Conquer (Control)

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Conquer (Control) Page 23

by Willis, M. S.

  “You sure you don’t want to come with me? I could be there pretty late and I hate to leave you alone.” A dimple popped out on his cheek as his smile widened and my heart sped up at the sight of it.

  “From what you tell me, I’ve apparently agreed to be your wife, Daemon. I’m not concerned about being alone for a couple of hours. We have all the time in the world to be together…or so you say.” A brow arched over my eye as he smiled down at me. The day after we’d gone to the gun range, Daemon informed me of our time together on the balcony upon returning home. I argued that I’d been inebriated and couldn’t be held accountable for anything said or agreed to at that time. Daemon simply stated that he didn’t care. He’d gone out the next day and bought me a ring. I still hadn’t put it on. It’s not because I didn’t want to, it’s just that I couldn’t let him think he’d tricked me into my acceptance.

  His eyes heated as he watched me. The seductive quality of his voice dripped with confidence. “Oh…I say, Damsel. You’ll realize it soon enough. Lucky for you, I’m a patient man.”

  “And if you weren’t patient…” I looked up at him in feigned challenge. “…What would you do then?”

  His shirt tightened around him as he lowered himself to the foot of the bed. Crawling up, he forced me onto my back, hovering above me, overpowering and claiming what was his. My eyes couldn’t escape his as he stared down at me. “I have a small confession, Damsel.” His eyes searched mine as I waited for him to continue. “I’m not actually as patient as I would have you think. I know that I already have you, in fact, I’ve known that since before you admitted it while drunk. In truth, I haven’t had to wait for you. So, I’m sure you can see why I’m not too concerned about whether you wear that ring or not. Quite frankly, it doesn’t matter if you admit it or deny it. Your skin prickles when I get near you, your cheeks heat when I tell you that I own you. You can hide in your head as long as you fucking please, because when I bury myself in you, your body tells me all of your secrets.”

  I trembled underneath him, causing him to smile wickedly. “I wish I had time to show you exactly what I’m talking about before I leave, but I guess that will have to wait until later.” His lips tickled my ear as he leaned down to whisper. “I’ll be sure to rush back.” His warm mouth crashed against mine. I was overtaken by the salty taste of him when he tongue invaded my mouth. My heart sped up, my hands gripping the sheets around me. His hands rubbed rough paths up my thighs and over my stomach before claiming my breasts, then moving up into my hair. His lips pressed against mine with such force, that my breath was stolen from me and I became lightheaded. He pulled away eventually, chuckling when he’d he forced me into submission.

  I groaned as he pushed up from the bed to leave. “Last chance, beautiful. You know I don’t like leaving you here.”

  I shook my head, refusing his offer. “I’m fine, babe. It will only be a few hours.”

  He breathed out a resigned breath before snatching his keys off the top of the bureau beside him. “Call me if you need something. I’ll be home when I can.” I watched as he disappeared out of the bedroom door. I could hear his footsteps echoing through the hall. Soon I heard the front door open and close, then the lock as it snapped into place.

  I knew Daemon was disappointed that I hadn’t gone with him, but the holidays were getting close and I needed some time alone to try to figure out a gift for him. It was the first time we would spend a Christmas together, and the first Christmas that he would have a family. I wanted it to be special, something that could make up for all the holidays he’d spent alone or unloved. I grabbed my laptop from the nightstand and scrolled through different websites, searching for the perfect gift. I grew frustrated after an hour searching. Nothing seemed right. Finally taking a break, I threw my laptop on the bed and walked over to the bathroom to take a long bath.

  As I soaked in the warm water, the smell of the oils I’d dropped in soothed me as I was blanketed in steam. I’d thought about what Daemon had said to me on the bed and my skin flushed in response. He really did own me, or if nothing else, my heart. It was a connection so intense, that even when parted I could still smell him, feel him, know that he’d invaded and take residence within my very spirit. It wasn’t that he owned me…it was that he’d become a part of me.

  When my skin started to wrinkle, I finally forced myself out of the tub. I dried off and threw on a pair of pajamas, waiting for Daemon to return. I was watching some random sitcom when my phone rang. It was just after midnight and I found it odd to see The Center’s number on my caller I.D. My parents were never awake at this hour.

