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Sunny's Love

Page 4

by Anna Kristell

  “Alma!” Sunny was shocked by her words, at first. It dawned on her, suddenly, that Brice must have told Alma he wanted her to be his Daddy’s girlfriend.

  “I call it like I see it.”

  Sunny shook her head, hugged her again, and ran out the door to join the Dupont family.

  Chapter Five

  The flight was uneventful. They arrived in Palm Beach where John was waiting for them. After loading the luggage into the SUV, he drove straight to the summer house. Sunny was in awe when they pulled into the driveway. It looked just like they’d described it to her, the

  perfect Florida beach house only it was about three times the size she’d expected it to be. The pink stucco structure with the tiled roof looked perfect for a summer in paradise.

  Once inside, she was greeted warmly by Alice, who offered to give her a tour of the house. When she was shown to her room, it was like stepping into an island resort. She quickly learned that her room and Chase’s had an adjoining bathroom and they would be sharing. The children’s rooms were down the hall. Alma and Alice must have put their heads together on this plan, she thought with a smile, giving her and Chase discreet access to each other if they had wanted it. She’d never met so many matchmakers in her life, from the housekeepers to the children. Too bad there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell it will work.

  “We’re so glad to have you here, Sunny. I’ve heard good things about you from everyone. Mr. Dupont speaks very highly of you.”

  “Thank you, Alice. Everyone has been very welcoming.”

  “Here’s John now with your luggage. I’ll leave you alone to unpack. We’ll see you downstairs.”

  “Just as she was about to head back downstairs, Chase walked through the open door from the adjoining bathroom and said, “I hope it doesn’t make you uncomfortable having to share a bathroom with me. It’s just the most logical way, with the way the house is set up.”

  “I’m sure we can manage to stay out of each other’s way. It’s no problem at all, Chase.”

  “You’re an amazing girl, you know that, don’t you? Not all women are so accommodating.” He turned to walk back into his own bedroom.

  She had promised to call her mother and let her know they’d arrived in Florida safely. She picked up her cell and dialed the number. Her mother answered on the third ring.

  “Mom, it’s me. We just got to Florida a few hours ago. I’ve been unpacking.”

  “I’m so glad you called. Is it beautiful there?”

  “It’s gorgeous and everyone has been so warm and welcoming.”

  “You’re getting along with the kids?”

  “Wonderfully, this is probably going to be the most fun job I’ve ever had.”

  “And Mr. Dupont, what’s he like?”

  “Mom, he’s so sweet. He helps with the kids when he can and has been very nice so far.”

  “Sweetie, are you falling for him already?” her mother asked hesitantly.

  “Why would you ask that, Mom?”

  “Something in your voice when you talk about him, Sunny, just be careful. He’s your boss.”

  “I’ll be fine, Mom. I know how to handle myself.”

  “You’re a smart girl. I’ll trust your judgment. You know him better than I do.”

  “I’ll be careful, Mom. I love you.”

  “I love you too, Sunny. Call me soon.”

  “I will. ‘Bye.” She hung up the phone, realizing she needed to be more careful when speaking about Chase to others. If her mother had noticed something in her voice, others might as well. She went downstairs to join the others.

  Chase and Alice were at the bar talking over tall glasses of iced tea.

  “And the children adore her,” Chase said, smiling as Sunny walked into the room.

  “Any more of that iced tea in the fridge?” she asked, ignoring the fact they’d been talking about her when she came into the room.

  “Yes, there is. Have a nice nap?” Chase smiled at her and winked.

  “I called my mom to let her know we arrived safely, I wasn’t napping,” she replied. She laughed, remembering her first day when he’d caught her napping. She was sure that was the reason for the wicked wink.

  “That’s a good idea. Mothers tend to worry, even about their grown children.” Alice approved of the call.

  “And your mom is doing okay?” Chase asked.

  “She’s fine. She keeps busy with her friends.”

  “I was just telling Chase you two should go out tonight. I’d love to have my babies all to myself their first night here. What do you think, Sunny?”

