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Year Two (Bloodshed Academy Book 2)

Page 11

by Jen L. Grey

  She blurred, but I had no time to glimpse what her target was. She hit me square in the jaw, and I stumbled back. Warm blood trickled down my chin, but I refused to be distracted. Tears threatened my eyes, but there was no way in hell I’d have let her see that. I cupped my jaw, acting like it hurt more than it did.

  A smirk spread across her face as she stepped forward as if my blood called to her. “Did that hurt?”

  Instead of responding, I punched with my free hand, hitting her square in the nose again. A loud sickening crack filled the air. “You broke my nose.”

  That was one of the things that many humans had wrong. They think of vampires as indestructible, but their bones can break just like anyone else’s. It’s harder to do but possible. They just heal at a faster rate like all supernaturals do.

  My jaw was killing me, and I couldn’t waste energy on being snarky.

  Madison screamed a warrior cry and came in full-force. Her incisors elongated as she charged me full-throttle. She wasn’t holding back.

  The shift overtook my body. My bones began to break, and my clothes ripped as I changed into my wolf form.

  She hadn’t expected the shift and stumbled a few steps. She spun back around and clenched her fists so hard that her fingernails cut into her palms. “I’m going to kill you, mutt.” She marched over to me, her chest heaving with every breath.

  Not wanting to be on the defensive, I growled and made my eyes fixate on her leg. I couldn’t let her know where I was planning to strike. I charged her and went straight for her neck.

  She moved her leg but quickly caught on since I had jumped higher. She threw her hands up.

  I wound up flying backward, landing hard against a branch. I whimpered as I quickly got back on all four paws. She was too fast, so I didn’t have any time to recover.

  “Alright, that’s enough.” Damien stepped in between us.

  “Like hell it is.” She lifted the back of her hand to her nose, wiping off the blood that was trickling from it.

  The scent was sweet, not metallic. I learned that shortly after I bit Cole’s hand when I first got here. Vampire blood tastes like the most delectable chocolate you’ve ever tasted.

  “She’s going to die.” Madison began to blur, but Damien must have expected it. Somehow, he caught her around the waist and threw her on the ground.

  “This fight is over.” Damien’s voice took on the alpha edge he rarely used.

  “I don’t have to listen to you.” Madison slowly climbed back onto her feet. “You aren’t anything to me.”

  That’s what I hated so much about this school. There were so many entitled people thinking that they were on top. Although, what most of them didn’t realize was that there was more to being a strong leader than being a jackass or being able to do whatever they wanted. Maybe it was fortunate that I grew up so far removed because I’d have hated to act like one of them.

  “Don’t make me kick your ass.” Damien's eyes glowed even more than usual. “Because I can, and I will.”

  “Fine.” She stomped and clenched her hands into fists. “But she will pay for breaking my nose.”

  “You injured her too.” He stepped toward me, moving into a protective stance that wasn’t too obvious. “Go on and head back. You both need a time-out before sparring again.”

  “If you think time is going to erase me wanting to get even with her, then you’re sadly mistaken.” She raised her right hand, gingerly touching her nose.

  “Go get it set before it heals crooked.” Damien’s shoulders were tensed as if he expected her to strike any minute.

  Madison focused on me before taking a deep breath. She then turned on her heels, facing in the direction of the school, and vanished before me once more.

  “You did amazing.” Damien faced me as his face spread into a small grin. “You did a hell of a lot better than I expected. Why don’t you shift back?”

  He had to be kidding. I ripped my clothes when I changed into my wolf. I shook my wolf head no, hoping he could figure it out.

  It took a second, but realization dawned on him. “You don’t have any clothes, do you? Hold on.” He grabbed his phone from his back pocket and clicked on a number. He held it to his ear, and after a few rings, someone must have answered. “Hey, bring Raven some clothes to change into when she shifts back.” He hung up and looked at me. “Rage is on his way.”

  At least one of my problems was solved, but there was no telling what tomorrow might bring. I half expected for Madison to try killing me in my sleep.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Friday morning had arrived, Rage and I were riding in Cole’s car once more. I sat shotgun and watched the trees pass as Cole ran his mouth in the background.

