Dream Kisses (Romance on the Ranch Series #1)

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Dream Kisses (Romance on the Ranch Series #1) Page 10

by Clay, Verna

  She opened her eyes. "What?"

  "Enjoy another bite."

  Sarah's heart fluttered and she turned crimson.

  "I love it when you blush."

  She turned even redder.

  Sage laughed and leaned back. "Thanks for the compliment about Julie. She got a great start in life from her mother. Marylou doted on her children. She started teaching them to read and write long before they went to kindergarten and the house was always strewn with art projects." He smiled at fond memories and then looked sad.

  Sarah changed the subject. "When did you start modeling? Or how did you get into the profession?"

  "We were talking about you."

  "We can talk about me later."

  Sage must have sensed her reticence. He rubbed his jaw. "I actually got approached by an agent on my honeymoon. Marylou and I met in high school and she got pregnant the end of our senior year. I had no qualms about marrying her. We'd known each other since third grade and fell in love during Junior High. We'd always planned to marry and the babies just hurried things up a bit. Our parents didn't have a problem with us marrying. Of course, when she got pregnant we got lectured. But secretly, I think the grandparents were just as excited as we were. When we found out we were having twins, both sets of grandparents were over the moon. But getting back to your question, we were honeymooning in the Florida Keys and sitting on the beach when this guy, not much older than ourselves, came up and introduced himself; said he was an agent looking for modeling clients. I gave him the brush off but he handed me his card and Marylou stuck it in her beach bag. After the babies were born, money was tight. My Dad's health had started to decline and he couldn't keep the ranch going without my help. I'd been attending college and working part time with him. Marylou and I decided I needed to work fulltime at the ranch; especially after my mom died suddenly of a heart attack. She had a congenital heart defect that was never diagnosed."

  He paused and tapped his fingers on the table. Sarah reached and placed her hand over his. He looked up with such sadness that her heart melted. He continued. "Even though I started working at the ranch fulltime, things were still tough, but none of us wanted to sell off any of our property to make ends meet. Dad died just before the twins turned three. A few months later, Marylou accidently came across the business card in her beach bag. She handed it to me and said, 'I think you should call him. It couldn't hurt to see what he has to say.' So, I called Pinky Marsh, and yes, that's his real name. He remembered me and set up a test shoot. After that, he put a portfolio together, and voila."

  "Well, from what I've seen, you're wonderful at modeling."

  Sage lifted his wine glass and twirled it. "You think so?"

  Sarah's heart stopped. "Yes."

  "I'd actually like to quit modeling. I'm getting a bit old for it."

  "No way. You're only what, thirty-four?"

  "Almost. But modeling is a short-lived career. Besides, I don't really enjoy it. At first, it was exciting when Marylou and the kids traveled with me. I liked that part because we could sightsee and visit places we'd never have had the opportunity to otherwise. After she and Michael died, I only continued for the money. I love this ranch; modeling and the dude ranch allow me to keep it going in style. I've been saving and investing so I can retire from modeling and still have enough to tide us over during lean years."

  Sarah rubbed the back of her neck and looked across the room.

  "What's that look, Sarah?"

  She bit her bottom lip and looked back at him. "I'm almost forty."


  "It doesn't bother you that I'm older than you?"

  "Do I look like I'm bothered?"

  Sarah lifted her eyes to a blue gaze flashing desire. She shook her head.

  Sage reached across the table and trailed the tip of his finger down her cheek. "Let's go home, honey."

  Chapter 18: High Fashion Greenhorns

  Sage wrapped his arms around Sarah's middle and pulled her back against his body, spoon style. He'd called Newt and Beaner the night before and given them responsibility for the dudes so he and Sarah could spend time together. Julie had stayed the night at Tooty's and wouldn't be home until late afternoon. Weak sunlight filtered through cracks in the curtains and he lifted his head to watch Sarah sleep. She looked sweet, peaceful, and…inviting. He smiled remembering the previous night. After a delicious dinner and heartfelt conversation, he'd wanted nothing more than to end the perfect night with her in his arms. She was an itch he didn't want to go away. She made a sighing sound. He wanted to trace the dusting of freckles across her nose with his lips, but he didn't want to wake her…not yet. He'd let her sleep a little longer.

