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Dying for Love

Page 14

by Angel Nicholas

  The passenger door opened and a big man climbed in, baseball hat pulled low. “Alright. I’m here. Now what’s so damned important you got me out of bed this early?”

  Sanford grinned. “Damn, it’s been a long time.”

  The flash of his smile revealed a gleaming gold tooth. Sanford almost laughed. Only Gunner would do something so cheesy.

  “We gonna sit here and gossip like old women, or you gonna tell me what you need?”

  Sanford handed over the slim folder. “This is all I have. I want you to watch her. Don’t let on, though. You’ll freak her out.”

  Gunner flipped through the papers, pausing to read a few. Finally, he shook his head. “At least now, your county is known for having some of the toughest domestic abuse laws and sentences in the country. You did something, even if it was too late for the rest of the family.” Gunner glanced at him. “You said you hid her real good. What’s happened?”

  “My mother”


  Sanford started the Cherokee. “Let’s take a drive while we talk. We can get some coffee and I’ll show you where Grace lives.”


  Matt woke to orange-hued sunlight across his body. Pretty funky. The beautifully curved female draped across him, on the other hand, had a lovely pale-pink hue to her skin. He could spend hours exploring her. His morning erection throbbed. As he debated his options, she shifted the rest of the way onto him and nestled her face into his neck. His heart turned to pudding and his cock to granite.

  Which pretty much decided the matter. He grasped her hips and positioned her. Pressing upward and pulling her down, he slid home. Thick pleasure flooded his veins. Her slick pussy holding him tight, with nothing to separate them, had to be the best thing in the entire freakin’ universe.

  One of her arousing little noises vibrated across his skin, then her lips opened and pressed to his chest. He thrust.

  “Mmm…Good morning.” She nibbled along his collarbone.

  A hard thrust. “Morning.” Then another. Hands pressed to his chest, she lifted up. Taking in her sleep-tousled hair and sparkling eyes, the uniquely Grace-motivated emotion expanded inside him. His erection throbbed. Grace tossed her hair back and rode him faster.

  Man, he loved a woman who went for sex in the morning.

  He loved her.


  His balls tightened and he reached between their bodies. Slick moisture coated her pussy. He smeared it around and rubbed her hard little clit. Moaning, she increased her pace. Thrusting up to meet each downward drive, he teetered on the brink. He gritted his teeth. He wanted her to come with him. Back in control, he pinched her clit firmly between his fingers. With a sharp cry, she convulsed around him. He thrust hard a few more times and let his climax sweep through him.

  Pulling her down, he wrapped his arms around her, savoring the intimacy. Savoring the intimacy? What the hell? Since when did he get all sentimental? Next he’d write flowery poetry. Didn’t stop him from holding her, though.

  His heart ached at the beauty of the woman in his arms. Not physical beauty, though she had that in spades. Her spirit, strength of character, aptitude at work, and even her sass made her far more beautiful than temporal physicality. Even so, he wasn’t about to blurt out his feelings. His momma hadn’t raised a fool. It was way too early, Grace was incredibly skittish, and he didn’t really understand what love involved. The business side of his nature wanted to know the parameters of what such a relationship included.

  Grace sure as heck hadn’t mentioned anything remotely love-like. Hadn’t even cried out anything emotional in the throes of passion.

  That realization chilled him to the bone. He tightened his arms around her. She made a soft noise of contentment, nestling more securely atop him. Asleep again, but he had worn her out. They hadn’t slept much through the night.

  Much as he hated to disturb her, nature called. He slid out from beneath her. Afterward, another call demanded his attention—the muffled ring of his cell phone. He dug through the clothes scattered around Grace’s bedroom. Nothing.

  The phone chimed a voicemail receipt and he walked into the living room. His jacket lay on the floor beside the front door. He pulled his phone from the interior pocket and swiped his thumb across the screen. His parents’ number. His gut clenched and he tapped the CALL button.

  “Hey, Robert. What’s up?”