  Hesitantly, I answered, “Hello?” I wondered if something was wrong.

  “Don’t sound so scared, whore. It’s only me.” Evil dripped from a low and angry voice. My skin scrawled at the sudden realization that it wasn’t my parents on the other end of this call.

  Fuck! Every muscle in my body tightened and my throat closed up in fear. I pushed through the emotions, I couldn’t let him know how I was feeling.

  “Chris. What the fuck are you doing, Chris?” My voice wavered as images of what he could have done or was going to do flooded my thoughts. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes, but I forced them back, desperate to maintain emotional control.

  It was silent for a moment before a sickening laugh erupted from the other end. I could hear the depravity twisted within the sound of it. My stomach churned as bile forced its way up my throat. Small tremors raked across my body, my head pounded from a rush of blood.

  “It’s been a while, Paige. You should sound happier to hear from me. I know Annie was extremely excited to see me again.” My heart felt like it tore from my chest when I heard a slight whimper in the background. The shaking intensified and I couldn’t hold my voice straight any longer. “Chris…please…please tell me you haven’t hurt her.” I fought hard to maintain my composure. Fear gripped me, squeezing every muscle and organ as it coursed through my veins. I felt tight and nauseous, my body overtaken by pure, unadulterated terror.

  Another laugh; this one more menacing, saturated with the darkness that lived within Chris. He had me cornered and he knew it. There was nowhere for me to run, no person who could jump in to help me. He’d gone after my greatest weakness…Annie.

  “I’d love to catch up, bitch, but I don’t have a lot of time. Neither does your friend…”

  I flinched before curling in on myself.

  “…You have two hours to get here if you want Annie to continue breathing. And if I were you, I wouldn’t go getting smart either. You are to arrive alone, and nobody is to know that you are here. If I hear a siren or see a light turn on anywhere in the building, Annie’s dead, and so are the rest of the people sleeping in this place. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes.” I squeaked out.

  “I mean it, bitch. It would be wise of you not to call anyone, because I will kill every fucking one of them if anybody wakes up before you get here.” I heard Annie whimper again. Pain shot through my jaw as my teeth clamped together. I needed to stay strong, level-headed. I pushed past the fear that was drowning me and responded.

  “I won’t call anybody. But, I can’t promise that nobody will wake up. What if someone has to use the bathroom? That wouldn’t…”

  “DOESN’T. FUCKING. MATTER. BITCH!” I jumped in reaction to his voice. “Sounds to me like you better hurry your ass up and you better fucking pray that nobody has to pee before you get here.”

  The phone went silent. He’d hung up, leaving me shocked and motionless in the center of Daemon’s bed. Time stood still for that moment as I fought to process the situation. Chris had Annie. I had to get to her. There were no other options. I wanted to call my father, but by doing so, he would undoubtedly go searching for Annie, and I couldn’t afford to drag more people into this. Chris wanted me and it was time I give myself to him.

  I pushed myself off the bed and ran to the closet. I pulled on some jeans, a sweatshirt and my boots. After quickly th
rowing my hair in a low bun, I grabbed my backpack. I reached up to the top shelf of the closet and pulled down the lockbox containing the gun Daemon had bought for me. I’d completed the safety courses and had submitted my application for my permit. I felt confident in my ability to fire the weapon. Removing it from the box, I slipped it into my bag.

  As I passed the bureau, my hands reached out to grab my keys. Guilt overtook me when my fingers closed around them. Daemon trusted that I wouldn’t go anywhere without telling him. He’d stopped feeling the need to control or influence my every move and I was about to repay him by doing the one thing that would destroy him. My head fell back and my eyes closed as I wrestled with calling him. He trusted me. I could trust him. The thought kept replaying through my head, until I made a decision. Grabbing the phone from the bed, I dialed Daemon’s number. I couldn’t wait for him, but I could at least let him know what I was doing. He would tell me to stay at his house, I was sure of it. He had to know that even if he begged, nothing could stop me from going to Annie.

