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Wayward Witch

Page 2

by Samantha Bell

  The tallest of the three, a redhead with a sleek athletic build scoffed. "We weren't doing anything wrong. Those potion ingredients are volatile."

  The Headmistress held up her hand for silence. "I don't care who did it or why this happened. You will be punished for this incident. I cannot keep looking the other way just because of who your parents are."

  "Hey, now, let's not get carried away." The leader stepped in. "I'm sure we can come to an agreement. Surely Zane's father can pay for the damage and we can put this behind us." He pointed at the guy with brightly dyed red hair.

  "No!" Zane exclaimed. "I footed the bill last time. Make Knox pay!" He gestured to the thin blond guy who had been silent thus far.

  "I'm pretty sure Blake got it last time. It's totally your turn," He said to the redhead.

  I watched the trio shout back and forth over who had paid the damages for their last mishap. Typical entitled brats. Spoiled rich boys and nothing more.

  "I don't care who pays for it." The Headmistress said finally. She stood up and her volume increased magically. "I just want this taken care of before the end of the day." She glared at each of them in turn. "Cover the damages and we will put this whole matter behind us."

  Any morsel of respect I had for this woman was squashed. So she could be bought, just like everyone else in this damn world. Rich boys could pay to cover up their misdeeds and have the law look the other way. I didn't have a dollar to my name, and thus I had no way to bargain.

  "Just put in a call to my father, he'll take care of this whole thing," The leader said. Based on the conversation around him, he must have been the one called Blake. Blake Hood. He was tall and imposing with his arms crossed over his chest and a scowl branded across this face. His short black hair was messy and his eyes burned red.

  "I will, now please get out of my office, I was in the middle of something." Gertie Woodlock said, waving her hand in a very headmistress-like fashion. Just at the boys turned to leave her eyes lit up. "Actually, wait one moment."

  The trio paused at the door.

  "We have a new student joining us today," The Headmistress said, and glanced at me.

  My stomach dropped to the floor. The last thing I wanted was attention from these stuck-up rich troublemakers. I didn't need to be associated with them. I needed to lie low and keep the heat off until I was ready to plan my escape or earn my freedom through good behavior. I was not about to rot in this so called "reform school" for long.

  The trio turned to look at me as one. It was hot in a creepy sort of way. Blake: the leader with fiery red eyes, tanned skin and a muscular build that his tailored academy blazer only enhanced. Knox: the thin blond with pointedly handsome features, pale eyes, and a devious smile. Zane: the loud one with red hair, emerald green eyes, and the shadow of a bruise still fading on the left side of his strong jaw.

  I froze in my seat under their collective gaze. A moment later I got a hold of myself and raised my chin, staring back at them defiantly. "Hello," I said.

  "Evel - I mean, Evie Knight is our newest guest," The Headmistress said. "I was thinking, as a favor to me, why don't your three give her a tour of the academy?"

  My heart skipped a beat. Alone with these three? Any other time I'd be begging for it, but not here. Not now. I had to keep my focus and that meant absolutely no sexy mages. "That's fine, I don't need help," I said.

  "Sure, why not?" Blake spoke over me, his lips twitching with a mischievous smile that threatened to melt my panties. "We can show the new girl around, right boys?" His friends nodded in agreement.

  I touched my wand where it was nestled up my sleeve. At least now I'd have some protection if they tried to pull any pranks on me.

  "Excellent," Headmistress Gertie said in a cheerful voice that sounded forced. "Evie, these young men will show you around. Don't forget that dinner is at six and I will have your schedule delivered to your room as soon as it is drafted up." She smiled.

  "Thanks," I forced out. I glanced at the old man as I followed the trio of boys out of the office. He was cowering in the corner.

  "Later, Hobbs!" Zane said with a wave as he left, causing the old man to cringe.

  Mr. Hobbs was absolutely terrified of them. I wondered what they could have done to make him so on edge. On second thought, I'd rather not know. I was here to save my skin and that was that. Everyone else could go to hell for all I cared.

