by Odd Westad
See also North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea); South Korea (Republic of Korea)
Koreans in China, 175, 252
Korean War, 293–297, 416–417
map, 295
Kosygin, Alexei, 357, 360, 361
Krushchev, Nikita, 343
Kumazawa Banzan, 87
Kyrgyzstan, 430
Labor camps, 299, 302, 303, 321, 322–323, 326, 329, 331, 332
Lansing-Ishii agreement, 132
Laos, 420
Law of Nations (Vattel), 81
Lea, Homer, 141
Le Duan, 347, 348–349
Lee Hsien Loong (Li Xianlong), 222–223
Lee Kuan Yew (Li Guangyao), 222, 241–242, 419, 420, 442
Legal system, modeled on West, 170
Legge, James, 70, 77
Leighton Stuart, John, 132, 191, 205
Lend-Lease Agreement, 264
Lenin, Vladimir, 159, 198, 287
Leninism in China, 285–286
Liang Qichao, 95, 106, 153–154, 313
Liang Sicheng, 313
Libao (newspaper), 181
Liberation, Communists and, 297–298
Li Dazhao, 154, 155, 158
Li Denghui, 390, 391
Lifanyuan (Court of Colonial Affairs), 39
Li Hongzhang, 49, 54, 71, 82, 103, 130
Sino-Japanese war and, 99, 100
Tongzhi Restoration and, 90, 91–92
Li Lisan, 238, 241
Limited liability company, 184
Lin Biao, 296, 346, 361–362, 369
Lin Changyi, 45
Lingnan University, 73, 132
Lin Zexu, 40–41, 42, 46
Li Peng, 245, 381
Li Shanlan, 75
Literacy campaigns, 300
Literature, foreign, 201–202
Little, Lester Knox, 194
Little Flock, 192
Little Leap, 310–311
Liu Hongsheng, 185
Liu Shaoqi, 106, 238, 287, 301, 322, 327, 339, 340, 351, 354, 372
Liu Xiaobo, 381, 450–451
Liu Xihong, 78
Li Zhengdao, 206
Li Zongren, 253
Logocentric movement, 287
Long March, 199, 254–255
Longyu, 141–142
Long Yun, 253
Luca, Luigi de, 194
Luce, Henry W., 190–191
Luo Jialing, 174
Lu Xun, 106, 153, 208
Lynch, George, 129
Lynch, Patricio, 227
Macao, 172, 441, 442–443
MacArthur, Douglas, 101
Macartney, George, 37–38
Mahler, Gustav, 203
Mai Menghua, 86
Malaysia, 217, 219, 418
Manchuria, 7
Chiang Kai-shek and, 167–168
competition for, 117–119
foreigners and, 172
Japan and, 110–112, 175, 282
Mantetsu and, 185–186
as Manzhouguo, 247–248, 250–252
Russian expansion into, 57
Russo-Japanese War and, 110–112
Soviet Union and, 167, 282, 289
Yalta and, 281
Manchurian Liaodong peninsula, 103
Manchus, 7, 8, 19–20, 29, 45, 48, 50, 54, 57, 107–108, 139, 252
Mantetsu (South Manchurian Railway Company), 168, 175, 185–186
Manzhouguo (Manchukuo), 175, 248, 250–252, 275
Maoism/Maoists, 15–16, 333
Maoism/Mao Zedong Thought, 287
Mao suit, 178–179
Mao Zedong, 164, 440
on arranged marriage, 208, 210
Beijing and, 311, 314
Chinese Communist Party and, 159, 254–255, 286, 327, 345–346
Cultural Revolution and, 322–323, 333–334, 354, 359–360, 361–363
death of, 370, 371
economic plans, 330–331
education of, 238
establishment of People’s Republic of China, 291–292
on German advisers, 199
Great Leap Forward and, 335–341
Hunan self-determination and, 145
India and, 342–343, 432
Jiang Qing and, 202
Korean War and, 294, 296
Little Leap and, 310–311
megalomania of, 341
resistance to GMD government, 289
setback at end of WWII and, 288–289
Shanghai and, 180, 181
Sino-Japanese War and, 272, 273, 274, 279
social reforms, 301
Soviet Union and, 285, 301, 304, 329–330, 337–341, 343–346, 357–358, 360–362
on Stalin, 328
Third World countries and, 321, 326, 350
US and, 366–371
Vietnam and, 320
