Eemian period 192
life cycle 36
Egypt 173
lignin 53–54
Ehrlich, Anne 188
mycorrhizae symbiosis 139–40
Ehrlich, Paul R 61, 90, 188
relative species richness 31 f
Eiseley, Loren 36, 38
reproduction 83–4
Elaeis (oil palms) 190
Fertile Crescent 60–1
The Emerald Planet (BBC) 95
Fertilization 32
End-Cretaceous mass extinction 64
Fertilizers 163–4 b
biosphere recovery time 184
nitrogen fertilizers 172
Endosymbiosis 17, 18 b, 19 f
reduction of use 191
End-Permian mass extinction 20, 182–3
FIE gene 85
biosphere recovery time 184
Fish, energy demand 101 b
End-Triassic mass extinction 182
Flagella 46
Environment, species extinction
Flowering plants see angiosperms (flowering
factors 182–3
Eocene period 147
Flowers, ABC genetic model of floral
Eophyllophyton bellum 70–1
evolution 58–9, 59 f
Inde x a 251
Foley, Jon 189–90
gene transfer experiments
Food chain 3–4
root hairs 78–79
Foolish syndrome 89
SMF1/2 genes 108–109
genome 10 42–65
Carboniferous period 70
comparative genomics 44
carbon sink as 149
definition 42–43
weathering, atmospheric carbon dioxide 167
gene numbers 55–56
Fortey, Richard 1
shared genes 46
Fossil fuels 192–3
sizes 43 f, 56–57
Fossil record 69
genome duplication 55–64
arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi 126–8
ancient 57–58
auxin production and transport 87
flowering plants 60, 64
bryophytes 25–6
insect control and 61
Cairo (Green County, New York) 158–9
RSL gene 79
leafless shoots 70
vertebrate evolution 63
leaves 70–1
genome sequencing 42
proto-bryophytes 25
bryophytes 50–51
Rhynie (Scotland) 122–9, 124 f
ectomycorrhizal fungi 146
roots 76
lycophytes 51
stomata 96–7
Medicago truncatula 146
symbiosis 138, 162
geochemical force, land plants as 155,
Frank, Albert Bernhard 11, 129 b
Frank, Lone 14
French Cevennes 179
ghostwort (Aneum mirabilis) 143
Freshwater 120–1
giant redwood (Sequoiadendron giganteum)
Freshwater algae 20–2, 48
94, 95
Fuel ash 170
Gibberella fujikuoroi (Fusarium monilforme) 89
Funaria hygrometrica 113
gibberellin 89–90
Gilboa (New York, USA)
arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi see arbuscular
fossil plant collection 150–152
mycorrhizal fungi
Ginkgo (maidenhair tree) 29
bacterial gene transfer 50
genome size 57
ectomycorrhizal see ectomycorrhizal fungi
mycorrhizal fungi see mycorrhizal fungi
Ordovician period 155
saprophytic fungi 132–4, 136
Permo-Carboniferous period 156
symbiotic fungi 11
glaucophytes 16
white rot fungi 52–3
relative species richness 31 f
Fusarium monilforme (Gibberella fujikuoroi) 89
glucosinolates 61
gametangium 35
gnetophytes 29
Goldring, Winifred 150–151, 151 f
angiosperms (flowering plants) 37
Gondwana 155
generation of 85
grasses (Poaceae) 38–39
mosses 33, 34 f, 83–84
C grasses 39
Garden of Padua (Italy) 66
cultivation of 60–61
gas mining 193
origin of 60
gemmae 81
The Greatest Show on Earth (Dawkins) 12
generations, alternation of 84
green algae 16
genes/genetics 43
diversity of 15
agricultural production improvement 191
land colonization 20
selective survival 56
greenhouse gases 192
genetic fingerprinting of symbiosis 138–139
Green Revolution 90–91
252 a Inde x
Grew, Nehemiah 105 b
Indonesia 173
Gribbin, John 8–9
guard cells, stomata 103–104, 104 f
flower pollination 37–8
gumwood (Commidendrum) 54
land colonisation 4
gymnosperms 29–30
plant control by genome duplication 61
flagella 46
Intergenerational justice 194
lignin 53–54
International Botanical Congress (2011) 172
relative species richness 31 f
International Union for Nature Conservation 54
tree of life 44
Red List of Threatened Species 183
Interstellar (film) 2
Haber–Bosch process 163 b, 172
Iron slag 170
Haldane, J B S 63
Isaiah, Book of (Bible) 4
Hansen, James 192
Islands, evolution on 54
Haplomitriopsida 25, 132–4, 135 f, 136
Isoetes (quillwort), genome sequencing 51–2
geographical distribution 133–4
Haplomitrium 25
Janzen, Dan 181
Haplomitrium gibbsiae 135 f
Joly, J 98
Harberd, Nick 89
Jones, Steve 43–4
Hardy, G H 91
Joshua tree (Yucca brevifolia) 14
Hardy–Weinberg principle 91
