Making Eden
Page 24
What, if any, is the broader significance of mycorrhizal fungi for weathering
rocks? Answering that question is crucial to the business of determining whether
these microbes have been playing a hidden role in driving global change over hun-
dreds of millions of years of Earth’s history. Some insights came from field trials exploiting the superb tree collections in the Westonbirt National Arboretum,
Gloucestershire in the UK. Situated in a historic landscape that has survived since Victorian times thanks to careful management by the Forestry Commission,
Westonbirt is a living collection of over 3000 different trees.34 When combined
with a management team agreeable to our undertaking scientific field trials, the
site provided us with the perfect opportunity to investigate rock grain weather-
ing beneath trees whose roots are bound in tight symbiotic alliance with mycor-
rhizal fungi. The simple trick of incubating uniform-sized grains of silicate
rocks in mesh bags buried in soils beneath the trees proved key. By carefully
selecting the size of the mesh, fine tree roots were excluded but fungal threads
could enter, colonize, and weather the test rock grains. In other words, incubating the rock grains in this way allowed us to isolate the actions of mycorrhizal fungi.
The secret world of microbial weathering beneath the Westonbirt trees soon
revealed itself. The fungal partners of the gymnosperm trees Metasequoia and Sequoia, selected as the closest modern analogues to Devonian forest trees, proliferated in mesh bags containing basalt grains but not in those containing other less easily
weatherable grains of granite or quartz.35 Such targeted fungal proliferation reflects a tightly regulated self-reinforcing or positive feedback mechanism operating between the two groups of organisms involved—trees and fungi. As the fungi colonize the
basalt grains and pass the weathered nutritious elements back to their host tree roots, the tree in return ups its provision of photosynthate to the fungus, enabling it to proliferate, do more weathering, and capture more nutrients. Now consider the reverse
Sculpting climate a 161
situation: how the feedback loop is shut down if fungi colonized unreactive rock
grains. A lack of nutritious elements to pass back to the host tree means no extra carbon reward provided by the roots, slowing fungal growth. Mineral flakes recovered from the mesh bags also confirmed that fungi really do seem to be tiny trench dig-gers. The size and shape of the trenches measured on the flakes perfectly matched those of fungal hyphae as they etched their way across the mineral surface.36
With mycorrhizal fungi becoming recognized as possible agents of weather-
ing, the focus turned to explaining how they achieve this feat. The answer comes
from thinking about the flow of carbon energy between the plants and fungi. The
energy flux is really a flow of sugars synthesized by photosynthesis that starts life in the tree canopy, from where it moves downwards into roots to support the pervasive growth of fungal networks in the soils below. Rock-eating microbes, it
turns out, have an appetite for weathering that varies in proportion to the carbon-energy flux they receive from host trees.37
But how is it that cotton-wool-like fungal filaments can dissolve rock and min-
eral grains? The answer is through a variety of metabolic tricks, one of which
involves bonding themselves tightly to mineral grains by special sticky proteins.
This enables them to generate massive internal pressures—typically 4000–10 000
times higher than atmospheric pressure at sea-level38—to ‘inflate’ the fungal filament, and drive their exploratory growth. Such pressures may even be an evolu-
tionary adaptation for penetrating rock surfaces and, in the case of pathogenic
fungi, plant tissues. By bonding tightly to the surface of the mineral, the fungus can generate spectacular downward forces that mechanically fracture rock grains.
For good measure, they combine this mechanical pressure with an acid bath
treatment, thanks to the extremely high metabolic rates of the hyphae, generating carbon dioxide, the waste product of aerobic respiration, which acidifies the aque-ous soil solution in which they live. Acidification is highly localized by rapidly proliferating hyphae. Exuding streams of hydrogen ions during nutrient uptake,
they weaken the already pressured mineral surface, causing it to split and frac-
ture. Every split and fracture opens up new faces for the chemical weathering
reactions to proceed, hastening destruction. Countless millions of hyphae are,
unnoticed, eating their way through countless rock grains in soils of the world,
supported by carbon supplies delivered from the trees above ground.39
Bringing mycorrhizal fungi into our picture of events in the Devonian,
adds a new link to the chain of cause and effect involving the soil nutrient,
162 a Sculpting clim ate
phosphorus.40 Phosphorus is an essential element for all forms of life, which need it for making DNA and cell membranes, amongst other things. In the early stages
of soil formation, it is provided by the weathering of the mineral apatite because most of the phosphorus in the Earth’s crust (over 95%) is locked up in apatite, with far smaller amounts occurring as inclusions in igneous rocks. On land, apatite
stocks are being slowly but progressively depleted by weathering. Stocks are only recycled when plate tectonics uplifts buried rocks containing apatite or when volcanic eruptions at plate boundaries spew out huge amounts of fast-weathering
basalt. Apatite depletion on land means that, in the long run, the productivity and biomass of the trees declines as they exhaust rock phosphorus supplies.41 Consider how this might have played out with the arrival of trees and then forests of trees in the Devonian. As early trees and forests evolved into the major forms, including those uncovered by Berry, Stein, and colleagues, what better way to meet their growing demand for phosphorus than by teaming up with mycorrhizal fungi that
are highly adept at mining it from apatite in soils? It is easy to imagine these early forests expending carbon energy to support mycorrhizal fungal partners in
return for obtaining access to the phosphorus supplies necessary for running
their metabolism and building biomass.