Maps, x–xi, 61, 260, 295, 423, 433
Maritime Customs Service inspector-generals, 193–194
Market economy in PRC, 385–386
effect on state, 386–389
Marshall, George C., 289, 291
Martin, William, 81
Marx, Karl, 94, 201, 286, 449
Marxism, in China, 285–286, 316
Marxism and the National Question (Stalin), 317
Mas, 243
Matheson, James, 59, 65
Matisse, Claude, 203
May Fourth movement, 151–154, 156, 158, 208
Ma Yingbiao, 183
Ma Yongcan, 183
May Thirtieth movement, 161–162
McKinley, William, 131
Medical Missionary Society, 75
Meiji Restoration, 89–90, 93, 94
Mendès-France, Pierre, 320
Merchants, in urban China, 64
Miao, 29, 70
defeat in Sino-Japanese War, 101–102
German advisers to Chinese, 134
Guomingdang, 195–201
modernizing effort, 91
See also People’s Liberation Army (PLA)
Military advisers, 195–197, 199
Mill, John Stuart, 109
Milosevic, Slobodan, 397
Ming dynasty, 7, 108, 203
Minorities, CCP treatment of, 451–453. See also Ethnic groups
Missionaries, 46, 68–70, 71, 132
in China after Communist takeover, 298
education and, 73, 189–190, 190–191
transmission of Western science and medicine in China and, 75
Mixed marriage, 208–210, 226
China and, 14–15, 439–441
Shanghai and, 180–183
Soviet, 301–302
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, 263
Monet, Claude, 203
Mongolia, 22, 145–147, 258, 429, 431
Mongols, 29
Monnet, Jean, 194–195
Monsen, Marie, 191
Morrison, Robert, 70
Morrow, Douglas, 375
Mugabe, Robert, 464
Munthe, Johan, 194
Music, foreign influence on, 203
Muslims in China, 29, 49, 149–150, 451–452
Muslim world, China and crisis in, 436–438
Nagao, Ariga, 193
Nagasaki, 282
Nakamura Keiu, 109
Nanjing, 4
Sino-Japanese War and, 259–261
Nanjing Decade, 165–168
Nanjing University, 132
Nanyang, 216
National development state, 165
Nationalism, 107, 112
Southeast Asian, 218–220
See also Chinese nationalism
Nationalities’ policy, 315–318
Native place associations, 64–65
Nazi Germany, 195–196, 257
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 320, 341, 432
Neihuang, 277
Nepal, 10, 21, 435
New Nation fashion, 178–179
The New Soviet Constitution (Strong), 200
New Zea
land, Chinese immigrants in, 229
Nian, 49
Nicholas II, 110
Nikuson Shokku (Nixon shocks), 413–414
Nine-Power Treaty, 132
9/11 terrorist attacks, effect on Sino-American relationship, 400–403
Ni Tuosheng (Watchman Nee), 192
Nixon, Richard, 368–370, 413–414
Nkrumah, Kwame, 352
North-China Daily News (newspaper), 181
Northern Expedition, 162–165
North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea), China and, 294, 347, 349–350, 405, 410, 411–412, 460
North Vietnam, China and, 335, 346–349
Nuclear tests, 345, 432, 434
Obama, Barack, 72, 424
Office of the Affairs of All Countries, 83
Okinawa, 80
Open Door Policy, 130, 131–132
Operation Ichigo (Number One), 278–279
Opium trade, 39–41
Opium War, 20, 41–43
Outer Mongolia, 253, 281
Pacific, Chinese immigrants in, 228–229
Pakistan, 436–437, 462
Palmerston (Lord), 41, 42
Parker, Peter, 75
Parliamentary republic, 140
Pearl Harbor, 266, 267
Peasant associations, 156
Peking University, 13, 73, 132, 191, 205, 309, 458
Peng Dehuai, 354
Penghu islands, 103
People’s Action Party, 222–223
People’s Consultative Conference, 292
