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Good Intentions (Welcome to Paradise) (Volume 2)

Page 24

by S. L. Scott

  “Who was the slut on your arm tonight?” Shit! That didn’t come out right.



  “Mallory, I think we should talk in the morning.”

  Completely freaked out by that last comment, I snap, “No, that’s bullshit! We should talk about this now. I have nothing to hide. Ryan is a classmate and a friend. I spent my night talking about you. How’d you spend your night, Evan?”

  His tone is louder and abrupt. “I spent my night being miserable and missing the fuck out of you, so where does that get us?” He pauses, but then says, “She was some woman who bummed a cigarette off me and was cold, so I loaned her my jacket. Listen, I didn’t do anything wrong. I didn’t even get her name. I could care less about her. I was being polite and that’s when the photographer took a picture. She’s no one, Mallory.” I can’t hide the fact that I’m still sniffling from crying, but I attempt to anyway, wanting us to be together and all better, wanting the ache in my heart to ease up. “Baby, let’s not do this. It’s been two weeks and it already feels like years since I’ve been with you. I want this to work more than you know.”

  I saw that picture and it took me by surprise, but hearing him say all that makes me happy, but also scares me equally. “I do, too. I keep thinking I trust you, but I see some random picture of you and I fall apart. I feel helpless not knowing what’s going on or—”

  He surprisingly demands, “Get online.”

  I moan, worn out and cozy. “I’m in bed. Let’s just—”

  “Turn the laptop on and get the fuck online, Mallory!”

  Shocked by how he’s speaking to me, I crawl like a zombie out of bed and bring up the video program. I sit at the desk and call him. As soon as I see his face, I smile, just a little, but I do. I try to be annoyed with how he’s talking to me, but I can’t because I’m too happy to finally see him. He’s struggling to contain his own smile when he sees me too.

  He leans forward, smile gone as he moves closer to the camera, and asks, “You’re feeling helpless, what does that mean for us? Do you still want to be with me?”

  “Of course, I want to be with you. When I said I feel helpless, I don’t mean I don’t want to be with you. I meant that sometimes I have to give into the bad emotions that being separated from you brings.” I sit up straighter as I explain, “I want you more than anything, Evan. I love you with all my heart. I don’t think I could leave you anyway. Hell, I couldn’t even leave you this past summer when everything was turned upside down.”

  “Mallory, slooow down. I believe you. I just needed to see your face when you said it.” His fingers run across the screen, stroking it. “Please don’t cry. I wish as much as you do that we could be together, and we will. I promise.”

  Seeing him on the screen changes everything, his eyes reflecting the same emotions I’m feeling. “Evan, I didn’t think you’d done anything with that woman. It just hurt to see a photo like that when I wasn’t expecting it. You were in your element in that tux with all those fancy people in the background. Made me feel insecure and small town in comparison. We live in such different worlds and I can’t promise you balls and limos. I don’t even own a fancy dress and yet you probably own your tux.”

  “It’s custom made,” he says, laughing softly, which lightens the mood.

  I laugh. “Of course, it is. I wouldn’t expect anything less.” I roll my eyes, teasing him.

  “What you don’t seem to understand is that I don’t need all this. It’s not what I want. I want you and I don’t know, whatever you want, baby, I want that too.” He adjusts in his seat and then suggests, “I’ve got an idea. We both need to go to bed. Go climb in.”


  “I think we should fall asleep together sometimes. We can leave the camera on. If you wake up, you’ll know that I’m still here with you. In the morning, when you wake up, just turn it off.”

  His sweet idea makes me smile and my heart swoon. “Okay,” I answer, and extend the sleep timer on my computer before climbing back into bed. I pull the covers up to my chin, but lift my head up to watch him slide into his own bed. “Evan?”


  “Can we do this more often? Maybe even most days?”

  “Even if I only get you for a minute, I need you more than you know.” I watch him drop his head onto his pillow, so I rest mine. “I love you. Sweet dreams.”

