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The Wallypug in London

Page 16

by G. E. Farrow



  SHAKESPEARE'S POEMS. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by GEORGE WYNDHAM, M.P. _Crown 8vo._ _Buckram. 6s._

  This is a volume of the sonnets and lesser poems of Shakespeare, and is prefaced with an elaborate Introduction by Mr. Wyndham.

  ENGLISH LYRICS. Selected and Edited by W. E. HENLEY. _Crown 8vo._ _Buckram. 6s._

  Also 15 copies on Japanese paper. _Demy 8vo._ _L2, 2s. net._

  Few announcements will be more welcome to lovers of English verse than the one that Mr. Henley is bringing together into one book the finest lyrics in our language.

  NURSERY RHYMES. With many Coloured Pictures. By F. D. BEDFORD. _Small 4to._ _5s._

  This book has many beautiful designs in colour to illustrate the old rhymes.

  THE ODYSSEY OF HOMER. A Translation by J. G. CORDERY. _Crown 8vo._ _7s. 6d._

  #Travel and Adventure#

  BRITISH CENTRAL AFRICA. By Sir H. H. JOHNSTON, K.C.B. With nearly Two Hundred Illustrations, and Six Maps. _Crown 4to._ _30s. net._

  CONTENTS.--(1) The History of Nyasaland and British Central Africa generally. (2) A detailed description of the races and languages of British Central Africa. (3) Chapters on the European settlers and missionaries; the Fauna, the Flora, minerals, and scenery. (4) A chapter on the prospects of the country.

  WITH THE GREEKS IN THESSALY. By W. KINNAIRD ROSE, Reuter's Correspondent. With Plans and 23 Illustrations. _Crown 8vo._ _6s._

  A history of the operations in Thessaly by one whose brilliant despatches from the seat of war attracted universal attention.

  THE BENIN MASSACRE. By CAPTAIN BOISRAGON. With Portrait and Map. _Crown 8vo._ _3s. 6d._

  This volume is written by one of the two survivors who escaped the terrible massacre in Benin at the beginning of this year. The author relates in detail his adventures and his extraordinary escape, and adds a description of the country and of the events which led up to the outbreak.

  FROM TONKIN TO INDIA. By PRINCE HENRI OF ORLEANS. Translated by HAMLEY BENT, M.A. With 80 Illustrations and a Map. _Crown 4to._ _25s._

  The travels of Prince Henri in 1895 from China to the valley of the Bramaputra covered a distance of 2100 miles, of which 1600 was through absolutely unexplored country. No fewer than seventeen ranges of mountains were crossed at altitudes of from 11,000 to 13,000 feet. The journey was made memorable by the discovery of the sources of the Irrawaddy. To the physical difficulties of the journey were added dangers from the attacks of savage tribes. The book deals with many of the burning political problems of the East, and it will be found a most important contribution to the literature of adventure and discovery.

  THREE YEARS IN SAVAGE AFRICA. By LIONEL DECLE. With an Introduction by H. M. STANLEY, M.P. With 100 Illustrations and 5 Maps. _Demy 8vo._ _21s._

  Few Europeans have had the same opportunity of studying the barbarous parts of Africa as Mr. Decle. Starting from the Cape, he visited in succession Bechuanaland, the Zambesi, Matabeleland and Mashonaland, the Portuguese settlement on the Zambesi, Nyasaland, Ujiji, the headquarters of the Arabs, German East Africa, Uganda (where he saw fighting in company with the late Major 'Roddy' Owen), and British East Africa. In his book he relates his experiences, his minute observations of native habits and customs, and his views as to the work done in Africa by the various European Governments, whose operations he was able to study. The whole journey extended over 7000 miles, and occupied exactly three years.

