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Private Eye

Page 22

by Katrina Jackson

  “Chanté,” he said her name in his sweetest voice, but then descended into frustrated snarls. “Where are you? I came all the way to New Jersey for you. New. Jersey. Pick up.” He practically barked the last two words.

  And then he took a deep breath. “I’m sorry.” It wasn’t the first time he’d said it. It wouldn’t be the last. He didn’t even bother to apologize about a specific hurt anymore. There were too many. Sometimes the words were less an apology than an admission. He didn’t deserve her. He knew that. He’d always known. He’d tried for a time to ignore that yawning pit of inadequacy in his gut, but he knew who he was. He was the kind of man who ruined everything he touched. He didn’t know any other way to be.

  Once the realization hit, he’d run away from her, from himself, from a future where he would only hurt her more. And he kept on running, returning for a bit every now and then and always when she needed him most. He meant well, but he was also selfish and could never quite see how his leaving hurt her; each disappearance dimming just a bit of the light in her eyes; doing the exact thing he was always trying so hard not to do.

  It was proof, wasn’t it? That he was right. That he was always going to fuck up. He’d been telling her that for years, but she never got it. Or at least she hadn’t until Berlin. Now she didn’t reach out to him anymore. She used to drop everything to answer his calls, to run across the world just to be with him. Not anymore. She was hiding from him and it broke something inside Asif’s stunted heart to realize that she’d finally seen the truth of who he was. He’d always known this day would come, but deep down he’d hoped that no matter what he did, Chanté would always love him. She’d never get tired of him. She’d always be there.

  But she wasn’t. Not anymore. Not like she used to be. She left breadcrumbs: a fraudulent purchase here, a trace on his location there. But it wasn’t the same.

  “I’m sorry,” he said again and then hung up.


  “I’ve never flown first class before,” Maya said excitedly, practically bouncing in her chair.

  It was adorable. She was adorable. So much so that Kenny was having a hard time focusing on their surroundings, scanning the other passengers as they filed down the aisle to their seats. He was certain that Mehmeti would have placed someone on the flight with them and he wanted to figure out who it was. It wasn’t strictly necessary; he and Maya had already agreed to hold their cover from the time they left their apartment building this morning until Joseph Mehmeti was in Agency custody. But a good spy knows that you can never have too much information.

  Still, his eyes kept drifting to his left to look at Maya as she marveled at how much leg room she had to stretch out. He only wanted to look at her and that was a problem.

  “Champagne?” The flight attendant leaned toward them, taking advantage of a break in the onboarding traffic to serve the premium passengers. Kenny started, he hadn’t heard her approach; he was very focused on the hem of Maya’s dress and the expanse of her thighs.

  “Yes, please,” Maya said, reaching across Kenny’s body to grasp the small plastic flute.

  “And you, sir?”

  He was about to shake his head when Maya elbowed him. He smiled and reached for the glass instead, opening his tray table to set it down.

  “I can’t drink while we’re away, Maya,” he whispered as the flight attendant moved on. Away meaning on the mission.

  She took a sip of her drink and nodded as she swallowed. “I know,” she rolled her eyes, they’d been over this. “That’s for me.”

  He raised his eyebrows at her.

  She put her glass down on the tray beside his and leaned over their armrests into his side. The heavy weight of her breast made his throat close and every muscle in his body tensed in the best way. Maya’s lips almost touched his before she moved her head and skimmed her lips along his jaw, his teeth clenched.

  She whispered to him, “If we were a young couple being flown out to San Francisco first class by a billionaire paying us a bunch of money to let him watch us fuck, we’d be celebrating, right?”

  He nodded once, unable to speak now that the scent of her soft floral perfume was filling his nostrils; gently pulling him under. Not that he was resisting.

  “I’ll drink the champagne so you can focus on the spy stuff,” she whispered, and then because she was evil or perfect or both, her tongue snaked out to wet the inner shell of his ear. He couldn’t help but dip his head and smile.

  “You’re a natural,” he said.