  “Well, that’s up to Chase. I’ll do whatever he thinks is best.”

  “I say we take Alice up on her offer. You’ll be ready for a break after a few days with the Dupont kids, so take advantage of the time.”

  “Okay, I’ll go change.” She took a swallow of tea and carried her glass to the sink.

  “Thank you, Alice. I’d better get changed too.” He leaned over and kissed his long-time housekeeper on the cheek, before he went whistling up the stairs to get ready for his night out with Sunny.

  ”Well don’t you look spiffy, Chase Dupont,” Alice said, hanging up the phone as Chase came back into the kitchen.

  “So I pass inspection then?”

  “Definitely, definitely, I’d say Miss Sunny is going to be the envy of Palm Beach tonight. Where are you taking her?” she answered, straightening his collar.

  “To my restaurant, since she admitted she’s never eaten at one of them.”

  “Good choice.”

  Sunny came down the stairs a few minutes later, wearing a white sundress. Chase grinned appreciatively as he watched her enter the room. Anyone who didn’t know he was only her employer, would think he was a man in the beginning stages of falling in love with his date. He couldn’t take his eyes off her.

  “Sunny, you look wonderful. You two will make a very handsome couple tonight. You’ll be the envy of everyone around you,” Alice said, bringing Chase back to reality.

  “Thank you, Alice.”

  Slightly embarrassed at having been caught staring by Alice, Chase said, “Let’s find the kiddos and tell them goodbye before we leave.” He went outside, with Sunny following him into the beautiful garden. John certainly did a good job maintaining it. The kids ran up to Chase and hugged him.

  “Where are you going all dressed up, Daddy?” Allison asked.

  “I’m going to take Sunny to our restaurant and show her around town. Is that all right with you, Princess Allison?”

  “Yes, we’re going to have a popcorn and movie party with Alice and John, so we won’t have time for you anyway.”

  “Oh, I see. Okay, you have fun. Brice, got a hug for your old man?”

  “I hug Sunny first. She’s very pretty.”

  “Careful, son, don’t get her white dress dirty.”

  “He’s okay. I’ve got a hold of his little hands.” Sunny smiled at Chase.

  Brice then hugged his dad, while Allison told Sunny to have fun. The couple peeked in the door and told Alice goodbye, waved to John, and were on their way.

  “So I finally get to try a little taste of heaven,” she asked as they drove away.

  “Yes, I thought I’d take you there first and after dinner, we can do whatever you want. We can take in a club, walk along the beach, or go to a movie. Whatever you want to do tonight, the night belongs to you.”

  Get a hotel room…try a real taste of heaven…oh, Sunny, you are so in over your head.

  “I think I’d like to see the beach,” she replied, inwardly scolding herself for her prior thoughts.

  “That can certainly be arranged. You’ll love the beach in the moonlight It’s gorgeous. By the way, you know you’ve made quite a hit with Alice now, as well as Alma.”

  “I have?”

  “Oh, yes, she wouldn’t have offered to watch the kids so we could go out tonight if she didn’t like you.”

  “But I thought she was crazy abo
ut the kids.”

  “She is, and she would have spent the evening with them, she just wouldn’t have pushed us to go out together.”

  “I see. A conspiracy in the making, you know I caught Alma and the kids whispering when I walked downstairs this morning. They got very quiet and secretive when I entered the room.”

  “They’re all in it together. I hope you don’t mind, Sunny. They mean no harm, but if it makes you uncomfortable, I can certainly put a stop to it. I don’t want anyone to make you feel uncomfortable in my home.”

  “It’s fine, in fact, I think it’s cute.”

  “Personally, I do, too. But like I said, if it gets uncomfortable for you, let me know. Here we are, Sunny. Welcome to a Li’l Taste of Heaven.”

  He chuckled as he got out of the car and walked around to open her door and help her out of the car.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Just thinking about the staff and the kids trying to play matchmaker and thinking we’re not onto them. We should play tricks of our own on them.”

