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His Christmas Baby: A Friends to Lovers Romance

Page 10

by Sullivan, Piper

  At least until my hormones went haywire and I blamed him for my swollen ankles and spicy pickle cravings .


  I f I hadn’t talked to her every day, I would swear that Syl had been trying to keep me far away. Things weren’t back to normal by any stretch of the imagination, our conversations were stilted and too formal for lifelong friends. I didn’t know if I could flirt with her like I normally would, and all of her responses to me were subdued, at best. But I was determined .

  I spent three days in Greece doing photos and videos for the yacht company who repaid my kindness with a big fat check. Because I had the greatest agent on the planet, I spent a couple hours each day with a physical therapist, and my trainer showed up for dinner on the first night. He stayed and I spent most of my off hours working out, getting stronger. Getting ready to return to the tour .

  But when day three wrapped I was ready to head home. But Syl had other plans. “You’re stopping at the school in Florida for a day session .”

  I wanted to groan and yell, the way I would at Rask. Instead I just sighed. “Sylvie .”

  “It’s not about us. I swear. Tennis Channel and ESPN will be there and they won’t be able to resist talking to you .”

  “About what? A busted arm?” Because that’s the last damn thing I wanted to talk about. I’ve been lucky in my career with a few injury timeouts. This was killing me .

  “Your arm is still bothering you?” She sounded concerned, probably because I was just being an ass .

  “No. It’s great. Like new .”

  “Oh,” she said sounding relieved. “I’m glad to hear that. Your workouts look good .”

  “You’ve seen them ?”

  She laughed and I really wished I was headed back to California so we could deal with this tension between us and our uncertain future. “You know I have. You look good out there. Strong. How does your serve feel ?”

  I grinned. This was my Sylvie, looking out for me. “Good. I think I might have picked up a few MPH’s in PT .”

  “So you’re just feeling sorry for yourself. Good to know. Look, just give the kids some pointers and be your charming self. When the cameras approach you, tell them you’re feeling good and took some extra time to be with your family over the holiday .”

  “It’s no secret that I was in an accident .”

  “I know,” she sighed. “But they don’t know the extent of your injuries or your rehab. They don’t need to. Got it ?”

  “Yeah,” I answered sheepishly. “I got it, babe. Nothing else after Florida, right Syl ?”

  There was a long, loaded silence. Then, she spoke. “Right. You have some down time,” she assured me. And when I arrived in Florida, I did exactly as she said and hopped on a plane to the west coast before the day ended .

  While I waited for my flight, I called in reinforcements, namely mine and Sylvie’s mom. It meant telling them the truth—some of it anyway—of my relationship with my best friend, but it would be worth it in the end. I hoped it would .

  Things couldn’t be over. I wouldn’t let it end this way. Not when she could be pregnant with my baby. She’d already said she might be, surely by now she knew something official. For a moment I thought maybe that’s why she’d been trying to keep me away, but she had to know there would be no keeping this a secret .

  Especially not now, when I knew exactly what I wanted .

  Sylvie and our baby. And if there was no baby yet, I’d waste no time giving her one. I knew that now. All it had taken was waking up after a night of tremendous passion, alone, for me to imagine all the things I’d never get to experience. Waking up with her naked body pressed to mine, for starters. Watching her belly grow with our child and growing a family together .

  It felt like it had only taken seconds to come to that realization, but it had taken nearly a day of missing her. Worrying that we’d screwed everything up somehow. Mourning all the things we might not ever get to be .

  And then the universe had conspired to keep us apart .

  But now, as my car zipped through early morning traffic, I knew the wait was over. I had some groveling to do. Some explaining. And some pretty major shit I needed to tell Syl. But first I had a lot of damn ducks to line up. Luckily Ma had bought everything I asked and they both agreed to keep Syl busy for as long as they could. I checked in with Ma as soon as I got to town and she assured me they were smack in the middle of a spa day. “We’re having a New Year’s party for the old folks and getting all dolled up. We told her she needed to be pampered .”