  “Natural what?” She leaned back in her chair and smiled at him. A soft smile, curious, beautiful. She was so fucking beautiful.

  Everything, he wanted to say. “The spy stuff,” he whispered instead.

  Maya reached for her glass of champagne and winked at him as she took a sip.

  He smiled back at her, glad that the tray would hide the gentle mound of his erection. This was going to be a long trip.


  “There’s something wrong with the flight attendant,” Maya whispered over the rim of the second glass of champagne, her eyes trained on the front of the airplane.

  They’d just reached the cruising altitude and the flight attendants were up preparing for the drinks service. After being on high alert during boarding, Kenny had finally relaxed. Well, he was as relaxed as Maya had ever seen him when she wasn’t touching his dick.

  “What do you mean?” Kenny turned to her.

  “I said there’s something wrong with the flight attendant.”

  He rolled his eyes, “Yes, I heard you. What’s wrong with her?”

  She chewed on the question for a bit and then frowned, “I’m not sure. But something.”

  Kenny exhaled and sat back in his chair. She turned to him and watched as his shoulders sagged. She was momentarily distracted by those shoulders, big and strong and certain to look great between her thighs.

  “Maya,” Kenny said, pulling her out of her reverie. “Please don’t look at me like that.”

  She tilted her head to the left and smiled at him, “Like what?”

  “Like you want me to fuck you in the airplane bathroom.”

  Her nose wrinkled and she shook her head. “First of all, that’s disgusting. Those things smell like industrial strength disinfectant and urine. Second of all, I can barely fit in there alone, so you’re certainly not coming in with me. And thirdly, with all of this leg room we could just throw a blanket over our laps if we want to fool around.” She shrugged.

  Kenny made a choked sound and grabbed the inflight magazine, putting it over his lap. She couldn’t help but smile.

  “There’s nothing wrong with the flight attendant,” he said, red-faced.

  Her smile slipped and then she remembered that that’s what they’d been talking about. “Oh right. Yeah there is. Trust me.”

  He leaned toward her, their arms touching on the armrest between them, “I thought you were going to leave the spy stuff to me.”

  She leaned forward, their mouths were so close. “I am. But I can help, can’t I?”

  “Of course you can.” He held her gaze and when he spoke, his soft breath tickled her lips. She wanted to lean forward and lick him again. She was finding it hard, harder than she’d expected, to keep her tongue off of him. Well, at least anyone watching would think they were definitely a couple.

  Or very affectionate friends?

  “Okay,” she said, “then in the name of help, something ain’t right with her ass.”

  He exhaled again.

  “Stop the dramatic sighs and listen to me.”

  “I’m listening-”

  “More champagne?” The flight attendant asked. They both jumped in their seats and turned toward her.

  “Fuck, you scared me,” Maya breathed.

  She only smiled. “I’m so sorry. Would you like more champagne?”

  They both shook their heads. She nodded and moved to the next row. “More champagne?”

  When she was out of earshot May
a turned to Kenny and traced a finger across his jaw, “Come on. Tell me.”

  She watched his strong muscle tick underneath her touch, which unexpectedly made her nipples hard.

  “Something might be up with the flight attendant,” he whispered, placing heavy emphasis on the word ‘might’.

  It wasn’t a full admission of her correctness, but she’d take it. And make him pay. She smiled and leaned forward, pressing her lips to his. She wanted to slip her tongue inside his mouth and pull another groan from him but she didn’t. “Maybe I am a natural at the spy stuff,” she whispered against his lips. She pulled back and smiled at him.

  He rolled his eyes, but smiled as well. She moved her hand to his cheek, “You have a tiny dimple. Right here,” she said, brushing her thumb over the barely noticeable indentation.

  His breath caught and then he whispered, “What should we do for our next date?”

  It was her turn to gasp. She closed her eyes as his hand touched her arm and moved over her stomach, around her hip and settled on the curve of her ass. She chewed on her bottom lip and smiled, her eyes still closed, as his breathing became labored. When she opened her eyes, he was looking at her as if he was cataloguing every minute detail of her face. He probably was.

