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His Virgin: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

Page 13

by Nikki Chase

  “It’s okay. It’s not your fault.” I quickly put my arm around her plump shoulders and rub her back. “He can be…difficult.” I choose my words carefully. Although Bertha didn’t raise Caine, she’s still his mom and she probably wouldn’t appreciate me saying anything bad about Caine.

  “I should’ve tried to soften the blow,” she says between sobs. “I knew I should’ve said it differently. I should’ve known exactly what to say. I’ve had more than thirty years to practice.”

  Bertha pulls out a piece of tissue from the little pouch in her floral apron and blows her nose. It’s weird that she’d keep tissue in there, but this is not the time for an interview on her hygiene habits.

  “And I did,” she continues rambling. “I practiced so much. When I was alone, trying to sleep, I’d be thinking of the moment I’d finally get to see him. I’d imagine how the meeting would go. It never ends up like this in my imagination.”

  “I’m sure this is not the end.” I say the first consoling thing that comes to my mind. “He’ll come around.”

  “You think so?” She looks at me, eyes brimming with tears and hope.

  “Yeah.” I try to sound confident, but I have no idea what Caine will do next. I seem to have succeeded in making Bertha feel better, though. She wipes away her tears and gives me a grateful smile.

  Caine is complicated, to say the least. He’s a dickhead to everybody except for his family. When it comes to his father, I’ve seen firsthand just how far he’s willing to go, how much he’s willing to sacrifice.

  I just have no idea if he’ll ever accept Bertha as part of his family. It’s possible he’ll begrudgingly maintain some kind of connection with her if his father insists on it, but a genuine relationship might be a bit of a stretch. Either way, anything’s better than this.

  “Maybe we should just go inside and wait. He’ll probably come back for you, dear,” Bertha says.

  “I don’t think he will.”

  “What kind of a man would leave a lovely girl like you stranded on her own?”

  I’ve asked myself multiple times what kind of a man would do all the things Caine has done to me. There’s no end to this line of thinking, so I steer the conversation toward more practical matters.

  “I have the ticket for the flight back to San Francisco. It just seems like I left my wallet in the car, so could I borrow some money for the cab fare? I’ll pay you back through PayPal or a bank transfer as soon as I get home.”

  “Oh, you’re not staying in town?”

  “No, we bought return tickets so we could fly back this afternoon.”

  “I’ll drive you to the airport myself, dear.” Bertha pauses, thinking. When she opens her mouth again, there’s a mischievous gleam in her kind eyes. She says, “On second thought, I’ll fly back with you. That way he’ll be stuck with me in the same plane.”

  Bertha and Caine may not have met before today, but I can already see some resemblance between them.

  “He’s going to show up, isn’t he?”

  “I don’t know,” I repeat the same answer I’ve given her multiple times over the last few hours.

  This idea to get Caine in the same plane, just to trap him in an enclosed space for an uninterrupted conversation, is looking worse and worse. Here we are, sitting side by side on the bench by the gate in the airport, waiting for Caine to show up, with only five minutes left to the boarding time.

  “You don’t remember his phone number, dear?” Bertha asks for the seventeenth time. She seems to have missed the fact that I grew up with the cell phone and have never had to memorize a single phone number.

  “No, Bertha.”

  “You don’t have Robbie’s phone number, either?”

  “No.” I didn’t even know who Robbie was until I asked her ten minutes ago, so how am I supposed to know how to call him?

  “You’ve never met Robbie?”


  “Oh. I thought Caine’s fiancée would have at least met his father.”

  “You have the wrong idea about me. I’m not Caine’s fiancée.” I frown. Where did she even get the idea that we’re engaged?

  “Oh, you’re not? I thought it was strange that you’re not wearing a ring, but I hear many couples these days get matching tattoos instead. Weddings aren’t as traditional as they used to be back in my day.”

  “Right.” I grin, amused by the idea of Caine getting inked. That arrogant control freak, letting another man put a permanent mark on his body? I really don’t see that happening.

