Book Read Free

Fated to be Yours

Page 17

by Jodie Larson

  “Let’s see if your key works,” I say, still affected by our elevator ride.

  He places the key in the lock and as soon as the green light appears we both smile. It works. But just as quickly, he steps back, placing the key back in his pocket.

  “If I go in there with you right now I won’t want to leave. And you and I both have a busy work schedule ahead of us tonight so it’s best if we don’t tempt fate right now.”

  He drags his finger along the slope of my cheek. My body trembles at his words and at his touch. Oh, how I want this man.

  “Okay then. I’ll just wait until I see you next.” I try to hide the disappointment in my voice, unsure if I’ve succeeded or not. He bends down and slowly kisses my swollen and bruised lips.

  “Your lips are so soft right now,” he says, pressing his forehead against mine. “I’m going to have a hard time concentrating on work while trying not to think about these.” He trails his finger across them and smiles. “It’s taking every ounce of restraint in me to not lead you into that room and lay you out on the bed.”

  “Well if I don’t go in there we’re going to make a scene right here in the hallway and I’m reasonably sure neither of us wants that.”

  The low groan of frustration coming from him has my lips quirking up with a hint of satisfaction in knowing he’s suffering the same as me. He runs his lips across the back of my hand before letting it drag through his fingers.

  “I will be counting the seconds until I see you again, my sweet Tessa.”

  He backs away slowly and I can’t help but bite my lip as I admire the sway of his ass while he walks down the hallway. I blow him a kiss before he rounds the corner and slip into my room, melting into a puddle of need and want as I slide down the wall and sit on the floor.

  I need a cold shower.

  My phone beeps in my purse, still lying next to the door where I left it when I finally emerge from the bathroom. I run the towel through my damp hair, shaking off as much water as I possibly can. Okay, the cold shower probably wasn’t the greatest idea because now I’m freezing as I wander around in the fluffy bathrobe while adjusting the heat in my room. However, it did do what it was supposed to do and that was to chill down my heated blood after the way Andrew left. If I close my eyes I can still feel him pressed against me, his lips still on mine, his taste still on my tongue.

  I’m going to need another shower if I keep that line of thinking up.

  I pull my phone from the front pocket of my purse and smile. Two missed messages. The first is from Kara, letting me know that she’s all relaxed and ready to go. I walk over to my bed and sit on the edge while typing my response, letting her know I just need to get dressed then I’ll be over.

  The second message shouldn’t surprise me at all. Andrew’s name shines brightly at me and my heart beats just a little faster as I open the message.

  I’m sitting in this meeting and all I keep thinking about is you. ~A~

  He has got to be the most romantic man on the face of the planet, hands down. It’s like he’s straight out of a chick flick or something. I want to type a response but he said he’s in a meeting and I don’t want to bother him. Then again, he was texting me while he’s sitting there so maybe it’s not overly important. My fingers fly across the screen, feeling the need to be a little naughty.

  I’m just sitting on my bed while thinking of you. Hopefully, it won’t be long until I see you again. ~T~

  Nothing too dirty but still gives him enough room to draw his own conclusion as to what I’m doing. I drop the phone down on the bed before picking out my favorite lounge pants and shirt, pairing them with my sports bra and fuzzy slipper socks. So I’m going to look like a complete slob when Chris arrives but if I’m stuck sitting in a hotel room for who knows how long, I’m going to be comfortable doing it. The beep behind me has my smile appearing before I even read his response.

  I’m picturing you on your bed right now and that is not helping me. It won’t be long, I promise. ~A~

  And my text did exactly what I intended it to do, let him do his own imagining. Score one for me! I leave the phone on my bed as I finish getting ready, blow drying my hair into a mess before placing it in a high ponytail. It’s just work. There’s no time for glamour, especially since Andrew will not be seeing me like this. At least I don’t think he will.

  I grab my laptop bag, phone, and key before heading next door. I knock once and she flings it open with a yawn. She doesn’t even bother trying to cover it, which makes me chuckle.

