if they don’t, I’ll make them,” I promise her. I won’t have anyone make her feel uncomfortable with our own child.

  She tilts her head and sees the state I’m in.

  “Why are you so dirty?”

  “I don’t want you to worry, but, the club was attacked tonight, and it was my fault.”

  “Why was it your fault?”

  “Because I shot their president, he was in my way getting to you at the hospital. I don’t know what’s going to happen in the near future, but I do know it’s going to be dangerous and I’m going to keep you both safe. I swear it to you.”

  Her eyes widen and when she looks down at the baby, my gut twists. I gently run my fingers over Rayna’s silky soft hair and take India’s hand with my spare hand.

  “Hey, nothing is going to happen to us, I swear it to you.”

  “Can you really promise that?”

  “Any promise I make to you, I will always follow through on my word. You don’t need to worry about anything, babe. You and our daughter are everything to me, I’m not going to let anyone near you.”

  “I was thinking about people coming after you, even I know you don’t get away with killing a club’s president.”

  “They’ll come for me, but I have a club who will stand beside me.”

  The Black Crows will come again, and I’ll take as many of them out as I can. No one will take my girls away from me, and no one will take me away from them. I’m a Lost Soul, a brother, a father, and soon to be a husband, I haven’t got time to die.


  I let myself in and walk through the house. Pope sits out back, smoking his cigarette in the cool air, and nods when he sees me.

  I’m petrified he’s going to be gone. Dead. Asleep for all eternity. Since Sally died, he doesn’t spend much time here, preferring to stay at the club. He usually returns here when he’s not feeling good and he doesn’t want the brothers seeing him at his weakest.

  He’s not weak, he’s old, but he refuses to acknowledge the distinction. I drag a chair over with me as I head over to him and place it beside him.

  “You’re tired,” he points out.

  “You’re damn right, Leo doesn’t understand what he’s caused.”

  “You’ve all raised strong boys into strong men, the club has never been so strong.”

  “They haven’t seen the violence we’ve been through, they’ve been sheltered from too much.”

o got something from somewhere to shoot Roman dead in front of the Crows, it’s in their blood to instinctively follow your instructions. Lead them like you’ve led the Lost Souls all these years and peace will come again. Don’t fear for them, make others fear them.”

  I hear him. Every fucking word is true, yet, my gut twists at the thought of our sons in a fight they may not survive.

  “Are you doing okay out here on your own? Do you want me to get Lana out here with some groceries and shit?”

  “Nah, I’m all good. Kyla pops in every day and Tori stays most nights. I think it’s time for my grandsons to be patched in. You’ll need every brother for this, and they’re my doubles.”

  He’s proud as fuck about that fact, and it scares the shit out me if I’m honest. I’ve dealt with Pope for years. The twins? They’re young, fresh, and a fucking handful to deal with.

  “I’ve been thinking the same thing.”

  “I want to be there. They have my streak of fucked up and their father’s confidence, the two are a dangerous mix. They’re gonna make me proud.”

  His joy at that causes my blood to run cold and I stand.

  “Call if you need anything, brother, I’ll have someone here in minutes.”

  “I know, brother, but I’m good.”

  I shouldn’t be riding alone out in the open like this, but like fuck if I won’t enjoy the fresh air slapping me across the face.

  A burn that was ignited the day I fell in love with Alannah Blake has only got stronger over the years.

  Not only am I father and a husband, I’m a fucking Grandpa. Me, Castiel Jackson, who didn’t understand the concept of family until I was seventeen years old, I have it all and no fucker is going to ride up and take it from me.

  I have a club full of experienced fighters and a shit load of young, fresh, and strong boys to stand before me.

  The Black Crows think I’m going to let their attack on my clubhouse go unpunished, they should think again.

  The Lost Souls have been to war too many times to count and we’ve won them all. We will win this one too.

  Also by Ellie R Hunter

  Incurable Hearts


  Perfectly Obsessed


  The Grace Porter Series

  To Live or To Die


  The Lost Souls MC Series

  Biker Bait

  Biker Faith

  Biker Bound

  Biker Born

  Biker Saviour

  Biker Taken

  Biker Torn

  Biker Ruined

  Biker Salvation

  Four Fallen Souls Rockstar Series

  Smile, Alice




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