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Vampire Descendants 2

Page 11

by Pet TorreS

  “Are you okay?” I asked seeing his strange reaction. I had never seen him that way, uncontrollable.

  “The smell of your blood makes me calm,” he responded as soon as his face came away from my neck. I felt his cold breath, almost stopping.

  THE SECOND MOMENT came minutes before I become a vampire.

  He put his lips on my neck.

  My heart’s beating and my heavy breathing came up to his ears like a pleasing melody, an invitation to sink his teeth into my trembling flesh.

  Then I looked up at the dark ceiling. A strange feeling came over my body. A burning sensation went through my flesh. It seemed I was on fire, and then I closed my eyes to allow myself to abandon in Eros’s pleasant bite.

  Being bitten by a blood sucker should be somewhat unpleasant and Eros made it ... Tasty.

  It was easier for him to make me see the scenes, what had happened. If he could describe them, they would not come across as perfect.

  At the end of the pleasing images in my mind, he removed his hands tenderly away from my head. His lips kept locked just as his silence.

  More than ever I wished to become human again, that was my goal, to stop being a vampire. I just didn’t know if it would be possible and what it would cost me...

  One thing was certain. I was willing to pay some price to have that privilege in my newest life.

  Becoming human and winning the presumed love of Eros. Yes, that really was the thing I wished the most.

  “I would exchange my immortality for your love!” I said, even more passionate.

  Eros said nothing. Just put his hands on my face, making a circular motion and I saw that as a manner of affection. The expression on his face seemed loving. He was grateful for the deep love I felt for him.

  Perhaps no one loved him in such a way as I loved him.

  He removed his hands from my face and went up into the air. Then he disappeared almost immediately.

  I stayed there for some time, memorizing all our conversation.


  So I put my feet into my father’s castle. I was approached by Valeska. She was standing in the main room. I came up to her humbly.

  “Where were you? I was looking for you!” she asked and smiled at me.

  “I went for a walk.”

  I hid the facts from her. I did not want anyone to know I was beyond the vicinity of the castle, disobeying my father’s orders. It couldn’t arrive to my father’s ears or then I would be lost.

  “Why were you looking for me?” I asked, looking at her face. Valeska glanced to the side before responding my question.

  “It's nothing important. I just wanted to have a chat...” her shoulders vibrated during her answer. She almost gave a forced smile.

  “I also need to talk to you,” I said and bowed my face. My cold hands met each other for some moments. I felt I needed to expose my thoughts to somebody.

  “What is worrying you?” Valeska asked as she approached me even more.

  She put her hand on my shoulder excitedly. So I gazed up in her face.

  “Come to my bedroom....there no one can hear us.” she said lowly and glanced around. After that her hand held mine and we walked together by the castle corridor.

  Then she opened her bedroom door and put me inside. She came in and closed the door again. Her room was like mine, it had the same objects. We sat on her bed, facing each other.

  “I've been with Eros,” like that I confessed to her as my head remained curved. My words sounded weak outside my mouth.

  “How was it?” she asked, perplexed. Her hands touched her red lips. Valeska wanted to know everything. Our conversation needed to go into details.

  Rapidly I left a sigh and answered with my sorrowful voice. My gray eyes observed my pale hands. “I asked him all I needed to know.”

  Her eyes expanded to me as she insisted in apprehensive voice. “And did you get answers?”


  My ‘yes’ sounded bitter. I curved my head again. My pain jogged my chest. I could feel it intensely within me. So I thought of Eros all over again. His face looked so perfect in my mind. It looked intact and untouched.

  “Tell me everything!” she said enthusiastically.

  So I continued saying with no contentment. “He felt attracted to me when I was human.” My gray eyes met up hers. Valeska remained gazing at my miserable face. She looked unhappy for me.

  “Did he declare that?”


  “What a pity it is not possible any longer!” Valeska exclaimed and her hands touched her waistline. Her eyes fixed on mine.

  “There must be some way, somehow I can undo this curse,” I supposed as I heaved a sigh.

  “What do you want to do?” her hands were away from her waistline and she asked.

  “I want to find a way of becoming human quit being a vampire,” I said determined and my eyes shone in optimism. I needed to get it back into my life.

  “Are you even willing to go on with it?” Valeska faced me surprised at my eccentric desire.

  “Yes, I am, and today more than ever. And you will help me,” I responded, serious. I had to find to an efficacious antidote for my life.

  “How?” her eyes became larger in my direction.

  “Don’t you know anything? Isn’t there some formula to reverse it?”

  Her forefinger contacted her lips as she thought of something quick. “I know someone who might be able to help you with it,” she finished in anticipation.

  “Who?” I asked looking toward her.

  “He is a wizard who lives on top of the rocks.”

  “How do I go to him?”

  “It is not easy!” she warned me. “He has ferocious dogs. They protect him night and day and they don't allow anyone to approach him.”

  But I didn’t fear her presage.

  “I am immortal and I have no fear!”

  “You run a risk of returning wounded and even disfigured,” she stared at me sternly and continued saying. “Or even without your head.”