  It was strange. The past few pivotal moments of my life had involved his car in one way or another; coming to the academy, picking out dresses for the dance that sealed mine and Rage’s mate bond, my visit home and leaving the pack, and now meeting Rage’s family.

  We were heading south of Birmingham, more specifically Oak Mountain State Park. Apparently, it was a huge park used by their pack as their running grounds. I googled the park last night, and it looked magical. It was over nine hundred acres of woods with a large river running through. There were trails for the humans and a camping ground, but Rage said that the space is so large it felt like it was only his wolf and the woods.

  “So you’re taking Ravey to meet the parentals.” Cole glanced in the mirror, grinning at Rage. “Maybe I should stay so I can fend off all the heartbroken canines.”

  I took a deep breath, trying to keep my irrational jealousy from coming to a head. It wasn’t right to get mad at him for his past.

  “You’re a real asshole.” Rage growled and hit the back of Cole’s headrest, causing Cole to jerk forward.

  “I said canines.” Cole’s voice rose to a whine. “Not pups.”

  “Either way, it’s not funny.” Rage leaned back in his seat with his arms crossed. “You’re being disrespectful to both Raven and me.”

  “Fine, I’m sorry.” Cole reached over and touched my shoulder. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “What about me?” Rage reached over and smacked Cole’s hand off my shoulder.

  “You?” Cole shook his hand that Rage had just hit. “When did you get to be a blubbering emotional being? I hate that I might have upset Raven, not you.” He stuck his tongue out.

  Sometimes I wondered how the two of them could be friends. There were times where they would insult each other back and forth. When I asked, Cole explained it as bro code. I wasn’t not even sure what that meant.

  “I’m fine.” I could tell Rage was upset. Most wolves were super territorial of their mates and got extremely upset when they think of their mate with someone else. I was, but at the end of the day, I was in the wrong. “I don’t like thinking about it, but it is what it is. His past made him the perfect mate for me now and in the future. I can’t get upset about what made him just right for me.”

  “Sometimes I wonder if you’re even a wolf?” Cole leaned over and sniffed me. “But I’ve seen you in wolf form, and you smell like one.”

  “Not all wolves act the same.” Most did, I had to give him that, but now was a good time to tease him. “Don’t box me into the stereotype.”

  “I couldn’t box you in anything even if I tried.” Cole lifted a hand in the air. “That’s one reason why I love ya.”

  “Awe, I love you too.” I couldn’t imagine life without him and the others now. In that alternate reality, I wouldn’t have been happy like I was in that moment. “You’re like family to me.”

  “To think, we had to basically force her to come with us that first time.” Cole patted his hand on the steering wheel.

  “There was no way I was leaving without her.” Rage chuckled and shook his head. “When my eyes landed on her, I knew she was my mate and thought I was going crazy when she didn’t respond.”

  “Did you?” For some reason, that surprised m
e. I thought he felt it after I synced with my wolf like I had.

  “Of course.” Rage put his arm on the armrest as his fingers brushed my shoulder.

  “Yeah, I can attest to that.” Cole snickered. “As soon as we got back, he shot Ashley down.”

  “We know how that story goes.” Rage grumbled and leaned back. “But that night at the dance, the pull was undeniable, and I could see you felt the same. It took everything in my power not to rip Greg into shreds.”

  “It might have been more entertaining if you had.” Cole reached over and messed with the radio dials, turning on some indie station. “Probably, next time we should. I’ll help you too. We can turn that mutt into a puppet with our awesomeness.”

  “I left the pack so …” It was strange. I thought I’d feel lonely being rogue. Somehow it hadn’t bothered me much at all.

  “Yeah, but your parents are there.” Rage let out a big sigh. “We’ll need to go visit sometime.”

  He was right, but I wasn’t quite ready. My parents couldn’t have known anything about the crescent necklace. At the same time, I wondered how that was possible. “I know. I just need more time.”

