A Different Shade of Blue, Shades of Blue, Book 2
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"Not yet, no," Olivia pressed her lips together and frowned. "His father is sick, and they want Matthew to take over the ranch and all. Anyhow, Misses Corson told my mother he is looking to settle down and so they want us to spend time together. I am not against it, Mitch." Resigned eyes swept his face. "Is there any reason for me not to marry Matthew?"
Mitch could barely swallow the past the lump that lodged in his throat. Not trusting himself to speak, he could only stare at his boots and shake his head.
"Good bye, Mitch."
When he looked up she'd gone.
Chapter Ten
The clanks of forks on plates were the only sounds in the dining room. Nora, Mitch and their mother ate in silence, each lost in their musings. It suited her just fine, after leaving the schoolhouse she'd gone to the mercantile to help her parents. Outside the saloon she'd spotted Grayson with a saloon girl. He stood outside with the woman, deep in conversation. If that didn't speak volumes of his disregard for her, nothing did. He'd gone straight to a saloon girl after spending the night at her house. Not only that but he'd called her by his wife's name. "Sophia." Clearly she'd heard him murmur the name between kisses, not seeming to even realize it. Nora blinked back angry tears and gripped her fork pushing the now cold food around in her plate.
"We're ending your engagement," her mother pulled Nora away from her thoughts. "Your father is gone to the Cole ranch to speak to Hank. As much as I'd like to see you married, we are not about to allow you to marry into the family of a killer."
"Ashley didn't kill that man," Nora replied. No matter how hurt she was by Grayson's actions, she believed him when it came to his brother being innocent.
"Oh, Nora, you're such a kind hearted person." Her mother shook her head. "There is something wrong with that boy. He's not been the same since he came back from wherever he went with the cavalry.
"Anyway, as I was saying, your father will be speaking to Hank Cole and will let him know that the engagement is off. I know they'll understand that it should be handled discreetly; we'll just say you couldn't abide Grayson Cole's behavior. Why that boy was chasing after Olivia Dougherty, knowing full well she's your brother's girl."
At hearing Olivia's name, Mitch straightened. "She's not my girl. Not anymore." He pushed away from the table. "Ma, you need to let us live our lives and make our own decisions. Nora didn't want to get married in the first place. By you pushing this engagement is what got her in this mess to begin with. What is wrong with us choosing who and when we marry?" He picked up his hat from a nearby chair and stormed from the house.
Carolyn Banks placed her palm over her chest. "What in the world's gotten into that boy?" She dropped her arm. "Besides Grayson has the most horrible reputation, why it was just a few weeks ago that he rode out of town half naked after jumping out of Mary Morrison's window. Her husband came home early from a cattle drive. That boy's lucky Jay Morrison is too gullible to figure things out and shoot him."
Nora did not reply, instead stood and picked up the dinner plates. "I'll clean up, Mother, why don't you put your feet up. You know how they swell from standing all day at the store."
It was easy to dissuade her mother from cleaning up, she flashed Nora a grateful smile and shuffled out of the room.
A heavy weight lodged into her chest. Instead of relief at the opportunity that presented itself to easily end the engagement with Grayson, annoyance filled her. That they could not make a decision on their own didn't sit well with her. Tomorrow she'd seek out Grayson and speak to him. Although he'd probably be glad to be rid of her and the situation, she needed to speak to him and personally ensure he knew she was unaware of her father's visit to his family. Grayson, his actions the night before contradicted every rumor she'd heard about him. He'd not pressed her to take things forward. Just as he'd promised, he remained in the front room bundled in blankets fast asleep when she'd slipped out that morning. Why did her foolish heart pick him and not Bronson?
The warm dishwater soothed her skin and instantly the picture of Grayson's heated kisses, the warmth of his large body against hers entered her mind. Her lips curved at remembering how his long hair fell forward, the silken tresses swinging back and forth when he leaned over her. With a deep sigh, she closed her eyes. At least no one could take her memory of the special moments she shared with him.