  Valeska’s words didn't take away my thoughts of going to see the wizard. I was determined to pay some price to become human again, even if it would mean my flesh.


  That night Valeska gave me all the necessary coordinates for me to put my plan into practice. She told me everything she knew about that wizard, though she never saw him in the flesh, but she had heard about him, since his existence on the planet Neptune.


  “Neptune! Neptune! Neptune!”

  I exclaimed as I was laid on the adorable snow around my father’s castle. My long black hair was shed on the white ground. My eyes were fixed firmly on the shadowy sky. I had an idea that I was alone and needed that time for myself. Sometimes, feeling alone was good for my growth.

  But the sensation of being alone was over when I saw a dark shadow coming from the sky and fall on one of its knees on the ground, just beside my body. I glanced at that shadow and saw Eros clearly in his dark clothes.

  His delightful voice broke our silence.

  “Lay on the snow. I think that is a great event in your life, Valkyrie.” He murmured then, his voice scattered a great dosage of sarcasm.

  “Please, Eros, could you stop being so sarcastic in this moment.” I looked up at the nighttime sky and imagined that this was a perfect romantic moment for the two of us. Eros had not perceived this yet, but his body rose up and he ended up sitting on the side of me. His arms crossed over his knees and his gray eyes followed the scene in the blue. There was no ideal point to be admired by his perfect eyes, but the vampire remained that way, so polite after my request. His sarcasm looked to have gone away from his imagination.

  “I am sorry, Valkyrie. I swear I didn’t want to ruin this beautiful moment.”

  “Okay.” Affirmed then, as I tried to look at his profile image. “I think you deserve my pardon.”

  We returned to our silence.

  Seconds after,
a slim dark serpent came sliding rapidly on the white snow and soon its body entered in touch with mine. I felt that something had touched my right pulse. Since then, a small low shout came out of my lips. Scared, Eros glanced to one side and saw me sitting on the ground.

  “What is up, Valkyrie?” kept his vigilant eyes over me. “Why have you shouted that way?”

  “Something touched my wrist.” My arm rose up and Eros and I saw two small holes in my pulse.

  “What is this?” Eros’s voice questioned alarmed as he grasped my pulse and kept his eyes fixed on it. “It looks like some bite.”

  After these words, a black serpent emerged again from the someplace and started to glide quickly in the direction of a dry tree. Eros released my arm and pulled in the air. His body was to the meeting of the serpent. His rigid hand had held its head and he lifted it up. At this moment, his voice declared with panic.

  “This is a black serpent!” Continued saying. “A rare serpent.”

  “What does it mention?” Asked back.

  Before he had responded my question, the serpent changed its color and then its body vanished into ashes. Eros’s hand turned empty.

  “This mentions that this serpent is a mortal witchcraft.”

  “Mortal witchcraft?” my eyes expanded in his direction.

  Eros walked back to me as I got up. His hands held my pulse carefully again and he looked at my bite for a short silence.

  “Someone wants to see you dead.” His voice supposed. “But who?”

  “You told me I was safe here!” Murmured as my hands touched his chest with some blows. Still feeling defenseless, my head touched his chest and I ended up embracing him with my arms.

  “Hey, calm!” his voice ordered. Eros held one side of my face with his right hand and his eyes met mine. His voice made me a little serene. So I continued hearing his words as an obedient girl. “I give you my word that you are protected and always will be together with me.”

  “But and that serpent?”

  After that, I felt dizzy and fall fainted to the ground.



  I curved my cadaver over Valkyrie’s body and perceived her face was getting green. His skin was strange, losing brightness. Soon I looked alarmed at it. During this, a strong glow emerged in the air, beside us. I looked to the side and saw a strange beautiful woman dressed in fluttering long gold dress. Her red hair was fluttering as well.

  “She is under the spell of the black serpent.” Her voice declared then.

  “Spell of the black serpent?” I asked back as I was shocked.

  “Yes, my boy.” She affirmed. “Only an affectionate kiss can save her.”

  After that, the strange woman evaporated from there, just subsequently after a big explosion of blind light. I remained alone with Valkyrie. She was becoming even more green.

  “Valkyrie, open your eyes!” murmured next to her green face. “Please Valkyrie, do it now!”

  But she did not react back.

  My lips compressed in pure agony as I recalled the phrase of the strange woman minutes ago.

  Only an affectionate kiss can save her.

  Seeing that I had no other choice, my head shook for some instant and then my right hand slid over one side of Valkyrie’s face while I kept gazing at her sweet face. That act was required. A deep sigh came out of me and then I closed my eyes gradually as my face approached Valkyrie’s face. My lips were about to touch her in fact. Since then within some seconds, I felt them compressed against hers.

  After a fit of rays that made me blind, I opened my eyes and perceived I was with my head down as my feet were fixed on the ceiling of my room. After a big jumper, I fall on my feet on the ground and saw that everything had been just a nightmare.

  Nothing was real, except my own body and my so hard respiration. The strange dream was still permanent inside me. One hand ran over my dark hair and my voice won a small vigor out of my mouth. Soon I affirmed with my painless chest.