  “I love you, too. Sweet dreams, baby.”

  I look up every once in a while and see his body lying there calmly and it reminds me of the times I would watch him sleep in Hawaii. I feel whole, feeling one with him again and fall asleep.

  This first full weekend back in Boulder, Sarah and I finish organizing our apartment. She ends up staying at Josh’s both nights though, leaving me to enjoy our place alone. With all the me time I’ve been having, I find myself reaching for a cigarette to comfort, but because of the woman at the ball, Evan has decided to quit and I agree to give up the bad habit as well. I have no idea how the ball or the lady in purple relates to quitting smoking, but I’ll take it. We both need to get healthier.

  The next week and a half flies by with classes, school commitments, and study groups. I have my first exams in three of my classes and start preparing for my other two tests on the upcoming Monday.

  “Evan and I are better. It’s been a month and I think we’ve finally hit our stride. We make the time for each other and chat online and call every day,” I tell Sarah casually over lunch one day. I never doubted that I was committed to him, but for all we’ve been through, I truly trust him. Even when our schedules are crazy, I know he loves me and I’m determined to live in that happy place.

  I’ll be twenty-three this coming Friday. Sarah tells me there’s a party over at one of the frat houses that she thinks will be fun. I only agree to go because it seems like everyone I know is also going. Not my ideal way to spend my birthday, but it will have to do since I can’t be with Evan.

  He also told me that he’s sending me a surprise and to be on the lookout for it. Although I beg to know what it is… a lot, he doesn’t budge. I give up trying to figure it out and wait in excited anticipation all week.

  Thursday turns into Friday. At midnight on the dot—my laptop pings and my phone buzzes. I run to check online first and see Evan’s smiling face looking back at me. “Happy birthday, Mallory.”

  “Thank you.”

  I look down at my phone and check a text message. It’s from my parents.

  Happy Birthday. Can’t wait to see you this weekend. Love you. Mom & Dad

  I smile because of the message.

  “I wanted to let you know I’m gonna be working late this evening, but I promise we’ll see each other. I’m not sure when, so make sure to be online tonight if you can.”

  I kiss the screen because I miss him and because I want to. He chuckles then kisses the screen back.

  “You kissed the monitor for me. You’re too sweet, spoiling me rotten on my birthday,” I playfully joke.

  “I’d rather be kissing your lips, but I guess a cold, unfeeling monitor will have to do for now.”

  I laugh. “But only for now. I expect the real deal sooner rather than later. Just sayin’, sexy. So what’s this business about a surprise?”

  “You surviving the unknown? You’re not good with surprises.”

  “I’m good when they’re from you,” I say, waggling my eyebrows.

  “Do you have a birthday wish, my love?” he asks, giving me his full attention.

  “I have everything I could ever want. My only wish would be to spend my birthday with you and that can’t happen so, I have no wish this year.” I laugh at how sad that sounds. “Geez, depressing enough?”

  He smiles, and says, “Wish away, babycakes, but you know what they say? Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it.”

  “In that case.” I close my eyes, cross my fingers, and wish that Evan could hold me in his arms for my birthday.

You’re so fucking cute. I should let you go though. I know you have early classes. Happy birthday again, sexy girl.”

  “Thank you for… for everything, babe.”

  I climb into bed, pulling the covers up to my neck. It doesn’t take long to fall asleep with no worries weighing me down.

  Sarah and I walk into our English class and pick seats near the upper section aisle. Will starts working his way toward us, but he diverts and sits down by two giggling girls. A few minutes into class, Ryan rushes into the room, looks around for a seat, dashes up the stairs, and smiles at me as he passes.

  I feel someone tap me on the shoulder and turn to see a pretty yellow rose. Following it from bloom to stem to the hand holding it and further up, I see Ryan sitting behind me.

  When I arch an eyebrow up at him, he leans closer and whispers, “It’s yellow. Yellow means friendship.”

  I laugh because that is true. “Thank you.” I take the rose and turn back to listen to the professor.