  Her thumb moved back and forth over the place where his dimple had briefly appeared. There was something about knowing it was there that made Maya’s heart race.

  “I guess a dinner and movie would be too normal,” she said.

  His lips curved slightly into a smile.

  “I’ve always wanted to go to Hawai’i,” she said.

  He smiled fully, “Yeah?”

  She shrugged and dropped her eyes. He moved his free hand under her chin to lift her head. She blushed and nodded.

  “Then I’ll take you to Hawai’i,” he whispered and leaned down to kiss her. He didn’t hesitate to use his lips to pry hers open and slip his tongue into her mouth. This kiss was slow and tender and full of promise that everything would be just fine. She hoped.


  Maya was passed out, her head resting on Kenny’s shoulder. On the one hand, he thought that was probably a great development. Maybe now he could focus on figuring out if there was a Mehmeti plant on the plane. Or at least in first class. But on the other hand, Maya had practically wrapped herself around his side and one of her arms was flung across his waist. He still might have survived that, except she’d wriggled her fingers just under his shirt.

  And as much as he was trying to focus on the flight attendant and the mid-forties businessman two rows ahead who kept looking back at them – both likely candidates for Mehmeti plants – his brain refused to let him stray too far away from how perfect her skin felt against his.

  The flight attendant caught his eye as she walked down the aisle toward him. He smiled, tensed, and prepared for anything.

  “Hello sir, would you like a blanket?” She gestured toward Maya.

  “Yes,” he said, trying not to think about what Maya had said about them fooling around.

  The flight attendant moved to the overhead compartment just behind their seats. When she returned, she unfolded the blanket and tossed it over them.

  “Mr. Mehmeti is looking forward to meeting you both,” she whispered.

  Kenny’s eyes widened, because his cover demanded it, but he schooled his body not to tense as if in preparation. He wanted to look shocked, not deadly.

  “When we land, there will be a car to take you to your hotel. You’ll receive further instructions there. In the meantime, if there’s anything else you need, please let me know.”

  Kenny gulped and nodded.

  Her eyes shifted to Maya and she licked her lips. “I look forward to seeing you both tonight,” she said before she walked away.

  Kenny watched her go, his eyes wide, his heart racing and his hands clenched under the blanket.

  Maya shifted against him. She rubbed her face into his chest and snuggled closer.

  “Told you,” she mumbled and then fell back to sleep.


  They were starting their descent into SFO. Maya was awake and looking somehow both grumpy and smug. The flight attendant was fluttering around them, preparing the passengers for landing and also sending hungry glances their way.

  Maya turned to stare out the window, looking down on the city as it appeared. She melted when Kenny wrapped his body around hers from the back. He placed a small kiss on her shoulder. “Welcome home,” he whispered.

  She smiled, “You remembered.”

  “I remember everything you ever told me,” he whispered. “Also there’s a file on you at The Agency because of Kierra. It’s pretty thorough.”

  She turned to him with pursed lips. He cringed and shrugged.

  “Say less,” she hissed.

  He smiled.

  A man stood in the aisle in front of them. “Yes?” Maya said.

  Kenny’s entire body tensed as he turned.

  The man was kinda cute, just below middle-aged maybe, with some nice gray in his beard and beautiful dark brown skin. “I’m sorry but are you,” and then he leaned forward to whisper, “ThickaThanASnicka from ChatBot?”

  Maya raised her eyebrows. “I am,” she replied warily.

  The man smiled and clapped his hands. “I knew it.” And then he looked at Kenny. “Oh man, you must be the boyfriend.” He reached out to shake Kenny’s hand and then Maya’s. “I’m a huge fan. Your last broadcast,” he said, shaking his head and pressing his palms together as if in prayer. “Fantastic. You totally deserved to make the daily rankings. Congratulations!”

  Maya smiled her best, biggest smile, “Thank you.”