  We got off the interstate, following the signs to the state park. The closer we got, the more my stomach felt unsettled. I’d never met Rage’s parents before, so what if they didn’t like me. We were staying the weekend for Christmas, but what if we didn’t hit it off. I had to take my mind off of this. “Are you and Jess okay?”

  Cole’s hand stilled on the steering wheel. “I did something stupid.” His normal cheerful demeanor vanished. “Don’t worry. We’ll figure it out.”

  Great, he didn’t want to tell me either. “I wish one of you would talk to me.”

  “It’s kind of complicated.” Cole, for once, was watching his words. It was like I could see the wheels spinning in his head. “But don’t you worry your pretty face about it.”

  “I just want to help.” It was that simple.

  “You’re a fixer, babe.” Rage placed his hands on my shoulders and began to rub. “That’s one of the reasons I love you. Your kind heart.”

  “That’s one reason why we all love you.” Cole winked at me even though there was no mirth on his face. “Sometimes things aren’t broken but not quite right either. There isn’t a right or wrong answer even if it appears that there is.”

  It sounded as if he was speaking in gibberish, but this was a rare moment when Cole was being serious. “That doesn’t make any sense.”

  “Let’s say, a man robbed a store. He took all the food and money.” Cole lifted a finger. “Most people would say that’s wrong.”

  “Of course it is.” Robbing anything wasn’t acceptable.

  “But what if I told you it’s because he lost his job two weeks ago. His child was crying because she was hungry and didn’t have a home. Does that change your opinion at all?” Cole arched an eyebrow.

  He got me there. “I’d say it doesn’t sound nearly as bad.”

  “It’s all about perception.” Cole reached over and tapped me on my nose. “Remember that. Things aren’t always as they seem.”

  “Wow, Cole. Did you watch a Hallmark movie or stay in a Holiday Inn last night?” Rage chuckled at his joke.

  “Don’t hate, hater.” Cole shook his finger at him. “Jealousy does not look good on you.”

  “Believe me, I’m not jealous,” Rage said, “I have the hottest girl in the world as my mate.”

  “Touché.” Cole turned on a road, and the trees began to thicken. “I can give you that one. But since she’s my bestie, that means I get all the snuggles I want.”

  “No, that’s not true.” Rage pretend growled. “If you touch my woman, I’ll have to kick your ass.”

  “You couldn’t catch me even if you tried, mutt.” Cole glanced at me and grinned. “The last time he tried, he ran circles in the woods for over an hour. Long story short, I won the bet.”

  “That’s because you got there earlier and ran around making everything smell like you.” Rage crossed his arms and frowned. “You cheated.”

  “No, that’s called a calculated move. It’s smart.” Cole lifted his pointer finger to his head and tapped a few times. “You’re just pissed because you didn’t expect it.”

  “How long ago was this?” That definitely does sound like something Cole would do. “How could you not expect that from him.”

  “That was during our first week at Bloodshed together.” Rage let out a long breath and closed his eyes. “I was a little naive at first.”

  “Aren’t we all?” Even after all the whispering I had heard growing up about the college, I wasn’t prepared for this life at all.

  “Yeah, but our parents warned us.” Rage frowned. “Cole’s little trick was my wake up call.”

  “See, I saved your life.” Cole brushed his nails against his shirt. “That’s how much of a hero I am.”

  “Taking credit for saving my life is pushing it too far.” Rage punched the back of his seat again.

  “You never know how the spiral would’ve gone if I hadn’t outsmarted you that day.” Cole slowed and turned down a narrow road. It was only large enough for one car. “Anyways, if my car gets messed up from a head-on collision, you’re paying for the damages. Poor Betsy deserves better than this.”

  “Betsy will be fine.” Rage leaned forward and pointed right ahead. “Our house will come into view soon. It’s the first one you travel to since my Dad is alpha.”

  Even though his words didn’t surprise me, their status took me by surprise. I mean it was a given since his dad and mom had gone to the academy. Only me and Jess were the outliers, but it hadn’t fully sunk in—until now. “Okay.”

