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The Dragon's Mate

Page 44

by Emilia Hartley

  Nemoy crouched beside him, gazing stoically down at the girls walking across the street. “Seems pretty quiet tonight, doesn’t it?” Nemoy asked, his deep voice a harsh whisper.

  Nova nodded. “Not a lot going on. There was a howl a little while ago.” He tried not to let the worry show in his voice. “Think we should check it out?”

  Considering, Nemoy shook his head. “Nah. Probably just one of the younger pups, out running around.”

  “Yeah, I guess.” Still, Nova found himself probing the darkness for danger. “Any word on the Valley Clan recently? Have they come into our territory again?”

  Nemoy’s features turned grave and serious. “The was a breach on the East border last night. They think it was teenagers, maybe not even of age. We sent an envoy to their Alpha, hoping he would re-enforce the territory restrictions, but it doesn’t look promising. The Valley Alpha only took over six months ago, and from what we can tell, he has a thirst for violence. His son seems to be just as bad, unfortunately. Personally, I think we need to do something about them.”

  “What’s Father say?” Nova asked. Their father was the Alpha of the Mountain Clan, and a known pacifist. Yes, there had been peace between the clans for some time now, but lately, conflicts were heating up all along the borders, most of which from the Valley Clan, and still, his father hadn’t done anything more than increase border patrols.

  Nemoy just rolled his eyes. “You know Father. Always the peace keeper. He thinks if we just keep them clear of our borders, it will all settle down.”

  Nova glanced sideways at him. “You don’t agree?”

  “I think this new Alpha is looking to make a name for himself.” Nemoy shook his head angrily. “You know how the Valley Clan has always wanted to acquire our territory. The treaty Father struck with their old Alpha kept things quiet enough, but now…I just don’t believe the new Alpha is adhering to the guidelines.”

  Nova pursed his lips, taking it all in. His entire life, the most exciting thing that had happened within the territory was a few border skirmishes from some rogue wolves setting out on their own. Now, however, things were finally starting to get exciting.

  From the corner of his eye, he caught something moving in the darkness. “Nemoy, did you see that?”

  “See what?”

  Nova narrowed his eyes, trying to spot what had moved. There. A flick of a tail around the corner. “Nemoy,” he said sharply, starting to stand, “there’s a wolf down there.”

  Suddenly, his brother was on high alert. “A wolf? Are you sure?”

  “Yeah.” Nova nodded, glancing up at the girls to make sure they were still okay. They’d made it a few blocks down the street, but he could still see them. “It disappeared right around that corner.”

  “And you’re sure it wasn’t one of ours?”

  Frowning, Nova kept watching the darkness. The girls had turned a corner and slipped out of sight. “Well, no, I’m not sure. I really only saw its tail.”

  Nemoy’s shoulders relaxed, and he slipped back into a crouch, pulling Nova down with him. “Relax, little bro. Like I said, it’s probably just one of the pups.”

  “I don’t know, Nemoy,” Nova replied skeptically. Something told him it was more than that. “No one’s scheduled to watch this end of Strathford tonight, right?”

  “Just us.”

  “Then why would they be skulking around when they know we’re on patrol?”

  Despite calm outer demeanor, Nemoy frowned, and a vein at his temple began to pulse. It was a sure sign that his adrenaline was pumping, and he was preparing for battle, Nova knew.

  Suddenly, an earsplitting scream split the darkness, followed by the unmistakable growl of a wolf. Nova glared at his brother. “That was not a pup, Nemoy.”

  “No, it wasn’t. Come on.” Getting to his feet, Nemoy hastily loped along the roof until he got to the edge, where he dropped lithely to the ground. Nova followed, his movements just as agile.

  Once he hit the ground, Nova began to change. His bones creaked and groaned as they grew and shrunk, turning him from boy to wolf. The pain of the transformation was sharp and familiar, and after all these years, he was almost numb to it. He felt his legs crack and snap as they elongated and morphed to form the hind legs of a canine. He fell to all fours, his hands scraping at the dirt as his fingers fused to form paws, his nails growing thicker and elongating to become claws. Fur sprouted all over his skin, thick black and silver, replacing the clothes that shredded and fell to the dirt. His face thinned and his nose grew outward, forming his snout. The tingling sensation along his gums told him that his teeth were growing into the sharp weapon of the wolf.

