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Wayward Witch

Page 9

by Samantha Bell

  I surrendered, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissed him hard. He tasted like coffee.

  Knox groaned against my lips, cupping my cheek and shoving his tongue into my mouth. He pressed against me until I could feel his hardness against my belly. His free hand roamed down my waist, pulling at my white uniform blouse.

  This was so wrong but I wanted it so badly. He and his friends had bullied me mercilessly and I still wanted him to take me right here in the kitchen. The taboo just made it sweeter. "Knox," I whispered. "Please."

  The mage took his invitation. He grabbed me and threw my body down on the table with passionate force. He unbuttoned my blouse, exposing my white lace bra. My nipples hardened at his cold touch. "You're beautiful," He growled as he kissed my neck.

  I had never been touched with such passion before; the way he grabbed, groped, and kissed every inch of my skin set my senses on fire. Finally, he reached his prize and pulled my white panties down to my ankles. I was wet and exposed to him, completely defenseless to his desires.

  Knox grabbed my ankles and spread my legs to make way for his rock hard cock. "You ready, little witch?" He grinned.

  "Please." It was the only words that passed my trembling lips before he plunged inside me. A moan escaped my body as I writhed under him, rocking my hips to match his powerful thrusts. I saw stars as waves of pleasure crashed over me. This was perfect: hot, raw, and totally off limits.

  The mage folded my legs down and pinned me underneath him as he bore down harder. Our moans grew louder and louder as we approached our climax together.

  I held my breath when another wave of pleasure ripped through me and Knox released deep inside of me. His hands grasped mine as another tremor flowed between our bodies before collapsing and laying his head on my chest.

  "Oh gods, Knox." I whispered. "That was amazing."

  Knox pulled away and shot me a mischievous grin. "Dessert isn't normally part of a formal apology, but for you I'll make an exception."

  I couldn't help but laugh. "Apology accepted."




  "Did you hear the news? Apparently the headmistress is going away this weekend," Zane said.

  "So?" I looked up from unloading the dishwasher. Seeing the espresso cups reminded me of Evie and thoughts of her body filled my mind. I set the white china down and dried my hands with a towel.

  "So? So! I wonder who they're leaving in charge." Zane thought aloud. He was sprawled out on the couch as usual.

  "Who knows," I said with a shrug.

  Blake walked out of the washroom with a towel draped around his neck. "Some other idiot, I'm sure."

  "Well I know Ms. Lowe is away for something," I said. I plopped down on the other couch.

  Blake shrugged. "That's not important right now," He said. "I had a meeting with my father yesterday."

  Zane and I looked up with surprise. "Your father?" I repeated. "He came here?" Visiting hours were rare, even for the elite students like us. Woodlock's tried their very best not to lift the magical barriers unless necessary.

  Blake nodded. His face was dead serious. "Yeah. He knows about our little blue witch."

  I jerked up. He knew about what? Blood rushed to my head as I remembered our lunchtime tryst. "Uh, what do you mean?"

  "What I mean is," Blake sat down between us. "That Evie Knight has some secrets that my father is interested in," He said. "Apparently her parents fled the Sons of Hell."

  "They were part of the community?" Zane asked with surprise.

  Blake nodded.

  "But that doesn't make sense," I said. "The Sons of Hell is usually for mages."

  "Powerful warlocks and witches can join us if they are very powerful." Blake interrupted me. "In any case, that part doesn't matter. My father wants us to keep an eye on her. She might know where her parents are hiding and we need to find out. My father has unfinished business."

  My blood went cold as I sank back in the sofa. Evie's parents were wanted by the Sons of Hell? Of course that would happen to me. That witch who sparked the passion within me more than anyone ever had before was now untouchable. My duty to my friends, my family, and my community had to come first.

  "So, what do you want us to do?" Zane asked with an evil grin.

  "Unfortunately, we're going to have to get her to trust us." Blake said. "Which is easier said than done."

  "Why not just torture the information out of her? Or we could use magic to get her to talk," Zane suggested.

