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Tied and True

Page 8

by Marie Harte

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  “And started planting so many false leads.”

  “Yeah. Good thing your cover was so tight, Hunter. Maclearn told me they immediately looked at you as the undercover security, but you seemed too much a company man, not to mention your background was as solid as a drum. And then, of course, there was Ms. Riordan.”

  “How did I figure into this, exactly?”

  The detective shook her head. “Call it bad luck, Ms. Riordan. Both Maclearn and Simmons had a real thing for you. Despite their attachment to one another, the two planned one big happy lovefest for all three of you. Believe it or not, Maclearn thinks Simmons had issues with his own sexuality, and thought the right attention from you would make him more a ‘man.’”

  Detective Schroeder scowled. “From what Maclearn admitted, once they took in over a million, they planned on ditching the company and taking you with them, whether you wanted to go or not. They intended to blame you for the embezzlement, using staged evidence of your supposed ‘guilt’ to blackmail you into running with them. Maclearn mentioned South America a few times. Good thing Hunter stepped in.”

  “Yeah, lucky me.” Lindsay smiled at Jared.

  The detective smiled at them in turn. “Cops are great believers in luck.” She glanced from Lindsay to Jared. “Now if you two don’t mind, I have some paperwork to start. And it’ll be a while before I put the final details to rest.”

  Jared nodded. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning, then, if that’s okay.”

  “That’s fine.” She waved and left, and they exited the room soon after the nurse handed Jared his discharge papers.

  Leaving the hospital after a quick stop at the pharmacy, Jared dozed in the car while Lindsay drove to her place. He didn’t recall much of their conversation. The next thing he knew she was nudging him awake.

  Tied and True


  “Jared? Time to get up.”

  Stumbling into her house and then her bedroom, he fell into her bed and sighed at the soothing feeling of her thick, down comforter and fluffy pillows. The bed smelled like her, soft and feminine, and he settled into a deep sleep.

  When he next awoke, it was to see Lindsay hovering over him, staring down at him with a loving look on her face. She stroked his cheek, and he turned into the caress, kissing her palm.

  She smiled and stepped away, as if to let him fall back asleep.

  “No, don’t go.”

  He couldn’t explain his driving need to hold her, to feel her in his arms. The scare he’d suffered earlier -- when Lindsay had rejoined him in his living room where there’d been two armed crazies just itching for an excuse to pull the trigger -- had showed Jared how much he truly cared for her. The months of him wishing they could be together, of fantasizing about her, only to realize reality was far better than the fantasy, suddenly came to a head.

  Reaching toward her, Jared cursed at his lack of mobility. The painkillers had not only numbed his injury, but his situational awareness as well.

  “Easy, Jared. Move slowly.” Lindsay sat next to him on the bed, soothing his strain by gently running her fingers through his hair, over his face, and down across his collarbone, her touch feather light and sensuous.

  He wrapped his left hand behind her neck and pulled her close for a kiss, groaning at how good she felt. Telling her without words how much she meant to him, Jared teased her lips and tongue, licked at the warm recesses of her mouth with loving strokes. Despite the throbbing in his arm, he wanted -- no, needed -- to be inside her.

  “Make love to me, Lindsay.”

  She cupped his face in her hands and tenderly returned his kiss. Discarding her clothes and then his, she joined him on the bed. Instead of returning to his mouth, however, she

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  kissed her way down his neck, running her hands over his chest. Pinching his nipples, she elicited a groan out of him. And when she pressed her breasts against his chest, he arched into her, desperate to join her.

  “I have to have you,” he panted, urging her over him.

  He reached a hand between her thighs and sighed as he felt the evidence of her desire.

  Hot and wet, she sank down, their union sheer perfection. She clearly felt it as well, for she murmured words of love in his ear as she leaned close, rocking over him and pushing down hard.

  When she straightened, he fondled her breasts with his left hand, frustrated he couldn’t touch more of her the way he wanted to.

  “Don’t worry, Jared. You just lie back, and let me do all the work.”

  So beautiful, so caring. He would never forget the courage she’d shown today, or her unflinching loyalty when she’d come back to try to “save” him. If he hadn’t already loved her, today would surely have pushed him over the edge.

  She rocked faster over him, and he moaned. Heat flowed through him, centered at his cock, and traveled throughout his body. An ache burned in his loins, and the need to come loomed precariously near as he watched the most beautiful woman in his life ride him, magnificent in her desire.

  “Jared,” she panted, clutching his chest. “I need you so much.”

  “Not as much as I need you.”

  He gasped as she shifted ever so slightly; he couldn’t hold back any longer. Shuddering, he shot into her, aware she came along with him. Clenching him tightly, she enhanced his orgasm as she milked him of everything he had to give.

  Utterly spent, he lay beneath her, his pain all but gone as his body throbbed with pleasure, with love.

  Tied and True


  She let him slip from her body and rolled next to him, her breathing harsh, but said nothing. He grabbed her hand, clutching her smaller palm tightly in his. Jared wanted so badly to tell her how he really felt. He wasn’t one to hold back, had very little patience in fact, but he didn’t want to screw this up.