  A few stolen kisses for them to see perhaps, she thought as he helped her out of the car and took her hand.

  They walked into the restaurant and were immediately greeted by the hostess and the manager who’d seen Chase walk in.

  “Mr. Dupont, welcome. I see you arrived safely.”

  “We got in this afternoon, as a matter of fact. Jason, Janice, I want you to meet Sunny. Can you believe she’s never been to one of our restaurants? We’re going to show her the royal treatment tonight.”

  “You’re in for a real treat, Miss Sunny.” Jason smiled as he shook her hand.

  Janice also smiled and led them to a table and took their drink order.

  “This is beautiful, Chase. The décor is just like heaven.”

  “Yes, that’s the idea.”

  Janice brought their drinks and went back to her post in the front of the restaurant. A waiter soon came to take their order.

  “You order for me, Chase.” Sunny told him with a smile. “I trust you.”

  “That’s good to know.” He placed the order and after the waiter had left, he added, “Glad to hear you trust me, because I trust you too, Sunny. I trust you with my children, who are the two most precious things in my life.”

  “Oh, Chase, thank you. I absolutely cherish the two of them already.”

  “I’m again, so thankful to have met you.”

  The waiter brought their salads and the conversation changed to small talk.

  The entire meal was, as promised, heavenly. And by the time they were finished, several of the employees had stopped by to say hello and get a peek at the boss’s ‘new lady.’

  Chase was friendly to all of them and thanked them for the wonderful service.

  “Ready to go, Sunny?” he asked as he walked around and pulled out her chair for her.

  As they were pulling out of the parking lot, Sunny asked, “Where to now?”

  “You’ll see.” He drove until they were on the highway that ran along the beach. He parked in a public access lot and turned to her. “You said you wanted to see the beach, so let’s take a moonlight stroll.” He helped her out of the car then removed his socks and shoes, throwing them in the back seat. “You might want to take off your sandals, Sunny. The sand will feel so good on your feet.”

  “Okay,” she replied as she removed them and laid them on the floorboard.

  “Come on, Miss Drake. Let me show you what Florida life is really like.” He took her hand and led her to the beach.

  They strolled together for a while, quietly talking, when Sunny suddenly noticed a couple walking in front of them. The man took the woman in his arms and kissed her. How wonderful to be walking here with the one you love.

  “Young love is great, isn’t it, Sunny. Do you miss Scott still?” Chase asked as he stopped and searched her face.

  Taken off guard for just a minute, she replied, “I rarely think of him, Chase. He was my first love, my only love, but I realize now he wasn’t the one for me. If he had been, he would have married me and not her. He wouldn’t have been attracted to her in the first place. He’s happy and I hope to be happy someday, too.”

  “I was worried you might be pining away for him, when you told me you hadn’t dated since the break up. You’re too special, Sunny, not to find true love.”

  “Thank you, Chase. I don’t know about the special part, but I do hope to find true love,

  someday,” she answered softly as she thought, and I’d like for it to be with you.

  Chapter Six

  Settling into her comfortable bed after returning from the beach, Sunny thought about the dinner and walk on the beach that she’d shared with her employer. He thinks I’m special, was her last thought before sleep overtook her.

  After she’d dressed the next morning, she went in search of the children. She woke both of them and had picked out their clothes for the day. Ali insisted on dressing herself, so Sunny went to help Brice. When she went back to check on Allison, Chase was in his daughter’s room.

  “Need some help here?” She laughed as she watched him attempt to put a ponytail in the little girl’s hair.

  “Please, Sunny, help me. Daddy isn’t doing a very good job,” Ali begged as Chase feigned a hurt look. The little girl tried to spare his feelings by adding, “Daddy, don’t be silly. Ponytails are a mommy job, not a daddy job.”

  “Or maybe a nanny’s job, Ali,” Sunny gently reminded her. She took the hairbrush Chase offered her and swiftly achieved the perfect ponytail.

