Conquer (Control)

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Conquer (Control) Page 22

by Willis, M. S.

  I opened my eyes to bat my eyelashes at him. “Sorry, you just have that effect on me.”

  His dimples popped out from his smile and I melted right there in his arms. “Let’s keep our thoughts on the task at hand. There’s plenty of time for other things when we get home tonight.”

  I let out a small groan before returning my attention to the target, but then something occurred to me. “Daemon? How is it I can hear you right now and yet, I couldn’t hear you when I had these ear muffs on in the store? Wait a second! You didn’t actually say anything in the store, did you?”

  His chest vibrated with laughter. “Sometimes, beautiful, you are just so damned gullible. Now seriously, we have a target to take out. Focus.”

  I focused on the target as Daemon continued his instruction. “The gun will have a slight recoil, Paige, so be sure to support it properly. When you are ready, use your thumb to pull back the hammer and then pull the trigger. Try to look down the barrel of the gun to align the center of your target with the sights located on the barrel. Okay, fire when you’re ready, Paige.”

  I pulled down the hammer of the gun and closed one eye so that I could use the other to align the sights with the target. My finger came over the trigger and I pulled. Although I was ready for a loud blast, the actual sound caused me to jump. Without realizing it, I’d closed my eyes as soon as the gun fired. I peaked my eyes open to find that I’d hit the target almost dead center. I was so excited, I started to jump up and down and spun around to look at Daemon. Daemon jumped away almost immediately, but then grabbed my hands to force the gun downward and away from his body.

  “Paige, unless your intention is to kill, you need to make sure you always keep a loaded gun pointed away from anything that is breathing. It’s best when you are not actively firing the gun that you keep it pointed to the ground, or in a situation like this, replace it on the counter before jumping around excitedly. Understand? This is VERY important.”

  My cheeks reddened a bit from embarrassment as I turned around to lay the gun back on the counter. Turning back to Daemon, his hands came up to cup my cheeks as he placed a soft kiss on my lips. “You did well for your first time, Damsel. But I was helping you that time with your aim and controlling the recoil. I want you to try it on your own this time. Remember to take your time and prepare yourself before firing.”

  I returned to the stall and picked up the gun. My hands came up in front of me and I steadied myself, aligning my sights before firing. When I pulled the trigger, the blast surprised me again and the recoil of the gun forced my hands up. I looked at the target to see that I’d barely nicked the paper. I grimaced and tried again. After firing three rounds, my aim hadn’t improved and I became frustrated.

  Setting the gun down, I turned to Daemon. “I can’t do this, Daemon. I suck. Look, I can’t even hit the fucking target!”

  Daemon came up behind me, placed his hands on my shoulders and turned my back towards the target. “It takes practice, Paige. You have to learn to relax when you fire. Next time you shoot, try taking a deep breath. While you are releasing that breath, pull the trigger.”

  I picked up the gun again and attempted the shot. This time, a nice hole was blown into the right side of the target. Even though it wasn’t a perfect shot, I was excited. I started to dance around at my success when Daemon’s hand came down on the gun, pointing it downward.


  I quickly replaced the gun on the counter before looking back at him. “Uh…sorry. My happy dance sometimes gets the best of me.”

  Daemons eyebrow arched. “Well, let’s keep the ‘happy dance’ under control when playing with dangerous weapons.”

  The remainder of the afternoon was spent testing out the three different guns Daemon had selected for me. By the end of the day, I was feeling confident about using what Daemon informed me was a thirty-eight caliber snub nose. Although never making a dead center shot, I was close enough that Daemon felt we could call it a day. We left the guns on the counter of the stall and returned to the store through the metal door.

  George was standing behind a display case cleaning parts of a gun that he’d broken down. “How’d it go back there? Are you missing any body parts, Daemon?” George chuckled to himself about his little joke as he looked up at us.