  His step-dad cleared his throat. “Your mother’s having a rough time. The doctor wants to operate first thing Monday. He’s worried about the size of the tumor. If it’s tangled in any neighboring organs…”

  The silence stretched, filled with the stench and tension of a recent battlefield. Matt didn’t know what to say. Robert wasn’t a real touchy-feely kinda guy. Neither was he.

  “Anyway, she’d like to have you and Jeff over for dinner tonight.”

  “Yeah. Sure. I’ll be there.” He gazed toward the bedroom, where his heart lay sound asleep. “I know it’s not a great time, but I’d like to bring someone.”

  “Actually, I think that’d be a great distraction for your mother. Get her mind off things. I assume you’re talking about a woman?”


  “She’ll be pleased.”

  “Good. I’ll see you later then. Six?”

  “Yep. Have a good day.”

  “You too, Robert.”

  Clicking off the phone, Matt stuck it back in his coat pocket. Nerves he’d rather not admit to spiked at the thought of asking Grace to meet his family. Despite their phenomenal sex marathon, their relationship had the solidity of Jell-O prior to refrigeration. Which he would know, since making Jell-O was the extent of his cooking skills.


  Grace pulled her robe on and wandered out of her room. Based on the clothes still scattered across her floor, Matt hadn’t left. Since her bed lacked a muscular, sexually gifted man, it begged the question: where was he?

  A glance across her breakfast bar revealed the answer and then some. Grinning, she leaned against the bar.

  “Now there’s a sight I don’t mind waking up for.”

  Matt turned, improving the view. Not that there was anything wrong with his lovely, well-muscled butt. His defined chest was sprinkled with just the right amount of hair and a narrow trail of hair arrowed to a very, very nice…she lost her train of thought as his cock sprang to life with unmistakable eagerness.

  Good grief. He was like an X-rated version of the energizer bunny.

  He set down the package of coffee he’d been scooping grounds out of and advanced. Butterflies took flight. Ridiculous after spending an entire night with him. She backed up.

  “Now, Matt.” Holding up a hand, she almost toppled over an end table. She caught her balance and the table.



  He lunged, taking her with him onto the couch. In a feat of impressive, and arousing, athleticism, he twisted as they dropped so she landed on top of him. His deft fingers rid her of the robe in a blink. He pulled her down and kissed her senseless.

  Matt grasped her bottom in one hand, adjusted her position and slid inside her. She gasped into his mouth, wincing a little as tender muscles adjusted to accommodate him. To his credit, he froze, fully buried inside her, pulled back and frowned.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart. Did I hurt you? Not enough foreplay?”

  To her utter horror, his bluntness heated her cheeks. Guess she wasn’t as worldly as she liked to think. Trying to hide her embarrassment, she sat up. His cock sank deeper, which brought another wince along with a moan. Incredible.

  “Foreplay isn’t really the issue.” She closed her eyes, trying hard to be as upfront as him. “I’m just not… That is…”

  Okay, so she wasn’t even a little bit sophisticated.

  “Ah.” His knowing tone forced her eyes open. He cupped her cheek, his expression so tender her heart ached. “That’s right. You said it’d been quite a while for you. You must be
sore. I’m sorry, baby.”

  He twitched insistently inside her, his body demanding even when he wasn’t willing to be. So deep, he pressed against a rather—she wriggled experimentally and fresh pleasure pulsed—sensitive spot inside. Focused on the sensation, she closed her eyes and curled her fingers in his chest hair.

  “You don’t have to…”

  She circled her hips and whatever he’d been about to say died on a groan. Feminine power glowed, alongside another surge of pleasure. If she only moved in certain ways, maybe she wouldn’t notice her tenderness.

  Rocking back and forth, keeping him buried inside and adding the occasional hip swivel, need built until she was aware of little else. She dropped her head back. The soft caress of her long hair down her back brushed across her bottom. His coarse hair and firm muscles bunched beneath her fingers. She quivered. Bloody daisies, the feel of him beneath her and inside her—liquid fire between her thighs.