  “I’m surprised Caine’s fiancée doesn’t mind him traveling with a pretty young girl like you,” Bertha says. “I keep up with the news about Caine, you know.

  “I was happy when I read that he got engaged a few months ago, but the article didn’t come with a picture. I really want to meet her. Her name starts with a D, if I’m not mistaken, so I thought it was you, Daisy. I think her name is Dana? Diana? Something like that.”

  “I don’t know her,” I say, shrugging and forcing a smile on my lips. I look into the distance as multiple contradictory emotions war inside me.

  Caine is engaged to someone else?

  My heart sinks. My whole body feels cold as I imagine him with another woman in his arms, moaning underneath his sculpted body as they fuck. A lump forms in my throat—try as I might to swallow it down, it stays.

  Why should I care?

  Maybe they have an open relationship, or some kind of an agreement. I’m not necessarily breaking apart any relationship by sleeping with him. This is a totally different situation from my mom and her married boyfriends.

  I mean, we just have a business arrangement. We literally have a contract.

  This is not romantic. Even the sex that we have is not slow and sweet like it is in chick flicks. When we fuck, it’s raw, primal, animalistic. It’s pure lust; not love.

  “Maybe I shouldn’t have given him up,” Bertha says, snapping me back to the present. She looks like she’s about to cry again. “Now he’s a stranger and he doesn’t even want to talk to me.”

  “Don’t be too hard on yourself. I’m sure you had your reasons.”

  “I did. But what kind of a mother just gives her child up? There’s no excuse good enough.” A lone tear rolls down her cheek—the first of many more tears, it seems like.

  I rub her arm quietly, having run out of comforting words to say.

  “I was so young.” Her blank stare tells me she’s traveling back in time, remembering what happened in that defining moment in her life. “I had no money, I still had to go to school, I wanted to work. My parents were telling me to take the deal Robbie’s family was offering so I could get my life back.

  “They wanted me to give up the baby, you see. They told me they would pay for me to sign away my rights. And I did, in the end, but it wasn’t because of the money. Not really.

  “I wanted Caine to have the best upbringing he could have, the best education and opportunities. I suppose that’s somewhat related to money, but it was for his benefit, you see. I wanted what was best for my baby.

  “My parents were right. I was young, inexperienced. I had no idea what I’d be getting into, and having to raise a child would’ve crippled my education, and my career.” Slowly, the corners of Bertha’s lips curl up and a wry smile appears on her face. “Ironically, I became a housewife and never had a grown-up job.

  “And there was also that bastard, Nathan.” Bertha’s voice takes on an angry quality. “Even knowing all the challenges that I was facing, I still wanted to do it. I still wanted to raise the baby myself. Until Nathan came and blackmailed me into giving up the baby.

  “He said he was going to kill me and my whole family so the baby would fall into the hands of Robbie’s family anyway. I believed him. Wouldn’t you? The Foster family was notorious back in those days. They could’ve killed my whole family and the cops wouldn’t have even batted an eyelid.”

  My eyes grow wider and wider the longer I listen to Bertha’s story.
I study her face. She hasn’t told a lie. Everything she has said is the truth, even if it sounds crazy.

  As we board the plane, I give Bertha my boarding pass. I tell her to take my big, cushy seat in the business class while I slink back to the coach section.

  After the day—no, the life—she’s had, she deserves a little reprieve. Maybe some premium in-flight entertainment and free-flowing booze would help cheer her up.

  Besides, as nice as she is, I’m ready to be by myself and enjoy some peace and quiet for a few hours.



  When Caine walks into the apartment the next morning, his eyes are bloodshot, his normally impeccable suit creased and stained.

  “Where have you been?” I ask from the couch in the living room, where I spent the entire night, waiting for him, worrying about him.

  “Denver,” he says, chuckling humorlessly.

  “Yeah, Denver, where you left me alone with no means of getting to the airport.”