  Lying back down he decided her feisty attitude appealed to him more than any woman he'd ever met. He admired her victory in overcoming life's hurdles. When he thought about her low-life ex-husband, he wanted to pulverize the man. Of course, if her ex-husband hadn't been such a bottom feeder, she wouldn't be in his bed right now. He remembered her sadness in talking about the child she'd lost. Oh, how he could relate to that. After losing Marylou and Michael he hadn't wanted to live. The only thing that had kept him going was raising Julie. Realizing that Sarah hadn't had anyone to keep her going, his heart ached for her. Sarah was a keeper. Before he could contemplate the ramifications of that, she turned over and looked at him.

  He smiled, "Good morning, Sunshine. Did you sleep well?"

  She quirked a smile. "I had the most wonderful dream."

  "Was I in it?" He lifted a hand to trace the freckles that kept teasing him.

  "You were the star attraction."

  "Yeah? What was I doing?"

  "Touching me."

  Sage moaned and moved his lips to hers. That was the most erotic thing he had ever heard. The words, "She's a keeper," popped into his mind again.

  After a day of relaxation which included cooking breakfast together and then exploring his land on horseback, they were now relaxing in the living room. While Sarah typed on her laptop, Sage read the local newspaper. He loved small town life. The phone rang and he reached for it on the table next to his recliner.

  "Hello, Sage here."

  "When are you going to join the real world and get a cell phone?" asked Pinky, his agent.

  "Wouldn't do me any good out here, no service. How ya doin', Pinky?"

  Sarah looked up from her laptop and he mouthed, "Speak of the devil." She smiled and returned to tapping on her keyboard.

  "I'm doin' super fantastic cause I just landed you an awesome gig."

  "Yeah?" Sage couldn't drum up much enthusiasm.

  "Don't sound so enthused," Pinky said dryly. "If I looked like you and got to cuddle up with all those gorgeous babes, I'd be swingin' from the chandeliers with excitement. Hell, I'd even work for free." He paused. "Well, maybe not for free…but cheap."

  Sage laughed. "So, tell me about this gig. You know this is the season my dudes show up, so I can't take off for long."

  "That's the beauty of it. They're coming to you and paying a butt load of money, to boot."

  Sage didn't like the sound of that. "What do you mean they're coming to me?"

  "I got a call from Harvey Livingston. You know, of Livingston Fashions. Seems he's got a new line that has 'cowboy elements', that's how he described it, and he wants you to showpiece the clothing. He remembered you from the Vogue shoot last year—likes your style and rugged look."

  Sage wanted to stick his finger down his throat. Harvey Livingston was a pompous ass. The only good thing Sage could think to say about him was that he did design great clothes. Without agreeing, he said, "Tell me more, Pinky."

  Pinky chuckled and named a dollar figure that shot past the moon.

  "You're kidding."

  "Nope. All you have to do is let them take the photos at your place because they think it'll be cool to capture the real deal—you in your element, so to speak. The shoot will last four days and then you're in the money, buddy. Of course, I am too. Go
d, I love me!"

  Sarah looked up and Sage rolled his eyes. She smiled and his heart tripped. All he could think about were her kisses. They were the stuff of dreams. He couldn't wait to get Pinky off the phone. Then he remembered Julie would be home any time. Forcing his thoughts back to Pinky, he asked, "Am I posing alone?"

  "No, they're bringing in three females."

  "And where are all these people staying?"

  "I told them you have a dorm. Come on, Sage. The more accommodating we are, the more likely we'll land another gig with them in the future. These people are not small time. Of course, I told them there're nice motels in town, but the idea of staying at a real ranch got em all excited. I thought Harvey was gonna piss his pants."

  Sage groaned. "If I agree, they have to understand they can't reveal the location of the ranch. If not, it's a no go."

  "Sage, I may be greedy, but I'm not stupid. You think I want to ruin our relationship. You make us lots of money. I think I can keep you modeling until you're as old as my grandpa."

  "Please don't say that. You'll give me hives. A few more years and I'm retired. You haven't answered my question."