  The office door shut and magically locked behind us. I kept my expression neutral as the boys stopped and began to circle me.

  "So what do we have here?" Zane said with a laugh. "Fresh meat?"

  "Nah, she looks smart. She'll stay out of our way, won't you, sweetie?" Knox added.

  I pushed past them. "Listen, I'm not here to play games. So if you don't want to show me around, I'll just go back to my room."

  Blake's eyes widened. Apparently, he wasn't used to be talked back to like that. He grinned. "Fiery, I like girls like you." He said and stepped forward.

  "Thanks, I like boys who stay out of my personal space." I countered. "So, would you gentlemen care to show me around or are you just going to stand there and stare at my tits? Yes, I noticed."

  To my surprise, Blake's grin widened. "Sure. As you wish, little witch," He said.

  Blake walked ahead of me, leaving me flanked by Knox and Zane. If this were any other place, I'd love to imagine myself sandwiched between them, but this was no time for lust. They were pretty rich boys and nothing more. Nothing worth catching feelings for, that's for damn sure.

  "So, where should we start?" Knox asked.

  "I vote start our way at the top and work our way down slowly to the juicy bits," Zane said.

  I didn't miss the innuendo.

  Blake looked over his shoulder and shook his head. "The top floor has the private rooms of the faculty and the Headmistress. Most of our staff live here, probably because it would be too hard on the magic barrier to have it open and close all the time."

  "Magic barrier?" I quickened my steps so I was walking beside Blake and away from Zane's leering gaze.

  "Yeah. What, do you think they expect a fence to keep us in?" Blake scoffed. "The third floor is for students. The second floor has rooms for training and group sessions, and the first floor is everything else."

  Wow, what a fantastic tour guide. I didn't expect him to put much effort into this, but he could have at least shown me the rooms. Shown me his room. I thought before blocking the thought from my mind. "What do you mean by everything else?"

  Blake rolled his eyes. "I guess it would be better to show you." He stopped at the antique elevator. "Ladies first."

  I stepped into the elevator. It was a caged style with doors that had to be manually shut. The three boys squeezed in after me, leaving very little room between our bodies. Knox cranked the door shut and hit the button for the first floor. There was a groan of gears and the old elevator began it's slow descent.

  I crossed my arms over my chest in an attempt to make a little bit of space for myself. All three boys were taller than me and way past encroaching on my personal space. The scent of three distinct colognes hit me. I tried to hold my breath so they wouldn't notice me struggling to breath in the stuffy elevator. They were all so handsome, so close, so bad, so forbidden, so off limits. I shut my eyes and thought about anything and everything unsexy I could to keep my mind off these guys.

  My gaze met Blake's and he scowled at me. I looked down, not wanting to let those naughty thoughts return when I saw his red eyes. I pulled my shoulders in to keep as much room from the boys as I could. They practically radiated power.

  The elevator creaked as it reached the second floor. With a chime, the metal doors sprang open a few inches before Knox cranked them open the rest of the way. The elevator lobby of the second floor was strangely quiet. There were two long hallways on either side of the lobby with dark wood panels and matching doors. The area rug was so plush I could feel the softness squish under my boots.

  "This is where the cl
asses and workshops are held." Blake gestured down each hall. "Well, everything except the more hands-on stuff. That's done in the basement."

  I would bet good money that the workshop down in the basement was where this trio had caused trouble today. Opposite the elevator lobby was a large sitting room and the main staircase. The enchanted fireplace in the sitting room crackled merrily with purple and blue sparks. The couches and chairs were all empty, except for an overweight calico cat sleeping on the rocking chair by the window.

  I resisted the urge to curl up beside the long-haired cat and sleep the rest of the day away. "So where is everyone?" I asked.

  "Downstairs. Like I said, that's where all the action happens." Blake grinned.

  There was no way in hell I was getting into the tiny birdcage of an elevator with those three again. "Let's take the stairs then. I want to see." I put my hands on my hips.