Nora spent the next day at Banks’s mercantile, after cancelling classes for the week. No use in holding school for the three children who'd show up. The rest of her students were all staying home to help with spring planting. Perched on a ladder, she dusted a long shelf and lifted jars from the lower one up arranging them in straight lines. Satisfied with the organized items, she climbed down to gather more cleaning cloths from the back room.
"How about some of that jerky. I'd like a dollar's worth." That voice. The gruff male voice shot like ice down her veins and Nora froze not daring to turn around. The timber was exactly as she remembered it against her ear, that dark night. Her heart hammered so hard she feared it would break free from her chest and her mouth dried making it impossible to swallow.
No, Nora didn't have to look to know it was him, the last person she ever thought to see again. The one man she wished never to cross paths with.
From her peripheral vision, she saw her mother smile as she chatted good-naturedly while weighing the items. "It's quite good, we get it from a family on the outskirts of town. They refuse to share the recipe...."
Nora dared a look over her left shoulder, away from the man and her mother. Her father was unloading some fabric onto a large bin while at the same time helping another customer and her husband. Once assured her parents were safe, she dropped the soiled cloths and dashed out the back door. It was imperative to keep Mitch from entering while that man was there.
Nora practically ran into her brother who carried a case full of jars towards the back entry. Heart pounding she struggled to get words past her parched throat
"Hold the door open," Mitch grunted under the weight of his burden.
Nora blocked his path and allowed the door to close. "I'm going to be sick, Mitch," Nora croaked and grabbed for his arm wrapping her hand around it.
"Stop now, you're going to make me drop this case of molasses, they're heavy." Mitch wobbled but managed to keep the crate upright.
"Please, don't go inside, not right now." Nora knew that if Mitch entered the building he'd not hesitate to kill the man, not caring who witnessed it. Her secret would be out and Mitch hung for murder.
"You're white as a ghost," Mitch told her, concern etched across his handsome face. "Are you about to pass out?"
With narrowed eyes, her brother looked to the back wall of the building. "Why? Who's in there?” Nora was glad when he placed his burden down and came to her and took her by the shoulders to guide her to sit on a crate.
What if the man was inside with intent to steal? Holding her parents at gunpoint while she fought to keep Mitch outside. God.
Focusing on his face, she realized her mind had wandered and she forced her breathing to slow. Unfortunately her mind went back to what happened inside.
"I'm going to get Ma, you don't seem well at all." Mitch went to stand, but Nora grabbed his arm, her mind scrambling with something to tell her brother.
"Mitch, you should marry Olivia, settle down, start a family. I know you care for her and she for you," she blurted. "Go talk to her, tell her how you feel. I want the best for you and it breaks my heart to know how often you're over at that saloon."
Mitch frowned at her words, but her tactic worked, his attention redirected from her pallor. "What do I have to offer?" Her brother's shoulder's fell forward. "I don't own a damn thing, not land, not a house, nothing. I sleep above the mercantile for goodness sakes."
"That can be fixed easily enough. You've saved enough money that you can buy some land and build a house." Nora reached forward and placed a hand on his jaw. "Why do you not marry, Mitch? Tell
me the truth? Is it because of me?"
"No...of course not." Mitch's hesitant reply did not convince her. Tormented eyes met hers and his words broke her heart. "If I could not save you, how can I expect to keep a wife from harm? Be the protector of a family."
The knowledge of how much that man had taken from both of them turned her vision red. Nora stomped her foot. "God's sakes, Mitch! You were sixteen, barely a man. Of course that bastard overtook you, it was him in the wrong about everything. Not us! We were only kids." She huffed and lowered her voice. " Besides, things are different now. You are tall and quite strong. Not to mention a great shot. It would never happen now."
A smile curved Mitch's lips. "Thanks, sis. But Olivia is not the woman for me. She wants more than I have, more than who I am. I do care for her, but not in the way a man cares for the woman he wishes to marry." He stood and picked up the crate again. "Now, please open the door for me."
