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Sunny's Love

Page 9

by Anna Kristell

  “No, baby, tomorrow we leave on a cruise for three glorious days in the Bahamas.”

  “Chase, are you serious? I’ve never been on a cruise. Oh…you are so good to me.” She ran back to the bed and kissed him again.

  “Go, woman, get in the shower or we’ll never get out of here today. And I told you I was going to spoil you rotten, so get used to it.”

  “We really should call the kids tonight and see how they’re doing.”

  “We will, baby, we will. Now hit the shower.” He shooed her into the bathroom.

  After they’d both made themselves look presentable, which didn’t take a lot of effort, they went in search of food.

  He was always distinguished-looking. The slight hints of gray at his temples only made him look sexier. He was young for the gray, thirty-nine, but he was fit and well-groomed. The dark hair and flashing green eyes made women take a second look wherever he went. He literally oozed sex appeal. Sunny’s blonde hair and blue eyes, set off by the tan she’d achieved over the summer, made her an attractive companion. She was only twenty-eight, but she was a perfect match for the successful, charming man she’d just entered into marriage with. They made a striking couple as they walked into a local café.

  After enjoying a light lunch, they spent the afternoon shopping for gifts. After they’d purchased a gift for everyone back home, Chase led her into a boutique.

  “What are we doing in here?” Sunny asked as he grinned.

  “I want you to pick out something pretty for the cruise, a dinner dress.”

  A sales lady addressed them with a smile. “May I help you find something?”

  “We’re looking for something spectacular for my wife to wear on a cruise.”

  “Right over here.”

  The woman led them to a rack and offered several selections. They chose three and while Sunny went into the dressing room, Chase made himself comfortable in a chair, waiting for her to model the dresses for him.

  Sunny noticed Chase getting more and more uncomfortable with each selection she modeled and by the third and final dress, he handed his credit card to the sales clerk and said, “We’ll take them all.” Turning to Sunny, he said, “I’ll meet you outside.”

  Sunny looked at him and nodded. As she went back into the dressing room to change, she wondered what was wrong with her husband.

  She met him outside with her packages, handed his credit card back to him, and said, “What is wrong with you?”

  He took the packages from her and said, “Start walking, I’ll show you what’s wrong with me when we get back to the hotel.”

  He took her arm and hurriedly walked her back. When they reached the room, he kicked the door shut, threw down the packages he’d been carrying, and took a surprised Sunny in his arms. He kissed her and immediately began removing her clothes.


  “Do you have any idea what you do to me, sweet Sunny?”

  “I think I’m about to find out.”

  She returned his kiss with one of her own and they made their way to the bed, falling onto it. He removed his clothes and immediately resumed roaming his hands over her luscious, tanned body. She felt the now-familiar beginnings of a fire building deep inside, the flames burning her insides, running rampant with her senses. By the time he entered her, she was consumed by an intense and raging need, one that screamed to be released. Release came quickly for both of them. As she kissed his neck and moaned, he whispered, “Only you, Sunny…only you.”

  When they recovered, she looked into his eyes and asked, “What brought that on? Not that I’m complaining, but one minute we’re shopping and the next minute, you’re practically making me run back here.”

  “It wasn’t obvious to you how affected I was by your modeling act? You were parading the goods in front of me and didn’t realize what it would do to me?”

  “Well, no, I really didn’t think about it.”

  “You’re such a little innocent. Now that I’ve had a taste of you, I’ll never be able to get enough. You see what you caused when you told me you were ready to come into my bed.”

  Sunny giggled and said, “I believe I’m glad we had that little talk Friday night.”

  “Vixen…” He pulled her to him again and held her close.

  Chapter Sixteen

  They returned to the beach house in Palm Beach and were met in the driveway by two very rambunctious children who’d obviously missed their parents very much.

  “You look radiant, Sunny,” Chase’s mother said as they walked inside.

  “I’m very happy, Marty. Your son is the most wonderful man on the face of the earth.”

  Marty laughed and said, “Second most wonderful, his father was the most wonderful.”

  Chase followed with Ali in one arm and Brice in the other.

  “Looks like the munchkins missed Daddy,” Sunny said as she walked over and kissed both of them, giving Daddy a kiss for good measure.

  “We missed you too, Mama Sunny,” Ali told her.

  “So you’ve decided what to call Sunny, I see.” Chase looked at his daughter and smiled.

  “Yes, Brice and I talked about it.”

  “Oh, you did. Well, that’s good.” He winked at his wife and his mother.

  He set the children down and said, “Mama Sunny and I brought presents.”

  “You did? Can we see them now?”

  “Of course you can, sweetie, as soon as I can find them.” Sunny looked around at the luggage and packages in the foyer.

  “Ah, here we go. This is for Brice and this is for Ali.” She handed them their gifts. Finding the gifts for Marty, John, and Alice, she handed them out, as well.

  After Alice, Sunny, and the children had gone upstairs to begin the task of moving Sunny’s things, Marty took her son aside. “I take it things are good between you and your new bride, then?” Marty was the one person who knew the facts of how the marriage had come about.

  “Mother, I couldn’t be happier. Asking Sunny to be my wife was a good decision.”