  "Afraid of the elevator, little one?" Zane asked with a devilish smile.

  "Actually, I was just thinking the stairs were a good way to keep my cardio levels up." I smiled sweetly and turned. I didn't wait for them, springing down the stairs as fast as I could in my boots.

  In a flash, Blake was beside me. He stuck his arm across the hall and stopped me mid-step. "I'm the tour guide, remember?" His eyes burned.

  I tipped my head. "Oh pardon me, after you." I batted my eyelashes and smiled inwardly at his annoyed grunt.

  Zane brushed past me.

  Knox stopped beside me. "Word of advice, don't piss off Blake, new girl." The blond said.

  "I'll keep that in mind," I said with no intention of doing anything of the sort. These rich guys were not worth a moment of my time, but if Blake wanted to be a dick to me, he'd regret it.

  The main floor took my breath away. I hadn't been able to explore on my way up to my bedroom; the lobby was quiet but the rest of the area was alive. Through the doors to the right was a large dining room and several sitting rooms. To the left were more common areas, a library, a computer lab, and a sunroom filled with plants and vines.

  My head swung back and forth to take in every new sight, sound, and smell as the boys walked through the manor. I counted about a dozen other students; they were mostly witches, warlocks, and mages, but I sensed a shifter or two, maybe a fae? There was so much magical energy in the manor it was hard to tell.

  A few of the other students looked up at me and then resumed whatever they were doing. No one offered a single greeting or even an awkward smile.

  I was itching to explore the library. Before my family was ripped apart, I used to read my mothers old spell books for hours. I made a mental note to take a trip down there once things quieted down. I didn't need to let anyone see me being sentimental.

  When we returned to the lobby, Blake turned on his heel and looked down at me. "So that's it. Welcome to Woodlock's. Any questions?"




  "Any questions?"

  I froze. I hated being put on the spot. He loomed over me like a sexy, scowling statue, waiting for my answer.

  "Oh, sir, I have a question." A random voice called out. A shifter and a warlock were walking from the dining room to the billiards room.

  Blake glared at them. "What, Bernard?" He snapped at the one who spoke.

  The shifter grinned and his eyes glittered like a wolf in the darkness. "Does the carpet match the drapes, blue girl?"

  Like I hadn't heard that one before. I shot a glare at the shifter who shrugged it off.

  "So I'll take that as a no?"

  "Wouldn't you like to know?" I snapped back.

  Blake held up his arm to separate us. "Let's not get carried away. Bernard." His voice was like burning coal.

  The shifter shrank away, sensing the alpha in the room. "Whatever." He sniffed and went to the billiards room with his warlock friend tagging along.

  I raised my eyebrows. "Impressive."

  Blake's expression was like stone. "Let me tell you one thing, little blue, the teachers think they have power here, but they don't. It's survival of the fittest. If I were you I'd keep your head low and play the game."

  That irked me. So, he thought I wasn't though enough to take care of myself? After everything I had been through, a little bit of teenage bullying was the least of my worries. "Oh really," I said. "So are you guys in charge, then?" The trio radiated masculine power. It was enough to send a shifter running with his tail between his legs, no doubt they thought they were the key players in this place.

  Blake exchanged a glance with the other two and smirked.

  "You could say that," Zane said as he ran his fingers through his bright red hair.

  Knox nodded. He was definitely the quietest of the trio, but that didn't make me trust him any more or less than the others.

  "Well, thank you for the tour, gentlemen," I said with exaggerated cheeriness. "I think I'll go check out the library now, if you don't mind."

  "I don't think you should go off on your own, just yet, little blue." Blake stepped in front of me.

  Power surged through my body. "Pretty sure I can take care of myself." I tried to step around him, but he blocked my way. The comments about my hair were starting to get on my nerves.

  "You know kids are here for a reason, right? We're all criminals and I bet they're dying for a taste of the new girl." Blake's eyes shone red.

  He didn't scare me. I had overcome a lot more than testosterone driven bullies. "Thanks for the warning," I said. "But I'm here for a reason too. So step aside."