  His fingers bit into her hips, holding but not inhibiting her movements. She whimpered. Burning from the inside out, she licked her lips and opened her eyes. Matt watched her, eyes narrowed, skin tight with passion. The muscles in his arms clenched. Grace rocked faster, so close.

  As if he sensed her desperation, how close she was, and knew exactly what she needed, he released one hip and pressed his fingertip against her clit. She jerked, but he maintained contact and pressed harder, holding her gaze.

  “Grace, I can’t hold out…”

  She circled her hips. His hand on her hip clenched, the one between her thighs dragged across her clit, and his cock spilled inside her. His orgasm triggered hers, wave after wave of pleasure crashing through her while her muscles milked and rippled along his deeply buried erection.

  Time stuttered to a stop. So intimately joined, the cresting pleasure carrying them both, they melded into one for an awe-inspiring space in time. She winced at the fanciful, romantic thought.

  Silly girl, it’s only sex. It’s always only sex.

  Amazing, soul-melting, temporary sex.

  Her bones melted and her spine collapsed. He pulled her down against his chest. The harsh sound of his breathing and the pounding of his heart were loud in her ear. Time took up its incessant cadence, to her relief.

  She wanted to laugh at her foolishness, but the lingering after-effects wouldn’t allow it. Besides, she didn’t want to upset Matt. He might think she was laughing at him, which would be beyond ridiculous. He had serious skills.

  “You didn’t have to. My ego, and my dick, could have dealt with the blow to their psyches. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Uhm.” She nestled her head to a more comfortable spot. “I’m fine. I promise.”

  His hand coasted down her back and curved over her bottom. Little tingles trailed in its wake. The spark of sexual attraction between them was like the shock from an electrical outlet. Sex hadn’t diminished it one iota.

  Grace shifted to get up. He was still semi-erect inside her, but she was famished. She arched her eyebrows. His warm brown eyes sparkled beneath half-closed lids.

  “What can I say?” He shrugged. “I’m ambitious.”

  With a snort of laughter, she rolled off and scooped her robe from the floor.

  “That’s the understatement of the year.” She pulled on her robe, heading for the kitchen.

  Pulling open the fridge, she contemplated the contents. Rather sparse. She hadn’t made it to the grocery store yesterday. In fact, they hadn’t even had supper last night. Matt must be starving. Her stomach growled agreement.

  “How about,” Matt gently pushed the door shut and wrapped an arm around her waist from behind, “we take a quick shower and head out for breakfast? Or more like brunch.”

  “We take a shower? As in, together?”

  He swept aside her hair. “Mmm-hmm.” He nibbled her neck. She tilted her head to give him better access. The hand on her stomach slipped inside her robe and she shivered. “I’m all about water conservation.”

  “Very green of you.” His hand headed south.

  “Matt.” She choked on a laugh and grabbed his errant hand. “I really can’t. I won’t be able to move.”

  “That’s a problem?” His teeth sank into her earlobe, not hard enough to hurt, and she discovered that therein lay a direct line to her clit. She melted.

  Matt scooped her into his arms.

  She squeaked. “Matt. I’m too heavy. Put me down. I’m perfectly capable of walking.”

  He snorted. “Don’t insult me, woman.”


  “Besides, I’m helping you conserve those lovely tender areas we want well-rested. I have plans for them.”

  “Oh, so we’re conserving those now too? My, my. You’re a regular nature boy, aren’t you?”

  “Nature-loving man, yes.”

  He set her gently on the bathroom floor and started the shower. She held up the bathroom counter like a delicate Victorian maiden while Matt grabbed towels out of her cabinet, checked the water temperature, adjusted the spray to a pulsating massage, and tugged away her robe.

  How was she supposed to go back to normal life after being so thoroughly pampered? Something akin to panic fluttered along her skin, but she shrugged it off with the robe. Her motto was enjoy it while it lasted.

  Well, her motto now, anyway.