  WITH THE MOUNTED INFANTRY IN MASHONALAND. By Lieut.-Colonel ALDERSON. With numerous Illustrations and Plans. _Demy 8vo._ _12s. 6d._

  This is an account of the military operations in Mashonaland by the officer who commanded the troops in that district during the late rebellion. Besides its interest as a story of warfare, it will have a peculiar value as an account of the services of mounted infantry by one of the chief authorities on the subject.

  THE HILL OF THE GRACES: OR, THE GREAT STONE TEMPLES OF TRIPOLI. By H. S. COWPER, F.S.A. With Maps, Plans, and 75 Illustrations. _Demy 8vo._ _10s. 6d._

  A record of two journeys through Tripoli in 1895 and 1896. The book treats of a remarkable series of megalithic temples which have hitherto been uninvestigated, and contains a large amount of new geographical and archaeological matter.

  ADVENTURE AND EXPLORATION IN AFRICA. By Captain A. ST. H. GIBBONS, F.R.G.S. With Illustrations by C. WHYMPER, and Maps. _Demy 8vo._ _21s._

  This is an account of travel and adventure among the Marotse and contiguous tribes, with a description of their customs, characteristics, and history, together with the author's experiences in hunting big game. The illustrations are by Mr. Charles Whymper, and from photographs. There is a map by the author of the hitherto unexplored regions lying between the Zambezi and Kafukwi rivers and from 18 deg. to 15 deg. S. lat.

  #History and Biography#

  A HISTORY OF EGYPT, FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE PRESENT DAY. Edited by W. M. FLINDERS PETRIE, D.C.L., LL.D., Professor of Egyptology at University College. _Fully Illustrated._ _In Six Volumes._ _Crown 8vo._ _6s. each._


  THE DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE. By EDWARD GIBBON. A New Edition, edited with Notes, Appendices, and Maps by J. B. BURY, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin. _In Seven Volumes._ _Demy 8vo, gilt top._ _8s. 6d. each._ _Crown 8vo._ _6s. each._ _Vol. IV._

  THE LETTERS OF VICTOR HUGO. Translated from the French by F. CLARKE, M.A. _In Two Volumes._ _Demy 8vo._ _10s. 6d. each._ _Vol. II._ 1835-72.

  This is the second volume of one of the most interesting and important collection of letters ever published in France. The correspondence dates from Victor Hugo's boyhood to his death, and none of the letters have been published before.

  A HISTORY OF THE GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY, 1845-95. By C. H. GRINLING. With Maps and Illustrations. _Demy 8vo._ _10s. 6d._

  A record of Railway enterprise and development in Northern England, containing much matter hitherto unpublished. It appeals both to the general reader and to those specially interested in railway construction and management.


  This book deals with British Colonial policy historically from the beginnings of English colonisation down to the present day. The subject has been treated by itself, and it has thus been possible within a reasonable compass to deal with a mass of authority which must otherwise be sought in the State papers. The volume is divided into five parts:--(1) The Period of Beginnings, 1497-1650; (2) Trade Ascendancy, 1651-1830; (3) The Granting of Responsible Government, 1831-1860; (4) _Laissez Aller_, 1861-1885; (5) Greater Britain.

  A HISTORY OF ANARCHISM. By E. V. ZENKER. Translated from the German. _Demy 8vo._ _10s. 6d._

  A critical study and history, as well as a powerful and trenchant criticism, of the Anarchist movement in Europe. The book has aroused considerable attention on the Continent.

  THE LIFE OF ERNEST RENAN. By MADAME DARMESTETER. With Portrait. _Crown 8vo._ _6s._

  A biography of Renan by one of his most intimate friends.

  A LIFE OF DONNE. By AUGUSTUS JESSOPP, D.D. With Portrait. _Crown 8vo._ _3s. 6d._

  This is a new volume of the 'Leaders of Religion' series, from the learned and witty pen of the Rector of Scarning, who has been able to embody the results of much research.

  OLD HARROW DAYS. By J. G. COTTON MINCHIN. _Crown 8vo._ _5s._

  A volume of reminiscences which will be interesting to old Harrovians and to many of the general public.


