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Secrets, Lies, and Online Dating: Three Generations Learn to Love Again (Women's Fiction)

Page 10

by Sylvia McDaniel

“Hardly,” Brenda said, put out with the callousness of his attitude. “I thought he was going to die before the ambulance arrived.”

  Sandy twisted her hands nervously. “Hmmm, Brenda there’s a reason why we didn’t hear those sirens at the campsite tonight.”

  “I wondered why the two of you didn’t come out of that trailer to see what was going on.”

  She thought they were probably naked as the day they were born and too busy rocking the trailer to come check on them.

  Dick wrapped his arm around Sandy protectively. “We snuck off this evening and got married.”

  “Married!” Brenda said, loud enough to draw the attention of the nurses at the nursing station. They hardly knew each other and they had committed spending their last days together? “Are you nuts? You’ve known each other less than a month! You don’t even know if he wears clean underwear!”

  “Oh, I know,” Sandy said, giving Brenda a sly wink.

  Gross! That was information overload.

  “She’s everything I’ve been looking for in a woman.”

  “And he’s so wonderful,” Sandy said, gazing at him adoringly. “Besides, at our age you never know how much time you have left.”

  “Yeah, but there’s plenty of time to be miserable,” Brenda said in disbelief.

  Dick bristled. “I’ve picked them right each and every time.”

  There was a plural sound to that statement that frightened Brenda.

  “How many times have you been married?” Brenda couldn’t resist asking.

  “Sandy is wife number four.”

  If he’d had that many wives die on him, there was a reason and it couldn’t be good.

  “Where are the others?” Brenda asked.

  “Two died and one ran off.”

  “Anyway, we’re married,” Sandy, said, holding up her hand and showing off her new gold wedding band. “So I won’t be traveling with you anymore.”

  “But what about James?”

  “We were going to tell both of you tonight when we got back, but when we returned, you were gone.”

  Sandy stepped over to Brenda and laid her hand on her arm. “I hope you don’t mind that I’m no longer traveling with you, but I told you that I had a good feeling about this location. All my dreams came true.”

  Brenda didn’t know what to say. The night had been overwhelming, to say the least. First James damn near died and now Sandy and Dick were married. But losing Sandy as a traveling companion, that deserved a celebration.

  Relief spread through her and she wanted to dance a jig, but knew that would be frowned upon. She wouldn’t have to put up with Sandy and her man-crazy ways anymore. She’d snared her a man, hook line and sinker.

  “I’ll be okay,” Brenda said, knowing she really would be. “But what about James? When will you tell him?”

  Dick stepped up, “Don’t worry about him. He told me this week, if it hadn’t been for you, he would have already flown home. Now, I’m sure he’ll want to fly home.”

  Almost by mutual agreement, they begin to walk towards the door. “Can I get a ride back to the camper with you guys? I hate to interrupt your wedding night, but cabs scare me at this time of night.”

  “Don’t worry about our wedding night,” Sandy said with a smile. “We still have plenty of time to celebrate.”

  Brenda couldn’t help but shudder at the look Dick gave Sandy and she grinned at him. Ugh, just the thought was enough to make her want to invest in a vat of anti-wrinkle cream.

  The autumn morning air was crisp as Marianne threw her backpack into her battered old car. Fifteen minutes until the class she dreaded, her anatomy class. She put the key into the ignition and turned it.

  Click. Click. Click.

  “No!” she exclaimed, knowing this was not the morning to be late. She turned it again.

  Click. Click. Click. She kept turning the key hoping that something would give and the car would start.

  “Damn!” she cried hitting the steering wheel. She wanted to get out and kick the stupid car.

  She would have to go upstairs and call the auto club and have them either tow this god-awful car or try to jump start it.

  A knock on the window startled her. She glanced out to see Luke standing there. His brown hair appeared wet, like he’d just gotten out of the shower. She swallowed. She didn’t need to carry that image with her to school.

  She cranked the window down.


  What an understatement. She took a deep breath. “Yeah, it won’t start.”