  Daemon’s hand rested on the small of my back as he led us to the counter where George was standing. “I’m still in one piece, thankfully. Paige, did exceptionally well, actually.”

  George nodded his approval as he placed the gun part he was cleaning on the counter. “Well, that’s good then. You feeling confident that the next time you come across that sick son of a bitch, you might actually hit him this time?”

  All eyes were turned to me and I shrugged. “Hopefully, it won’t come to that, but, yeah, I guess if I had that little gun I was using, I might do some damage.”

  Daemon laughed. “It’s a thirty-eight, Paige. It’s far from being considered a ‘little’ gun. George, Paige preferred the snub nose and I’d like you to go through the application process with her so we can buy it for her.”

  George moved to grab a manila folder with paperwork inside. He slid the folder to me with a pen. “I’m going to need you to fill those papers out. There’s also an application for a concealed weapons license in there. You’ll need to practice some more and complete a safety course before it will be approved, but you will be able to pick up the gun from me after a three day waiting period.”

  “Why the three day waiting period? I can’t just take it home now?”

  George looked at me and laughed. “No ma’am. The state wants to make sure you get a chance to cool down in case you’re buying the thing to kill someone.”

  “But, I thought I was buying it to kill someone.”

  George looked at Daemon, arched a brow, and then looked back at me. “Paige, I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that. Listen, I know you’ve got a psychopath chasing after your ass and I agree he should end up dead if he ever bothers you again. More importantly, though, I prefer you not have blood on your hands. It’s not an easy thing to deal with, darlin’, and it’s best you just remain careful and let law enforcement handle him. When you do have the gun, there is one rule you need to be sure and follow. No matter what the situation, whether you’re being attacked, or there is an intruder in your home, or whatever is going on…NEVER pull a gun unless your intent is to use it, and ALWAYS make sure you know what you are shooting at. Guns are a responsibility that you should never take lightly. They are there to protect you and they should only be used when you fear for your life. Do you understand me, sweetheart?”

  I nodded my head and returned my attention to completing the paperwork. George and Daemon chatted as I filled out the applications. Once I was finished, we said our goodbyes and left. As Daemon and I walked to the truck, he took his hand in mine and kissed the top of it. I looked up at him to notice a serious expression on his face.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Daemon shook his head. “Nothing’s wrong, Damsel. I’m just proud of you.”

  I’m sure my expression showed my confusion at his statement. “Proud of me for what?”

  Daemon took both my hands into his and pulled me so that we were face to face. “For everything. You are handling this entire situation so well. You kick ass in the ring and soon, you’ll be firing like a skilled marksman. You’re amazing in every way possible. I truly am a lucky man to have you, Paige.”

  I could feel my cheeks heat as I smiled at him. Never being good at taking compliments, I shrugged him off and turned back in the direction of the truck. “Come on. Let’s go get some food. I’m freaking starving.”



  “Come on Daemon! Live a little, would you?!

  Paige sat on the railing of my balcony overlooking the city. We’d just returned from dinner where she’d had way too many drinks, instantly transforming back into the stubborn and obstinate person I’d grown to love. Apparently
, based on the fact that she was precariously balanced over a railing that sat three stories high, she’d become fearless as well. As soon as we’d arrived back at my place, her clothes had vanished from her body as she’d danced seductively around the living room of the apartment. I won’t lie and say I tried to stop her. With the way the light from the fire sconces bounced across her skin, I was mesmerized in my silent admiration of her body. It was a damn good thing David wasn’t here or he’d have gotten one hell of a show.

  “Damsel, I need you to come down from there, please. You’ll fall. Plus, you’re naked. We are not so high up that people can’t see you.” Even though I was freaking out on the inside, I kept my voice calm and controlled as I spoke to her. I stood between her legs with my arms wrapped protectively around her waist.