  As we turned the corner, a large fence with a gate appeared. It had a stone guard-like station and Cole pulled up to a keypad. He typed in the numbers 4786, and the gate slowly began to open.

  “You’ve been here before, haven’t you?” I figured he’d been here before since he knew his way here. For some reason, I hadn’t expected him to know the code.

  “Oh, yeah. I’ve spent some holidays here among the Jackson pack.” He pulled through the gate and followed the road.

  Not more than a few seconds drive, a large brick building came into view. It was two stories high with a round circular driveway in front. The familiar feeling of Rage being out of my league plagued me.

  “It’s not as big as it looks.” Cole nudged me with his shoulder as he pulled into the circle. “It’s bigger.”

  “You’re an ass.” The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them.

  “Hey, I was trying to make you laugh.” Cole stopped the car and lifted both hands in the air. “I thought it would make you feel better.”

  His shit-eating grin proved that he was lying. “Bite me.”

  “Oh, is that an invitation?” His eyes landed on my neck, and he licked his lips.

  Rage opened my door and lowered his head so he could see Cole. “If any fangs get near her, I’ll cut them out of your mouth.”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Cole turned off his car and lifted both hands in the air. “I was just ragging her.” He climbed out of the car. “No need to get your panties in a wad.”

  “I don’t wear panties.” Rage glowered at him.

  “Oh, so you’re a commando kind of dude.” Cole paused and grimaced. “Ugh …That was a horrible sight in my head.”

  “Stop thinking of me naked.” Rage’s mouth dropped open, and he moved me so I stood in front of him like a buffer. “Like seriously.”

  “I didn’t mean for it to happen. You were the one who said you didn’t wear panties.” Cole cringed and grabbed his head. “Oh, my eyes.”

  The front door opened, and it had to be Rage’s brother, Stone. His hair was a shade lighter than Rage’s; a dark chestnut. “What the hell is going on out here?” His dark brown eyes were focused right on Cole.

  “I’m picturing your brother …”

  “Stop right there.” Rage grabbed my wa
ist and pulled me close. “If you say another word, I’ll be forced to kick your ass.”

  “Promises. Promises.” Cole gave him a wicked grin. “You’d have to be able to catch me first.”

  “Is he still harping about that?” Stone leaned against the doorframe and rolled his eyes.

  “Yes, he is.” Rage kept his arms around my waist. “He fails to mention that every time I ask for a rematch, he won’t do it.”

  “Why rematch when I won the first time?” Cole patted his shoulders and moved his head. “

  “Sounds to me like someone might be a little scared.” Cole was too cocky about the whole thing.

  “You’re siding with him?” Cole’s arms dropped and he pouted. “Ravey, you’re supposed to be my girl.”

  “First off, that was over three years ago, and you’re still talking crap about it.” Everyone knows why he’s doing it. “I mean, if you know you can win, why be so resistant to try it again?”

  “What, she’s your girl?” Stone’s forehead creased, and his eyes landed on Rage’s arms around me. “I thought she was your mate, Rage?”

  “She is.” Rage pulled me closer against him. “She’s one of Cole’s friends too, and you know how he has boundary issues.”

  “That’s … interesting.” He took a step inside and motioned us in. His eyes scanned me over. “Mom. Rage, Cole, and the girl are here.”

  Great, now he thought I was a hussy. Meeting his family had already started out so promising.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Rage grabbed my hand and pulled me through the door with him. Cole bounced behind me with his smirk securely in place. He was going to embarrass me further. I could just tell.

  Walking inside led us straight into the living room. The house appeared immaculate. The floors were a dark bamboo and the house had an earthy feel to it. A white couch was placed right in front of a gray, stone fireplace with two white love seats on the sides. One step inside the house confirmed it all. Rage was definitely way above my league.

  “Do I smell Rage and his rambunctious vampire friend?” A silky feminine voice floated into the room. She appeared in the opening just a few feet away. Her dark green eyes widened when they landed on Rage. “Oh, how I’ve missed you so much.” She wrapped her long arms around him, her long, dark hair falling over his shoulder.


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