  All around him, the night came to life as his senses sharpened. He could smell everything from the grass to the rotting food permeating the dumpster of the restaurant three blocks over. He could smell the enemy wolves that had invaded their town, and they were definitely not part of the Mountain Clan. Running his long tongue over his jowls, he could taste, rather than smell, the scent of blood on the air. They needed to move. Now.

  Turning to look at his brother, he found Nemoy already in wolf form, his jet-black fur difficult to see in the darkness, even with his heightened vision. Throwing his head back, Nova howled up at the moon, the sound was as much a warning to his enemies as it was a battle cry.

  Chapter 3

  Amara turned as the wolf stepped from the shadows. She froze, her blood turning to ice. “Guys,” she whispered, stopping and trying to step between the wolf and her friends. Neither Becca nor Zoe paid her any attention. “Guys,” she said again, this time with enough snap in her voice to get them to stop talking.

  Zoe turned to her, clearly annoyed, hands on her hips. She didn’t even get the question out before the wolf lunged for her. It was huge, it’s thick fur a red, russet color, a vicious growl issuing from its throat. It landed on Zoe’s back, pushing her down into the dirt. Becca’s scream ripped through the night, right before a second wolf went for her, its teeth aiming for her throat.

  Helpless, Amara started to reach for her friends when a third wolf charged at her. She ran, her footsteps pounding against the pavement, her heart feeling as if it was about to burst in her chest. Fear coursed through her veins, and she pushed herself harder, hoping she hadn’t just left Zoe and Becca to die. Hoping she wasn’t about to die herself.

  She could hear the wolf running behind her, his paws scraping the street. He was gaining on her. Amara glanced over her shoulder. The wolf was tan, his tongue lolling out of his mouth in what looked like a sloppy grin. The wolf was enjoying the chase.

  Amara’s toe caught on the sidewalk and she went down, landing hard on her hands and knees. She could feel the blood running down her leg beneath her jeans, feel the deep gash on her palm. She tried to move, to crawl away from him, but she didn’t get far before she felt his teeth dig into her leg, ripping the denim and slicing open her skin. She screamed, loud and long, kicking at him with her other foot. She felt her shoe connect with his skull and his grip loosened, but it didn’t stop him. He lunged again, and another wolf joined him; the russet one that had attacked Zoe. Blood dripped from his muzzle, and he bared his fangs with a deadly growl.

  Amara held up her hands, trying to block her face, but it didn’t stop the russet wolf from attacking her throat. She felt his teeth sink into her shoulder, felt her muscles rip away from her clavicle. The salty, copper scent of blood filled the air.

  Darkness began to invade the edges of her vision, and she felt consciousness begin to slip away.

  Just then, a third wolf jumped into the fray, knocking the other two off of her. Reflexively, she pressed her gloved hands to her shoulder, attempting to stop the bleeding. The black and silver wolf growled menacingly at the other two, lunging and biting, fending them off. She heard one of the wolves yelp in pain, watched as the tan one was thrown against the wall and fell limply to the ground. The remaining two were growling and biting at one another. She tried to stay conscious as the black
and silver wolf ripped into the russet wolf’s flank and drove him off.

  Her vision began to fade, and then everything went black.

  Nova waited until the enemy had run for cover before transforming back into himself. He felt the familiar pain and the tingling feeling as his bones became human once more, and his fur retracted back into his skin. The only thing he wore were his black spandex shorts that clung so tight they were like a second skin.

  The girl lay on the ground, completely passed out. Her clothes were ripped, and she was covered in blood. Her shoulder was torn so bad he could see bone beneath. Crouching down, he lifted her into his arms and began to trudge back toward her friends.