The People’s Daily (Renmin ribao) (newspaper), 355, 397
People’s Liberation Army (PLA), 233, 290
fear of on Taiwan, 391–392
modernization of, 306–308, 402–403
People’s Republic of China (PRC)
developing global foreign policy, 465–469
founding of, 291–292
isolation of, 363
political reform and, 380–384
relations with Chinese states, 441–444
social inequality in, 389, 447–448
Third World and, 341–343, 346, 350–353
US and, 365–367, 373–377
war with Vietnam, 374
People’s Republic of Mongolia, 429
People’s University, 309
Pereira, Tomas, 11
Peru, 27, 226–227
Philadelphia Press (newspaper), 130
Philippines, 213, 217, 219, 418–419
Picasso, Pablo, 203
Pickering, William, 221
Piry, Théophile, 194
PLA. See People’s Liberation Army (PLA)
Plato, 5
Pluralism, Chinese, 450
Political reform in PRC, 380–384, 449
Pol Pot, 371, 374, 407, 408
Portsmouth Treaty, 111–112
Powell, Colin, 401
PRC. See People’s Republic of China (PRC)
Presidential republic, 140
Protestantism in China, 190, 452–453
Public hygiene, 74–75
Putin, Vladimir, 428
Puyi, 54, 123, 250–251, 283
Qianlong (emperor), 8, 9, 12, 19, 22, 37–38
Qian Xuesen, 244
Qiaoxiang, 220–221
Qilu University, 190–191
Qing China
British and French attacks against, 50–51, 56–57
collapse of, 145–151
defeat in Sino-Japanese war, 104–106
defeat of rebels, 49, 50
diplomacy and, 82–84
education in, 70–73
following death of Qianlong, 19–20
foreign presence in, 84–86
foreign trade and, 35–41
governmental reform of, 135–137
in late 18th century, 20–24
map of empire, x–xi
Opium War and, 41–46
overview, 6–12
rebellion against, 44–49
revolution of 1911 and formation of republic, 137–142
Russia and, 33–34
Self-strengthening Movement, 54, 67, 71, 90–91
war with France, 57–58
Qingdao, 62
Qinghua University, 73, 132, 309
Qingliu Dang, 100
Qing New Policy, 136
qipao, 178–179
Qiu Jin, 208
Qu Qiubai, 207
Rabe, John, 259
Chinese immigrants and, 223–225, 235
relations between China and rest of world and, 324, 325–326
Railways, 185–186
Rao, Narasimha, 434
Rape of Nanjing, 259–261
Reagan, Ronald, 374–375, 381
Rectification campaign, 287, 302
Red Guards, 354, 355, 356, 357
Refugees, in China, 175
Religion, 189–192
CCP and, 326
militant indigenous, 46–49
Tonghak, 99
See also Missionaries
Religious revivalists, 451, 452–453
Republicanism, 107, 108, 140
Republic of China, 141–142, 169
Warlord Era, 142–143, 144
Republic of Taiwan, 112–113
Rittenberg, Sidney, 355–356
Robertson, Walter, 324
Rockefeller Foundation, 190
Roh Moo-hyun, 411
Rong Hong (Yung Wing), 72
Rong Shangqian, 72–73
Rong Yiren, 243
Rong Zhijian, 243
Roosevelt, Franklin, 257–258, 264, 266, 268–269, 279, 280
Roosevelt, Theodore, 111
Rothkegel, Curt, 177
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 94
Rules, Chinese use of, 5, 6
China and modern, 426–429
foreign relations with, 33–34
Manchuria and, 57, 117–118
Mongolia and, 147, 148
Qing dynasty and, 10–11
Russo-Japanese War, 110–112
trade with, 36
Rybalko, Pavel, 197–198
Ryukyu islands, 79–80
Saburo, Yamada, 94–95
Saigo Takamori, 96–97
St. John’s University, 132
Salt Administration, 193
Salt Inspectorate, 194
Sang, Gaston Tong, 229
Sassoon, Victor, 177
Scarborough Shoal, 422
Schwartz, Benjamin, 3
Science, 71, 94, 205–206
SCO. See Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)
