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Cupcake Kisses & Dragon Dreams

Page 3

by Julia Mills

  Barking with laughter, Daphne teased, “I was thinkin’ more like the cake that got left out in the rain in MacArthur Park, but hooker at a stag party works, too. You just need to show a little more skin and wipe the mascara out from under your eyes.”

  “I. Hate. You.” Kallie grumbled under her breath as she pulled clumps of dried icing from her hair, wiped dried flour mixed with eggs off her cheeks and picked heart-shaped sprinkles out of her bra. “Y’all damn sure coulda woke me up.”

  “We did!” Meredith protested. “Just as soon as we saw you.” She looked to the side as her cheeks turned a brilliant shade of red. “And when the phone woke us up.”

  Ignoring Meredith’s obvious embarrassment, Kallie grumped, “Yeah, sure. I just bet you did.” Raising her arm and swiping at the tiny pieces of rock candy and still more fluffy cream cheese frosting painting her skin on the underside of her arm just missing her armpit, the irritated Witch scowled, “How many pictures did you take? Where are they gonna turn up? Have you already sent them to the entire Coven?” Glaring at her friends’ reflections, their guilt so obvious Kalliope could only imagine how many people had seen her snoring and drooling covered in cake fixin’s and mixin’s, she rolled her eyes and sighed, “Just no posting on social media until after today’s show. One look at those pics and there’s no way anyone will believe I know diddly squat about baking, much less all the lovey-dovey crap I profess to be proficient in.”

  “Speaking of your show,” Meredith’s eyes slid to the side, a sure sign Kallie wasn’t going to like whatever the quieter of her two roommates was about to say, the red-headed Witch rushed on, “It’s seven-forty-five and Jess has already called twice asking where you are. His last message sounded more like a squawking mockingbird than the fabulous producer we all know and love.”

  “And you’re just now waking me up?” Kallie shrieked, spinning on her toes at the same time that she recited, “Goddess, I’m late. It’s a quarter til eight. There’s sprinkles in my bra and candy in my armpit. Please help me clean up and while you’re at it, turn the Dingbat Sisters into gup--pies.”

  “Hey!” Daphne and Meredith squealed in unison as Kalliope’s magic filled the air and in the span of a heartbeat she was cleaned up, dressed up and ready to kick ass.

  “Magic like that has consequences, Kallie,” Meredith added. “Priestess Calysta is always saying, ‘Every stroke of your wand, every frivolous spell from your lips, has an equal and opposite reaction.’ Be careful, Kals. You never know when the Universe will take Her due.”

  Ignoring her friend’s warning, even though the little hairs on the back of her neck were standing on end, Kalliope stuck her tongue out as she turned on the heel of her sparkling pink Valentine heels, and sassed over her shoulder, “Ta-Ta.”

  “I hope your heel breaks and your cupcakes don’t rise,” Daphne threatened as Kallie followed her floating cupcakes out of the house, down the front porch steps and into her car.

  “I’m never gonna make it in time.” She worried her bottom lip with her teeth as she sped down the road. “But, if I do another spell for my own gain, I’m sure to get a swift kick in the ass from Fate or the Universe, or saints preserve me, the Goddess herself.”

  Thinking so hard she missed her turn, Kallie grumped to herself as she took the long way around over back roads and pot-holed alleyways. Finally arriving at the station, Kallliope was frazzled, freaked out and fussing with herself so loud that people on the sidewalk outside the stage door looked at her like she was a lunatic. After zapping her cupcakes into their place in her TV kitchen, she tried to duck into her dressing room where she knew Clarice, her makeup artist and dresser was waiting without running into her producer.

  A discombobulated Kallie threw her bags and packages on the couch and had just plopped her butt into her chair when Jesse flew through the door, his look saying there was about to be a full-on meltdown in T-minus three…two…one…

  “Where in all of Liberace’s sequins have you been?” He shrieked, flapping his arms like a chicken trying to take off. “Are you trying to give me gray hair? An aneurism, maybe? Kalliope Jane, you know how awful I look in gray. It washes me out. Makes me look like one of the walking dead. Why, oh why, would you do this to me?”

  Tilting her head to the side as Clarice prepared her face for stage makeup, Kallie sassed, hiding her own apprehension, “Oh my Goddess, Jesse, take a chill pill. So, I’m a little late. I’ve got this. I perfected the recipe. It’s going to be phenomenal.”