  “Open the hood.”

  She popped the hood and he lifted it up. She could see his big hands touching, moving wires. He reached for a rag on a shelf in the garage and checked the oil. He adjusted the battery cables. “Try again.”

  She turned the key and heard the same clicking noise.

  “What time is your first class?” he asked, not taking his head out from beneath the hood.

  “In about ten minutes,” she replied anxiously, fearing she’d be late. Today she had her first test in the class and she’d spent the night studying.

  “I’ll take you and then come back and look at your car. I think it’s just the battery, but I’ll let you know.”

  Luke was being so nice to her. Taking her to school, looking at the car and helping her decide if she needed a mechanic. What she really needed was to jack this car up and slide a new one under it.

  “You don’t have to do that. I have an auto club membership. I could have them tow it to a mechanic.”

  He grinned at her. “What time are you out of school?”

  “Two this afternoon.”

  “By the time you’re out, I’ll know whether or not you need to use the auto club,” he said, wiping his hands on a rag. “Do you mind if we go on the bike?”

  She glanced at the motorcycle parked in the garage. Fear gripped her insides like Teflon clinging to a pan. “No, but I have to warn you, I’ve never ridden on one.”

  “Just don’t freak out on me. Hang on and don’t move unexpectedly.”

  Oh she’d be sitting so still, praying that the ride was over. Yet clinging to Luke had its advantages.

  “Okay,” she said, nervously licking her lips.

  “Here, put this helmet on. What building is your class in?”

  “Sedgway building.”

  “Okay.” He straddled the bike and walked it out of the garage before starting it up. The engine gave a healthy growl, unlike her car. He pulled his helmet over his head and motioned for her to do the same. She slipped her backpack over her shoulder, then pulled the helmet onto her head and tugged the chinstrap through the buckle.

  Luke reached over and checked her helmet, his hands brushing her neck, sending a tingle of awareness racing down her spine. He made sure the straps were tight. Suddenly she was aware that she would be hanging onto this man, clinging to him, her breasts crushed against his back.

  He pointed to the pegs and she lowered them. She glanced at him, took a deep breath and then swung her leg over the seat, her heart racing.

  She wanted to try new things, to be daring and experience life. Though many would consider this nothing, it was a huge step for her. Putting her life in his hands was a tremendous leap for someone who had forgotten how to trust. Especially how to trust men.

  Marianne wrapped her arms around his waist lightly. He touched her hands and then leaned back to shout at her over the engine, “Hold on tight. Whatever way my body leans, you lean yours the same direction. Are you ready?”

  “Yes,” she said, her voice sounding shaky. The rhythm of her heartbeat echoed in her ears.

  “Here we go.”

  She tightened her arms around his waist and she could feel his muscles, strong and muscular. Suddenly, the motorcycle moved and they were zipping down the street.

  A charge of exhilaration filled her as he picked up speed. Cold air rushed by her. Luke blocked most of the wind from her body, his strong back warm and sturdy.

Are you okay?” he yelled over the roar of the engine and the wind.

  “Yes,” she said with a little laugh. “This is fun.”

  She felt him chuckle. They were traveling at a fast enough speed that she knew soon they would reach the school, but she didn’t want to arrive. Couldn’t they just keep driving, letting her experience this new sensation?

  She didn’t want the ride to end. She didn’t want to let go of Luke. He felt warm and strong and she liked holding onto him. She liked riding on the back of his bike.

  The bike came to a halt in front of her building and with trembling legs, she climbed off. Luke took off his helmet, but remained sitting on the cycle, gazing at her.

  “So what do you think of your first bike ride?”

  “That was fun,” she said, taking the helmet off and shaking her hair. “I see why people enjoy it so much.”

  He smiled and she handed him the helmet. He quickly fastened it to a peg on the bike and then glanced at her. “What time should I pick you up?”

  “Two o’clock,” she said. “You know you didn’t have to do this?”