  “I’m so glad, Chase. I so worried this wouldn’t be the case.”

  “She’s everything I could ask for in a wife.”

  “After the rocky marriage you had with Brittney then her untimely death, you deserve this, my boy. It hurt me so to watch you raising those precious babies alone.”

  “Now let’s just hope the original reason for this marriage works. I’m anxious to get back to work and check on things.”

  “The last time I spoke with Russell, things were all right.”

  “I hope they stay that way. I’ll need to bring Sunny up to speed on things. She’s going to be a part of this business, Mother, and not just on paper.”

  “Wonderful news, Chase, if there is anything I can do to help, just let me know. I’ll be returning to Des Moines tomorrow afternoon.”

  “All right and thanks, Mom, for staying with the kids this week,” he added.

  “It was my pleasure. I’ve missed them this summer.”

  He went in search of his wife to see how the moving was progressing. She’d pleasantly surprised him when she had spoken up and told Alice she’d be moving all her things to his room. He hadn’t discussed it with her and wasn’t sure if she’d want to keep her own room as well as sharing his. She’d taken charge and made her choices known, and he liked that. Sunny was proving more and more each day that she was going to be a valuable partner, both in the boardroom and the bedroom. He had already known she’d be a good partner in the home, from the way she cared for his children.

  By the time he walked into his bedroom, most of the moving was finished. Sunny was putting a few things in a drawer.

  “Have any trouble making room for your things?”

  “No, I moved things around a little. If you can’t find your socks, you’ll have to ask me where they are.” She smiled up at him and unable to resist her charm, he kissed her.

  Ali rolled her eyes.

  Brice said, “Yuck.”

  Sunny and Chase both laughed and scooped them up, showering them with kisses.

  The children giggled until their parents finally set them back down.

  “I’ll bet Grandma Marty and Alice have dinner about ready, why don’t you guys go check it out?” Chase encouraged.

  “Okay, let’s go, Sissy.” Both children ran out of the room and down the stairs.

  “Alone at last.” He took his wife in his arms once more to steal another kiss, before they made their way downstairs to join the family for dinner.

  “To be continued…” she said, smiling.

  “You can bet on that, baby.” Arm in arm, the couple went to dinner.

  When the children were tucked in for the night, Sunny and Chase lay in bed talking.

  “When you’ve had a chance to get settled into a routine in Des Moines and get Ali settled in school and Brice in preschool, I’ll call a Board Meeting to introduce you.”

  “I should be ready in just a few weeks, is that all right?”

  “That should be fine. You need to be brought up to speed on everything. Mother agreed to help you with that. She’s on the Board, too.”

  “The sooner I get in the swing of things, the better.”

  “I won’t expect you to be at the office all the time. You can work your schedule around the kids and other things you want to do. You need to make an appearance at the Board meetings and show up a few days a week to stay up to speed.”

  “I’m ready to dig my heels in and get started. That is the reason we got married, after all.”

  “About that, Sunny, I want you to know, I no longer think of this marriage in that way. As far as I’m concerned, this is a real marriage. I hope you feel that way, too.”

  “I do feel that way, otherwise, I wouldn’t have moved into your bedroom.”

  “And, baby, I’m so glad you did. So glad in fact, I’m going to show you how glad, right about now.”

  The kiss was hot as his hands found their way under her nightgown.

  “Why do you always wear these damn things?”

  “To leave a little to the imagination, of course,” she answered with a giggle.

  “Well, all right, but just know, it’s coming off real soon…”

  He made love to her in their bed that night and it was different. It was their first night at home in their bedroom. It was passionate and it was hot, like before, but there was a sweet quality to it.

  Chapter Seventeen

  They made the trip back to Iowa the following week. Sunny was kept busy with moving into the master bedroom and getting settled back in as well as getting the children ready for the new school year.

  She and Alma had worked out a schedule since Alma would have to help with Brice when Sunny was at the office with Chase. They’d decided against hiring a nanny since Brice would be in preschool three mornings a week and Ali in school full time. Sunny wanted to be a hands-on-mom and Alma was more than willing to help. And of course, Chase was always willing to help with the kids when he wasn’t working.

  “Sunny, it’s so good to see how you’ve settled into the mommy role,” Alma told her one morning over coffee.

  “Well, I had practice all summer, Alma. Seriously though, I love those two like they were my own.”

  “That’s evident in the way you always put them first, no matter what else is going on with your life.”

  “I learned from the best, Alma. When I met Chase, I was amazed at the way he could always work in time with the kids as busy as he is.”

  “With the two of you raising them together, they’ll do all right. And who knows? Maybe a new baby will be added to the mix,” Alma hinted.

  “Maybe, but not any time soon, Alma, we have much to do before we add a baby to this busy family. But I’m sure it’ll happen, sooner or later. Chase and I have talked about it.”

  “Give yourself time to be a newlywed. You need to settle in with those two and the company first. I understand that.”

  “Well, I need to get going. I’m meeting Chase at the office. Thanks for watching Brice this afternoon.”

  “No problem, I’ll pick him up at preschool, feed him lunch, and he’ll be ready for a nap.”