  Damn right she did. “Thanks Ma. I’m headed to her place now .”

  “Great. Work fast. You have three hours, maybe four before she calls us on this whole thing .”

  My shoulders sagged in relief at her words. “Thank you for this. I don’t know if it’ll work .”

  “It will. She’s sad and missing you, but she hides it well, if you don’t know her. Focus on what you have to do now and worry about the rest later .”

  “I will, Ma. Love you .”

  “Love you too, baby. Good luck .”

  She disconnected the call and I sat in the car for a long time, thinking about Syl trying to be strong. Hiding her feelings because she felt the need to protect me. Well I had plans to pay it all back. Ten-fold. And I turned the key in the ignition and aimed the car loaded with items towards Sylvie’s new home .

  It took some time to get everything into the house, but once it was there I couldn’t help but smile at how much progress she’d made on the house. It already had that homey, come sit a spell, look. I took a look around and just enjoyed being in her space for a minute, happy to see she’d put up photos of us .

  Another grin started as it all started to come together .

  Ninety minutes into Operation Win Sylvie Back , the bell rang and I strolled to the door with a smile. “Maggie you are a lifesaver!” I hugged the round, middle aged woman who happened to be the best cook in town. And she’d been the cook at M&M’s Diner for as long as I could remember .

  “Yeah, I figured you must’ve screwed up bad if you’re calling in this kind of favor. Plus, I’m glad you and Sylvie have finally got your heads out of your backsides. Help an old woman out, handsome.” She hip checked me and made her way to the kitchen while I grabbed two more bags from the trunk .

  “Maggie, it smells like you made everything! I might have to name my first born after you.” I wrapped her in a hug and squeezed .

  “I’m happy to help, Brady. You’re a good boy to do all this.” She patted my chest and walked towards the door. “Merry said there are serving dishes in one of the boxes.” She turned to me and I nodded .

  “I’ll take care of it, thanks Maggie .”

  “Mmmhmm. I expect to meet Maggie Houston real soon, Brady.” She closed the door to the sound of my laughter, leaving me with yet another task on my list .

  Luckily seeing Maggie and hearing her words of encouragement, pushed me on until everything was perfect. Or as perfect as it could be with only three days of planning. Three hours and the stage was set for what I hoped would be the rest of my life. All I needed was a shower .

  My phone vibrated on the coffee table .

  We kept her as long as we could. She’s leaving now .

  I grinned and shot off a thank you text to Ma and took a quick shower .

  When Syl walked through that door, everything would be ready .


  T he moms were up to something. Again. Not that they weren’t normally nice to women who offered up expensive spa packages for the hell of it, because they were. But still, something was off. We had a long breakfast at the diner where it took all the restraint I had not to toss my cookies all over the table. I loved Maggie’s food, but apparently my baby did not like the smell of it. Still, in between bouts of morning sickness, I noticed that something was off .

  But when I called them on it, they looked at me like I’d grown an extra ear. So I shrugged as I tried to chew my toast and w
ash it down with orange juice. And I let them drag me to get waxed and buffed, manicured, pedicured, wrapped and moisturized. Reluctant though I was, I could admit that I felt fantastic on the outside. Smooth and soft. I smelled good and I felt sexy .

  But I missed Brady. His obligations were done, other than physical therapy, so I imagined he would be off to attend some Hollywood party or another. A pang of jealousy shot through me at that idea, but I shoved it down. I needed to get used to the idea of living without Brady in that way. I would never be without him, because neither of us would ever let that happen but, I had to get used to seeing him as just my friend .


  And I would. Later. Tonight I would put on a pair of comfy flannel pajamas and my 2018 tiara, while I watched horror movies until I fell asleep on the couch. That was my life as a single woman so why not as a single mother ?

  “Home sweet home.” I threw the car into park and got out, paying attention to nothing other than getting out of the cold as the wind whipped around me. Pushing the door open I gasped at…everything. “Hello?” I should have been scared but what kind of maniac breaks into someone’s house and decorated it eleven months early ?