  “Tired?” I ask, walking into her room.

  “Beat, actually. And it’s only going to get worse because I know for a fact that I’m not going to get any sleep tonight.”

  I mock gag at her comment and she laughs with a wink.

  “Again, gross. I really, really, really do not want to think about you two having sex right now.”

  I place my bag on her desk, taking out the laptop and files before plopping myself on her bed, my back resting against the headboard. She crawls up next to me, crossing her legs like mine and hands me a Diet Coke.

  “Thanks,” I say, pulling the tab back and hear the hissing sound of the carbonation letting loose. There’s nothing better than that first sip of an ice cold Diet Coke. Okay, that’s not true but to stay focused that’s what I’m going to tell myself.

  “I’m thinking we’ll just order in some Chinese and start brainstorming,” she says, flipping through her notepad.

  “That sounds good to me. I’m game for just about anything right now because I need a distraction.”

  Kara’s face lights up and I know that I’ve just said the wrong thing. “Looks like someone else has sex on the brain. A little bow-chica-wow-wow? Is he good? He must be good. I can’t imagine a guy like him isn’t good.” I stare blankly at her, shocked into complete silence at her onslaught of questions. She quirks an eyebrow and tsks. “Tell me you’ve at least done some heavy petting.”

  My jaw drops and I can’t stay quiet anymore.

  “Seriously! No more talk of sex!”

  I playfully slap her arm as she falls to her side, clutching her stomach and laughing. I shake my head and return my focus to my laptop.

  “You are so frustrating sometimes Tessa. How could you not be all over that man? You must have the restraint of a virg . . .” She stops suddenly, realizing what she’s about to say. Her face falls slightly as she sits up and looks at me with sad, regretful eyes.

  “Sorry, I forgot,” she says, bumping her shoulder into mine.

  “It’s fine. Let’s just forget it and get to work. How about you call the Chinese place for food and I’ll start organizing the notes and contracts.”

  She accepts my change of subject and heads to the phone, ordering what sounds like enough food to feed a small village. But even with the subject change, the words swim through my head. No, I’m not a virgin but that doesn’t mean I like to talk about my lack of promiscuity. And honestly it’s taken great restraint to keep my body in check around Andrew, even though I’ve wanted to succumb to it several times, most recently about an hour ago.

  But sex makes me nervous and Kara knows why. She’s heard the story of my introduction to the act and how unpleasant and degrading it was for me. A shudder runs through me and I brush off the subject, not wanting to dwell on it any more than I already have.

  I arrange all the notes and spreadsheets in front of me, having done this many times with Kara previously. I know exactly what to look for, what she’ll be asking about and how to quickly come up with the answer. We are a well-oiled machine when it comes to this and I can’t help but exude a hint of pride in my work. Yes, it’s not glamorous but it’s not supposed to be. But I know I’m just as good at this as some of the others around the office, even without the four-year degree that they have.

  A half hour later there’s a knock at the door. Kara leaps up with her wallet in hand and gasps loudly when she opens the door. Standing in her doorway, holding two large paper bags of
food, is Chris.

  “So I ran into the delivery guy in the elevator and knew this had to be you just by the sheer volume of food,” he says, walking into the room.

  The instant the bags land on the table she leaps into his waiting arms, raining kisses on his face and neck. She wraps her legs around his waist and clings to him as a small child would. He laughs as his arms wrap around her, supporting her weight. Not that she weighs that much. She’s easily one hundred pounds soaking wet.

  I tilt my head to the side as I watch their reunion. They truly are perfect together. A match made in heaven in my book. I notice the door still propped open and realize it’s that way because Chris’s luggage is lying on its side in the hallway. I get up and remove the bag, dragging it into the room and prop it up against the wall.

  Kara’s hands are still wound firmly in Chris’s hair and she hasn’t allowed him to come up for air.

  “God, baby, when did you get here?” she says between kisses. He takes her lips into an all-consuming kiss, silencing her completely. He tries to peel her off his body to no avail. It appears she’s glued to him and he may just have to deal with it.

