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Fated to be Yours

Page 7

by Jodie Larson

  Kara is as animated as ever as she talks about an embarrassing story, thankfully about her, and I close my eyes when Andrew laughs next to me. A warm, fulfilling sensation travels through my bloodstream as the deep baritone of his voice fills my senses. He’s just so perfect in everything that he does. It makes me wonder if he has any flaws whatsoever.

  Our food appears and all conversation halts as we dive into the delicious food before us. My stomach rumbles as the aroma invades my nostrils. I just pray that I was the only one who heard that dreadful noise. But I’m wrong because Andrew turns his head marginally toward me. His eyes narrow a little, which in turn causes his forehead to wrinkle. I sheepishly duck my head low and stab a forkful of green beans, quickly shoving them into my mouth to avoid any conversation about my lack of eating habits that apparently he’s been noticing.

  Oh. My. God.

  The food is incredible. The beans are so crisp as they snap inside my mouth, exploding with a flavor that I never knew they could even possess. My stomach rumbles again, but it’s more of a satisfied noise than an angry one. The baby red potatoes are lightly roasted and I can see the sprinkling of rosemary on top of them. The steak, if I can even call it that, is smothered with a creamy béarnaise sauce and topped with crunchy fried onions. My fork nearly falls onto my plate as the first bite lands on my tongue. The delicious flavor sends my taste buds on a wild ride. It is hands down the most succulent piece of steak I have ever had in my life. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to have another steak again as long as I live because nothing will compare to this.

  Once all the plates have been cleared and we groan our discomfort of overeating, Andrew turns his body to me, his hand cupping his chin.

  “So how was the filet?”

  My hand rests lightly on top of my stomach. The waistband of my pants feels tight, even though I didn’t completely empty my plate.

  “It was unbelievable. I’m pretty sure you’ve ruined me for all other steaks now.”

  He laughs, letting his hand fall to the table. Our fingers brush against each other, playing with the tips in a seemingly innocent way. The electricity that travels between our fingers has me taking a sharp intake of breath. I risk looking into his mesmerizing eyes and notice the same reaction. Another chip falls from the wall and I sigh.

  I pull my gaze away from Andrew because I know that if I don’t I’ll be looking at him for the rest of the night. It’s then that I notice Kara staring intently at the two of us. There’s a gleam in her eye, which can only mean trouble. If there’s one thing I can count on from her, it’s a push in a direction that I’m not comfortable taking myself. And right about now I know that’s coming.

  I shake my head so only she can notice, silently willing her to stay out of it. Her red lips draw upward and the gleam turns into a full-on sparkle. Oh shit.

  “How long have you been with the Foundation, Andrew? You don’t look to be much older than your mid-twenties and yet here you are in the position that you’re in,” she says, her hands neatly folded underneath her chin.

  Andrew’s quiet laugh resonates through me once again as he shifts slightly in his chair. “Well I’m not that young, but definitely not much older. I’ve had the joy of working for the Foundation for the past six years now. It’s the most rewarding job I’ve ever had and am thankful that Charles and Priscilla decided to take a chance on me.”

  “Well believe us, we were the lucky ones who snatched you up before someone else got to you,” Priscilla adds.

  “And I appreciate it every day.” His smiling eyes make contact with everyone around the table, lingering just a tad longer on mine. “The projects we fund and the places I’m able to travel to, ensuring the children of the world have a place to go and be safe is rewarding all on its own. Getting paid to do it is just the icing on the cake.”

  My heart aches slightly as flashbacks enter my mind of my own sad childhood after my dad left. The loneliness of playing by myself because the other kids would tease me crawl forefront in my mind. Then I had to learn how to take care of my mom at a young age, which didn’t help matters much. I loved my mom, even though she was neglectful and pushed me away often, leaving me scared and confused while trying to figure things out on my own. The nights were always the worst though. I’d listen to her cry down the hall, cursing my name and the situation she was now in. I’d stare out my window, looking at the stars in the night sky as they twinkled above me. There was nothing more that I wished for other than to join them as they watched down on the people below, protecting them from the darkness of the night. Most nights I would cry myself to sleep, clutching my pillow tight, praying for a miracle to come take me away.