  Footsteps sounded on the steps before a figure appeared. Big and tall and smiling bright. “Hey, Syl.” His legs quickly ate up the distance between us and he pulled me in, hugging me hard. “Damn, you smell good.” He buried his face in my neck and inhaled deeply. I shivered .

  “Brady. What are you doing here?” And why did he have to look so handsome in a damn red holiday sweater and jeans that did incredible things to his legs. Probably his ass too .

  His brows dipped slightly and that was the only indication he wasn’t expecting my question. “I’m here for you, Syl. Why else?” He held my shoulders and turned me around, pulling off my jacket and running his fingers through my hair. “I’ve missed you .”

  “It’s been six days,” I reminded him, head tilted back and eyes closed, barely able to concentrate as his hands kept up steady pressure on my scalp .

  “So you have been counting. Glad to hear it.” He pulled me into the living room and more shock slammed into me .

  “A Christmas tree? You do realize it’s the last day of the year?” I laughed because my house looked like Christmas had exploded with a tall spruce, complete with lights and ornaments. Garland hung across the window tops and fireplace, candles flickered around the room giving the whole place a cozy holiday romance atmosphere. “It’s beautiful .”

  “I know exactly what day it is. It is our Christmas. The one we should have had. The one we could have had, if I wasn’t such an ass.” He raked his hands through his hair, looking so tormented I felt bad for him .

  “No. You weren’t an ass. We probably confused things by sleeping together, not that I regret it,” I added quickly, because I didn’t regret a moment of it. “But you have a right to want the life you want. I wouldn’t want anything less for you, Brady.” He grinned and my heart constricted like a big hand held it, clutched it tight until two tears squeezed out the corners of my eyes .

  “I was as ass, don’t let me off the hook Syl. I wish you hadn’t left right after Christmas, but I understand why you did. But now I’m here, Syl, because of you. Because I want you.” He slid one hand down my arm and to my belly. “Both of you .”

  I sighed and let my body lean into him, just a little. “Brady. Your life is the tour and as much as I want you, because I do, I could never ask you to give that up .”

  “Good. Because I’m not offering to give it up. Not yet. But that’s for later. First let’s go sit.” He pulled me through the living room and into the dining room where the table had been set and nearly a dozen dishes covered the table .


  “I told you. Christmas. Are you hungry ?”

  I shook my head even though I was starved. Dinner was part of this but I had a feeling it wasn’t the only part. “I-I can wait .”

  That was the right answer based on the way his smiled warmed me all over. “Okay then. Have a seat.” He guided me into a chair and left twice, returning the first time with eggnog and gingerbread cookies and the second time with several gift wrapped boxes. “All right. Bear with me .”

  “Sure thing,” I grinned, feeling better about how nervous he was .

  “This first gift is so that we never forget our start. We’ve always been friends, from the moment we met and I don’t ever want that to change .”

  I opened the small box with the red and gold paper and pulled out the black wooden frame where two gap-toothed smiles beamed back. We’d lost our first tooth within a few days of one another and the moms thought it was so cute. “Brady, I love it .”

  “Good. I love you.” He pushed another box forward, this one was bigger. Heavier. “This gift was your original Christmas gift, but I held onto it. This is what you mean to me. I didn’t realize it at the time, but your running away gave me time to think .”

  I opened the plain brown paper and peeled open the box, gasping at the sight of the box covered in a lifetime of memories. “Oh, Brady.” I ran my fingers over pictures of us at homecoming, movie and concert ticket stubs, newspaper clippings and anything else that could be glazed onto a box. “This is…everything .”

  He beamed proudly. “Now you see what you mean to me.” He gave me a quick kiss and grabbed another box. “This gift is because you’re the most beautiful person I have ever known and you deserve things as beautiful as you .”

  I could tell it was a bracelet by the long slender box, but nothing could have prepared me for the sight that met me, yellow gold with pink diamonds, in big and small teardrops. “It’s stunning .”