Scott, Walter, 177
Scowcroft, Brent, 382–383
Self-strengthening Movement, 54, 67, 71, 90–91
SEZ. See Special economic zone (SEZ)
Shandong, 115–116, 133
Shandong revival, 191
Shanghai, 55
banks in, 66
Britain and, 165
Chinese modernity and, 180–183
civil war and, 290
as commercial capital, 443
concessions in, 62
demonstrations in, 161
foreigners in, 172, 173
modern architecture in, 177
Sino-Japanese War and, 257
Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), 430–431
Shanghai Cotton Cloth Mill, 67
Shanghai Evening Post and Mercury (newspaper), 181
Shanghai Group, 33
Shanghai Municipal Council, 180–181
Shanghai Polytechnic, 75
Shaw, George Bernard, 202
Shell, 184
Shenbao (magazine), 178, 181
Sheng Shicai, 150, 253
Shenyang, 172
Shenzhen, 377
Shinawatras, 220
Sichuan, 22, 144, 290
Sincere Department Store, 182–183, 243
Singapore, 55
China and, 419–420, 441, 442
Chinese immigran
ts in, 221–223
Japanese invasion of, 266
as regional trade hub, 66
Singer Sewing Machines, 184
Sino-British War (Opium War), 41–43
Sino-centric system, 10, 95
dismantling of, 79–81
Sino-Japanese War (1894–1895), 100–103
Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945), 247–249, 257–280
Sino-Vietnamese war of 1979, 407–408
Sneevliet, Hendricus, 198
Snow, Edgar, 368
Social-Darwinism, 86
Social-imperialism, 357
Socialism, Sun Yat-sen and, 155
Social stratification in China, 389, 447–448
Soejima Taneomi, 92
Song Jiaoren, 143–144
Song Meiling, 240
Song Ong Siang (Song Wangxiang), 221
Song Qingling, 154, 240
Soong, Charlie (Song Jiashu), 154
South China Sea, China’s claims in, 421–422, 425
disputed territories, 423
Southeast Asia
China and, 418–419, 460–461
as destination for Chinese emigrants, 213, 215, 216–221
trade with and within, 65–66
South Korea (Republic of Korea)
China and, 406, 410–411, 412–413, 460
government control of economy in, 445–446
Soviet advisers, 193, 301, 305–307, 309–310, 339
military, 306–307
nationalities’ policy, 316–318
Soviet model
for education, 308–311
for military, 306–308
Soviet Union
advice from CCP, 328–329
as Chinese ally during war with Japan, 258
Chinese civil war and, 290
Chinese condemnation of, 357–360
Chinese students in, 238–239, 241
Communism of, 285–286
Communist China and, 292–293, 304–306, 337–341, 343–346
Cuba and, 352–353
Cultural Revolution and, 354–355
effect of collapse on China, 427–428, 429–430
Great Leap Forward and, 336–337
Guomindang and, 157–160, 166–167
Mao and, 329–330, 360–362
military supplies from, 197–198
as model for China, 300–304
Northern Expedition and, 165
North Korea and, 349–350
North Vietnam and, 348
pact with Germany, 262–263
as power in Southeast Asia, 283
Tibet and, 342
urban planning theory, 311–312, 313–314
US and China allied against, 369–370, 374, 377
Xinjiang and, 150
Special economic zone (SEZ), 377–379
Spencer, Herbert, 109
Der Spiegel (magazine), 231
Spratly Islands, 422
Stalin, Joseph, 286, 328
Chinese Communist Party and, 164, 199, 254, 255, 272, 287, 303, 304
Guomindang and, 160, 197, 258, 284
Korean War and, 294
Manchuria and, 166–167, 289
Mao and, 292–293
nationality policy and, 315, 317
urban planning and, 312
Yalta Conference and, 280, 281, 282
Standard Oil, 184