  The phone rang five times before being sent to voicemail. I was relieved when he didn’t answer. It was going to be easier to say what I needed to say. Daemon’s recorded message played, followed by a tone indicating it was time for me to speak.

  “Uh, it’s Paige.” I paused for a second, deciding how I could tell him where I was going. I took a deep breath and stated it bluntly. “Chris has Annie, Daemon. He’s at The Center. Baby, I have to go get her alone. Chris will kill her if I call the police or my parents…or you. I was going to go without telling you, but I couldn’t, so please, Daemon, please show me I was right to trust that you won’t call anybody. He’ll kill them.” I grew silent again as tears streamed down my face. Even though I was doing the right thing by calling him, I knew that leaving would be a betrayal of his trust. “Please forgive me, Daemon, but I have no choice. I have to go.” Taking one more deep breath, I told him I loved him, then ended the call.

  I threw my phone into my bag and slapped the tears from my cheeks. Straightening my shoulders, I resolved to leave. My footsteps carried me quickly from the apartment. I hurried from the elevator to the bay where my bike was stored. I ran to the bike, pulled on my helmet and started the engine. When my foot left the ground to kick the bike in gear, I drove hard and didn’t stop again until I was standing in front of the building where I’d grown up.


  The winter nights were always deafeningly quiet around The Center. The normal sounds of the marshes were silenced by the cold winds as they pushed across the water and out into the trees. The only noise came from the creaking and moaning of the tree branches, swaying within those winds. I turned off the engine of my bike which undoubtedly warned Chris of my arrival. Cutting the lights, the area was doused in the black night, not even the moon illuminated the area in which I was standing. I pulled my backpack around before reaching in to retrieve the gun. I had no idea what I was walking into. I pushed the fear and anxiety from my body, before clearing my head and beginning my walk around back.

  When the backyard came into view, I noticed movement down by the marshes. A silver glow reflected off the water providing just enough light to show that somebody was standing near the cypress trees. I placed one foot in front of the other as I quickly marched forward.

  When I approached the water line, Chris and Annie came into view. I walked to them slowly, my eyes taking in every small detail before me. Annie was dressed in a white nightgown. It was simple and fell to her ankles. The moonlight shone through the thin material, making it possible to see her figure underneath. Her body trembled and I wondered if it was from fear, or the cold, or a combination of both. Chris held a gun to the side of Annie’s head, his other hand clamped tightly around her arm. I searched her face, looking for any indication of what she was thinking. Her expression was blank, her eyes were defeated. My heart pounded against my chest and it felt like my throat had finally ceased to function. I couldn’t swallow down my fear as I stood looking at my friend.

  “’Bout fucking time you showed up.” He leaned into Annie while maintaining eye contact with me. “Look, Annie…Paige has decided to join the party. Maybe I’ll finally get to show you what it looked like when I had my night with you.” He laughed a sickening laugh. “I never did get a chance to show you the pictures. What do you say, Annie? Wanna watch me fuck your friend? Or would you like me to kill you ahead of time?”

  My hand tightened around the gun I held to my side and I forced strength into my voice as I spoke. “Chris…please let Annie go. It’s me you want. It’s always been me.”

  A thousand thoughts pounded my mind.





  A thousand things I’d been training to do, a thousand ways for me to save myself. But how many of those things could save my friend? None of them. There was only one thing that could possibly save her.


  The one thing I’d never been taught. The one thing Daemon had never wanted me to do. Never in his childhood or his adult life had he allowed me that choice. But now, in this moment, it was the only one I had. I’d been taught to control my body. I’d been taught to control my thoughts and emotions. But never had I been taught to surrender that control to another, to submit to the request of a person intent on killing me.

  “Always been you?” He snorted out a laugh. “What makes you think you’re so goddamned special?”

  I had to urge him along, had to anger him to bring out the uncontrolled monster I knew lurked within him. Chris stood completely still as he pointed the gun at Annie. His shirt looked torn and dirty, his jeans frayed and wet at the ends. Mud caked the bottom half of his boots. His face was made to look more devious by the shadows of the swaying trees above him.