  “Just like you,” he grinned. “And this one is because I need you to know how welcome you are in my life. All aspects of my life,” he said with complete sincerity as he pushed a small box wrapped in reindeer paper. “Whether it’s a hotel room in Hong Kong, my place in London or Malibu, Center Court anywhere, I want you there if you can be .”

  I opened the box and smiled at the brass skeleton key. “Brady, you don’t have to do this .”

  “I know I don’t. I’m doing it because I want to, because I love you. Because you mean the world to me. Open it,” he pushed it forward to settle in front of me on the floor and took the seat beside me .

  I ripped off the wrapped paper with the excitement of a three year old. There was a box on top and I lifted the lid with a gasp. “Shoes? You got me shoes ?”

  He shrugged but I caught the blush on his cheeks. “Not just any shoes. That fancy red bottoms all the magazines rave about. And I have a few fantasies of my own involving these shoes .”

  “Of course you do!” I laughed and slipped on my shoes before tackling the box again. The next box was a garter, teal and white and the box after that was…, “A tiara ?”

  “Open the last one and I’ll explain.” His smile was so affectionate, so warm I was momentarily distracted by just how handsome he was .

  “Okay.” I dove into the bottom of the box, practically falling in but Brady’s strong hands steadied me. “Thanks .”

  “Anytime, Syl .”

  The box was small, like really specifically small. Ring box size small. “Brady .”

  He grabbed the box from my hand and opened it, revealing a stunning floral diamond and sapphire ring. It looked antique and stunning. “Sylvie Antonia Porter, you have been my best friend for as long as I can remember. The girl I always come running to for a laugh, a hug or kick in the ass. You’ve been there for everything and you let me be there for you, and somewhere along the way I fell in love with you.” His hand slid through my hair and down to cup my face. “Tell me I didn’t screw it up, Syl. Because I love you and we’re going to make this work .”

  “Are we?” It took everything I had not to laugh at his insistent tone .

  “Yes,” he answered back in a much softer tone. “I’m in love with my best friend, Syl. I’m crazy about you and I’m pretty sure you’re crazy abou
t me too. And you might be having my baby .”

  Oh, yeah. That. “No .”

  “Well that’s okay,” he shrugged. “we can work on that after dinner .”

  “No Brady, you don’t understand. There’s no might about it. I am having your baby. In about seven months.” The look of shock on his face would have been comical if this wasn’t such a deadly serious moment. His dark hair looked coppery against the candlelight and his eyes looked even greener with his pale skin .

  “We’re having a baby? I’m gonna be a dad ?”

  “Yes to both of those, but technically I’m having the baby.” Brady was lost, on his knees before me, big hands gliding over my still mostly flat stomach .

  “Syl, we’re going to be parents. You’ll be a fantastic mom .”

  I didn’t know if that was true as I shook my head to deny it, but I knew Brady would be a great dad. “Oh you’ll be amazing. You’re so kind and patient, and you have a way of making even boring things fun. This baby is going to love you .”

  “If not, we have two of the most badass grandmothers on the planet.” We shared a laugh but his expression quickly sobered. “Syl, babe, I need you to answer a really important question .”

  “Yes, Brady I would love to eat some food.” I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing at his expression .

  “Syl,” he gripped my thighs, sliding his hands up and down, his heat searing through my jeans. “Will you make me the happiest man on the planet and marry me ?”

  I already knew I would say yes because he was everything to me. “Brady Matthew Houston, I love you with all my heart. You are my best friend, my best lover and the father of this little baby baking in my belly. But more than that, you are the man I can’t wait to call my husband.” I cupped his face and pulled him close, kissing him with every ounce of love in my heart. With all the love flowing through my veins because that’s how much he meant to me .

  The kiss grew hotter, or maybe it was the candles. Maybe it was just the heat Brady always seemed to cause in me. Or maybe it was just us. Two friends who’d known each other for decades and one day we finally woke up and saw what had been staring at us all along. True love. “Damn, I guess you missed me too,” he grinned and nibbled my neck, my ear .


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