  A PRIMER OF THE BIBLE. By Prof. W. H. BENNETT. _Crown 8vo._ _2s. 6d._

  This Primer sketches the history of the books which m
ake up the Bible, in the light of recent criticism. It gives an account of their character, origin, and composition, as far as possible in chronological order, with special reference to their relations to one another and to the history of Israel and the Church. The formation of the Canon is illustrated by chapters on the Apocrypha (Old and New Testament); and there is a brief notice of the history of the Bible since the close of the Canon.

  LIGHT AND LEAVEN: HISTORICAL AND SOCIAL SERMONS. By the Rev. H. HENSLEY HENSON, M.A., Fellow of All Souls', Incumbent of St. Mary's Hospital, Ilford. _Crown 8vo._ _6s._

  _Devotional Series_

  THE CONFESSIONS OF ST. AUGUSTINE. Newly Translated, with an Introduction, by C. BIGG, D.D., late Student of Christ Church. With a Frontispiece. _18mo._ _1s. 6d._

  This little book is the first volume of a new Devotional Series, printed in clear type, and published at a very low price.

  This volume contains the nine books of the 'Confessions' which are suitable for devotional purposes. The name of the Editor is a sufficient guarantee of the excellence of the edition.

  THE HOLY SACRIFICE. By F. WESTON, M.A., Curate of St. Matthew's, Westminster. _18mo._ _1s._

  A small volume of devotions at the Holy Communion.

  #Naval and Military#

  A HISTORY OF THE ART OF WAR. By C. W. OMAN, M.A., Fellow of All Souls', Oxford. _Demy 8vo._ _Illustrated._ _21s._


  Mr. Oman is engaged on a History of the Art of War, of which the above, though covering the middle period from the fall of the Roman Empire to the general use of gunpowder in Western Europe, is the first instalment. The first battle dealt with will be Adrianople (378) and the last Navarette (1367). There will appear later a volume dealing with the Art of War among the Ancients, and another covering the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries.

  The book will deal mainly with tactics and strategy, fortifications and siegecraft, but subsidiary chapters will give some account of the development of arms and armour, and of the various forms of military organization known to the Middle Ages.

  A SHORT HISTORY OF THE ROYAL NAVY, FROM EARLY TIMES TO THE PRESENT DAY. By DAVID HANNAY. Illustrated. _2 Vols. Demy 8vo._ _7s. 6d. each._ Vol. I.

  This book aims at giving an account not only of the fighting we have done at sea, but of the growth of the service, of the part the Navy has played in the development of the Empire, and of its inner life.

  THE STORY OF THE BRITISH ARMY. By Lieut.-Colonel COOPER KING, of the Staff College, Camberley. Illustrated. _Demy 8vo._ _7s. 6d._

  This volume aims at describing the nature of the different armies that have been formed in Great Britain, and how from the early and feudal levies the present standing army came to be. The changes in tactics, uniform, and armament are briefly touched upon, and the campaigns in which the army has shared have been so far followed as to explain the part played by British regiments in them.

  #General Literature#

  THE OLD ENGLISH HOME. By S. BARING-GOULD. With numerous Plans and Illustrations. _Crown 8vo._ _7s. 6d._

  This book, like Mr. Baring-Gould's well-known 'Old Country Life,' describes the life and environment of an old English family.

  OXFORD AND ITS COLLEGES. By J. WELLS, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Wadham College. Illustrated by E. H. NEW. _Fcap. 8vo._ _3s._ _Leather._ _4s._

  This is a guide--chiefly historical--to the Colleges of Oxford. It contains numerous illustrations.

  VOCES ACADEMICAE. By C. GRANT ROBERTSON, M.A., Fellow of All Souls', Oxford. _With a Frontispiece._ _Fcap. 8vo._ _3s. 6d._

  This is a volume of light satirical dialogues and should be read by all who are interested in the life of Oxford.