Jurassic Park (Crichton) 7, 29
Hatchwell, Ben 140–1
Jurassic period 30
Hawaii 159–60
symbiosis evolution 146
HD-ZIP genes 75–6
Heart of Darkness (Conrad) 1
Kaolinite 159
Heath, Oscar Victor Sayer 118
Kidston, Robert 123
Heat maps, stomata 114
Klebsormidium flacciduni 48
Hershko, Avram 89
Hibbett, David 52–3
KNOX gene 73–4
Himalayas 165
Koch, Robert 136–7
Historica Plantarum (Ray) 15–16
Koch’s postulate 136–7
Hooker, Joseph 8, 141
Hordeum vulgare (barley) 60–1
Lake, James 18 b
Hormones 49
Land colonization by plants 21–8
gene sequencing 50
Devonian period 67, 71
Horneophyton lignieri 125 f, 138
DNA sequencing 23
Hornworts 25
dry conditions 96
genome sequencing 50
see also stomata
Horsetails (Equisetum) 28
freshwater algae 20, 48
How to Grow a Plant (BBC) 94
geochemical f
orce as 155–9
Hugo, Victor 164 b
green algae 20
Humans, ecological footprint 189
mycorrhizal fungi and 130–1
Hybridization 56
Ordovician period 67, 85
Hydrothermal vents 3
period of 26
Hyperzia 139–40
rocky environment 69
Land competition, species extinction 176–9
Land-dwelling animals, origins of 4–5
Reykjavik 168
Langdale, Jane 74
Skorradalur Valley 153, 154
Lang, William 123, 138
Ice plants (succulents) 39–40
Larkin, Philip 92
The Immense Journey (Eiseley) 36
Latin America 190
The Incredible Hulk 35
Leafless shoots, fossil record 70
India, Deccan Traps 64
Leake, Jonathan 131–9
Inde x a 253
Leaves 73–6
see also end-Cretaceous mass extinction;
determinate growth 73–4
end-Permian mass extinction
evolution 75–6
Master regulator genes, stomata 106–11, 107 f
fossil record 70–1
A Mathematician’s Apology (Hardy) 91
veins in 117
McCarthy, Cormac 2
Leguminosae 60, 146
Meat 191–192
Leopold, Aldo 188
Medicago truncatula, genome sequencing 146
Les Miserables (Hugo) 164 b
Medicines 195
Life: an unauthorised biography (Fortey) 1
Melanodendron (cabbage trees) 54
Life longevity, plants vs. animals 5–6 b
Mereschowsky, Konstantin 18 b
Lignin 52
Meristems 71–3, 72 f
enzyme-digesting pathways 52–3
auxin 73
evolution of 53–54
roots 78
Limbed vertebrates, land colonisation 4–5
Mesozoic 29
Linnaeus 16
Messenger RNA (mRNA) 49
Liverworts (Marchantiophyta) 24
Metasequoia, fungal symbionts 160–1
genome sequencing 50–1
Meteorology, regional-scale effects 102
life cycle 34
Meyerowitz, Elliot 58–9
mycorrhizal fungi symbiosis 131–8
Middle Cambrian 26
rhizoids 131
Miocene period 60
saprophytic fungi 132–4, 136
Mitochondria 19
specialized cells 81
origins 18 b
Lockwood, Samuel 150
MKN6 gene 84
Long-tailed tit (Aegithloa cautdatus) 140–1
Mobile DNA elements 43
The Lord of the Rings (Tolkien) 122
Mojave Desert 14
Los Angeles road trip 14
Molecular clocks 26–7
Lycophytes 28, 70
angiosperm evolution 30
genome sequencing 51–2
Monocots 30
life cycle 36
origin of 60
mycorrhizae symbiosis 139–40
Monteith, John 121
tree of life 44
Moonworts (Botrychium) 138–9
Lycopodium 139–40
Moral imperative, biodiversity 187
Morocco 164 b
Mackie, William 123
mosses 24
Macronesian islands, evolution on 54
deserts 15
Maidenhair tree see Ginkgo (maidenhair tree)
escape pathway 88
Maize (Zea mays) 60–1
genome sequencing 50
Malloch, David 126–7, 127 f, 144–5
life cycle 33–4, 34 f
Malpighi, Marcello 105 b
reproduction 83–85
Mammoths, genome sequencing 42
stomata evolution/development 106–9
Mansfield, Terry 118–19
Multicellular algae, Triassic period 46–7
Manure 191
MUTE gene 106–11, 107 f
Marchantia paleaceae 131
Brachypodium 110–11
Marchantia polymorpha 81
Mutualistic symbiosis 132
genome sequencing 50–2
My Beautiful Genome (Frank) 14
Marchantiophyta see liverworts
Mycorrhizae 11
limited choice by plants 143
Margulis, Lynn 17, 18 b, 19, 130
rock weathering 160–1
The Martian (film) 2
Mycorrhizal fungi
Mass extinctions
land colonization by plants and 130–1
end-Triassic mass extinction 182
liverwort rhizoids 131
Permian–Triassic extinction 64
see also arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
254 a Inde x
Naked earth control catchment 154
Permian–Triassic extinction 64
Natural History Museum (London) 86
vascular tissue evolution 52