  "I got it in the contract. Mums the word. No one will know the photos were taken at the Lazy M."

  "Are you coming for the shoot?"

  "Naw. You know that's not how it goes. You got the body, I got the brains. I'm working on our next project."

  Sage puffed air and then covered a few more points with his agent. He got up to check his calendar in the kitchen. Pinky threw out a few dates to see what worked.

  "Shit, Pinky, why are they in such a hurry. The only date that works for both of us is week after next."

  "For that kind of money, I'd let em come tomorrow if they wanted."

  Sage knew Pinky was right. The money would pay his huge tax bill and still leave a bundle in the bank. He huffed, "Okay. But I want the contract overnighted so I can read it first."

  "You got it."

  After they hung up, Sage realized he hadn't asked Pinky about the female models. He wondered if he'd worked with any of them before. Except for Chrissie Cabot, it didn't matter much, and Pinky wouldn't be stupid enough to send Chrissie to his ranch.

  Sage heard Julie talking to Sarah when he returned to the living room. The girls looked at him.

  "We've got more greenhorns showing up in two weeks." He laughed, "High fashion greenhorns. Should be interesting."

  Chapter 19: Storm

  Sarah lay curled in Sage's bed listening to cows lowing in the distance and watching a morning breeze billow the curtains. She had one week left at the ranch and she hadn't allowed herself to think beyond that. Now it was time to return to reality. Sage hadn't mentioned staying in touch with her beyond the week. Her eyes pricked with unshed tears. It was a good thing he'd already left the bed; she didn't want him seeing her like this. His pity was the last thing she wanted. She'd willingly dived into a relationship with him. Of course, she'd privately hoped there'd be a happily-ever-after, but now the real world was beckoning.

  With a heavy heart, she slipped from the sheets and headed for the shower. It was early and she wondered if Julie was up. From the beginning, Sage had tried to convince her that Julie didn't have a problem with them being together. When Sarah had protested he'd flat out asked his daughter in front of her if she had a problem. As it turned out, Julie had been thrilled with her dad and Sarah's relationship. In fact, Sarah and Julie spent a lot of time together. Just like a real family. Sarah stifled a sob.

  After showering, she pulled on fashionably faded Levis that she and Julie had found at a second hand store. They had discovered a common passion in combing junk shops. While Julie searched for clothing, Sarah searched for old books. Sage had even accompanied them once and bought an antique saddle. We have so much fun together. She stifled another sob.

  After dressing in one of her pretty peasant tops, she brushed her hair into a pony tail and applied a little makeup. Then she remembered the crew and models for the photo shoot were arriving today and wondered if she should dress nicer. But, quite frankly, she didn't have the energy to care.

  She entered the kitchen to find Julie and Sage already making breakfast. Sage said, "Hey, we were going to surprise you." He leaned over and kissed her cheek and said low, "I love your blouse."

  Julie glanced at them and grinned before opening the fridge. "So, Dad, what time are the photographers and crew showing up?"

  Sage groaned, "Did you have to remind me?"

  "Come on Dad, you're a famous model. Your public anxiously awaits your next full cover glossy."

  "Julie, you're grounded."

  Sarah listened to the father/daughter banter and couldn't help but smile. The thought of leaving and never hearing their teasing again was heartrending.

  After breakfast, Sage headed to the dorm to get the dudes lined out for the day before turning his attention to running his ranch. Sarah admired him for his dedication and work ethic.

  Julie called a quick goodbye and left with Newt, who was dropping her off at Tooty's. Since summer school had ended the girls were having a blast enjoying their time before school started again.

  Sarah sighed and pulled out her laptop. She was writing the last chapter of Dream Kisses.

  Tarah exited the library, her heavy heart weighing on her spirit like an anchor. The smell of rose perfume, thick as a blanket, made her want to wretch. Daisy's words echoed. "You're nothing but a distraction to Gage. Do you really think he could fall for you? Look at you." The beauty had waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. "You look like the proverbial old maid." Then she had tittered before making a sweeping exit in her bosom revealing silk and satin gown.