  “You’re a big girl, aren't you? You can take care of yourself. That's what you want everyone to know, right?”

  I flinch. He's hitting me where it hurts. I brace myself, knowing he's not done.

  “A big girl with $125,000 in your bank account. Yeah, you can take care of yourself.”

  I know he's just lashing out because he's hurt, like a wild animal with one paw caught in a trap, trying to bite the hands that are only trying to help him. Suspicious. He's trying to hurt me before I can hurt him, treating me like a villain in fear—no, anticipation—of the day when I’ll inevitably turn on him.

  “Bertha was waiting for you last night,” I say softly.

  “Here?” He frowns and stares at me incredulously.


  “What, you’re on her side now? You're best friends forever?”

  “No,” I say as calmly as I can. “There are no sides here. There's just a mother who wants to make a connection with her son.”

  “And you brought her here? I never said that was okay.” He stalks toward me now, anger in his eyes.

  “You never told me not to bring her here either. And it's not like I could've called you to ask. You weren't around to call the shots, so don't blame me for doing what I had to do.”

  “You’re right,” Caine says with a resigned sigh, to my surprise, the angry flame in his eyes snuffed out.

  Where is his barrage of arrogance and rudeness? Where are his biting words?

  Instead of fighting back, Caine collapses onto the couch next to me, looking like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders.

  “It doesn't matter,” he says with his eyes closed, as if shielding himself from everything. He leans his head over the back of the couch. “Everything is a lie anyway. It's all just one big joke.”

  My heart clenches. Of course. How could I not see how Caine would be affected by this?

  What I saw was a woman who, like me, found herself in an impossible situation and had to improvise. Bertha made choices she never wanted to make.

  But, to Caine, it was betrayal.

  He's already been let down by everyone else to the point where all he has is his family. And he's just learned that even his own family has been deceiving him his whole life.

  I inch closer to him, scared of what this injured beast can do to me in his unstable state, yet yearning to bring him some measure of relief regardless.

  With my heart pounding in my tightened chest, I reach out my hand and touch his head lightly. When he remains still, I stroke his golden hair, combing it with my fingers. He lets out a big sigh, then another.

  When he opens his eyes, he stares at me with muted blue eyes. They're beautiful as always, but this morning there's a vulnerability in them that makes me want to take him in my arms and comfort him, even if he ends up tearing me to pieces.

  So I do. I wrap my arms around him, knowing full well how dangerous it can be.

  He feels as warm as usual, his body is as hard as usual, but I feel something soft within him, too. His tough shell is cracking, and he's letting me stay and be an audience to this rare occasion. I realize what a privilege it is to see this side of him.

  There is trust here, and I have no idea where it came from, seeing as all we've ever done is hide things from each other. But at least my touch is honest; he knows that much. And I know the same about him.

  When we shut up and communicate with our bodies, that's when we're most honest.

  As if he can read my mind, Caine puts his arms around me and pulls me closer. He kisses me, softly at first, but it grows more desperate by the moment. It's like he's losing his hold on the world and I’m the only thing that could lead him back home.

  I let him taste me, bite me, use me. Whatever it takes to help him feel better. I don't know when it happened, but I’ve accepted his pain as my own. I want so badly to fix this for him, and I’ll do it the only way I know how.

  “Take your clothes off, all of them. I want you naked and on your knees.” Caine's voice is softer than usual, but I can still feel the authority in his words, and it fires me up inside.

  I kneel on the rug, sinking into the thick pile, Caine’s powerful thighs trapping me on both sides. He slides down the couch until his bulge is right in front of my face, tempting me with its proximity. I can almost feel the heat emanating from it.

  When I look up at Caine, the corners of his lips have curled up to form a small smile. My chest expands with pride, knowing I’ve put a smile on his face when he’s evidently at a low point in his life.