At this point, however, we should acknowledge that evidence for fossil mycor-
rhizal partnerships in the roots of trees forming Devonian forests is lacking. We should be mindful of the limited nature of the fossil record of these trees and its generally poor quality of preservation. Recall that forests like those in Gilboa
have little of the original anatomy remaining. Here, the dictum ‘absence of evi-
dence is not the same as evidence of absence’ is apposite. By the time of the
Carboniferous, arborescent lycopsids, which dominated the extensive tropical
swamplands and rose to heights of over 30 metres, were mycorrhizal, as we
know from well-preserved fossilized strap-like root appendages preserving
arbuscules and other diagnostic features of the fungi. These giants of the past
have since become extinct but we also know that all of the extant gymnosperm
groups that originated at least 300 million years ago (including cycads, ginkgo,
and others) form mycorrhizal partnerships that facilitate the release of phos-
phorus from apatite.42 There is also the constancy of mycorrhizal alliances of
trees since those far-off days of the Carboniferous because all later-evolving tree groups have roots tightly bound into associations with symbiotic fungi. So it is
simply inconceivable to imagine Devonian trees as being any different to modern
Sculpting climate a 163
trees in terms of rely
ing on fungal symbionts to fulfil their nutrient demands as they evolved progressively larger stature.
A revised hypothesis explaining how the rise of Devonian forests bioengin-
eered Earth’s climate as they ‘greened’ the continental land surface might, then, look something like this. As trees with bigger and architecturally more complex
rooting systems evolved, they pumped more carbon energy below ground, fuel-
ling the rock mining by roots and mycorrhiza for phosphorus and other essential
elements needed to meet the rising demands for synthesizing more tissues. These
activities, in turn, acidified soils and increased the bio logically driven weathering of rocks. The carbon fluxes involved were likely enormous. Forests and grasslands of the modern world direct a carbon-energy flux estimated to be equivalent
to around six times our annual electricity production from burning fossil fuels.43
Or, put another way, three to seven orders of magnitude greater than the kinetic
energy generated by tectonic uplift tradition ally thought to regulate the global biogeochemical cycling of elements over time.44
Viewed in the light of such mind-boggling numbers, it starts to become clearer
how the arrival and spread of forests through the Devonian might have bioengin-
eered global climate, ramping up the carbon-energy flux pumped into soils via allocation to roots and mycorrhiza to influence rock weathering and atmospheric
carbon dioxide sequestration.45 We can capture nutrient effects simply by adding an extra step in our logical sequence. Nature abhors destabilizing or self-reinforcing (positive) feedback loops and yet by doing this we find one that looks like this: bigger trees → deeper roots → faster weathering → greater nutrient release → bigger trees.
Humanity, like the emerging forests that ‘greened’ the continental land surfaces, has a huge and growing demand for phosphorus. We rely on rock phosphate
that formed 10–15 million years ago for supplies to make fertilizers that support modern agricultural production. Unlike nitrogen fertilizers synthesized industrially with the Haber–Bosch process, we are unable to synthesize phosphorus
in the lab. Like time itself, phosphorus is non-renewable. There is no substitute.
164 a Sculpting clim ate
Yet excess phosphorus is being wasted as it flows from fertilizers to water-
courses and coastal oceans, fuelling intense algal blooms that deliver pulses of
organic matter to sediments. Microbial decomposers consume dissolved oxy-
gen, creating gigantic ‘dead zones’ in the coastal oceans—affecting over 250 000
km2 in 2008.46 The anthropogenic black-shales of the modern world that will
eventually form around the coasts will tell our story to future gener ations of
geologists reading humanity’s footprint on the sediments of the planet.
Meeting the agricultural demand for fertilizers saw global extraction of
phosphate rock triple since the end of the Second World War.47 Costs rise as the
quality of phosphate rock reserves declines, raising the question: are we
approaching peak phosphorus production, a time when we are consuming it
faster than we can economically extract it? Peak production might be on the
horizon within a few generations, but an accurate timeline depends on assess-
ing the quantity remaining in the ground, and the extent we recycle. Gauging
reserves is dependent on voluntary provision of data and old geological assess-
ments.48 Currently, the four top countries thought to control more than 85% of
known phosphorus reserves, are Morocco, China, Algeria, and Syria, with
Morocco in the driving seat. By contrast, a dozen members of OPEC control
80% of the world’s oil reserves.