  “A little late? A little late?” His shriek became a wail. “You think you’re just a little late?” Pulling Kalliope from her chair, despite the fact that Clarice was applying foundation faster than Charo can shake her bootie and scream, “Cuchi, cuchi, cuchi,” Jess held Kallie by the upper arms, gave her a strong shake and howled, “This is a LIVE show. What the hell were you thinking?”

  Glaring at her bestie/producer, trying hard to control her impatience and the fact that she felt like a strawberry in a blender with the way his hands were swinging her about, Kallie summoned every last drop of her patience, and whispered, “If you’ll put me down and let Clarice get to it, I’ll be out there before you can fix your eyeliner, Freakin’ Out Fanny.”

  With his eyes locked on hers, Kallie could see the precise moment that her over-emotional, prone to outbursts, always three decibels too loud, friend realized that he was part of the problem and not the solution had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. Holding perfectly still as Jesse let go of her arms, took two steps back, turned on his heel and left, Kalliope sat back down, grinned at Clarice and snickered, “Took the air right outta his egg whites, didn’t I?”

  “Yeah, but you know it won’t last for long,” Clarice chuckled as she got back to applying Kallie’s makeup. “Jesse is nothing if not persistent, especially when he’s having a spazz attack.”

  Laughing out loud while trying to hold still, Kallie agreed, “Don’t you know it, Girl.”

  Ten minutes later, Clarice spun Kalliope around in the chair and announced, “Ta-Da, you are fabulous and ready to kick some cupcake booty.”

  “I don’t know how you do it,” Kallie beamed. “But, I’m damn glad you can. I swear your pixie magic makes me look radiant even after sleeping on a stool with my head in cake batter.”

  Kissing her on the cheek, Clarice bubbled with pride, “You’re just too cute. I hardly do anything.”

  Hugging her friend tight, Kallie chuckled, “Flattery will get you everywhere, Clarrie, my love.” Turning them both towards the mirror, Kalliope looked at the pixie in the reflective glass and added, “But never doubt how awesome you are. You are a genuine rock star.”

  “Awww, thanks, Kals,” Clarice blushed as she took a step back and patted Kalliope’s shoulder. “Now, get out there before Jesse has that aneurysm for real.”

  Laughing along as she rushed towards the stage and put her Valentine’s red apron that said, ‘I Love You to the Moon and Back’ on, Kallie took a few deep breaths. Waving and chirping hello to everyone she passed, her spirits were infinitely better as she took her place in her kitchen and began whipping up a bowl of batter for her show.

  Stopping every time Jack, her cameraman, wanted to shoot her ‘in process’ as he called it, and when Clarice came to do touch-ups on her makeup and hair, Kallie finally glanced up at the heart-shaped clock on the wall and gasped, “Lordy, we only have ten minutes til we’re on.”

  “No shit, Sherlock,” Jesse jeered, having been grumping around behind her huffing and puffing, no willing to let go of his bad attitude.

  Lifting her chin, Kallie sassed, “Stop being such a whining Wendy, will ya’? I’m sorry, already. Yes, I was late. Yes, you hate late. Yes, I should have been more prepared.” She pushed out her bottom lip giving Jesse her best pout complete with puppy dog eyes as she walked towards him. “Can I have a hug, pweeeaassee?” She added some fake sniffles. “I passed out with my face in the frosting at about five AM then Daph and Merrie woke me
up and I had sprinkles on my boobs and candy in my armpit.”

  Seeing that Jesse was holding back his laughter, Kallie poured on her insatiable charm. “I’m so ready, your boss is gonna make you Queen for the Week when I’m done.”

  Hugging her bestie, happy when he hugged her back and kissed her on the cheek, Kallie stepped back. “Now, I have to visit the little girls’ room. I’ll be right back. Have a taste. The ones on the bottom shelve are the extras.”

  Racing to the bathroom, hurrying and then speeding back, Kalliope had a sudden burst of inspiration. “I’m gonna put just a little oomph into my recipe.” She smiled from ear-to-ear at every one she passed. “The Goddess can’t get mad at me if I spread around a little love, can she now? It was written in the original recipe.”