  "No!" I spoke up and recoiled at their glares. "I mean, we don't have to do that. Information under duress is not always accurate. We need to get her to tell us willingly."

  "How do you propose we do that?" Blake asked.

  "Just leave it to me. I have group therapy with her. I bet she'd trust me if I tried," I said. Of course she would. At least, I hoped she would after the afternoon we had together. I forced away the weak thoughts and focused on the goal. "I'll get her to talk. Trust me."


  I found Evie in the library the next day. The dark dusty room was empty as usual, except for her. She was pouring through a pile of books and taking notes. "Good morning," I said to break the silence.

  Evie jumped and looked up. "Oh my gods, Knox, you scared me!"

  That witch was cute. Hell, I was certain she was the prettiest girl I had ever met, even with her unnatural blue hair. "What are you doing?" I asked.

  "Oh, just studying." Evie said and shut the heavy book with a thud.

  I cocked my head to read the title. "Brushing up on mage culture, are we?" I asked with a sly grin.

  Evie looked me dead in the eye. "I make it a point to know my enemies."

  "Fair enough," I said. She was beautiful, sassy, and smart -- a triple threat.

  "What are you doing here? I've never seen you in the library." Evie asked suspiciously.

  "Am I not allowed to do some studying?" I asked with mock offense.

  "I've never seen you studying," Evie said and reopened her book. "But feel free to do whatever you want. Just don't distract me."

  I grinned and walked behind her, touching her shoulders gently and leaning down to whisper in her ear. "Do I distract you, Evie?" She shivered at my touch. "If we're being honest, I came here looking for you," I said.

  Evie sucked in a breath. "We shouldn't." She answered my unasked question. "I told you that I accepted your apology, but I'm done. I can't be with you after what you and your friends did to me." Her voice cracked. "You took away my magic. How can anyone forgive that?"

  My heart ached for her. I sighed and moved away, leaning against the edge of the table instead. "You're right," I said. "If you want me to go, I will."

  Evie hesitated and her eyes said more than words ever could. She wanted me as bad as I wanted her, yet we both resisted for very different reasons. She hated Blake. I was loyal to him. This wouldn't work in any realm of the imagination, but I needed that information.

  I sat down across from her. "Ok, I'll keep my hands to myself, but how about we start over?"

  "What do you mean?" She asked.

  "Let's begin again," I said. "Hi. I'm Knox Avery. Nice to meet you."

  Evie laughed and rolled her eyes. "I can't just start over," She said.

  "Well, then let's get to know each other," I suggested. "There's more to me than you think. Go ahead, ask me."

  "Fine," Evie said after a moment of hesitation. "I'll go first: why are you friends with jerks like Blake and Zane?"

  "We've known each other since birth. Our families are close." I answered and then used her question to guide our conversation. This was going to be easier than I thought. "What about you? Do you have a family? Siblings?"

  "No," Evie said with a sigh. "My parents are fugitives."

  "Fugitives?" I feigned shock. "What happened?"

  Evie looked into my eyes and it killed me. I saw a glimmer of trust there. She wanted to tell me. She wanted someone to confide in. "
Well, they've always been on the run from crimes they did when they were younger. They wanted to keep me out of trouble but they obviously didn't do too great of a job. Honestly, they aren't very good parents but I don't resent them."

  I nodded so she'd keep talking. I was so close to getting the info that Blake needed.

  "Anyways, so there was a MCS raid a few weeks back. I got captured but they ran," Evie said. "They didn't leave me," She added quickly to save her parents reputation. "I stayed back. I'm underage so I knew the law would go easy on me and they used that time to escape."

  I frowned. Parents who fled the Sons of Hell community and abandoned their own daughter. It was disgusting. "What happened to them?" I asked.

  "I don't know," Evie said with a shrug.

  She was telling the truth. I knew she was, but I asked anyways. "You don't have any idea where they could have gone?"

  Evie shook her head. "No. And last time I checked they were still on the run." Her shoulders slumped forward as she resigned herself to thoughts of her neglectful parents.