  Nemoy was waiting for him, standing over the other two girls. One of them was badly hurt, but at least she was breathing. The other one looked like she’d gotten by relatively unscathed. Guilt washed over him as he stared down at them, and he saw the same resigned expression on his brother’s face. They should have stopped this from happening. Yes, they had been outnumbered, but it was their job to protect the humans in their territory, and they had failed. If only they’d gotten there sooner.

  “Is she alive?” Nemoy asked, his voice rough. He was bruised and dirty, a long gash bleeding down his arm, but otherwise he looked okay. He was looking at the girl Nova carried in his arms.

  Nova nodded. “Barely.” Glancing down at her still face, a sense of duty gripped him, and he suddenly felt as if he didn’t want to let her out of his sight.

  “Yeah,” Nemoy said gravely, “this one, too. But the other one…I don’t know if she’ll make it.” His voice was strained. “Set her down. I’ve already called the cops. We have to get out of here, let Father and the Council know we’ve been attacked.”

  Obliging, Nova set the girl down on the ground, gently laying her head against the cement. He could faintly hear the sirens in the distance.

  “Come on,” Nemoy called. He was already a few yards up the street.

  Nova stared down at the girl, wishing he could have done more for her and her friends. She began to stir. He was still staring at her when she opened her eyes. They were a startling slate grey, almost silver. And completely surprised to see him. “I’m sorry,” he said, though the words felt completely inadequate.

  “Nova!” Nemoy shouted again, impatient now. “Leave her. We have to go!”

  Reluctantly, Nova stood, taking one last look at her before loping off after his brother.

  Nemoy paced back and forth in front of his father’s chair, his face stern. “This could mean war, Father. One of the outsiders that attacked the human girls was the son of the Valley Clan’s alpha. Nova hurt him pretty bad; they’re going to retaliate.”

  “They were attacking the humans,” Nova shot back. His father merely surveyed him over the tops of his fingertips. “What else were we supposed to do?”

  “There’s nothing else we could have done!” Nemoy exploded. “They could have killed those girls! One of them may or may not survive. We did what we were supposed to do. And in doing so, we may have begun a war.”

  “You have not begun a war,” their alpha said. Both his boys fell silent. “We will meet with the Valley Clan, explain the situation, and renew the treaty.”

  Nemoy gaped at him. “You cannot be serious. They’ll never go for it!”

  “Father, the Valley Clan have been after our territory for years,” Nova said quietly. “This felt deliberate. They knew we would be there. They attacked those girls to provoke us. Father, there is no way they will renew the treaty.”

  “They will,” the Alpha insisted. Nova merely shook his head. Nemoy let out a cry of frustration.

  “Listen to your father.” Neveah, the female alpha of the Clan, stepped forward, her long, dark hair streaked with gray. She kept it tied back in a long plait down her back. Just his mother’s serene presence was calming to Nova. “We cannot jump to conclusions on this one. We must try diplomacy first.”

  Disgusted, Nemoy shook his head. “Diplomacy. Well then, Father, you have doomed us all.”

  Chapter 4

  Ten Years Later

  Amara stood before her full-length mirror, gazing at her reflection. Her long, dark hair fell around her shoulders in thick waves, cascading down her back. Tugging on her black tee shirt, she tucked it into her jeans, and threaded silver feather earrings through her ear lobes. No matter what she added to her appearance, she couldn’t erase that haunted look from her eyes, or the shiny mass of scar tissue at her collar bone.

  Compliments of the wolf she had believed didn’t exist.

  The attack had affected her more than she was willing to let on. Her grandfather had been right, she’d known that now. They never should have been out after dark. And Becca was nearly crippled because of it. Poor, sweet Becca. It had taken her years to regain full use of her arm and for her to walk again. She still had to use a cane. Amara had hardly been able to look Becca’s parents in the eyes, she had felt so guilty.

  And Zoe, well. Zoe had turned on her for a while, probably to relieve her own guilt. She’d come around, eventually, though not until sometime after high school. Now they only saw each other when Amara was at work and Zoe came into the bar to get a drink. Their relationship was strained at best, though they did try to behave cordially towards one another every year for Becca’s birthday. The one and only time they got along.