  “I don’t know how you did that, but thank you.” He grinned at her as he glanced at his son, who’d been watching the entire scene with interest.

  “Ready for breakfast, Bricey?” he asked the little boy.

  “Yes, what’s Alice making for us?”

  “We’ll have to go downstairs and see, but whatever it is, we’ll be polite, won’t we?”

  “Alice cooks good, Daddy.”

  “Yes, she does, but just in case she or Alma would ever cook something you didn’t like, you know you have to be polite, right?”

  “Yes, Daddy, we know that,” Ali answered him with a sigh.

  Sunny giggled as she watched the three of them interacting together. Once again, Chase had demonstrated what a good father he was.

  The four of them entered the dining room together. They weren’t disappointed when Alice carried steaming plates of French toast to the table.

  “I love French toast, Alice,” Ali told her with a smile that would win anyone’s heart.

  “Me, too,” Brice told the woman who beamed at the praise from her little buddy.

  “What about you, Sunny? French toast okay?”

  “Of course, Alice, I haven’t eaten this good since I lived at home.”

  “Are you the grab a cup of coffee on the way out the door type, Sunny?” Chase teased.

  “Pretty much, yes, I usually had a piece of toast and orange juice in the car on the way to work and coffee after I arrive at the office.”

  “I figured as much. You’ll have to get used to real food here. Alma and Alice are both excellent cooks.”

  “Thank you, Mr. D.” Alice seemed pleased at his words.

  “Everything I’ve had so far has been wonderful. I’ll probably gain so much weight with all this wonderful food. My bikini won’t fit by the end of the summer.”

  “Bikini, huh?” Chase asked. “I was planning a family outing to the beach tomorrow. Are you going to wear your bikini, Sunny?”

  “If you’d rather I didn’t I also packed a one-piece.”

  “Bikini is fine by me.” Having voiced his opinion, Chase quickly busied himself with his food.

  When breakfast was over, Chase asked Sunny what was on her agenda for the day.

  “I thought I’d take the children out to the patio and read to them for a while. Then I thought we might take a dip in the pool before lunch and naps afterward.”

  “Sounds good, I have business to a
ttend to if I want to clear tomorrow for the beach, so I’ll leave you to it and I’ll get busy. I’ll see you at lunch.”

  He walked into the home office and closed the door leaving Sunny and the children to move forward with their day.


  When Alice announced lunch would be ready soon, Sunny told the children to get out of the pool. She dried them off as best she could and took them to their rooms to get dressed.

  Chase came into the dining room, with the same strained look on his face she’d noticed the night before they left Des Moines.

  “Everything all right, Chase?” she asked as he sat.

  “Business problems, nothing for you to be worried about, but thank you for asking.”

  As soon as he’d finished his lunch, he went back to his office and stayed there until dinnertime. The strained look hadn’t left him causing Sunny to wonder what kind of business problems he was facing.

  Sunny noticed whenever he was with Ali and Brice, he was very good at focusing all of his attention on them, no matter what was going on in his world.

  “So tell me all about your day. I know you swam this morning. What did you do this afternoon?” he asked the kids.

  “Sunny made us take a nap after lunch.”

  “And that is a good thing.” He laughed at his son who apparently didn’t agree.

  “Then we took a walk, and then we baked cookies,” Ali chimed in, obviously pleased with her day.

  He looked at Sunny. “That sounds like fun. Do you think Sunny would help me bake cookies sometime?”

  “Maybe if you ask me nicely.” She giggled at the thought of Chase Dupont in the kitchen. But then again, he did own a chain of restaurants.

  After dinner when the children were asleep, he invited Sunny to join him for a drink again.

  Once they were seated, he said, “I’m having some problems with the restaurant chain, Sunny. There’s a large chain trying to take over my company. I’ll never let that happen and will take whatever steps necessary to stop it. I’ve worked hard and no one is going to take it away from me. I didn’t say anything earlier. I don’t want the children to know.”


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