  Sarah whispers, “I used to think you had an admirer in Ryan. Now, I know you do.”

  “It’s yellow,” I whisper, justifying.

  “Keep telling yourself that, Wray. Keep telling yourself that,” she teases.

  I stare at the rose most of the class questioning once again if he’s playing me or if he really is being up front with me.

  When we leave class, I spy Ryan behind us, quietly apart from our group, but biding his time in our shadow.

  Sarah heads off to her next class and I start walking across campus. I know Ryan’s still behind me. “You know, you’re going to get people gossiping if you keep doing such nice things for your friends,” I say loud enough so he can hear while holding up the rose to back my words.

  “Let them gossip,” he says, his voice closer than I expected, but he’s still trailing behind me.

  “What if I’m not comfortable with these kinds of gestures?” I ask without looking and keep walking.

  “You shouldn’t be skeptical of nice gestures. You obviously don’t have enough nice people in your life.”

  I stop, feeling defensive. “My boyfriend does a lot of nice things for me.”

  “Happy birthday, Mallory,” he says confidently, ignoring my last statement. “Have you had a good day?”

  Walking over to the grass, I sit down, enjoying the sunshine and open my backpack. Just as I suspected he would, he sits down next to me, lounging back on the grass.

  “It’s been good and had a great start at midnight.”

  “Have you received lots of gifts and a cake? Everyone deserves a cake on their birthday,” he states matter of fact.

  “Sarah gave me a scarf and glove set this morning—”

  “And the boyfriend? What’d the boyfriend send you?”

  “He’s sending me a surprise. I just haven’t received it yet. I’ve been in classes all morning.”

  “What if nothing shows—”

  “Stop!” I give him a pointed look. “I don’t know what you’re trying to gain by upsetting me, but stop.”

  “Are you upset about something?”

  “No, uh, well, yeah, no. Listen, Evan doesn’t have to give me anything at all and I’d be happy because I have him.”

  “You have him?”

  “You know what I mean? Anyway, he gave me a laptop as an early present in August. That was too generous, so I don’t expect anything. But if there’s one thing I can rely on, it’s Evan. So if he says I’m getting a surprise today then I’ll get one. It’s as simple as that.”

  “Ahhh, I see,” he says, all knowing.

  I shove my book back into my bag, and stand up, looking back only once before I leave. “Ryan, thank you for the rose. It was very… unnecessary.”

  “Gifts aren’t about necessity.”

  “I’ve got to go,” I say before walking away, annoyed, and leaving him there in the grass.

  Walking into the cafeteria, the smell instantly reminds me why I don’t eat in here and haven’t in years. I walk to the line and grab a small salad. After purchasing it, I sit at a corner table and pull out my phone.

  I call Evan, my calls go straight to voicemail, but hearing his voice on his recorded message makes me feel better. I remember he said he has a long day ahead of him, so I leave a message and try not stress.

  Will sits down next to me. Reflexively, I turn my back to him.

  “Mallory, can we please stop playing this game. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I cheated on you. I’m sorry for calling you names and I’m sorry for hurting you. Honestly, I didn’t know you liked me that much.”

  I spin on my chair, hitting him with my best glare. “We dated long enough to be called a couple and I thought couples talked to each other. I expected that you would talk to me if you were unhappy with something, but you didn’t. You went off and had sex with someone else then blamed me for it.”

  “I wanted a little sexual adventure and you wanted marriage—”

  “Bullshit! I didn’t want marriage. Not then anyway. I’ll admit I thought you broke my heart, but I’ve learned I wasn’t in love with you. I only thought I was. You aren’t the love of my life, Will. So it’s easy to put our relationship in perspective now.” All this anger toward him feels like wasted energy, remembering that Will cheating on me technically led me to Evan. I stand up, tossing my bag onto my back. “Actually, I’d like to thank you.”

  “What? Why?”His voice raises an awkward octave higher.