  Taking her place behind her counter just as her director, Neil started the countdown, Kallie whispered to herself, “Yep, spread the love. That’s what I’m gonna do. What could go wrong?”

  Chapter Six

  Taking the path from his cottage to Brannoc and Annie’s house, Murdock was glad he’d finally gotten a good night’s sleep. Sure, he’d dreamt of the vivacious brunette and had awoken with a hard-on he’d had to take care of in the shower, but still, he was as rested and as relaxed as he could be around large groups of people.

  Atticus had always been the social one. Murdock preferred small groups, or better yet, being alone. When they were children, his mother always urged him to follow his older brother, explaining that Dragons were social creatures and needed the comradery of their Clan.

  The older he got, the more Murdock realized that although he had a strong affection for those he called brethren, the whole togetherness thing just wasn’t for him. So, when his father, Redmond and their Clan Leader at the time, Riordan, suggested he take the post of guarding their underwater borders, Murdock jumped at the chance.

  He could still remember the day he said goodbye to Atticus and Marie, Atticus’ mate. In ways, it seemed like several lifetimes had passed and on the other hand, as if it happened that very morning.

  “Do take care of yourself,” Marie whispered, her belly swollen with their first son. “Atticus may not act like it, but he will miss you terribly.”

  Smiling and nodding, pretty much all he could do around the lovely Dragoness. Not only did her kind ways and soft voice make him uncomfortable, but the fact that she was so tiny and frail made Murdock fear he would accidentally trip and crush her under his huge frame.

  Walking to the water’s edge and stopping next to Atticus, he watched the ebb and flow of the water, enjoying the silence he and his brother could share. Watching the last rays of the sun lengthen over the water before disappearing completely, Murdock turned towards his brother and held out his hand.

  “Time for me to go.”

  Looking at his outstretched hand, Atticus laughed, “And you think I’m only going to shake your hand. Get the hell over here.” Pulling him into a bear hug and slapping him on the back, his older brother murmured, “Take care of yourself, Dock and don’t forget to come home to meet your nephew.”

  “How was I to know that was the last time I’d ever see him?” Murdock sighed to himself. “Hell, this is only the fourth or fifth time I’ve ever seen Brannoc. I completely understand why Doxie stayed up on that damned mountain for so long.”

  Taking a deep breath and slowly letting it out, Murdock knocked on the kitchen door of Brannoc and Annie’s two-story home, opening the door and going in when Annie yelled, “Come on in, Murdock. Coffee’s on and I’m making bacon and eggs.”

  Smiling as he greeted his nephew’s very pregnant mate, the Guardsman praised, “It really smells good in here.”

  Pushing up to her toes and kissing him on the cheek, the bear shifter winked, “I hope you’re hungry. I’m eating for three and your nephew always eats enough for two.”

  “Hey!” Brannoc laughingly objected as he walked into the room. “I eat for at least three.” Kissing his mate on the cheek as she flipped the sizzling meat and scrambled the fluffy yellow eggs, he rubbed Annie’s stomach before kissing it and whispering, “Your Uncle Murdock’s here for breakfast. Think he’ll eat more than daddy?”

  Not sure what to say and not wanting to offend Brannoc and Annie, the older Guardsman quickly chuckled, “Aye, Ah will for sure. Ah’ve not had a home cooked breakfast in, well…Ah cannae remember.” His smile grew as the others laughed at his comment then quickly added, “What can I do to help?”

  Maybe this whole family thing is not as bad as I remembered…

  Turning around as Brannoc took over cooking, Annie took a seat at the table. “Are you sure you don’t mind?” Rubbing her stomach, as Murdock shook his head, she went on, “These two are getting’ heavy. I just can’t stay on my feet like I used to.”

  “No problem at all. Just point and I’ll do the rest.”

  Growing more comfortable every minute with the warm feelings of love and affection he felt coming from his family, Murdock set about following Annie’s instructions. It wasn’t long before he had the table set, the orange juice and milk on the table and two cups of hot coffee poured for himself and Brannoc.

  Breakfast was actually fun. He listened to the couple tell stories about how they met, and the bear Brannoc had to fight to win Annie’s hand. It reminded him so much of when he was younger and spent time with not only his family but also his brethren with whom he shared an unbreakable bond.