  It was hard to remember everything that had happened that night. Zoe hadn’t seen or heard a thing before the first wolf attacked her. Then the others had joined in. By the time the two wolves went after Amara, both Becca and Zoe had been unconscious. Nobody had believed her when Amara swore up and down that a boy had saved her. They thought she had gone crazy.

  Maybe she had.

  She’d gotten paranoid, she knew that for sure. She never went anywhere without a knife and had long since learned how to use it. She now believed every word her grandfather had spoken until his death two years back, and had soaked up all the legends their people had ever passed through the generations about the protectors of the town, of the tribe that once called Strathford home. The wolves that could turn into men.

  Her entire life, she had believed them to be just stories. She had agreed with the rest of the town that her grandfather was a bit off his rocker, and only listened to him to indulge him. But now…now she wasn’t so sure. She knew what she’d seen. It had been wolves that attacked them ten years before, yes, but it had been a human who had lifted her up and carried her back to her friends. It had been a human voice she heard telling the other one to ‘Come on.’ And it had been human eyes that had stared down at her, almost like an apology. Dark, worried, human eyes, imploring her to understand.

  That boy had saved her, she knew he had. She just couldn’t prove it.

  Grabbing her bag, she slung it around her shoulder before slipping the knife into the holster on her leg and pulling her pant leg down once more. Sufficiently armed, she pulled on her coat, locked her front door, and set off at a brisk walk down the street.

  Murphy’s was the local bar in Strathford, one of the main attractions for the unencumbered, unemployed, and unattached. Amara had been a bartender there since she’d returned from college to help her mother take care of her grandfather. It was only a few blocks from her apartment, so she had never worried about walking. No one ever bothered her, and she was armed, which was the only way she felt safe. Still, there were times when she couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was watching her.

  Like tonight.

  Quickening her pace, Amara was comforted that the only sound she could hear was the click of her boots on cement until she hauled open the heavy wooden door of the bar.

  “Hey Sam,” she greeted the bouncer. Sam was a big, beefy man with a bald head and a soft heart, whose company she enjoyed very much. He took the I.D. from the girl in line and smiled at Amara with his big, goofy grin.

  “Hey, Mara. Cold night tonight, huh?”

  “Freezing,” she agreed, taking off her coat
and hanging it on the hook behind him. “Mitch in?”

  Sam nodded. “Behind the bar.”

  “Thanks.” Murphy’s didn’t usually get busy until at least eleven o’clock, and tonight wasn’t any different. The usual suspects sat in the booths having a late dinner, and a few of the college kids home on winter break sat at the high, scrubbed wooden tables, with a few of the regulars perched at the bar. When things picked up, every booth, stool, and table in the place would be full, Amara knew. And if she was lucky, her tip jar would do just as well.

  Mitch, the owner—and Amara’s high school prom date—was standing behind the big oak bar, wiping down a set of glasses with a white cloth. He was tall, his chestnut brown hair falling into his eyes, and a crooked grin curling his lips. He nodded at Amara when he spotted her.

  One of the regulars, a guy named Ole, turned around and leered at her. She could already tell he was a few drinks in, and knew from years of serving him booze that he was a sloppy drunk. “How ya doin’, Mara?” he asked, his words already beginning to slur.

  Amara put on her best bartender’s smile. “Doing just fine, Ole. Doing just fine. Hey, Mitch, did my spirits order come in this afternoon? They were two days late because of the snow, and we’re running low on tequila.”

  Chuckling, Mitch set his glass down and reached beneath the bar to pull out a bottle of amber liquid. “Checked in and unloaded. Shouldn’t have to worry about it for a while.”

  “That’s what I like to hear,” she said, tying a small, black apron around her waist. She winked at the young guy at the end of the bar, knowing she could weasel a big tip from him if she played her cards right. With a smile, she asked for his order, then grabbed a bottle of whiskey and poured him a shot. She slid it down the bar to him, praying he would catch it. “Nice work, honey,” she purred, grinning when he blushed scarlet.


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