  “Because if you hadn’t cheated on me, treating me like you did, I wouldn’t have gone to Hawaii and I wouldn’t have met the person I am going to marry. So, I’d like to say thank you, Will,” I say this, meaning every word. “We might even have to invite you to the wedding now.” I laugh and leave him dumbstruck at the table and finish my school day with a smile on my face, forgiveness inside, and love in my heart.

  Just before seven that evening, Sarah barges into my bedroom as I’m straightening my hair. She turns down my birthday playlist she created for the occasion and stands there grinning at me. Pulling a robe on over my bra and panties, I wait for her to say whatever she came in here to say because I can tell she has something on her mind.

  She finally breaks into a squeal, then says, “You’ve got to come into the living and see this right now, Mallory!”

  Picking the iron back up, I reply, “I’m almost done. Let me finish my hair.”

  She takes the straightening iron from my hand, sets it down, and says, “Now!” Grabbing my hand, she starts pulling me through my bedroom door into the living room, but stops to ask, “Are you wearing that?”

  “I haven’t figured out what I’m wearing to the party yet. I was gonna try on a few things and let you choose. Anyway, what do you care, if this is such an emergency?”

  “Fine. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  “Warn me?” The warning makes me nervous. I round the corner into the living room and see a delivery guy with a huge bouquet of tropical flowers—flowers I remember seeing in Hawaii. The bouquet is so big it actually takes my breath away.

  It’s so huge it completely hides the delivery guy until he lowers the flowers, and says, “Happy birthday, baby.”

  Continue reading for a Book 3 Sneak Peek

  I don’t know what I expected. Maybe I thought this would make sense to her as it would to anyone else in the world… anyone with a heart. But I forgot, Evan’s mother doesn’t have a heart.

  “Oh,” she says, her tone remains emotionless. “I didn’t know it was your birthday. I would normally send my best wishes, but alas, this is not a social call, so we won’t waste time with petty occurrences in your life.” I stay silent, forgetting that I have the ability to hang up as she continues her verbal assault. “I’m going to be frank with you, Mallory. I want my son living in New York. He can finish his degree here and continue in the family business. Three generations have worked hard to make Ashford Holdings the success it is, and Evan will one day lead it to greater success.” She sighs as if she’s bored with thi
s conversation. But her words are stern, and I can tell she means every one of them. “With that success, Evan should marry an equal worthy of the Ashford name. Wray is sweet, but pedestrian. It’s entirely unnecessary for him to attach himself to someone that can’t uphold our family ideals. You live in a different world with different traditions and values. Your Mile High City charms won’t work here. I don’t know what he was thinking back in Hawaii, but he’s returned to New York, a place where Evan Theodore Monroe Ashford is revered and respected. He’s a catch not only amongst the best families in Manhattan, but across Europe as well. If you care for him at all, you will cut ties with him and let him live up to his potential. Don’t ruin his destiny. He can own this city if he chooses. He’s that talented.”

  “Mrs. Ashford—”

  “This isn’t a discussion or a request, Miss Wray.”

  Studies show that the Pine Industries is a safe investment and a great opportunity to establish presence in the American market. The CFO of the group is Brazilian and has strong ties with the community and latin definitely adds value for potential future opportunities. We have the means to not only meet the financial goals of the company, as well as take it to the next level of growth. I really hope you will consider these factors in decision making.

  We will be doing the transfer of 6.7 million in the morning to start the ball rolling.

  Very good and thanks again for this opportunity. On behalf of our entire staff, welcome to Ashford Holdings.

  I’m blessed with such an amazing family and friends who support me in life and on my publishing journey. Thank you for always standing by me.

  My family is amazing. You are my heart, my soul, and get all my love—always.

  To my best friends, you keep me laughing and make writing books so much fun.

  Special hugs, kisses, and tight squeezes to Becca, Flavia, Heather, Irene, Jenn, Lisa, Meire, Marla, Susi, Suzanne, and Vilma. You worked so tirelessly and did so with enthusiasm. Mahalo.


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