  Blake's expression darkened and he didn't budge.

  "Fine, have it your way." I shrugged past him, but I didn't get far.

  Blake's hand wrapped around my wrist and tugged me backwards, sending my body crashing into his. "I'm only going to tell you this once: do not disrespect me."

  Ok, now I was intimidated. He towered over me, glaring down. I could see myself reflected in his eyes. God, he was sexy. I forced the thought away again. "Fine. Got it," I said. "Now, let me go."

  Blake's grip did not loosen. He stood in place with his body against mine. The silence was heavy around us. "Don't go causing any more trouble today," He whispered and finally released me.

  I took a step back, ignoring the throbbing pain. It was a good thing he grabbed that arm and not the other. He probably would have snapped my wand with his demon-like grip.

  I suddenly didn't feel like reading anymore. I decided to go back to my room to avoid these boyish brutes. "Fine, you win. I'll see you at dinner." I turned away and dashed up the stairs as fast as I could. I wanted to look back. I didn't.


  Dinner was an unorganized affair. I came down shortly before seven o'clock, finding the dining room nearly empty and the food nearly gone. I double checked to make sure my wand was still slipped up my sleeve before sitting down at the end of the table.

  Two girls about my age were there, both witches, sitting at the opposite end of the table. One was scrolling through instagram on her phone and the other was picking at what was left on her plate.

  They both looked like the sort of girls that I wouldn't get along with - preppy and conniving. The cute girls that had a wicked streak a mile wide. Which, to some, would seem like me describing myself. But I never denied the wickedness in me; these girls would bat their eyelashes and cry to get out of anything.

  A guy with round glasses came in next, looking quite disheveled. He was scrawny and dressed in the uniform that were assigned to students for class and group therapy. He sat down and started filling his plate.

  I took the hint and grabbed a few spoonfuls of pasta and salad before it vanished.

  "Wow, Vince, what happened to you?" One of the girls asked. "Did you get locked in a cabinet again?" She giggled and tucked a strand of blond hair behind her ear.

  The boy, Vince, looked down. "Yeah." He tried to fix his collar and failed.

  "You gotta start standing up for yourself." The other girl said. She had the
same chestnut brown hair he did.

  "I know, Vicky," He sighed.

  "Hey, I'm just saying cause you're my cousin. I'd hate to see you end up hurt. Or worse." Vicky said with a shrug and went back to her phone.

  I sat quietly, awkwardly eating and trying my best to ignore their conversation. From snippets of conversation, I gathered that the three of them knew each other and they were here short term to amend for something they did over the summer.

  "I don't know how you're still alive sometimes," Vicky added. "You're too soft to be here with real criminals."

  The three of them glanced at me.

  Not how I wanted to be acknowledged for the first time. I looked away awkwardly. Great. This is so not what I needed right now. I pretended not to hear them, stabbing a bunch of limp lettuce leaves with my fork.

  "So, what are you in here for?" The blond girl asked. Her name was Joanne, and she spoke with a southern accent.

  I set down my fork, taking my time to chew before replying. "I'd rather not get into it."

  Vicky laughed. "Why not, it's not like you killed someone or anything?" She paled when I didn't respond. "Right?" She added nervously.

  I sighed. "No I didn't kill anyone," I said, determined to leave the conversation at that. The pasta was cold and mushy by now and the brief conversation had ruined my appetite. I pushed my plate away and grabbed a can of coke. This would have to tide me over until breakfast. I made a mental note to show up early if I wanted any chance of good food.

  "So tell us!" Vincent pressed. "We'll tell you ours if you do." He spoke over his cousin as she shushed him.

  I stood up. "I honestly don't care either way. I'm not here to make friends." I took one last look at their blank faces before leaving the dining room. They had no idea the stuff I had done. Why were they here? Judging on their appearance, probably some minor infraction that got them sent here to scare them straight. They didn't have a bad bone in their body, I could sense it.


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