  I should have been more specific about my miracle.

  Kara’s voice pulls me from my moment of darkness. “I agree. The work that your Foundation does is truly amazing. But with all your hard work and traveling you must be away from home quite often. Your girlfriend must get upset that you’re not there all the time. I know that I would be.”

  If my eyes could burn a hole into her, I swear they would at that moment. Kara’s eyes quickly dart to mine and she flutters her eyelashes in an innocent manner. Innocent my foot. I know exactly what her game is and I can’t believe she’s playing it in front of Charles and Priscilla.

  “Since I do not currently have a girlfriend it’s a non-issue.” Andrew’s eyes meet mine and the air charges between us. I’m graced with a shy smile from him as he clears his throat. “But you are correct about my travels. They do take me away from home more often than not, which sometimes does present a problem in meeting that special someone.”

  “Well someone as good looking as you shouldn’t be alone. I’m sure the right girl is out there. Closer than you think even.”

  I nervously begin to fidget with my hair, tucking and re-tucking it behind my ears. My teeth work tirelessly on my lower lip as I try not to imagine Andrew meeting someone else. An unfamiliar emotion crawls into my chest as I pause to think about that situation. Jealousy perhaps? Even though I have no reason to be jealous. He’s a stranger still to me. Well, not completely but we definitely do not know much about each other. We’ve never even been on a date.

  I think I’m getting a little ahead of myself here.

  “I have that same feeling too.”

  Satisfied with his answer, Kara leans back and resumes her previous conversation. Damn her. My foot lightly taps up and down under the table. Andrew reaches out and gently places his hand on my thigh, just above my knee, halting the movement. I feel his eyes on me as I reach for my wine glass that was just refilled in hopes to avoid him.

  No such luck.

  His fingers move in small circles on my knee, coaxing me to look his way.

  “You look beautiful tonight, in case I failed to mention it earlier,” Andrew whispers in a low voice so only I can hear.

  “Thank you. You look very handsome yourself. Not that you didn’t look handsome before. But now that we’re not on a plane you look better. I mean, oh boy, I need to just stop talking.”

  His chest shakes slightly as he lets out a small laugh. “There’s no need to be nervous, love. We’re going to be working closely together all this week. There’s plenty of time to get to know each other better.”

  “I guess so.”

  He gives my knee one last squeeze before removing his hand, causing that area to grow cold from the lack of contact. My body sags slightly in my chair, fighting with itself at the need to touch him and the need to keep a modicum of professionalism between us. If we’re going to be working together, I shouldn’t get into some sort of romantic relationship with him. That just screams bad idea.

  I reach for my glass of water to take a quick sip. Then Kara decides to open her mouth again, looking straight at Andrew.

  “So Tessa’s single, by the way.”

  I choke on the water in my mouth, causing me to spray it on the tablecloth in front of me. My face turns red as Andrew pats my back. Kara flashes her trouble
-maker smile before returning to her conversation. Charles and Priscilla are looking at me, concern etched on their faces.

  “Are you all right, dear?” Priscilla asks, passing me an unused cloth napkin.

  I hastily take the napkin, covering my mouth while coughing into it. My eyes start to water and burn from embarrassment and mortification, not to mention the fact I almost drowned from my drink. My eyes fly up to Kara, who just shrugs her shoulders. I kick her shin under the table and she reaches down to rub the abused spot.

  “I’m fine, thank you,” I choke out.

  Andrew is still rubbing my back as I clear my throat one last time.

  “I apologize. I guess it went down the wrong pipe.”

  Smiles flank each side of me as I look at each person around the table. Charles takes this opportunity to check his watch now that I’ve completely destroyed the mood of the table.

  “Well ladies and gentleman, I hate to leave but if I don’t get home soon, the wife will start to worry.”