  It wasn’t long before his thoughts once again returned to the smiling brunette. Murdock wondered if he too would have to fight for her hand. Would she recognize him as her mate? Did she want a mate? Had she ever imagined he would be a Dragon?

  Pushing all thought of the beautiful woman and mating from his mind, Murdock laughed as Annie teased, “Your nephew is quite the fighter. Did he learn that from you?”

  “It runs in the Deóireach blood,” Murdock snickered. “Both Atticus and I were quite the scrappers in our day.”

  “Oh really?” Brannoc acted shocked, slapping his hand over his heart as she teased, “Scrappers? In our family? Why I never.”

  “At least not when anyone was looking,” Murdock laughed, using one of Atticus’ old sayings.

  Loving the happy, comfortable atmosphere and being able to spend some real quality time with family made it easy to say yes when Annie asked, “Why don’t you hang out here today? I know y’all are waitin’ on news from Uther and Kayne, but you can hear it here just as well as anywhere.” She tapped her temple as she spoke of the telepathic communication all the Dragons shared. “I would love the company and maybe you can get your nephew to fire up the grill and cook the wonderful steaks I just got from the butcher.”

  “Now, that sounds like a plan.” Brannoc clapped his hands together and rubbed them quickly. “My mouth is already watering.”

  “But you just ate,” Annie laughed out loud.

  “And I’ll be ready for steaks with all the trimmings in a few hours.”

  “See what I mean?” Annie winked at Murdock. “He’s a Dragon garbage disposal.”

  Laughing as he got to his feet and started clearing the table, Murdock snickered over his shoulder, “I regret to inform you, dear Annie, but that runs in the family, too.”

  “Oh, Lordy,” the cute female bear pretended to gripe. “And two more on the way. Dear Goddess, please send me a freezer full of beef and another with chicken.”

  As the room erupted in laughter, Murdock leaned against the counter and simply watched Annie and Brannoc. A warmth he’d never known, or maybe that he’d forgotten wrapped around his heart filled his soul and made him feel like he was well and truly home.

  Getting to her feet, Annie motioned for him to follow. “Leave those dishes. Brann loads the dishwasher.”

  “Yep, that’s my job, Dock. Go on out in the living room and watch TV with Annie. I’ll be there in a minute.”

  “You sure?” Murdock asked, still grinning from ear-to-ear at the fact that Brannoc had used his old nickname, t
he one Atticus had always called him.

  “I’m sure. Rest up. Old Man. I’m gonna need your help with those steaks.”

  “You got it,” the older Guardsman gave his nephew the thumbs up as he followed Annie into the living room.

  Taking a seat on the couch as she got into the recliner, Murdock sat back watching as his niece-in-law flipped through channels until she landed on something called the Food Network. Looking on as a man with platinum blond hair that stood on end finished up a dish that he called Bangin’ Shrimp Tacos, Murdock scooted farther into the overstuffed cushions behind his back and crossed his arms over his chest. Thinking about taking a nap, he nearly fell off the couch when the music coming from the television changed to a voice he knew he’d never heard that reached right into his chest, wrapped around his heart and demanded he pay attention.

  Gawking at the TV, the Guardsman could barely breathe as he watched the woman from his dreams smile at the studio audience while announcing, “Hey Y’all, I’m Kalliope Sugarbaker, Thanks for tuning in. Today on Kalliope’s Kupcake Kitchen I’m gonna be whipping up my Gram’s Famous Red Velvet Cupcakes.” Leaning closer to the camera and giving a wink, the absolutely captivating woman he immediately knew was a Witch winked, “One taste of these bad boys and your lover will beg for more.” She wrinkled her cute little nose which made Murdock smile as she went on, “And I’m not just talking about cupcakes.”

  As the audience laughed, she added, “So, get those aprons on and make sure your mixer is warmed up, cause we’re gonna be adding some special magic to these bad boys with lots of X’s and O’s. See you right back here in less than two minutes.”

  “Do you know her, Murdock?” Annie’s voice pulled the Guardsman out of his stupor.

  Jumping to his feet, embarrassed that he’d been caught ogling the woman he now knew as Kalliope, Murdock shook his head, “Nay.” He tried to chuckle, knowing before it crossed his lips that it was going to sound stiff and forced but still went on trying to cover by adding, “Never met her.”


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