  Her laughter echoed out through the night as she wrapped her legs around me. “Whatever, Daemon, I know you won’t let me fall.” The city lights twinkled in her eyes as she looked down on me with absolute trust. Her words were like a punch to the chest. She trusted me. The drunken confession she just made had not gone unnoticed.

  I smiled up into her beautiful face. “Took you long enough.”

  Her brows creased in confusion, just as a hesitant smile broke out on her lips. I watched her mouth as she spoke next, enjoying the sounds of her slurred words. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Daemon.”

  I locked my eyes with hers. “You trust me.”

  The night sky lit up as lightning shot through the clouds. Her eyes widened, but I didn’t know if it was because of the sudden thunder, or because of the words I’d just spoken. Slowly, her lips curved up into a shy smile, her cheeks reddening from some private thought. She was bared to me completely and, at the moment, her life was technically in my hands; yet, it was the idea of admitting that she trusted me that made her nervous and shy. I shook my head in amazement.

  When I heard a car honk in the distance, I was snapped back to the realization that Paige stood naked in plain view. “Baby, we need to get you inside. I’m the only one who should be appreciating that body of yours.” She twisted around to look out over the city just as a bolt of lightning cracked across the sky. Within seconds, booming thunder rolled over our heads, causing vibrations on the balcony. The skies opened up pouring down a wall of water to the ground below.

  Paige laughed a beautiful, melodic laugh. One full of joy and contentment; freedom from inhibition. “I don’t think they can see me now, Daemon. Besides, even if they could, I don’t have to hide anymore.” Her blue eyes locked with mine. My pants tightened even more at the look she gave me. “You’ve brought down my walls, Daemon, opening me up in ways I never thought possible.” Her face was taken over by a bright smile. “I don’t care if I’m naked in front of everyone…as long as you’re there. Because when you are around me…” Her finger came up to tap me on the nose. “…you’re the only person I see.”

  She leaned back into the rain and my arms tightened around her, keeping her from falling. I watched as the rain soaked her hair and ran in rivulets down her skin. My fingers dug into the flesh of her hips as I imagined my mouth following the paths of water that ran down her body. She was so drunk; just laughing as she allowed the rain to cover her. Fuck it. I decided to take advantage.

  “Marry me, Paige.” My voice was strong, determined as I told her what I wanted. It wasn’t a question. There was NO question that she would eventually be my wife…it was just a matter of getting her to accept it.

  Her head sprang up, her expression one of surprise and humor. A devious grin curved out from the corner of her mouth. My eyes were taken captive by hers. I could see the effects of the alcohol in her eyes. Her eyelids were half open, but light still happily danced within the different shades of blue. She bought her head down so that her forehead rested on mine.


  My body froze. The corners of her eyes crinkled with mirth. She smiled again, before leaning back out into the rain. Lightning and thunder continued battering the skies as I stood motionless, my mind endlessly replaying one word…”okay.” She wouldn’t remember this in the morning, but, fuck, I didn’t care. I was holding her to her acceptance.

  I pulled her down from the railing and turned to press her body against the wall that stood between both railings. Curtains of water poured down on either side of us, the sound only serving to echo back every word that was spoken. “You’re mine, Damsel. I’m not letting you go. Especially, not after what you just agreed to.” Her head fell back onto the wall as she ground her hips against me. My fucking dick was about to burst from my jeans so I reached down with one arm to strip them from my body. As soon as I was free, I was going to bury myself deep inside her body.

  She looked back down at me, shaking her head. “You’re so blind, aren’t you, Daemon? I’ve been yours. Maybe not exactly like this, but in some way or another, I’ve been yours since I was five years old.” Her hands came up to cup my cheeks as my hands continued working to relieve myself of my clothing. “But don’t go getting all big-headed about it. I’ll just deny it if you ever try to repeat it.” She winked at me before her sassy mouth came down on mine. My jeans slid to the ground and, without warning, I speared myself inside her. Her body trembled and quaked as I slowly started to move.