  He nudged her into the shower and crowded in after. She used to think her shower was roomy. Herding her under the spray, he lifted handfuls of her hair and smoothed it back from her face until it was soaked. Then he pumped entirely too much shampoo into his hand. She wanted to laugh, but his expression was so serious and tender as he rubbed the shampoo into her hair. Her burst of humor dissipated into the steam.

  Once every square inch of her hair was clean, he pulled the shower head loose and rinsed so carefully, not a single drop of water trickled down her face. He repeated the process with conditioner. Relaxed beyond belief, Grace wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head against his chest. He rinsed the conditioner from her hair with the same meticulous care.

  Lathered with her scented soap, his big hands slicked down her back, over and under her bottom. He knelt and ran his hands down the back of her legs. One foot, then the other, his soapy hands massaged her arches and between her toes.

  Yet another spot with a direct line to her clit. Her lovely relaxation fled. He rinsed her feet and worked his way up the front of her legs. His thumbs massaged the inside of her thighs, applying gentle pressure until she parted them. His fingers rubbed and circled every millimeter of her pelvis. Tension wound through her. She dropped her head back onto the warm shower tiles.

  Gentle fingers rubbed her nether lips, sliding farther back, teasing her with the temptation of a touch that never came, then up over her belly and around her breasts. He soaped her and rolled her nipples between his fingers. Grace moaned. He rinsed her with the handheld shower head. Lower and lower, until the water pulsed over the tender skin between her thighs. The heat soothed even as it wound her tighter.

  “Matt,” she moaned.


  Without applying pressure, he skimmed his fingers over her throbbing clit and circled her entrance. Around and around, again and again, until she shattered. Her legs buckled. He caught her, cradling her in his lap on the floor of the shower. His hand up and down her spine soothed her. Settled her.

  She reached between their wet bodies and wrapped her fingers around the erection throbbing insistently against her belly. He gently disengaged her fingers.


  He kissed her. “I’d rather wait until later. I want to be inside you.”

  Grace glanced down at the perfectly lovely erection eyeing her back. Seemed a shame to waste. “I don’t mind. Really.”

  “I appreciate that.” His broad hands curved around her bottom and he helped her to her feet. “I’d still prefer to wait.”

  Muscles the approximation of boiled pasta, she leaned back against the shower wall. She wasn�
��t used to this sort of abuse. Marathon sex had never figured into her daily schedule. He soaped and washed his hair, treating her to a lovely play of muscles in his arms and chest. She sighed appreciatively.

  Then he turned, proving he was an equal-opportunity kind of guy. Which she appreciated. So much, in fact, that she couldn’t resist running her hands over his truly fabulous butt. Said butt went taut beneath her fingers. Willpower dissolving into mush, she stepped closer, skimming her hands around to his front, resting against him. Eyes closed, she made excellent use of the soap sliding down his body and massaged his cock.

  Not that it needed any help into full arousal. Matt’s groan vibrated through him and into her. Tightening her hold, she pulled up, swirled her fingers around the head, then back down. His hand covered hers, stilling her but not removing her hand. For several seconds, they stood in a frozen erotic tableau. His fingers tightened, both of their hands squeezing him, before he pulled her hands away.

  “Not playing fair.” He shut off the spray and turned. Color rode high in his cheeks and his eyes were the color of dark chocolate. She glanced down. Junior twitched in approval.

  He spun her to face the glass door and smacked her butt. “Out.”

  “How rude.” She lifted her chin and stepped out. “I mean, really. I was only trying to lend a helping hand.” The towel she threw hit him square in the chest and her laughter bubbled free.

  Matt’s sparkling eyes narrowed and he advanced. His bobbing erection considerably diminished the threatening approach. She giggled, snatched a towel off the counter and bolted.

  Grinning, she put a chair between them and turned. He stood gloriously nude in her living room. Matt could have posed for Michelangelo’s David. Her gaze drifted lower. Except for his manhood. Poor David looked like he’d been dipped in an ice bath. Either that or Mother Nature really disliked him.


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