  The chairs scrape across the floor as we all stand in unison.

  “Yes, it is getting a tad late. Tessa and I should get back as well.”

  The five of us walk to the entrance, falling back into small talk about the tentative plans for the week. Andrew walks beside me, his arm brushing against mine as he holds the door open for me.

  “It was a pleasure to meet you both. How about a tour of one of the facilities tomorrow?” Priscilla says.

  “A tour would be great. I’d love to be able to see what your Foundation does first hand. It will give us a better idea of what we’re working towards,” Kara says, shaking both their hands.

  “Wonderful. I’ll be in touch with the address. Shall we say around eleven o’clock tomorrow morning?” Charles asks.

  “Eleven sounds perfect.”

  A car pulls up to the curb and a man stands to open the door for Charles and Priscilla.

  “Until then. Goodnight, Kara. Tessa.”

  We watch as the two of them disappear into the back seat, leaving just the three of us standing on the sidewalk. My fingers pull at the lace of my camisole as Kara and Andrew flank each side of me.

  Our town car pulls up and the driver opens the door for us.

  “Andrew, it was a pleasure to formally make your acquaintance. I know Tessa is looking forward to spending more time with you.” She laughs at her own joke before quickly adding, “And I am too, of course.”

  “Yes, I’m excited to be able to spend more time with the both of you as well.”

  With a nod of her head, she slips into the back seat, leaving me alone with Andrew. His hands are shoved into his pants pocket as I focus on a pebble next to my shoe.


  The way my name rolls off his tongue has the muscles in my stomach clenching with delight. I close my eyes and take a slow steadying breath. A slight breeze sends his cologne wafting through the air, invading my senses and drawing me closer to him. My eyes travel slowly up his body, relishing each inch they pass over until our eyes lock onto each other. The smile that appears on his face has my heart beating faster again and I know at that moment that I’m a goner.

  I think I like him.

  There, I’ve admitted it. I think I like him. I find him fascinating. His handsome features have danced through my brain the past twenty-four hours and I can’t help but want to get to know him better. I’ve never wanted to get to know another guy before. Not after the last time. But Andrew is different. He makes me want to be different, to break out of my shell and be normal. I don’t know why though and it confuses me. How can someone that I’ve known less than a day make me want to be stronger?

  “I look forward to spending the day with you tomorrow.” He reaches down to gently clasp my hand in his. The thrumming in my veins causes my fingers to tingle with the contact of our skin. He steps closer to me, never once breaking eye contact. “I think the fates are conspiring to bring us together.”

  I swallow past the lump in my throat because at this point I have to agree with him. I mean, he shows up in New York, we’re seated next to each other on the plane over here and now I get to spend the week with him. Things like this don’t happen to me.

  Fate you better not screw me over on this one. I think I deserve a break for once.

  “Me too.”

  He smiles, giving me a genuine megawatt grin. “Until tomorrow. Goodnight, sweet Tessa.”

  He leans forward and places a kiss on my cheek. Blood rushes to that spot, heating it instantly and fueling my desire for him. A slight moan escapes my lips as he pulls back. I can still feel him there even though we’re not touching. I feel off-balance and place my hand on his chest, feeling it rise and fall as I steady myself.

  Then I decide to do something completely out of character for myself. I swallow hard, gearing up for what I’m about to do. My eyes fall on his full lips. Lips I want to taste for myself and to have them touch my skin again, in any way, shape or form.

  Now’s my chance.

  I lean forward, closing the distance between us and press my lips to his. It’s impulsive. It’s not something I would do, but there is no denying I want to do it, I need to do it.

  I’m kissing a stranger. And I like it.

  His lips are soft and sweet, the residual wine still faintly present on them. Slowly my lips move against his, careful not to push it further than I’m prepared for at the moment. Instinct takes over and I move closer to him, seeking his warmth and comfort, knowing it’s him my body craves. The blood rushes through my ears as the world drifts off into nothingness around us. It’s hands down the most perfect goodbye kiss I’ve ever experienced in my life.