There is no ‘quick fix’. We must face up to the prospect of recycling
phosphorus from human waste, as the French poet and author Victor Hugo
(1802–1885) highlighted in Les Misérables:
Science, after having long groped about, now knows that the most fecundating
and the most efficacious of fertilizers is human manure. The Chinese, let us
confess to our shame, knew about it before us . . . If our gold is manure, our
manure on the other hand, is gold.
Toxins, drugs, and heavy metals rule out the use of untreated sewage, but
the idea is getting a modern resurrection, with companies converting ashes
from the combustion of sewage sludge in incinerators into high-quality,
phosphate-rich fertilizer fit for crops.49 Adapting agricultural management
practices to reduce phosphorus demand is also needed.50 In 1938, US President
Franklin Roosevelt said it was ‘high time for the Nation to adopt a national
policy for the production of phosphates for the benefit of this and coming
generations’.51 Seventy-five years later, we are still searching for long-term
solutions to the phosphorus problem.
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The question raised by uncovering potentially destabilizing climate feedbacks
in explaining the role of trees and forests in air conditioning the planet through the Devonian is this: why has Earth not experienced runaway cooling since they
appeared on the continents? A system of checks and balances has to be operational in stabilizing changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels to have prevented
Earth’s climate spiralling out of control. Geochemists believe that these stabilizing (or negative) feedback loops constitute a planetary thermostat, involving
weathering, carbon dioxide, and climate.52
To imagine how the thermostat might operate, consider this scenario. Suppose
atmospheric carbon dioxide levels rose due to a massive and prolonged episode
of volcanic activity. This would drive a warmer climate, due to an enhanced
greenhouse effect, and a wetter climate, by causing a more vigorous precipita-
tion cycle. Both features accelerate chemical reaction rates of rock weathering,
which remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and cool the planet. The
thermostat also operates in reverse if atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are falling, thereby slowing weathering and allowing carbon dioxide to build up.
Suppose, for example, the uplift of major mountain range exposed large amounts
of fresh unweathered rocks to the atmosphere. These rocks can now react with
mildly acidic rainwater to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as they
undergo weathering. The rise of the Himalayas is a good example of such a
tectonic event. It is linked causally to a global decline in the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration and climate cooling, as witnessed by the ensuing glaciation of Antarctica, and a slower weathering regime.53
Of course, there are more processes involved, and for rock weathering to oper-
ate as a climate feedback the Earth must be sufficiently tectonically active to
ensure an adequate supply of fresh rocks and minerals. In this context, the dramatic 90% drop in atmospheric carbon dioxide caused by the rise of trees through the
Devonian is analogous to the uplift of a massive mountain range. It switched Earth into a mode of accelerated weathering, sequestering atmospheric carbon dioxide,
and cooling the climate to resist further weathering. Indeed, there was also the uplift of an equatorial mountain range in the Permo-Carboniferous that may have reinforced the effects of trees in cooling the planet. Conversely, its later destruction may also have contributed to putting the brake on weathering, checking further cooling.54
Shifts in the balance between volcanoes adding carbon dioxide to the atmos-
> phere, and rock weathering slowly removing it, are reflected in Earth’s atmospheric carbon dioxide history, as reconstructed from a variety of fossil materials for
166 a Sculpting clim ate
Age (millions of years ago)
Year A.D.
50 20 10 5
2 1
1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500
Future carbon
(p.p.m 2 500
Ice core Ice core
400 300 200
100 10 5
Age (millions of years ago)
Age (thousands of years ago)
Figure 24 Earth’s atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) history over the past 420 million years plotted alongside possible future pathways of increases in comparison. Notice the apparent minimum threshold or lower limit that has prevailed over the past 20 million years. Dashed line indicates the current average CO2 concentration (405 p.p.m. in 2017) the last half billion years (Figure 24).55 Careful inspection of this impressive reconstruction reveals a curious feature—when the atmospheric carbon dioxide
concentration falls, it seems to bump up against the same minimum value, over
and over again.56 Over the past 24 million years, in particular, carbon dioxide
levels have flat-lined, even, surprisingly, during major mountain-building epi-
sodes like the uplift of the Southern Alps in New Zealand and the Andes.
According to the geochemists, the production of huge quantities of fresh rock
during these tectonic upheavals should have enhanced weathering and sucked
carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. Yet for some reason, it stayed put. If the
reconstruction is valid, the pattern suggests the Earth system may have a built-in minimum atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration. The question is: do the
mechanisms of this strange phenomenon extend beyond the imaginations of
hard-rock geochemists?