Dread rose up her body with each step she took behind her brother into the mercantile. She strained to listen for the raspy tone. Someone spoke. It was a male voice, but it didn't sound like the man's, instead it was the familiar deep timber of Grayson's voice. A different type of apprehension took hold. Were both Grayson and the man here?
Mitch moved aside and the entire space came into view. An elderly lady with a basket hanging from her arm, picked through a bushel of apples. The only other person in the mercantile besides her parents was Grayson. Strong broad shoulders bunched as he took the bundle her mother proffered and at the same time his blue eyes met hers. His lips lifted into a lazy smile. "Hello, Nora." Her stomach pitched, her entire body tingling and coming to life as she attempted to smile in return.
Her father cleared his throat and her mother glared at him. Before her parents could speak, Nora rushed to Grayson and took his arm. "Let's step outside, I must speak with you."
"All right," Grayson replied and glanced over to Mitch. "Everything good between us?"
Mitch nodded wordlessly, his eyes locked on where she held onto Grayson's arm. "I apologize. I overreacted. Not sure what I was thinkin.'"
Seeming to be satisfied with Mitch's answer, Grayson allowed her to pull him toward the door and outside to stand by the hitching posts. "Something's wrong isn't it?" Brows drawn, he looked down at her. "What happened?"
"You haven't been home yet?" Nora asked.
"Not until I have a clear answer about what's going to happen with my brother. Why? Did something happen at Cole ranch?" He looked toward the stables where she assumed his horse was.
"Nothing is wrong at your home, Grayson. Although, with Ashley in jail, complications have arisen between our families."
He interrupted. "I can speak to your parents. I talked to Lizzy earlier, one of the saloon girls. She told me the night Walters was killed, he had an argument over a game of cards with a grey-bearded stranger. I have to find that man. My gut tells me he's the killer."
Guilt assailed her, Grayson was actually telling her why he'd been talking to the saloon girl. The man before her was so unaware of how his speaking to the saloon girl came across that he actually seemed at ease telling her about it. He didn't suspect she'd find his conversation with the girl in bad taste or an affront to her. Nora met his earnest eyes and took a breath. "I believe I know who that stranger is. I may also know where he's staying."
"It doesn't matter how I know, but I do." She looked over her shoulder to ensure Mitch did not come out. "I need you to promise me my brother won't know anything about this. You can speak to the sheriff, get some men together."
Although he frowned in the direction of the doorway, Grayson did not question her about motives. He nodded. "Dawson isn't much help right now. I'll get Bronson and we'll capture him ourselves."
"There's something else," Nora told him suddenly feeling exhausted. "My father went to see yours and broke our engagement because of the situation with Ashley. I suppose it makes it easier for us."
Grayson's eyes widened and his lips parted. He reached for his hat and yanked it off his head slapping it on his leg. "Shouldn't that decision be up to us? What is this, the sixteen hundreds where marriages are arranged by parents?"
In spite of the situation Nora couldn't help a sad smile. "I thought you'd be happy to hear that you're free of this. Of me."
"I suppose it's better than we planned."
She inhaled sharply, his words cutting into her chest, but she ignored the sting, pushed it away. Grayson watched her closely. "Is it what you want, Nora? To be free of me?" The questions took her by surprise, as did the intensity of his stare. "I mean, after what happened between us...I'm not so sure about wanting to break off our engagement. What I'm saying is...well, I think we should take a day or so and then decide."
"I'm confused, you have been so adamant about not wanting to ever settle down," Nora told him not looking away. "Why do you need to think about it?"
"'Cause," he leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers, "I can't stop thinking about you. I'm not ready to let you go."
Minutes after he walked away, Nora remained in front of the building, her mind awhirl. Not ready to let you go. The unexpected words lifted her spirits from the bare bottom they'd hit upon the stranger reentering her life.
Then she realized he said he wasn't ready to let her go, it did not mean he planned to marry her, her soul sank, she wasn't strong enough to go through that heartbreak.
Not that her heart wasn't already going through a lashing.