  “I just landed an hour ago. When I was talking to you this morning, I was already in New York. I wanted to surprise you by arriving early.”

  There’s a sparkle in his eye as he looks at her. It’s a sparkle that I’ve come to recognize more and more as of recent. I’ve seen the same gleam in Andrew’s eyes when he looks at me and it gives me hope that there could actually be a future there for us.

  Kara peels herself away from Chris but doesn’t go too far. She’s clinging to his arm, playing with his fingers with that same stupid smile on her face. It’s the one that gives her away every time, the one that tells the world how hopelessly, madly in love she is with him. Not that I could blame her. Chris isn’t a bad looking man. Quite the opposite in fact. He’s tall and very young looking. You would never guess that he was in his early forties. Then again, he does take excellent care of himself. The only thing that would give him away is the smattering a gray hair at his temples even though the blonde hides it almost perfectly.

  I reclaim my spot on the bed and watch as he struggles to undo his tie with one hand. His jacket falls from his shoulders and hangs between him and Kara until she finally takes the hint and releases him long enough to hang up the clothes he’s discarding. He stands to my side, holding out his hand in greeting to me.

  “Don’t worry about getting up Tessa. How have you been?” He playfully nudges my shoulder with his hand in the way that a big brother would pick on his little sister.

  “I’m good, Christopher. Kara and I got a good start on the contracts and we’ve got a list going right now for what we need to do once we get back stateside.”

  “Excellent. That’s what I like to hear from the Dynamic Duo. Right now, I need to run through the shower and take this airplane smell off of me.”

  He winks at Kara and she smiles. “I’m just going to go help him scrub his back.” She giggles as she follows behind him and I hear the distinctive click of the lock behind her.

  “Gross!” I yell at the door. I seriously doubt that they heard me though.

  I roll my eyes and return my focus to my laptop, clamping down on the pencil in my mouth, probably leaving teeth marks in the wood. There’s one email, in particular, that seems to have gone missing and it’s beginning to piss me off. I puff out a breath, shooting the pencil across the bed, watching it land on a stack of papers and roll off the side.

  My phone quietly beeps somewhere and I start the daunting task of lifting up multiple stacks of paper, trying my best not to disturb them if at all possible. Finally, I find it, buried underneath the largest stack and smile when Andrew’s name appears on the screen.

  I’m stuck at work and I’m so lonely. How about you? ~A~

  My teeth draw my lower lip between them, thinking of a response. I opt for the same tactic as last time, sending a message that’s open to interpretation.

  I’m still working too. Actually, I’m spread out in bed right now, surrounded by reports. ~T~

  Within seconds, his reply comes across.

  I’m very jealous of the reports that are lucky enough to be in bed with you. I’m hoping soon that will be me instead. ~A~

  My eyes close as I imagine what it would be like if Andrew were here right now. The press of his hard body against mine, the smell of his cologne wrapping me in that safe cocoon, his fingers traveling over the hills and valleys of my body as he learns it.

  No need to hope. I’m fairly certain it’s a sure thing. How soon can you be here? ~T~

  I shouldn’t tease him like that, even though I really do want him in my bed right now. It’s all my mind has been thinking about since he left me in a puddle of hormones just a little bit ago.

  Say the word and I will be there now if you’d like. ~A~

  My eyes drift to the massive stacks of paper and I groan. Why oh why do we have so much yet to do?

  You have no idea how much I wish I could right now. I have a feeling it’s going to be a while before I’m released from my forced servitude. Plus Kara and Chris are “getting clean” right now so I’m on my own. ~T~

  I hop off the bed to retrieve my pencil, shoving it behind my ear as my missing email finally appears. I hit print and listen as the wireless printer across the room spits out the document. By the time I return to my spot, my phone beeps once more.

  Just so you know I’m imagining all kinds of things I’d like to do to you right now, my sweet Tessa. I will hurry with my work so it’ll be closer to my time dedicated to you. ~A~

  Damn, if my heart didn’t just stop beating.