  He smiled at her. “I know. But I’ve been wanting to get you on my bike and this seemed like the perfect opportunity.”

  He wanted to get her on his bike? Whoa…alarm bells started ringing and yet other areas of her body were aroused, from both the ride and clinging to the professor.

  She didn’t know what to say, so she ignored his comment.

  “Thanks for your help this morning. I left the keys in the ignition. If you need the auto club information it’s in the glove box.”

  “You’re welcome. I’ll pick you up at two.”

  “Yeah…I’ll see you then.”

  Marianne turned and hurried toward the safety of the building. What had she done? Luke wanted to get her on his bike and she’d enjoyed riding with him this morning. She’d loved the way his body felt against hers, yet there was no room in her life for a man.

  No, her priorities were school, her daughter, and learning to live large. Nothing was going to stop her from graduating this time, especially a man. But, dang, she had forgotten how good it felt to wrap her arms around a warm, muscular man and breathe in his special aroma.

  Katie and Crystal gazed around the room at the party and then glanced at each other and smiled.

  “This is so cool. Our first college party,” Crystal said. “Oh, I see the cute guy in my Spanish class. I’m going to go say hello. I’ll be right back.”

  She walked away, leaving Katie to stand awkwardly gazing around at the mass of students.

  “Hey, you,” a big guy with muscle bound arms said, pointing at her. “Freshman! Get over here.”

  Katie frowned at the guy, but strolled over. “Yeah, what?”

  “Do you want a beer?” he asked, his voice lower.

  “Sure,” she said, taking a bottle from his hand.

  The boy was gorgeous as sin and was flirting with her. She liked what she saw.

  She grinned at him and took a swig from the bottle.

  “I’m Jake.”

  “Hi, Jake,” she said, liking the way his shirt clung to his abs.

  “So, do you have a name?”

  “Maybe. How did you know I was a freshman?”

  “I could see the lonely, frightened expression on your face. First party at college and you stood there looking a little lost.”

  She raised her brows and smiled. Damn. She didn’t want to look frightened. In fact, she’d been doing her best to hide the emotion and obviously hadn’t done a very good job. “What are you, a psychology major?”

  “No, but I recognized the look. I felt that way two years ago.” He gave her a once over. “So, did your parents forget to name you? Or do I have to guess?”

  She grinned. She was going to make him work for her name. If he could make fun of her, she could do the same to him. “Guess.”

  “And if I guess right what’s in it for me? After all, you already owe me for the beer.”

  “Owe you?”

  “Not money,” he wiggled his eyebrows. Oh, he was crazy if he thought she was going to put out for a beer. Not happening.

  “Put it on my tab.”

  “You don’t have a tab.”

  “Then start one.”

  “Okay, but if I guess your name correctly, your tab is going to be quite large.”

  “And after three tries, if you don’t guess my name, my tab is clear.”

  Her name was just unusual enough that she had no fear he would guess and even if he did, she wasn’t giving him what he wanted. Oh no, he was going to have to work a lot harder than just giving her a beer and guessing her name.

  He nodded. “Okay, but I think I can guess.”

  He walked around her, staring at her, checking her out completely. “Let’s see. Jennifer is a popular name.”



  “Last chance,” she said, smiling, knowing she had this one in the bag and wishing she’d upped her prize, so that she could have maybe gotten a little more from this handsome player.

  He frowned and stared at her. “Ashley.”

  She smiled. “Clear my tab, Jake.”

  “Damn, I like it when girls owe me. It works to my advantage.”

  “Not this time.”

  “So what’s your name and what dorm are you in?”

  “Katie,” she said, keeping her dorm name to herself. She wasn’t ready to give him that information.

  “I never would have guessed that name. Did they name you after your grandmother or something?”

  “Nope, it’s short for Kathryn, spelled with a K.”

  “Katie,” he said letting the name roll off his tongue. “With a K.”

  “Jake,” A skinny blonde girl walked up and tugged on his shirt. “What are you doing?”

  “Oh hi, Jennifer,” he said, as she wrapped her arm possessively around his waist.