  How could she have no idea where they were? It didn't seem right. "You mean," I said carefully, not wanting to seem pushy and lose the ground I had gained in such a short time. "They never told you where they were going? Wouldn't they want you to know that?"

  Evie let out a cynical chuckle. "If you knew them, it would make sense. Sometimes I wonder why they kept me at all. They never really showed any sort of real care for me. Plus, they dumped me in mundane schools so I had to learn a lot of magic on my own. I'm not surprised that they left me. It's probably better that way." Her voice trailed off.

  Well, shit. If she truly had no idea, what was Blake going to do? His father was not the sort of guy who accepted "I don't know" as an answer.

  "What about you?" Evie changed the subject. "Your family?"

  "I have a younger brother. My mom and dad are busy a lot, but I'm not complaining," I said.

  "Especially after hearing my story, I bet." Evie voiced my unspoken words.

  "No, not at all." I said to reassure her. "I just meant that I have more freedom that way." My mind was flying, trying to think of another way I might get information from her, but I came up short.

  "Amen to that. Freedom." Evie sighed. "One day I'll get out of here and then I'll know what freedom is like."

  "What are you going to do after?" I asked, remembering her suggestion to start a restaurant. Maybe in another life, but not as my father's heir. My life was decided for me since I took my first breath.

  "Travel the world," Evie said. "Aside from that, who knows." She looked down at the book in her lap and smoothed the pages. A moment of silence stretched between us. "Thanks for talking to me. I feel a bit better, actually."

  "No worries," I said. I stood up and pushed my hands into my pockets. "I should get going." I didn't miss the look in her eyes, the way she wanted me as much as I wanted her. I left the library before I talked myself out of it. I couldn't be distracted now. We had to find another way to get information to Blake's father.




  "Evie, you're such an idiot." I sighed and stared up at the ceiling. How could I have let myself get carried away like that? Not only had I poured my heart, soul, and family history out to someone who I shouldn't have, but I let him fuck me in the kitchen! I threw my pillow up and down, squeezing it hard to let out my frustration until my arms went numb.

  I looked over at the book that I sneaked out from the library earlier. It was true that I wanted to know my enemies better and this book on mages was a trove of information. It was nearly as good as the book that Blake had incinerated with a single touch.

  Pulling the book over to me, I began to flip through the pages until I found my spot, marked with a ribbon. mage social structure was much more complicated than I had ever imagined. There was a strict class system and more rules than I could count. It was heavily patriarchal, which explained the Sons of Hell's entitled attitude, except for Knox, who was proving to be an exception to the rule.

  I turned the page and kept reading until I stopped at a toe-curling entry.

  Mage Culture and Polyandry. Due to fewer female mages being born for countless generations, many mage men often marry the same woman and cohabit. Mages make strong, brother-like bonds with the males of the group and live as a single family.

  I bit my lip. Was that true? Was what I had with Knox something that he was supposed to share with his friends? Heat bloomed within me and I snapped the book shut. No way. That illusion in my bedroom was more than enough for me. I had no desire to be pinned between the three of them, did I? No. No way.

  I stood up and ran my fingers through my tangled hair. I was not falling for Knox, especially if that meant that Zane and Blake were part of the package. Besides, I was a witch. That fling was a one time thing. Seriously.

  I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror. Who was I fooling? Knox had me head over heels no matter how much I tried to deny it.

  Suddenly, a bang echoed out in the hall. I ran to the door and opened it (I now had to use a old-fashioned lock and key because of my inability to access my magic). The hallway was empty, except for a black cat racing towards the stairs and disappearing in a flash of light. Woodlock's had tons of cats, so I didn't think anything of it.

  The girl across the hall from me opened her door. It was Vicky, the brunette I had successfully avoided since my first night here. "What was that?" She asked. Other doors opened with curious students peering out.

  Just as I was about to ignore the commotion and return to reading, another bang echoed throughout the manor. Something was definitely wrong; I could feel the shift in the magical barriers.