  “Um… yeah, thanks?” Kenny said, his body still tense but confusion dripping from his voice.

  “Sorry to interrupt. I’ve just been trying to figure out if that was you the entire flight. Oh my god, wait 'til I tell my wife that I met you. She’s going to be so jealous.”

  “You watch me with your wife?” Maya asked.

  He nodded vigorously.

  She narrowed her eyes and chewed on her bottom lip, “I wonder how many other couple viewers I have.” The wheels in Maya’s brain were turning. She whipped out her phone and opened the notes app.

  She looked up, “What’s your screen name?”

  “Uh, Big Keith underscore 01,” he said.

  She nodded as she typed, “Would you and your wife be interested in dedicated couple content? You think there’s a market for that?”

  His eyes and mouth yawned wide and he looked shocked even as he nodded, “We’d love that.”

  “Interesting. Let me give it some thought and I’ll contact you. Maybe I’ll do a focus group for couples.”

  BigKeith_01 looked like he was ready to melt, “My wife is going to give me the best head of my life when she hears this.”

  Maya’s smile brightened. “Do you guys use flavored lube?”

  The person in the row in front of them started but Maya didn’t pay him any mind.

  “Nah,” Keith said, “She can’t find a flavor she likes. We manage though.”

  Maya nodded, “If you go on the shop on my ChatBot page, I have a link to a store where I sell my favorite products.”

  “Wait, you do?” Kenny asked.

  “Yes, oh my god, I need to make sure I advertise that better. Anyway,” she turned back to Keith, “Try the lube I have there. My favorite flavor is vanilla. And when she’s sucking you,” the man in front of them started again. Maya ignored him again, “Tell her to use lots of lube, a firm grip and tongue. Less work for her, better feel for you.”

  Kenny started.

  Maya’s smile widened, “It’s what he likes.” She tilted her head toward Kenny. Out of the corner of her eye she could see that his face had gone completely red.

  “I-I’ll tell her,” Keith said, a slight sheen of sweat developing at his hairline.

  “Excuse me sir, you need to return to your seat,” their flight attendant said, eyeing them wa

  “Oh. Okay, sure.” He turned back to Maya, “Oh my god, I can’t believe I met you.”

  “You’re the first viewer I’ve ever met in real life. Thanks for being totally cool and not creepy,” she said sincerely.

  “Yeah, thank you,” Kenny repeated.

  “Oh absolutely. You literally make my wife and I very happy. You deserve to know that,” he said, before waving and turning away. After he was back in his seat he turned and waved at them again.

  “That was so cool,” Maya breathed.

  “Yeah,” Kenny breathed, “Except he wasn’t the first viewer you’ve met.”

  Maya turned to him, confusion surely written all over her face. And then her mouth opened and she nodded, “Oh god, I totally forgot.” She laughed.

  “How could you forget? I’m right here,” he frowned.

  She laughed a little louder. “No,” she said reaching out to cup his cheek. “I meant I forgot that you were a viewer. I haven’t thought about you like that for a long time,” she admitted.

  Maya watched the words settle over him. She laughed as he reached for her face and pulled her mouth to his. Out of the corner of her eye she saw their flight attendant smile their way. It sobered her for that half a second before their lips touched. This would be great for their cover, but the kiss was all real. And that was difficult to reconcile for Maya; how something so real could have blossomed under such odd circumstances.


  Kenny walked down the aisle first, his hand outstretched behind him holding Maya’s tight.

  “Thank you for flying with us. I look forward to seeing you again,” their flight attendant said to Kenny, as her eyes turned to Maya, lustful. Maya tried not to shudder.

  She’d felt fine the entire flight, but there was something about being on solid ground again that shook her. Was she really doing this?

  “You’re shaking,” Kenny whispered.

  “I think I might be freaking out.”

  “It’s okay. I’ve got you. And the rest of the team is here… somewhere?”

  She didn’t know if he meant at the airport, in the city or just on this plane of existence, but either way she was not comforted. He squeezed her hand in his.


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