Chapter Eleven
The cold chill of premonition shook him and Ashley jerked up to sit. Something was wrong. One of his brothers was in danger. It had to be Grayson, it was always Grayson getting into scrapes, needing him. What was the boy up to this time?
"Deputy?" He called out, his voice hoarse from lack of use.
"What you want?" the man yelled from the front office.
"Let me out now," he growled.
"Right. That's the last thing you can expect, Cole."
"I mean it deputy, if you don't let me out, something bad is going to happen. I need to get out of here."
"Why don't you try and get past the cell door and do just that," the deputy called back with a mirthless chuckle. "Idiot."
Just then the sound of footsteps grabbed Ashley's attention, Sheriff Dawson's voice was low and angry. "That damn Grayson is collecting up a posse, they rode out just minutes ago. From what I hear they're headed towards Clark River. Need you to come along with me and stop this nonsense."
"Hey!" Ashley yelled, "what about me?"
"You'll be fine, I've got someone coming," Dawson called back. "Don't cause any more problems either. And Ashley, looks like your brother will be sharing the cell with you by nightfall."
More steps sounded, the door slammed and then silence.
Scant minutes later, the door opened and new softer footfalls crossed the front room. Whoever entered stepped lighter than a man and he wondered who it was. "Hello?"
Silence, whoever it was did not reply. A chair squeaked as if the person sat, then it was quiet again. Part of him wanted to ignore whoever it was, but it warred against the other half that needed to leave the place and ensure his brother, was not about to get himself killed. "Deputy? I'm about to be sick."
No reply came.
"Whoever you are, can you help me?" he forced his voice to sound weak, thanks to the lack of use, he didn't have to fake the hoarseness. "I need some water. Please."
A huff sounded followed by water being poured. He kept his eyes downcast as the person moved closer. Boots and brown britches neared, the keys to the cells jingled from a belt worn low on a slender waist. Closer and closer still the new jail keeper moved with caution. Ashley bided his time waiting for the perfect moment. He coughed and groaned.
A tin cup was proffered between the bars, the arm stretched into the cell and Ashley uncoiled slowly, giving the illusion of having difficulty moving. He reached for the cup and grabbed the man's arm yanking him roughly agains
t the bars while with his other hand he wrapped fingers around his waist and unfastened the key ring.
"Awwww!" The scream startled him so that he almost dropped the keys, but he managed to move past the shock of a female voice. Not releasing her arm, Ashley met the darkest eyes he'd ever seen. Deeper than the night sky, so dark he could not make out the pupils. The woman groaned in pain and he released his hold just enough so to not hurt her more.
"Don't move," he grunted and took her face in. Heart-shaped with a rosebud for a mouth, she looked more like an angel than a tomboy. The midnight black tresses that were not collected back into a braid of sorts were tussled about her beautiful face, framing it perfectly.
The woman grimaced when Ashley maneuvered around to slip the key into the lock. "Damn it, Ashley, Pa's gonna kill me! Why the hell can't you just stay in there? He's gonna get you anyway."
"How do you know me?" He couldn't help but gape at her when she bit her bottom lip and released the now moistened pink pout.
"Doesn't matter," she snapped and attempted to wiggle her arm free. "You're hurting me."
The clink of the lock releasing followed by the squeak of the cell door opening seemed to anger her further. "Now look here, Ashley Cole, don't think I'm not going to chase after you and get you right back in there."
They shuffled, her walking backward along with the door, each of them on opposite sides as he held her by her arm against the bars. Ashley released her arm and rushed around the door. As he expected, she ran for the front office and whatever firearm her father left for her to use. Either that or she was running out the front door to yell for help.
She chose the rifle, but before she could reach it, Ashley grabbed her from behind and they tumbled onto the floor. The wildcat scratched, kicked and bit at him.
"Umpf!" Stars sprang up behind his eyelids, when her knee connected between his legs. Ashley did not release her instead he rolled with her so that he lay over her allowing his weight to assist in holding her still until he recovered enough to breath normally. He panted against the side of her face, keeping his head turned while making it impossible for her to move.