  I will try to do the same. I miss you. ~T~

  Not as much as I miss you. It won’t be long now, love. ~A~

  I place my phone on the nightstand, needing to keep it away from me so I don’t get continually distracted by Andrew. Focus. I need to focus so I can get out of here.

  Kara and Chris emerge from the bathroom almost an hour after they went in. She’s flushed and grinning from ear to ear and yet Chris looks as cool as he did when he first entered the room. Both are in their lounge clothes like me, giving me a little relief that I’m not the only one ready for a lazy night. Chris runs his hand through his damp hair and smacks Kara on her ass as she passes in front of him. She gives a slight yelp but bounces over to my spot, picking up a few papers in the process.

  “How’s it coming there, Chickie?”

  “Everything is set up and organized. I’m just going through the contracts now to make sure that everything is in the right places and spelled correctly,” I say around a forkful of Kung Pao chicken. Kara leans over to grab one of the takeout boxes and starts munching away.

  “Wow, this is good,” she says, wiping some sauce that had dribbled off her noodle onto her chin.

  “Yeah, it’s even better when it’s warm.”

  She turns and laughs at me. “Sorry, he was dirty. I had to help.”

  “Help, what? Make him dirtier before he gets clean?”

  “Basically,” she says, shoving more noodles into her mouth.

  “Again, gross.”

  Chris takes the box from Kara and kisses her lips. “You do know I’m standing right here ladies?”

  Kara leans over and grabs another carton. “Yeah, we know. We just don’t care.”

  He sits next to Kara and pulls her into his lap. She settles into his chest and sighs with a look of sheer contentment.

  “Almost have everything we need Christopher. Shouldn’t take too much longer.”

  He rolls his eyes at me. “I really wish you’d call me Chris. I always feel like I’m in trouble or brokering some huge deal when someone calls me by my full name. We’ve known each other for four years now, Tessa. Plus you’re one of the few that know about Kara and me, although that won’t be a secret much longer.”

  There’s that gleam in his eye again. She reaches up to stroke the side of his face before turning t
o dust her lips across his jaw line. They’re so cute and considerate of each other. It’s almost sickening to watch sometimes. Then I wonder if people have been thinking that about me and Andrew during one of our many public displays that we keep having. But Andrew and I have yet to even come close to their explosive love story. Ninety percent of the time those two are all mushy for each other. But that other ten percent is when the sparks really fly. When they fight, it’s epic. Have you ever wondered what would happen if you take a firework and replace the gunpowder with nitro instead? Just watch them during a fight. It makes World War II look like a kids fight on the playground.

  Yet somehow they make it work. Two incredibly frustrating and stubborn people who belong together. Fate couldn’t have done a better job with them if she tried.

  “Not until we get this project underway. You better swear to me Chris or so help me I will make you pay for it.”

  She pokes her fork in his face, giving her stern look, challenging him to fight. He laughs instead, kissing the side of her head.

  “Okay baby, I swear. Once this gets off the ground, we will let everyone know.”

  Kara puts her food carton on the table and claps her hands. “Okay, enough is enough. Let’s get this done so Tessa can get back to her room and you can remind me of why I keep you around.”

  “Well, that sounds like the best incentive yet. Let’s do it.”

  “Again, for the one millionth time, gross,” I laugh.

  We sit on the bed, passing papers to each other, jotting down stuff in the notepad and, of course, laugh together. My fingers move furiously across the keyboard as I copy down everything they’ve written, fixing minor typos and moving a few paragraphs around.

  Three hours later I hit print for the last time. My stiff legs scream in discomfort as I make my way to the printer. I hand the paper to Chris, who puts it on the bottom of the stack.

  “That’s it. We’re finally done,” he says.

  “Thank God.” I bend at the waist, touching my toes and allowing the vertebras to stretch in my back. Kara hops off the bed and stretches out her leg, shaking it before moving to the other one. A heated glance passes between them and suddenly I feel the temperature rise in the room. This time it has nothing to do with me.


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