  Inhaling deeply with her resolve solidified, Tarah returned to the small bedroom she'd made so homey and retrieved her old valise from under the four poster bed. Tears leaked as she packed her meager belongings. She needed to leave before Gage returned.

  Setting her laptop aside, Sarah decided she needed a distraction. Writing about Tarah's sadness only intensified her own. Julie had put a load of clothes in the dryer earlier and Sarah decided to fold them for her. Retrieving the clothing, she absentmindedly folded and considered the ending of her book. Of course, it was going to be happy, but she wasn't exactly sure if she wanted Tarah to leave and make Gage search for her, or have him stop her before she left. Decisions. Decisions.

  Sarah placed the folded clothing back in the basket and walked to Julie's room to set it on her bed. She turned to leave but an open magazine on the nightstand captured her attention. It was Sage and he was with a beautiful woman. Sarah picked up the magazine. The heading read, "Beauty and the Hunk." Sarah read the small caption: Reclusive hunky model, Sage Tanner, and curvy, bathing suit model, Chrissie Cabot, were caught sneaking into Chrissie's Malibu beachfront house. Rumor has it they've been privately seeing each other.

  Sarah scanned for the date on the magazine. It was a year old. She looked closer at the picture. Sage was smiling and had his arm wrapped around Chrissie's waist. The woman was wearing a teeny bikini and looking up at him with sexy adoration. Sarah wanted to throw up. She set the magazine back on the nightstand and started to turn away. Her foot bumped something and she glanced down to see another magazine on the floor and bent to retrieve it. When she did, she noticed several more spilling out from beneath Julie's bed skirt. One by one, as if mesmerized, she pulled them out. Each magazine had either a picture of Sage on the cover or a bookmark to a page about him. In at least a half dozen photos, he was with Chrissie Cabot and there was more speculation about them having a romance. Other photos showed him in ads. There was one with his agent, a short, skinny man, with long hippy hair, and another of him at a charity function for the Big Bro and Big Sis Organization.

  Sarah pushed the magazines back under the bed and left Julie's room. Numbly, she sat on the couch. God, what a fool she'd been to think maybe Sage would stay in touch and something lasting could develop.

  A knock on the door distracted
her. She walked to open it.

  A woman said, "Oh, I'm looking for Sage Tanner. Are you the housekeeper?"

  Sarah looked at the woman dumbfounded. It was Chrissie Cabot.

  A truck drove up and Chrissie spun around. She turned back to Sarah and grinned. "Speak of the devil." She shoved her overnight case at Sarah. "Could you put this in the guest room?" Then she turned and ran toward Sage, throwing her arms around his neck.

  Sarah stared at the case in her hand, and then obediently walked to the guest room because she couldn't bear to watch their reunion. Returning to the living room, she closed her laptop just as Sage and Chrissie entered the house.

  "Oh, I already met your housekeeper, Sage."

  Sarah turned fuchsia and couldn't bring herself to look at him.

  "My what!" he exclaimed.

  Chrissie looked from Sage to Sarah, clearly confused.

  "Sarah isn't my housekeeper!" he practically shouted.

  Sarah fumbled while placing her laptop in its briefcase and Sage walked over, stilled her hands, and kissed her cheek.

  Chrissie stuttered, "Oh, I…I'm really sorry. I didn't realize you two…"

  Sarah glanced at her to see the incredulous expression in her eyes. Her look made Sarah want to give in to a childish urge to push her. Instead, she turned toward Sage and kissed him full on the mouth. "Later, hon." She grabbed her briefcase and rushed out the door.

  * * *

  Sage watched Sarah walk out the front door. God, the woman was hot! He sighed and looked back at Chrissie. "Pinky didn't tell me you were on this shoot."

  "Sage, is she really your latest flame?"

  "What's your point, Chrissie?"

  "Nothing. She's just…different."

  "You mean intelligent, sweet, interesting, funny, and sexy?"

  "Whatever you say. Too bad you got cold feet about us."

  "There never was an 'us' and you know it. It was all about the sex."

  "Maybe for you. I wanted things to work out."

  "That's a crock, Chrissie. You wouldn't know monogamous if it bit you in the butt."


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