  In a few more days he would have to return to Seattle, to his partner and their business. But for the life of him, Jared couldn’t imagine living without Lindsay. He now understood that she was the reason he’d waited so long to marry. What he didn’t know was how Lindsay felt.

  Sure, she didn’t do casual sex. But nothing about this weekend had been casual, or typical. Her strength and notion of payback appealed to his “eye for an eye” mindset. Lindsay Riordan had looks, brains, and better yet, she was no one’s doormat.

  And she absolutely loved her job.

  Could he ask her to move out West with him? Would she think him completely insane? They’d known each other for two months, but it was only this weekend that she had really come to know him. And there was so much more they both needed to learn about one another. Making love with her six ways from Sunday didn’t guarantee him a say in her future, much as he might want it to.

  “A penny for your thoughts,” she said, her husky voice stirring him again.

  He sighed. “Trying not to think about leaving this bed.” He turned carefully, watching her reaction. “I’ll have to return to Seattle soon.”


  Yeah? What did “yeah” mean? “What about you?”

  Her eyes widened. “Me?”

  “Have you ever been to Seattle?” he asked casually.

  “Uh, no. I haven’t.”

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  “It’s a beautiful place. A little rainy, but that just makes everything greener. The climate’s cool. I noticed at work you drink a lot of coffee. In Seattle, there’s a coffee shop on just about every corner.”

  She blinked at him before a slow grin settled over her lips. “Sounds like you’re trying to sell me on Seattle.”

  “And they have some really fine men out there.”

  “Oh? Do tell.”

  He scissored a thigh over hers, trapping her effectively under his weight as he scooted closer. “You know, I have contacts at Tron Corp. A few days ago a certain CEO was mentioning how much he’d like to expand his business, into, say, the West Coast. Seattle’s prime for a Tron Corp


  He ran his hand along her waist and up to cup a breast. “Yeah. And you know, Tron Corp isn’t the only company out there needing good logistics folks.”

  “Just good?” Her hands closed over his growing erection, and he groaned.

  “I meant great, incredibly talented logisticians.” Almost purring, Jared couldn’t help thrusting into her able hands.

  “Then maybe I should think about moving out there. Or at least scoping out the possibilities.”

  “The possibilities are endless. And I’m sure you could find a guy in no time who wouldn’t mind your average looks and so-so body,” he teased, cursing under his breath when she cupped his balls, enflaming his desire. “Hell, I’m sure the minute you land in the airport some good-looking guy will snap you up and offer you a marriage proposal, and all from gazing into those gorgeous baby blues.”

  Her hands stilled, and she stared at him.

  “Hell, Lindsay, don’t stop. Just say yes and put me out of my misery.”

  Tied and True


  “Say yes?” Her eyes narrowed. “To what, exactly?”

  The teasing suddenly turned very serious, and he blew out a harsh breath. “To hell with it. I know it sounds crazy, but I can’t imagine returning to Seattle without you. You are so much better than my fantasies, Lindsay. So much more than I ever thought I’d find. I’ve been waiting my whole life for you.” She said nothing, and he panicked.

  “Shit. Look, I don’t want to rush you. But you could at least come out to visit for a while, see if you like it there. And don’t do it for me, do it for you. Expand your horizons. A woman as smart and sexy as you can have her pick of jobs. Did I mention they pay better in Seattle?” He was growing desperate.

  After a tense moment, a grin slowly lit up her face. “So you’ve been waiting your whole life for me? That was beautiful. Did you mean it?”

  “Did I mean it?” Annoyance took root. “Why the hell else would I have let you tie me up and take advantage of me? Not to mention not running your tight little ass in for questioning the moment I found all that planted evidence against you? And the months spent dreaming about you, trying to charm you when I could have had you in bed from day one…”

  She rolled her eyes. “And I used to think you were charming.”

  He didn’t laugh; the topic was too near to his heart.

  Lindsay pursed her lips in thought, dragging out his nervous anticipation. “I could be persuaded to move to Seattle. But I’d need two things first.”

  Anything. As long as she’d be his. “What?”

  “First, I’ll need some time to see where this leads. As much as I might think I love you, I need to be sure. And if it turns out you’re as good as you look,” she teased, “I’ll expect -- hell, I’ll demand -- that proposal.”

  He immediately relaxed, his body on fire with joy. She loved him. “The second?”

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  “I want a ready supply of secure ties -- and the right to use them whenever I feel the need.” Her eyes twinkled with naughty intent.

  “Like I said before, Riordan.” He tasted the promise of tomorrow in her kiss. “You’re hell on wheels.”

  Marie Harte

  Marie Harte is an avid reader who loves all things paranormal and futuristic, but especially all things romance. Reading romances since she was twelve, she fell in love with the warmth of first passion and knew writing was her calling. Twenty-three years later, the Marine Corps, a foray through Information Technology, a husband and four kids, and her dream has finally come true. Marie lives in Georgia with her family and loves hearing from readers. To read more about Marie, visit and check out her blog at




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