  His brows rose in a reflective manner, and Katie couldn’t help the surge of disappointment that she firmly suppressed. She’d been enjoying their conversation before this girl had claimed him.

  “Jennifer, meet Katie with a K. She’s a freshman.”

  “Hi,” Jennifer said, not friendly.

  “Hi,” Katie said, picking up on the ‘he’s mine’ vibes that radiated from Jennifer’s eyes.

  “Come on, Honey. Some of us are going to start a new game. I told them you would be my partner.”

  Jake grinned at her. “Sorry, Katie, I have to go play with Jennifer now.”

  She nodded. “Nice to meet you.”

  “I’m sure I’ll see you around.”

  Oh yeah, she’d see him around, but if there was a girl hanging on his arm, she’d be looking the other direction. She didn’t need the aggravation of stealing someone’s boyfriend.

  “Nice to meet you, too, Jennifer,” Katie said pointedly, though the girl ignored her.

  “Oh yeah. See ya.”

  Katie sipped on her beer and watched the two of them walk away. He was definitely nice-looking and had muscles that rocked. But he was clearly taken.

  Katie sighed just as Crystal walked up. “Where did you get the beer?”

  Katie smiled. “If I told you, I’d have to kill you.”

  “Hey, I’m your roomie. Share!”

  “Try the cooler under the table.”

  “Who was that you were talking to? He was a gorgeous hunk.”

  “Yeah, he was. His name was Jake.”

  And somehow she knew he was probably a nice kind of trouble walking away. She sighed and glanced around the room. There were probably other available men here and she was going to check out the scenery.

  A tall handsome black boy with dark eyes walked up to them. “Hey Ladies, how are you doing tonight? Can I hook you up with anything or anyone?”

  “Thanks, but no,” Crystal replied.

  “Well, my name is Frank and I am here to make sure that all the girls have a great time tonight.” Frank winked. “Th
is is the kick-off party of the school year, after all.”

  “Thanks,” Katie said.

  “Which one of you is Katie?” Frank asked.

  “Me,” Katie said, looking at him inquiringly, wondering how he would know her name.

  “Jake, one of my good buddies, said to give you this,” he pulled out a card and gave it to Katie.

  She turned it over in her hand. The card said, ‘You’re receiving this card because I think you’re hot. Call me.’

  His phone number was printed on the card, and he’d signed it Jake Ballard.

  Katie looked at Frank a little stunned. “So how many of these does he pass out at each party?”

  Frank held up his hands, his beer bottle glinting in the light. “I don’t know. I’m just the messenger and this is the only one I’ve handed out tonight.”

  Katie glanced over at the other side of the room where Jake sat playing video games, his girlfriend draped across him like a body extension. So was he breaking up with her or was he wanting to date more than one girl at a time?

  “Does she know about this?”

  Frank shook his head. “I don’t know. Like I said, I’m just the messenger.”

  “That’s pretty cocky.”

  Suddenly she felt icky, like just because she was the newbie on campus this guy thought he come on to her when he had a girlfriend.

  She held the card in her hand and turned it over. She could make a scene or she could accept his card.

  She looked at Crystal. “Do you have a pen on you?”

  “Yeah.” Her friend dug in her purse until she found the instrument and handed it to Katie.

  Katie quickly wrote on the card. When you’re no longer hooked up, call me. She wrote her number on the card.

  Then she handed the card back to Frank. “Return this to Jake.”

  He read the note and glanced at his friend. “You know he’s a player.”

  “Obviously,” Katie said, still interested. There was something about him that made her insides get all soft and wet, and she wanted to date him. But not his girlfriend and him.

  “I’m certain there are any number of guys in this room that would love to test your skills at the game,” he told Katie.

  “The game?” she asked.

  He smiled. “The hide the weenie game.”

  “I don’t like weenies. I prefer bratwurst with a dollop of mustard and covered in onions. It’s a man’s weenie. I’m sure that’s not available tonight.”


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