  “I’m the one you want, Chris. It’s what you wrote in your journals, isn’t it? I’m the one you stalked and followed. How many pictures of me have you taken, Chris? Why take them if it wasn’t me you were after?”

  Annie whimpered as Chris’ grip tightened around her arm. Her eyes locked with mine when I looked in her direction. Her face remained stoic as she stood facing death.

  I moved to grip my gun in both hands as I raised it up to aim it at Chris. From this distance, I was sure I could hit him between the eyes, bring him down like the beast that he was. But I knew I would never pull the trigger. I was just trying to force his hand.

  He laughed when I pointed the gun in his direction. An angry snarl took over his expression as he spit out his mocking words. “And what the fuck are you going to do with that, bitch? You shoot me, and your friend dies. How’s it going to feel with both of our blood on your hands?”

  Suddenly remembering his trigger, I decided to mock him. Maybe if I was able to humiliate him, I could remind him of the evil acts he planned on committing against me. I angled my head in question as I continued to stare at him down the barrel of my gun. “And what would that get you, Chris? Annie would be dead, but so would you. I’ll walk out of here unharmed.” I shrugged my shoulder. “Guess I was correct to know that you aren’t enough of a man to take me.” I huffed out a laugh. “Probably couldn’t have gotten it up anyway, given how fucking pathetic you are.”

  Annie cried out as the barrel of his gun was shoved tighter against her skull. He jerked her body closer to his. The look in his eyes changed from sick humor to absolute rage. I could imagine the gears turning in his head. “Drop the gun, bitch.”

  I stared him down, not daring to look away or show any fear. “Let go of Annie, Chris, and I’ll drop the gun. Let her go…” I held my hands out to my sides, never releasing the gun. “…and you can have me.”

  He looked me over long and hard. My knees trembled, but I kept my expression blank. His hand appeared to loosen on Annie, but not enough that she could break free of his hold. Silence hung between us, thick and suffocating as I waited to see what he would say or do.

  He snorted just as a lewd smile broke fre
e on his face. “Have you been watching the news, bitch? I’ve already had you. Just used a different body instead. The bitch knew why she died, though. I told her all about you as she took her final breaths. We had hours for me to tell her why she had to die that night.”

  Amanda Cleary…

  Fuck, this guy was depraved. He’d killed an innocent stranger just so he could feel like he’d taken me. Vomit threatened at the back of my throat and my hands trembled where they hung. I fought against showing my disgust at his words. He was attempting to shake me, but I wouldn’t let him.

  “She wasn’t me, Chris. The name of the girl you killed was Amanda. I’m still here. Standing in front of you, alive and unharmed.”

  When he didn’t move, I decided to kick it up a notch.

  “You know, before he died, your father told me all about you Chris. He said you’ve been a pussy your entire life. He told me all about your mommy issues; how she hurt you, humiliated you, rejected you…just like me.”

  His face contorted with anger.

  “Do I remind you of her, Chris? I’ve humiliated you, taunted you and laughed at you. Remember getting your ass tossed out of the club? Or how about my apartment? You know I laughed as you drove away. I knew you were never man enough to take me.” A short burst of feigned laughter broke from my lips. “You couldn’t even fuck me when you had me tied up.”

  His bloodshot eyes narrowed as he looked between me and Annie. I knew he never wanted her. He knew he had to let her go if he wanted me.

  “Drop the gun, bitch and I’ll let your friend go. Try to move again after I release her, and I’ll put a bullet through you, drop you to the ground and fuck you until you take your last breath. You understand me?!” His arm moved so that his gun was now pointed directly at me.

  I smiled.

  We were at a standstill, but I knew what he wanted and it wasn’t the girl he currently held. My hand flexed open as my gun fell to the ground. Annie’s eyes quickly flicked to where the gun fell before returning to me. I held out my arms, praying that he would release Annie so that he could get to me. I panicked as I saw him bring the gun back to her direction, but instead of placing the barrel back against her skull, he raised his hand above her, bringing the gun down hard against the back of her head. Annie dropped instantly, her motionless body lying in the mud of the marsh.


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