  Mr. Hobbs came running up the stairs. "Never mind, students. Everything is under control," He said, but his face indicated that was a blatant lie. He was dressed in slippers with a blue housecoat thrown over his striped nightshirt.

  Bernard, the wolf shifter, and his warlock friend, who's name I still didn't know, followed Mr. Hobbs. "Guys come see this!" He shouted and avoided Mr. Hobbs as the old man made a grab for him.

  That was the only invitation that everyone needed. Students ran out of their rooms, some dressed in pajamas, some wearing their uniforms despite it being the weekend. I hesitated for half a second before giving into mob mentality and following them downstairs.

  Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw.

  There was a lioness in the middle of the lobby. Two teachers and our burly coach were trying to calm her. The magical barriers were sparking and sizzling on the windows and doors. People were screaming and cowering behind furniture. The lioness snapped and snarled, circling the teachers with bared fangs.

  "Everyone stay back!" Mr. Hobbs shouted and withdrew his athame from his belt loop. The old frail man summoned a hex and froze the lioness in place. It was Lucy.

  I noticed the Sons of Hell across the lobby. By the look on Blake's face, I just knew he had something to do with this.

  A burst of gold light appeared in the lobby and the lioness transformed back into Lucy. She was covered in scratches, sweating, breathing heavily, and naked. Mr. Hobbs rushed forward and covered her in his housecoat, whispering to her in a soothing voice.

  People whispered back and forth and the sound rose until I could barely make out who was was speaking. Mr. Hobbs and the coach ushered Lucy out of the lobby and upstairs to preserve whatever shred of dignity the poor girl had left.

  "How did she break the binding spell?" Bernard growled. His eyes flashed. Had he been magically bound the same way? Was he also unable to take his animal form?

  The two teachers began to shoo students away. "Enough of this, everyone back to your rooms. This is no time for gossip. Shoo!"

  Students begrudgingly left, muttering and whining as they went. I walked towards the stairs, brushing past the Sons of Hell as I did. I ignored Knox's glance.

  "Where is Headmistress Gertie?" Someone asked.
  "Away on business, never you mind. We have this under control." The teacher said.

  "Under control?" I heard Blake chuckle. "Not for long."


  What happened to Lucy? I wondered. I knew I shouldn't care, but she was the closest thing I had to a friend in this place so I couldn't help but care a little.

  I laid awake for hours, and just as I was starting to nod off, I was jolted awake by more loud noises. I groaned and looked at the clock. It was three in the morning. "What the fuck?" I rolled over and covered my head with my pillow to shut out the noise.

  Someone in the hall screamed and laughed. Music was playing somewhere on the floor below, the bass making my floor vibrate.

  I threw my pillow across the room and sat up. "What the hell is going on?" I hissed to myself. I quickly changed into leggings and a t-shirt and threw open my bedroom door.

  The hall was empty, doors were open and the music was flowing up from the staircase. I had only been here two weeks but I knew that house parties were something out of the ordinary for Woodlock's.

  I slipped my boots on and cautiously walked down the hall. Someone screamed again, an excited scream that was followed by a fit of giggling. Someone ran past me and down the stairs with a bottle of wine in their hand. Ok, this was definitely not normal.

  The lobby had been converted to a dance floor. The sitting rooms were filled with every student. The lights were dim and flickering. The scent of incense was heavy in the air. I stood at the base of the stairs completely speechless. "What the hell?" I breathed.

  A girl bumped into me. Vicki, the brunette from before. She had changed into a cropped sweater and jeans. "Oh hi new girl," She said.

  "What's going on?" I demanded.

  "Didn't you get the memo? House party!" She grinned and wiggled her hips. She smelled like wine and vodka. She leaned into me and whispered. "The Sons of Hell tied up the teachers. We're taking Woodlock's back!"

  I watched her stumble away, unable to comprehend what she just said. The Sons of Hell took over the manor? Was that really the truth?

  I spotted Knox in the sitting room, so I pushed through the dancing students and made my way towards him. His blue eyes met mine. "What the hell is going on?" I asked.


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