Natural resource exploitation 173
Permo-Carboniferous period 52–3
Natural selection, symbiosis vs. 128, 129 b
glaciation 156
Neanderthals, genome sequencing 42
tectonic events 165
Nesiota elliptica (St Helena olive) 181–2
Phloem, genome sequencing 51–2
Newton, Isaac 15, 98
Phosphorus 153–4, 162, 163–5 b
New Zealand 11, 132–4, 136
Photosynthesis see C photosynthesis
tectonic events 166
Photosynthetic bacteria 17
Nitrogen fertilizers 172
Phragmoplasts 49–50
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria, symbiosis 147
Phycobilisomes 16–17
Nolan, Christopher 2
Physcomitrella patens 53
North America, climate change 180
genome sequencing 50
Northern Mediterranean, climate change
stomata genes 108
Phytoplankton 3
Norway spruce (Picea albis) 57
Picea albis (Norway spruce) 57
Picoplankton 45
Ocean acidification 170
Pinus negra (black pine) 66–67
Oceanic chemistry 11
Pirozynski, Kris 126–7, 127 f, 144–5
Ohno, Susumu 62–3, 62 f
Planetary thermostat 165–6
Oil mining 193
Plant blindness (PB) 6–7
Oil palms (Elaeis) 190
Plant growth 92
The Oldest Known Petrified Forest (Goldring) 150
Plants: What they are and what they do (Seward) 5 b
Ophioglossum 138–9
Plasmodesmata 49–50
life cycle 140
Poaceae see grasses (Poaceae)
Ophioglossum (adder’s tongue) 139
Pollen, wind-blown 37
Orchids, symbiosis in reproduction
The Population Bomb (Ehrlich) 90
Populus trichocarpa (black cottonwood) 55
Ordovician period 25
Post-apocalyptic novels 1–2
carbon dioxide change detection 154
Potassium 153–154
early 27
The Power of Movement in Plants (Darwin &
glaciation in 155
Darwin) 86
land colonization by plants 67
Power stations, carbon dioxide 168
symbiotic relationships 137
Principia Mathematica (Newton) 15
Organic farming 191
Prisoner from the Coral Deep (Ballard) 10
Organism defenses 55
erms 29, 71
The Origin of a Land Flora (Bower) 8
Prothallus 36
The Origin of Species (Darwin) 7–8, 92
ferns 83–4
Oryza (rice) 60–1
Proto-bryophytes 99
OST1 gene 113
fossil record 26
Ostreococcus, genome 45–6
Psilotum 29, 70, 139–40
Oxfam 190
Pteriodophytes see ferns (pteridophytes)
Oxford Botanic Gardens (UK) 66
Pyrenees, climate change 180
Oxygenation, Devonian period 101 b
Quercus rober (common oak), genome
sequencing 91
Palaeoproterozoic period 17
Quillwort (Isoetes), genome sequencing 51–2
Pangaea 52
Parsley (Apiaceae), insect control and 61
Rainfall 100
Pauling, Linus 26–7
Raven, Peter H 12, 61, 172, 194–6, 194 f
Permian period
Ray, John 15–16
mass extinction see end-Permian mass
Read, David 81 b, 143–4
Recovery time, biosphere 184
Inde x a 255
Red algae see Rhodophytes (red algae)
origin and genome doubling 57, 58 f
Red seaweed 21
see also angiosperms (flowering
Rees, William 188–9
plants); gymnosperms
Relatedness of all life forms 15–16
Seeds, dormancy 182
Rensing, Stefan 48
Selaginellaceae see spikemosses
Reski, Ralf 109
Reykjavik (Iceland) 168
Selaginella moellendorffii
Rhizoids, Marchantia polymorpha 81
genome sequencing 51–2
Rhodophytes (red algae) 16
relative species richness 31 f
Sequoia, fungal symbionts 160–1
Rhodospirillaceae 18
Sequoiadendron giganteum (giant redwood)
Rhynia gwynne-vaughani 125 f
94, 95
Rhynia major 125 f
Sequoia sempervirens (Californian coastal
Rhynie (Scotland) 122–9, 124 f
redwood) 97
radiometric dating 128–9
Sewage, fertilizer generation 166 b
symbiosis evidence 138
Seward, Albert C 5 b
vascular plant reconstruction 125 f
Sierra Nevada 94–5
Rice (Oryza) 60–61
Silurian period
The Road (McCarthy) 2
clay minerals 160
Roam Empire 2–3
land organic material 101 b
Rock weathering
stomata evolution 112
atmospheric carbon dioxide
Skorradalur Valley (Iceland) 153, 154
reduction 167–8
SLAC1 gene 113
chemical weathering 153, 161
Smectite 159
Root hairs 78–79, 81–3
SMF1 gene 108–9
Roots 11, 76–83
ancestral stomata development 110
fossil record 76
SMF2 gene 108–9
meristems 78
Smil, Vaclav 173
stem cells 77–8
SNORKEL1 gene 88
Rose, Irwin 89
SNORKEL2 gene 88
Royal Botanic Gardens (Kew, UK) 174
Snowball Earth conditions 21–2
Making Eden Page 38