  I could taste the alcohol on her tongue as she opened herself to me. The heat of her body soaked into me as my hands explored the smooth contours of her skin. She moaned out as I continued moving inside her, taking her body prisoner and connecting to her in a way that had always been reserved for me. Her confessions rang inside my head as the sounds coming from her wound me even further into an absolute fucking frenzy. My movements became more hurried, more powerful. I wanted to invade every part of her, claiming for myself the one woman who could touch the deepest parts of me. She drove me crazy, but that only made me want her more.

  I felt her begin to pulse around me, her warmth enveloping me. The feel of her water slick skin sliding against mine was driving me to a desperate hunger I’ve never before experienced. I could take this woman every day, every hour, ever fucking second that I have left to live, and it would never be enough.

  When she cried out my name, my head fell back as my ears bathed in the sound that echoed and was amplified by the falling rain. I lost myself almost instantly, releasing myself within her. My head came forward again and my eyes slowly digested the sight in front of me. Her skin was pink from her release, her chest heaving up and down from her heavy breathing. Water continued to drip down her skin and her eyes…fuck…her eyes were heavy and sated, calling for me to take her again. I slid down to the ground still holding myself inside her as she traveled with me. I sat with her on my lap, our hearts slowing and our breathing once again becoming regular.

  She looked up at me. The expression on her face was unreadable. Her lips parted as she started to speak, but she hesitated, apparently rethinking whatever it was she was going to say. Her eyes met mine as her head lulled back and forth. “I’m….really….drunk.” One short laugh erupted from her before her head came down to my shoulder. I sat there, stunned, but laughing.

  When her breathing became shallow and regular, I knew the alcohol had finally forced her to sleep. I picked her up to carry her to bed. After laying her head on the pillows and pulling the blanket up to cover her, I sat down and smoothed my hand over her damp hair.

  I don’t know how long I sat and watched her as she slept. Before laying down beside her, I whispered my confession. “Forever used to feel like a long time; but then this girl walked back into my life, one I’d dreamed of and carried with me from the moment I’d thought I lost her. Suddenly forever could never be long enough.” My hand came to rest against her cheek. Even in her sleep she moved to nuzzle against my palm. She belonged to me. It was never more apparent and I couldn’t help but fucking smile down at the woman who always held my heart…the woman who owned me.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Another three
months passed with no signs of Chris. He’d fled Tennessee, they knew that, but most believed he traveled north to escape police investigations being conducted in the south. The local authorities had enlisted the aid of the F.B.I. due to Chris having committed murders across state lines, but even with their assistance, nobody knew for sure where he’d run off to. Daemon remained on edge most of the time, but I’d started to relax into the belief that Chris was gone. Disappointment covered me like a blanket when I thought about how he’d escaped being brought to justice; however, I couldn’t help but feel relieved that the lives of my friends and myself could return to normal.


  Maybe that was a bad choice of word. There was no normal after the damage he’d left behind him. Alex and Ava had returned from St. Petersburg. David was still spending most of his time at work or with Matt. Daemon and I were still training, but more for the fun of it rather than as a necessity. Annie was still living at The Center and had not yet reached a point where she’d felt comfortable speaking to Logan. I didn’t push the issue, and neither did he. It would take time, but we both knew she’d reach out eventually. Although all of our lives had continued forward, normal was not the way I could describe it. We’d been changed, altered in ways that would never quite fade from us. We carried on, not allowing the weight of Chris’ torment to bring us to a standstill. The battle for normal was being fought within all of us. I had no doubt we would find normal again, but it would never be the same.

  I watched as Daemon dressed by his closet, preparing to go to Tomb on the first night it reopened. As he slid his dark blue jeans up his body, I admired the way his muscles moved along his arms and legs. Grabbing a black button down shirt, he pulled his arms through and turned to me as he buttoned the shirt from the bottom to the top. His crystal blue eyes met mine as a grin tugged at the corner of his mouth.


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