  A PRIMER OF WORDSWORTH. By LAURIE MAGNUS. _Crown 8vo._ _2s. 6d._

  This volume is uniform with the Primers of Tennyson and Burns, and contains a concise biography of the poet, a critical appreciation of his work in detail, and a bibliography.

  NEO-MALTHUSIANISM. By R. USSHER, M.A. _Cr. 8vo._ _6s._

  This book deals with a very delicate but most important matter, namely, the voluntary limitation of the family, and how such action affects morality, the individual, and the nation.

  PRIMAEVAL SCENES. By H. N. HUTCHINSON, B.A., F.G.S., Author of 'Extinct Monsters,' 'Creatures of Other Days,' 'Prehistoric Man and Beast,' etc. With numerous Illustrations drawn by JOHN HASSALL and FRED. V. BURRIDGE. _4to._ _6s._

  A set of twenty drawings, with short text to each, to illustrate the humorous aspects of prehistoric times. They are carefully planned by the author so as to be scientifically and archaeologically correct and at the same time amusing.

  THE WALLYPUG IN LONDON. By G. E. FARROW, Author of 'The Wallypug of Why.' With numerous Illustrations. _Crown 8vo._ _3s. 6d._

  An extravaganza for children, written with great charm and vivacity.

  RAILWAY NATIONALIZATION. By CLEMENT EDWARDS. _Social Questions Series._ _Crown 8vo._ _2s. 6d._


  SPORTING AND ATHLETIC RECORDS. By H. MORGAN BROWNE. _Crown 8vo._ _1s. paper;_ _2s. cloth._

  This book gives, in a clear and complete form, accurate records of the best performances in all important branches of Sport. It is an attempt, never yet made, to present all-important sporting records in a systematic way.


  This book, by a famous golfer, contains the following sketches lightly and humorously written:--The Prologue--The Pilgrim at the Shrine--Mecca out of Season--The Pilgrim at Home--The Pilgrim Abroad--The Life of the Links--A Tragedy by the Way--Scraps from the Scrip--The Golfer in Art--Early Pilgrims in the West--An Interesting Relic.


  EVAGRIUS. Edited by PROFESSOR LEON PARMENTIER of Liege and M. Bidez of Gand. _Demy 8vo._ _7s. 6d._ _Byzantine Texts._

  THE ODES AND EPODES OF HORACE. Translated by A. D. GODLEY, M.A., Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. _Crown 8vo. buckram._ _2s._

  ORNAMENTAL DESIGN FOR WOVEN FABRICS. By C. STEPHENSON, of The Technical College, Bradford, and F. SUDDARDS, of The Yorkshire College, Leeds. With 65 full-page plates, and numerous designs and diagrams in the text. _Demy 8vo._ _7s. 6d._

  The aim of this book is to supply, in a systematic and practical form, information on the subject of Decorative Design as applied to Woven Fabrics, and is primarily intended to meet the requirements of students in Textile and Art Schools, or of designers actively engaged in the weaving industry. Its wealth of illustration is a marked feature of the book.


  A guide to Commercial Education and Examinations.

  PASSAGES FOR UNSEEN TRANSLATION. By E. C. MARCHANT, M.A., Fellow of Peterhouse, Cambridge; and A. M. COOK, M.A., late Scholar of Wadham College, Oxford: Assistant Masters at St. Paul's School. _Crown 8vo._ _3s. 6d._

  This book contains Two Hundred Latin and Two Hundred Greek Passages, and has been very carefully compiled to meet the wants of V. and VI. Form Boys at Public Schools. It is also well adapted for the use of Honour men at the Universities.

  EXERCISES IN LATIN ACCIDENCE. By S. E. WINBOLT, Assistant Master in Christ's Hospital. _Crown 8vo._ _1s. 6d._

  An elementary book adapted for Lower Forms to accompany the shorter Latin primer.