  I may be on my knees, but I feel powerful. I always thought having sex was being vulnerable, and it is. But it’s a fair exchange, at least the way it is with Caine and me. We’re both vulnerable, and therefore we’re both powerful.

  I put my hand on the hardness straining the front of Caine’s pants. He opens his mouth and sucks in his breath, looking at me like every little movement I make could kill him or bring him back to life. Every little turn of my wrist, every little flick of my fingers.

  “No hands,” he says with a voice hoarse with lust. “Put your hands behind your back.”

  I interlace my fingers behind me, resting them on my bare ass. I rub my face on Caine’s bulge, feeling the hardness in his pants, the softness of the fabric. I breathe through my mouth onto it and feel him groan.

  He hurriedly undoes his fly and pulls his thick cock out. He grabs my hair and runs the hot, hard shaft all over my face, slowly, deliberately. He’s savoring this. It makes me wet, knowing I’m giving him so much pleasure that he’s trying to extend the moment.

  I gasp when Caine suddenly pinches my nipples with his thumbs and forefingers. He pulls me painfully, forcing me to get on my feet and onto his lap.

  “What am I going to do with you?” He sounds almost sad, and I don’t know why. His words and the pain in my nipples send shockwaves of pleasure straight to my dripping pussy.

  Caine grips my waist with his big, steady hands, lifting up until the head of his cock is pressed right up against my slit.

  More than anything, I want to lower myself onto him, take his entire length inside me, but he keeps me there instead and takes my nipples into his mouth, one by one. He kisses them, licks them, bites them, alternating pain and relief.

  “Caine, please…” I grab onto his shoulders tightly, the pressure building up inside me propelling me deeper and deeper into his trap in this seduction game.

  “What do you want, my little flower? Tell me.” His lips graze against my nipple as he speaks, teasing my hardened, sensitive peak.

  “I want you inside me.”

  “You want me to fuck you?”

  “Yes.” I moan and try to bear down with my whole weight, but I’ve always been skinny and Caine easily keeps me in place.

  He thrusts up just a fraction of an inch and says, “You want me to go in…and out…” he says as he pulls back, “like this?”

  I let out a frustrated sigh, the muscles in my pussy clenching at nothing, despe
rate to be filled up. I close my eyes as Caine continues his sweet torture. “Yeah. Just deeper.”

  “Like this?” He pushes in a tiny bit deeper, making me crave even more of his cock.

  “I want all of you. I want you to fuck me with everything you’ve got,” I say, emboldened by my arousal.

  Caine puts his arms around me and pulls me close until my tits are squished right up against the front of his suit. My nakedness and his being fully clothed make it clear just how little control I have. He puts his lips right by my ear and whispers, “Be careful what you wish for, my little flower. I might ruin you forever, make your body crave only me, make your pussy ache for only my cock.”

  “Please. Fuck me,” I say, not caring what he’s going to do to me. All I know is I need him inside me right now. A small voice inside me wonders if he’s right. Maybe I won’t find another man who can satisfy me like he does. Maybe I’ll spend the rest of my life after this, searching for another high like this.

  In one smooth motion, Caine pulls me down and thrusts his hips up off the couch, burying himself deep inside me.

  My eyes snap open and my jaw drops. Everything within me opens up to let Caine invade me with his strength, with his sensuality, with his dominance. I let him take the reins over my body.

  Caine fucks me furiously, putting his entire strength behind every thrust, slamming mercilessly into me while I kneel there taking it, his hands on my waist restraining my range of movements.

  I wail when I feel him grow a little harder inside me, his cock twitching and pulsing, hitting me right on my sweet spot, over and over and over again. I dig my fingernails into his back as an orgasm rips through my body, making me shudder against Caine’s chest.

  He fucks me harder and harder, until his whole body stills, with only his cock moving inside me, pumping his hot, thick come into me. He grinds against me, which rubs my clit against his pubic bone, wringing one last shiver out of me.

  All at once, Caine’s whole body relaxes, his muscles slacken. He’s spent.


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