  “That was just a nightmare, Eros.” My eyes darted at my chest. “Valkyrie is in safe hands in this castle.”


  I couldn’t sleep that night, waiting for the right time to leave my father’s castle and go toward the top of the rocks. Valeska and I had a secret.

  She swore not to tell anyone, not even to my father. If he missed me, she would find a way to invent some excuse to buy time until my return to the castle.

  Before I left the castle, the only person I had contact with was her. Valeska made me some recommendations as she accompanied me to the edge of the lake.

  “When you get there, tell Odik who you are. Surely he will help you,” she told me and held my hand strongly, conveying confidence and courage for me to move on. It was all I needed in that moment.

  “Good luck!” She smiled. “All will be fine.”

  I wanted to believe all would be fine, but something deep inside me said otherwise.

  When she released my hands, I left her and then I walked toward the forest of dry trees. I disappeared into its midst. I was far from the castle and away from everyone.

  Thus I could see huge brown trunks.

  I was not sure if I was on the correct track.

  But I could use my vampire powers to reach the site quickly and without having to go through so many difficulties, but I was afraid to spend them unnecessarily in case I might need them later and they would not work.

  To use the vampire powers requires much of us. It is a mental and physical strain.

  Forward I walked across the forest until I saw the huge rock, with various tips. One was the most pointed and in there lived the sorcerer.

  After that I felt a relief when I saw I was close and I was about to come before Odik. I was hoping he could really help me.

  I climbed the rocks with no difficulty, so I turned into a black panther and arrived at the desired location. Soon I turned back into my human form.

  From a height, I looked down and saw I was at an incalculable altitude. My lips almost illustrated my happy.

  Soon I stepped on a flat stone. It was the territory of Odik. I was in the surroundings of his home.

  Subsequently I looked everywhere and saw no dog around, maybe they were hunting or sleeping...

  His hiding-place was a cave. There was an entrance, a hole in the shape of a giant egg. Looking from the outside I could see inside. It was dark and silent.

  With no trepidation, I went into the great hole and saw a dark corridor inside the solid rocks.

  Several bizarre rats were on the murky ground and bats flying in a hurry down from the ceiling. They didn’t scare me since I was familiar with them now. My footsteps made no noise. I took care not to draw the attention of his dogs as I did not know if they were around.

  My concern was only with them. As for the sorcerer Odik, I should not fear him. Valeska had told me not to.

  Inadvertently, I stumbled on a huge rock. I fell down with my face on the ground. My body hitting the surface made noise enough to scare the dogs.

  Then I raised my head up when I heard scary roars. I saw two dogs in front of me. They were watching me and ready to attack me. They were horrible and deformed.

  They looked like monsters in the form of dogs. Changing their color, they were black and gray at the same time.

  Both advanced on me while I defended myself moving my arms to my face. They sought to find a way to sink their hard teeth into my skin. I rolled from one side to the other and then they were above me.

  A radiant energy in sky blue color came out of my body. I put it up and the two dogs were thrown away from me. Both of them were unconscious.

  I had to use my vampire powers even I required not to do it on that occasion.

  Forward, I saw a creature in a dark hood. His hood was covering his face. This creature was standing away from me. My presence was bothering him. His expression was not a greeting of welcome. I could see his state of mind.

  What Valeska had described did not
fit with his reality. It was not like I had imagined.

  “Who are you?” he asked me as he was still quite a great distance from me. His awful eyes squeezed in my direction.

  “I am Valkyrie,” gazing to him, I answered motionless. My heart remained disconcerted within me. But I tried to look serene before the sorcerer.

  “What are you doing here?” his voice insisted.

  I faced him with great energy. “I need your help.”

  “My help?” he asked astounded. His rotten lips softened as he stared back at me.

  “You need to hear me,” rapidly I said, my voice was begging. I blinked and glanced down. My apprehension was immense.

  He tried to turn his back to me, but he continued facing me. “I do not allow strangers here! And you put my dogs to sleep!”

  “They wanted to devour me!” I explained.

  “Go back to where you came from! I cannot help you!” He shouted impatiently at me. His voice was solid as well as his residence walls.

  “Not even when you know whose daughter I am?” I asked and faced him once more.

  The sorcerer stared at me questioning my face for some time. His forefinger kissed his gloomy lips.

  “What are you saying?” curiously he asked me and his eyes ran through my body in black clothes.

  “I am the daughter of Vincent! You might know him!”

  His eyes shone to me. Some door of hope had come over him. “You are daughter of Vincent! Why didn't you tell me this before?” He whispered, interested.

  His expression changed and he smiled at me with his pointed, dark teeth. His mouth was almost worse than the mouths of his dogs.

  “Come on!”

  He made a brief gesture with his hand so I was behind him. We walked up to his witchcraft room. A dark place with many strange objects, fine for his spells. There was also enough dirt present. A dark dust rose up when he reached for his objects. It might have been hundreds of years since he hadn’t cleared those things.

  “I didn’t know Vincent has a daughter!”


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