  Reluctantly I pull back, missing the contact instantly. He reaches up and cups my cheek, pressing his forehead against mine. Our noses touch. His breath is warm against my lips. I feel something pass between us, something pulling me further into him, telling me that I need to be with him. I know he feels it too because his free hand rests on my lower back, pulling me closer to him. I grab the lapels of his coat as I close my eyes and regain my composure.

  “You feel it, don’t you,” he says, breaking the silence. It isn’t a question, so much, as it is a statement of fact.

  The world restarts around us, the noise coming back into my senses, reminding me we’re standing on the street in a very public display of affection. Embarrassment sets in as I risk the glance into his eyes, knowing full well that I’m helpless to resist him.

  I nod my head and pull away slowly, needing to put some space between us so I can regain my thoughts.

  “Goodnight, Andrew.”

  His fingers drag slowly across my lower back as I turn toward my car. Risking a glance over my shoulder, I can’t help the smile that appears when I see him place his hands in his pockets. A satisfied smile beams back at me as I disappear into the back of the car, sliding next to Kara. The door shuts and we pull away into the late evening traffic, leaving the beautiful man who has captivated me standing there alone.

  Not more than two seconds pass before Kara grabs my shoulders and shakes me. “Oh my God, Tessa! He is so fucking hot. Tell me his lips are as kissable as they appear.”

  She’s bouncing up and down on the seat next to me. My eyes roll at her childish behavior.

  “I’m not telling you that. That’s a personal matter.”

  She pouts, sticking her bottom lip out in an over exaggerated gesture.

  “Oh come on. Throw me a bone here. I am so jealous of you right now.”

  Again, my eyes roll up to the ceiling. “Whatever. You have a guy. There are zero reasons for you to be jealous.”

  “Yeah but he’s back in the States and Andrew is here with you. And you, you lucky bitch, get to spend the entire week with him. Score!”

  “Please don’t make a big deal out of this. And I’m still pissed at you for that stunt you pulled at the table.”

  She feigns ignorance, but she knows she can’t fool me. “Let’s face it. You needed a push. An
d it got his hands on you so you can thank me anytime you’re ready.”

  “Don’t hold your breath. That was mortifying to say the least. And completely out of nowhere, mind you.”

  “Oh well. What’s done is done. Now you just need to focus on having fun with the hot COO.”

  Truth be told, I haven’t been able to not focus on him since I first saw him. But I’m not about to add fuel to the fire. She has enough ammunition that I don’t need to give her more.

  “How about we focus on the reason we’re actually here in this beautiful city and not on my sad and pathetic love life, or lack of.”

  We pull up to the entrance of our hotel and the driver lets us out. Kara links her arm through mine as we make our way to the elevator.

  “Well, that could very well change. He’s completely smitten with you. I can see it in his eyes when he’s looking at you.”

  “He doesn’t look at me like that.”

  She turns to face me in the confines of the elevator, thankful that we’re alone. “He does. You didn’t see it, but he was looking at you every chance he could all throughout dinner. I swear I saw something in his eyes as I watched you two.”

  I shake her off as we exit into the hallway. “You’re delusional. He couldn’t possibly want me like that. I mean I’m an assistant and he’s one of the heads of a company. What could I possibly bring into a relationship with him?”

  We stop in front of our doors and she lets out an exasperated sigh. “You are more than what you give yourself credit for Tess. Believe me. You’re not some unwanted waif drifting through life. You have a lot to offer and anyone who sees it should consider himself lucky to have you.”

  I shrug my shoulders, unsure of how to respond to her kind words. But she doesn’t see me like I do. Even though she’s my boss, Kara’s still my best friend and the one who’s always looking out for me. She knows more about my past than most people, but she wasn’t there to live it.

  She wraps her arms around my shoulders, pulling me in close for a hug. “I love you, Chickie. You know that right?” She pulls back again and slides her key card into the slot. “Get some sleep. We’ve got a busy day ahead of us tomorrow.”


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