  NOTES ON GREEK AND LATIN SYNTAX. By G. BUCKLAND GREEN, M.A., Assistant Master at the Edinburgh Academy, late Fellow of St. John's College, Oxon. _Cr. 8vo._ _3s. 6d._

  Notes and explanations on the chief difficulties of Greek and Latin Syntax, with numerous passages for exercise.


  A short introduction to logic for students preparing for examinations.

ALGEBRA. By D. S. CALDERWOOD, Headmaster of the Normal School, Edinburgh. In a Packet of 40, with Answers. _1s._

  A set of cards for advanced pupils in elementary schools.

  HOW TO MAKE A DRESS. By J. A. E. WOOD. Illustrated. _Crown 8vo._ _1s. 6d._

  A text-book for students preparing for the City and Guilds examination, based on the syllabus. The diagrams are numerous.


  LOCHINVAR. By S. R. CROCKETT, Author of 'The Raiders,' etc. Illustrated by FRANK RICHARDS. _Crown 8vo._ _6s._

  BYEWAYS. By ROBERT HICHENS, Author of 'Flames,' etc. _Crown 8vo._ _6s._

  THE MUTABLE MANY. By ROBERT BARR, Author of 'In the Midst of Alarms,' 'A Woman Intervenes,' etc. _Crown 8vo._ _6s._

  THE LADY'S WALK. By MRS. OLIPHANT. _Crown 8vo._ _6s._

  A new book by this lamented author, somewhat in the style of her 'Beleagured City.'

  TRAITS AND CONFIDENCES. By The Hon. EMILY LAWLESS, Author of 'Hurrish,' 'Maelcho,' etc. _Crown 8vo._ _6s._

  BLADYS. By S. BARING GOULD, Author of 'The Broom Squire,' etc. Illustrated by F. H. TOWNSEND. _Crown 8vo._ _6s._

  A Romance of the last century.

  THE POMP OF THE LAVILETTES. By GILBERT PARKER, Author of 'The Seats of the Mighty,' etc. _Crown 8vo._ _3s. 6d._

  A DAUGHTER OF STRIFE. By JANE HELEN FINDLATER, Author of 'The Green Graves of Balgowrie.' _Crown 8vo._ _6s._

  A story of 1710.

  OVER THE HILLS. By MARY FINDLATER. _Crown 8vo._ _6s._

  A novel by a sister of J. H. Findlater, the author of 'The Green Graves of Balgowrie.'

  A CREEL OF IRISH STORIES. By JANE BARLOW, Author of 'Irish Idylls.' _Crown 8vo._ _6s._

  THE CLASH OF ARMS. By J. BLOUNDELLE BURTON, Author of 'In the Day of Adversity.' _Crown 8vo._ _6s._

  A PASSIONATE PILGRIM. By PERCY WHITE, Author of 'Mr. Bailey-Martin.' _Crown 8vo._ _6s._

  SECRETARY TO BAYNE, M.P. By W. PETT RIDGE. _Crown 8vo._ _6s._

  THE BUILDERS. By J. S. FLETCHER, Author of 'When Charles I. was King.' _Crown 8vo._ _6s._

  JOSIAH'S WIFE. By NORMA LORIMER. _Crown 8vo._ _6s._

  BY STROKE OF SWORD. By ANDREW BALFOUR. Illustrated by W. CUBITT COOKE. _Crown 8vo._ _6s._

  A romance of the time of Elizabeth.

  THE SINGER OF MARLY. By I. HOOPER. Illustrated by W. CUBITT COOKE. _Crown 8vo._ _6s._

  A romance of adventure.

  KIRKHAM'S FIND. By MARY GAUNT, Author of 'The Moving Finger.' _Crown 8vo._ _6s._

  THE FALL OF THE SPARROW. By M. C. BALFOUR. _Crown 8vo._ _6s._

  SCOTTISH BORDER LIFE. By JAMES C. DIBDIN. _Crown 8vo._ _3s. 6d._


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