  Sunny ran upstairs to change and was on her way to meet her husband at their office.

  He greeted her with a smile when she walked into his plush office. Walking over to her, he kissed her and said, “Hi, baby, how’s your morning going?”

  “Great so far, Alma and I have worked out a schedule. She’s picking Brice up, so I’m yours for the afternoon.”

  “Better not say it that way or I’ll be tempted to take the afternoon off.” He treated her to one of his ever-sexy grins.

  “Don’t tempt me or I might take you up on that. We have too much to do for any afternoon delight, my dear.”

  “Damn the luck, the slave driver side of my wife has shown up.”

  “Let’s get started. I’m ready to learn all there is to learn about A Li’l Taste of Heaven.”

  “Well now, Sunny, I thought I’d shown you a little taste of heaven already, in the hotel, on the ship, at home in our bedroom.”

  “Chase…stop it...get serious.” She laughed as she gently tried to coax him into work mode.

  “The honeymoon’s over already?” He pretended to look hurt.

  “Never over, just on hold for a few hours.”

  “Okay, Sunny, I’ll settle down. The sooner we can get to work, the sooner I can take you home.” He smiled as he offered her a chair. Sitting across from her, he handed her some folders.

  He was patient as he explained things to her, giving her an overview of the entire chain. He gave her a listing of locations, went over a profit-and-loss statement, and let her read the minutes of the last Board meeting, before he finally said, “I don’t want to overwhelm you so let’s break for lunch.”

  He took her to one of his restaurants near the corporate office. After they’d ordered, he asked, “Is your head swimming?”

  “Not too much yet, but I’m sure as we get deeper into the inner workings it will.” She laughed as she took a sip of iced tea.

  “You’ll do fine, Sunny. And you don’t have to jump in all at once. As long as you know the basics, I’ll be satisfied for now. I don’t expect you to work full-time, just know enough about the business to make qualified decisions.”

  About that time, Lindy walked by and seeing the two of them, stopped at their table. She looked at Chase, ignoring Sunny and said, “I see the newlyweds are back from their honeymoon. Taking the trophy wife out for lunch so she doesn’t get bored at home, Chase?”

  Chase was obviously fuming but calmly answered, “Sunny is not a trophy wife, Lindy. In fact, we’ve been working all morning at the office, and decided to break for lunch.”

  Lindy didn’t look happy to hear Sunny had been at the office. “Did you say working? Your wife is working at the office?”

  “Sunny is my partner in every way, Lindy. Of course she’s at the office catching up on work when the children are in school.”

  Lindy was obviously not pleased. She looked at Sunny and said, “You may have tricked him into marrying you, but you’ll never truly have him or his company, so remember that when you’re history, my dear.”

  Sunny glared at the woman. She replied in a gentle but firm voice. “First of all, I didn’t trick my husband into marrying me. Secondly, not that it’s any business of yours, but we have made a lifelong commitment to each other and we both intend to honor that. Thirdly, as Chase pointed out, I’m his partner in every way, so I will be at the office from time to time. I think it’s time you realize that and move on. My husband is not available. He went off the market the minute he said I do and I don’t share.”

  Chase watched his wife take Lindy down a peg with a proud look on his face. Lindy flounced out the door angrily.

  “Bravo, Mrs. Dupont, bravo.”

  “That woman infuriates me.”

  “I can see that. Remind me never to make you angry. You
’re a little spitfire.”

  “She doesn’t need to think she’s going to seduce you away from the ‘little woman’. You’re mine, Chase Dupont. And I don’t play well with others when they try to take what’s mine.”

  “You’re so hot right now, do you know that?”


  “Seriously, you’re right, she’s a bitch. You have nothing to worry about as far as I’m concerned. I’m yours, and you never have to doubt that, or worry about it. On the other hand, Lindy doesn’t play nice when she’s angry either, so you need to be careful.”

  “What do you think she’ll do?” Sunny was more than a little frightened now that she realized the full impact of what she’d done.

  “I don’t know. I just know you need to be careful.”

  “She must have read the blurb in the society pages about our wedding.”

  “I’m sure she did. That in itself was enough to make her angry.”

  Lunch was served and the conversation ended as they enjoyed the food. When they finished, they went back to the office and resumed their work for another hour. Chase looked at his watch and said, “Let’s get out of here, baby. We can go for a drive.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “You’ve worked hard enough for one day. I don’t want to put your brain on overload. The kids are fine with Alma. Let’s take some time for ourselves.”

  “You’ve twisted my arm. Let’s go.”

  They drove to a spot in the country where Chase parked the car. “Let’s walk a bit, Sunny.”

  They walked, enjoying the quiet time together. On the way back to the car, he stopped and turned to her. “Sunny…”


  “Sunny…I’m so glad I asked you to be my wife. Let’s go home.”

  “Okay, Chase.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Things progressed smoothly over the next few weeks. Ali had settled into first grade. Brice loved preschool. The schedule Alma and Sunny had created was working and Sunny was grasping the basics of the business. They hadn’t seen or heard from Lindy or her father. Chase was a bit concerned about what the two of them were planning next, but tried to put it in the back of his mind.


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