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The Wallypug in London

Page 14

by G. E. Farrow



  We remained at Folkestone till the latter part of September, and thenreturned to London just about the time that the first number of _TheWallypug's Own_ made its appearance.

  It caused quite a sensation in literary circles, and was mentioned bymost of the papers; but it did _not_ turn out a monetary success, andso the Doctor-in-Law declared that he must devise some other means ofmaking money.

  We had been once or twice to the circus, and I fancy that it musthave been his intention to start something of the sort himself, for Icaught him one day trying to teach his Majesty to walk the tight-rope;but as he had only tied the rope between two very light chairs theresult was not very satisfactory, particularly to the poor Wallypug,who came to the ground with a terrific crash.

  A. Fish, Esq., dressed as a clown, and certainly looked very funny;but his bad cold prevented him from speaking his jokes distinctly, andso the idea was given up.


  In fact it was not till November that the Doctor-in-Law hit upon aplan which seemed to give him any great satisfaction. We had beentalking a great deal about Guy Fawkes' day and the fireworks at theCrystal Palace, which we intended going to see in the evening, andthe Doctor-in-Law had been particularly curious to know all about theday and its customs. He did not say much about his plans, but I feltsure that he was up to some of his tricks, for I caught him severaltimes whispering mysteriously to the Rhymester and A. Fish, Esq., andI noticed that they were all particularly kind and respectful to hisMajesty, as though they wished to keep him in a good humour.

  On the morning of the fifth, when I came down to breakfast, I wasgreatly surprised to find that the whole party had gone out about anhour previous, after borrowing from Mrs. Putchy a kitchen chair, fourbroomsticks, and a long piece of clothes-line. Whatever were they upto?

  I asked Mrs. Putchy if they had left any message, but no--they hadsaid nothing as to where they were going, what they were going to do,or when they would be back; and the only thing that had struck Mrs.Putchy as being at all remarkable about their appearance, was the factthat the Rhymester had added little bows of coloured ribbon to hiscostume, and wore a tall pointed cap gaily decorated with streamers,and a deep white frill around his neck--the others were dressed asusual.

  I felt sure that some mischief was brewing, and could not settle downto my work for thinking of them. About eleven o'clock I went out tosee if I could find any traces of my guests. I had been walking aboutunsuccessfully for about an hour, when I heard some boys shouting, andturning to look in their direction, I beheld his Majesty calmly seatedin a chair which, by means of long poles attached to it, was beingcarried along by the Rhymester and A. Fish, Esq.

  They were followed by a crowd of people who were cheering lustily, andthe Doctor-in-Law was rushing about collecting money in his hat, andentreating the people "not to forget the fifth of November," andrepeating some doggerel verse about:

  "Guy Fawkes guy, Stick him up high; Stick him on a lamp-post, And there let him die,"

  while several little boys were dancing about in great excitement, andshouting, "Holler, boys! holler! here's another guy."


  His Majesty evidently regarded it as a great compliment to himself,and complacently bowed right and left with considerable dignity. And Ifound out that the Doctor-in-Law had persuaded him into believing thatthis triumphal procession had been arranged solely in his Majesty'shonour.

  I was naturally very vexed at the poor Wallypug being imposed upon inthis manner, and spoke very plainly to the Doctor-in-Law about it onour way home, and I think the little man must have taken it very muchto heart, for he seemed quite subdued, and actually himself suggestedsharing the proceeds of the collection with the others.

  We went to see the fireworks in the evening, and I don't ever rememberseeing the party in such excellent spirits as they were that night.

  Mrs. Putchy had prepared a capital supper for us on our return, and Ilove to remember my friends as they appeared sitting around the suppertable talking over the adventures and excitements of the day. I cansee them now whenever I close my eyes--the dear old Wallypug at thehead of the table, with One-and-Nine in attendance, and the othersall talking at once about the jolly time they had had at the SkatingRink in the afternoon, when A. Fish, Esq., had vainly tried to getalong with roller-skates fastened on to his tail.


  I say I love to remember them thus, for it was the last occasion uponwhich we were all together. Early the next morning Mrs. Putchy came tomy room, and in a very agitated voice said, "Please sir, I'm afraidthat there is something wrong; I have knocked at his Majesty's doorand can get no answer, and the Doctor-in-Law's room is empty too."

  I hurried down, and on the breakfast table I found a letter addressedto me, in which his Majesty, on behalf of the others, thanked me veryheartily for my hospitality, and explained that State matters of theutmost importance had necessitated their immediate return to Why. Howthey went I have never been able to discover.

  The outer door of my flat was found to be locked on the inside asusual, and the windows were all fastened; besides which, as they weresome distance from the ground, the Royal party could scarcely have gotout that way.

  Altogether the whole affair was involved in a mystery which I havenever been able to solve to this day. Of course I miss my strange,but withal lovable visitors, very much, and I value very highly theseveral little mementoes of their visit which remained behind. Amongstothers is a cheque of the Doctor-in-Law's for a considerable amount;which, however, I shall never be able to cash, as it is drawn upon thebank of, "Don't-you-wish-you-may-get-it," at Why.

  General Mary Jane was inconsolable for some time after the departureof her soldier hero, but eventually married our milkman, a verysteady and respectable man in the neighbourhood. Girlie and Boy andmany other friends of the Wallypug greatly regretted that they wereunable to say good-bye to his Majesty before he left; and often andoften, as I sit alone in my study, I think about the simple-natured,good-hearted little fellow, and his remarkable followers, and wonderif I shall ever see them again. Who knows?




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